Friday, August 26, 2022
Not Just For Earth Day But Everyday Ecology Flag Scarf #earth #day #earth #day #flag #Scarf
Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Geek Humor Table Lamp
Make others do a double-take with this lamp that says it all: "Who Said That I Was Normal?" Featuring bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) complete with percentages. Educational humor lamp for anyone -- no need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician
Team Statistics (Normal Distribution Curve Stats) Notebook
No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy this educational wry statistics notebook featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) complete with percentages and Z-scores. Make others do a double-take about exactly what team you are on with this "Team Statistics" notebook! myStatistician
Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Planner
Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve" planner featuring the normal distribution curve along with the call-out "I Am Here". Statistics geek humor planner for anyone who is well above average! myStatistician
Here's An Eyeful (Eye Anatomy Humor) Wrist Watch
Showcase your wry anatomical side the next time you tell time with this watch featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the caption that says it all: "Here's An Eyeful". Educational science humor watch gift for all who love to view the eye! No need to be an ophthalmologist or optician to enjoy. myAnatomical
Team Neuroscience Brain Anatomy Attitude Bandana
If you like to think and use your brain you'll enjoy this wry scientific attitude bandana featuring the different brain parts along with the caption "Team Neuroscience". No need to be a neuroscientist neurologist or work in the medical field to enjoy. Educational anatomical brainy geek humor bandana for anyone who thinks! myAnatomical
Just Eyeball It Human Eye Anatomy Geek Humor White Cotton Face Mask
Do you eyeball things at times? No need to be an optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical attitude with this cotton face mask featuring human eye anatomy complete with all key labels along with the saying "Just Eyeball It". Memorable geek advice cotton face mask to wear in our changing times! myAnatomical
Don't Poke Me In The (Eye Anatomy) Humor Round Clock
Make sure others understand that you do not want to be poked in the eye with any of these wry eyeball anatomy gifts featuring the saying: "Don't Poke Me In The (Eye)". Featuring all key parts of the human eye complete with medical labels. Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific attitude. No need to be an optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy any of these eyeball anatomical humor gifts! myAnatomical
To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Apron
Ad: To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Apron
If you have ever asked yourself whether you should bid or not you'll enjoy this bridge attitude all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism query: "To Bid Or Not To Bid? That Is The Question". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with your wry bridge attitude today with this all-over print apron! With apologies to William Shakespeare! myBridgePlayer
Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) Coffee Mug #fuþorc #anglosaxon #runes #latin #CoffeeMug
Two No Trump Is Often The Most Difficult Contract Playing Cards
Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following saying that many bridge players can agree with: "Two No Trump Is Often The Most Difficult Contract". myPsychology
You Cannot Read The Label Sitting Inside Jar Humor T-Shirt
Showcase your wry psychological side at work and elsewhere with this tee featuring a symbol of a person sitting inside a jar along with the following sound observation: "You Cannot Read The Label If You Are Sitting Inside The Jar". Comes the following sound advice as well as a caption: "Ergo Resolve To Leave The Jar From Time To Time". Make others do a double-take at both life and work with this humorous reminder t-shirt! myPsychology
Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Apron
Showcase your wry statistical side with this all-over print apron featuring various correlations and their corresponding correlation coefficients along with the following existential stats query: "In Life & Thought How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Do a double-take on the subject of correlation with a dose of statistical attitude today with this apron! myStatistician
Same Data Different Interpretation (Duck Rabbit) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Classic gestalt phenomenon on this mug featuring the infamous duck / rabbit optical illusion along with the saying that will make others do a double-take the next time it comes to interpreting data: "Same Data Different Interpretation". myPsychology
Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Notebook
Make others do a double-take with a dose of social scientific statistical attitude with any of these gifts featuring linear regression on a graph along with the following truism saying: "Unfortunately Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This". Get a load of laughs with a dose of intelligent sarcasm with any of these stats humor gifts! No need to be an economist or statistician to enjoy. myStatistician
Just Call Me Statistically Significant Bell Curve Coaster
No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude gifts for those who engage in hypothesis testing and know that they are statistically significant! myStatistician
Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Plaque
No need to be a statistician or statistical outlier to enjoy any of these wry statistical humor gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve) along with the call-out "I Am Here" and the saying "Statistical Outlier Inside". Make others do a double-take on how truly exceptional you are from a statistical point of view today with these educational geek humor stats attitude gifts! myStatistician
Do Not Blame The Messenger For The Message Poster
Showcase your wry biochemical side with this poster featuring the chemical molecule messenger RNA along with the following scientific truism saying that will make others do a double-take: "Do Not Blame The Messenger For The Message". myBiochemistry
Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Planner #do #not #invest #in #a #Planner
My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered (Anatomy) T-Shirt
No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this hand bone tee featuring the metacarpals along with the wry scientific truism saying "My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered". Factual educational t-shirt for anyone who has studied hand anatomy! myAnatomical
Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen Brain Socks
If you love to think you'll enjoy this anatomical brain humor pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain with labels along with the following wry scientific advice saying: "Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen". Make others do a double-take the next time they think and how thinking occurs with this brainy thoughtful advice pair of socks! myAnatomical
Where Dixie Alley Lies (United States Map) Poster #geography #where #dixie #alley #lies #Poster
Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Econ Scarf #happiness #supply #and #demand #curve #Scarf
Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Classic Round Sticker #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #carroll #ClassicRoundSticker
Become One With The Chess Piece Chess Advice Humor Throw Pillow #chess #saying #reflective #chess #set #ThrowPillow
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Probabilistic Thinker Inside Bell Curve Humor Coffee Mug
Do you like to think in terms of probabilities? Statisticians and those who like to think about statistics and hypothesis testing will enjoy this mug featuring the bell curve distribution (i.e. normal distribution curve) complete with percentages under the curve and Z-scores along with the following saying: "Probabilistic Thinker Inside". Memorable geek humor mug for anyone who likes to think in terms of probabilistic terms! myPsychology
Huge Heart Inside (Anatomical Heart) Adult Apron #huge #heart #inside #heart #inside #AdultApron
Astronomy Becomes Existential When Realize Dark 3 Ring Binder
Ad: Astronomy Becomes Existential When Realize Dark 3 Ring Binder
No need to be an astronomer or astrophysicist to enjoy this astronomical attitude binder featuring a graphical pie containing the percentages dark energy and dark matter hypothesized to exist in the Universe. Comes with the tongue-in-cheek saying: "Astronomy Becomes Existential When You Realize How Dark The Universe Is". myPhysics
#dark #matter #astronomy #becomes #existential #3RingBinder
A Different Type Of Fuel Cell ATP Chemistry 3 Ring Binder #atp #energy #fuel #cell #environmentalist #3RingBinder
Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Planner #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #Planner
Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Jigsaw Puzzle #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #JigsawPuzzle
Elevate Yourself Think Critically Brainy Advice Planner
No need to be a teacher to enjoy wry anatomical advice with this planner featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Elevate Yourself Think Critically". Make others do a double-take at what everyone should do in life with a dose of tongue-in-cheek brainy attitude today! myAnatomical
Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder
Ad: Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder
Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge". No need to be a bridge teacher or avid bridge player to enjoy! myBridgePlayer