Thursday, August 25, 2022

Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your bridge player side with a dose of sound bridge advice with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge". Let others know about facing the vicissitudes of the great game of bridge -- and of course the vicissitudes in life -- today with this bridge saying binder! myBridgePlayer

Mitochondrial Macro-Haplogroups (MRCA Genealogy) Tie #evolution #mitochondrial #dna #genetics #human #Tie

Ad: Mitochondrial Macro-Haplogroups (MRCA Genealogy) Tie #evolution #mitochondrial #dna #genetics #human #Tie

Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Coffee Mug

Ad: Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Coffee Mug

Showcase wry anatomical humor with any of these brain anatomy gifts featuring the various parts of the brains including the pons cerebellum and medulla - color coded for distinction. Comes with the wry truism saying "Use It [Your Brain] Or Lose It". No need to be a neuroscientist philosopher or neurosurgeon to enjoy any of these educational scientific humor gifts today! myAnatomical

Photosynthesis Necessary For Life Neck Tie

Ad: Photosynthesis Necessary For Life Neck Tie

No need to be a gardener or biologist to know that photosynthesis is necessary for life. Showcase your educational scientific side with this tie featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis the process of turning light into chemical energy along with the saying "Photosynthesis Necessary For Life" myBiochemistry

Appalachian Orogeny (Mountain Building Over Time) T-Shirt

Ad: Appalachian Orogeny (Mountain Building Over Time) T-Shirt

Like mountains? Think of time in terms of millions of years? No need to be a geologist to enjoy this colorful educational attitude gift tee featuring the birth of the Appalachian Mountains. Caption says: "Appalachian Orogeny". Tectonic fun for anyone with an interest in the creation of mountain ranges! myEarthScience

#earth #science #scientist #mountains #TShirt

Reap The Rewards Of Fresh Air Breathe Deeply Lungs Serving Tray

Ad: Reap The Rewards Of Fresh Air Breathe Deeply Lungs Serving Tray

Showcase your anatomical attitude with a dose of inspirational scientific biological fun with this serving tray featuring the details of the respiratory system complete with lungs and alveoli along with the following truism saying: "Reap The Rewards Of Fresh Air Breathe Deeply". Make others do a double-take with a dose of fresh air health and wellness attitude today! Sound advice for anyone who breathes! myAnatomical

Neurologically Overwhelmed Inside (Brain Humor) Notebook

Ad: Neurologically Overwhelmed Inside (Brain Humor) Notebook

Are you overwhelmed at times? Showcase your wry brainy attitude with a dose of anatomical humor with notebook featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Neurologically Overwhelmed Inside". myAnatomical

My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered Anatomy Bandana

Ad: My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered Anatomy Bandana

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this hand bone bandana featuring the metacarpals along with the wry scientific truism saying "My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered". Factual educational bandana for anyone who has studied hand anatomy! myAnatomical

Bridge Players Do Not Have Triskaidekaphobia Mouse Pad

Ad: Bridge Players Do Not Have Triskaidekaphobia Mouse Pad

If you play bridge then you know that 13 is a key number in the game as it represents the number of cards in a suit. Let your wry bridge attitude side shine with this mousepad featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Players Do Not Have Triskaidekaphobia". Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13 which bridge players certainly do not have. myBridgePlayer

Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Business Card #optimized #for #chess #game #BusinessCard

Ad: Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Business Card #optimized #for #chess #game #BusinessCard

Team Chess Reflective Chess Set Pieces Bandana #chess #player #chess #strategy #chess #Bandana

Ad: Team Chess Reflective Chess Set Pieces Bandana #chess #player #chess #strategy #chess #Bandana

Circulate The Love (Circle Of Willis) Throw Pillow #circulate #the #love #circle #of #ThrowPillow

Ad: Circulate The Love (Circle Of Willis) Throw Pillow #circulate #the #love #circle #of #ThrowPillow

Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Business Card #optimized #for #chess #game #BusinessCard

Ad: Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Business Card #optimized #for #chess #game #BusinessCard

Living Today Takes Lots Of Guts Digestive System Scarf #gastroenterology #gastroenterologist #medicine #medical #living #Scarf

Ad: Living Today Takes Lots Of Guts Digestive System Scarf #gastroenterology #gastroenterologist #medicine #medical #living #Scarf

Fortuna vs Sapientia (16th Century Wood Engraving) Travel Mug

Ad: Fortuna vs Sapientia (16th Century Wood Engraving) Travel Mug

Psychological attitude is alive and well on this mug featuring a 16th Century wood engraving which has Dame Fortune blindfolded and holding onto a fortune wheel with people of various means and Dame Wisdom (Knowledge) looking into a mirror and seeing herself with Sun Moon and Stars all around. Life's attitude is found on this mug featuring "Fortuna vs. Sapientia". Which one will guide you in your life? myPsychology

Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites Yin-Yang Socks

Ad: Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites Yin-Yang Socks

Face it - you cannot have good without the bad right without wrong black without white. Showcase this fact with this psyche pair of socks featuring the infamous yin-yang duality symbol along with the saying "Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites". Memorable psychology attitude pair of socks for anyone who understands the nature of polar opposites in life! myPsychology

What Stage Of Sleep Are You In? Matchboxes

Ad: What Stage Of Sleep Are You In? Matchboxes

In the medical field during Stage 2 of sleep no eye movement occurs and dreaming is very rare. EEG recordings tend to show characteristic "sleep spindles" and "K-complexes" during this stag. Showcase your wry health and medical sense of humor with this matchbox featuring Stage 2 of sleep along with the ubiquitous query: "What Stage Of Sleep Are You In?" Memorable query matchbox for anyone who pulls too many late-nighters! myPsychology

Too Much Too Little Bad For Health Cholesterol Bandana

Ad: Too Much Too Little Bad For Health Cholesterol Bandana

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry health attitude with this bandana featuring the cholesterol molecule along with the following caption: "Too Much & Too Little Can Be Bad For Your Health". Educational scientific chemical molecule bandana for anyone who thinks about role of cholesterol in our lives. myBiochemistry

Congratulations On Your Graduation! White Rabbit Face Mask #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #FaceMask

Ad: Congratulations On Your Graduation! White Rabbit Face Mask #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #FaceMask

My Life Operates In A Predictable Cycle Krebs Coffee Drink Mix

Ad: My Life Operates In A Predictable Cycle Krebs Coffee Drink Mix

Showcase your predictable side with a dose of scientific fun with this drink mix featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle). Design includes the following quirky attitude saying: "My Life Operates In A Predictable Cycle". Educational biochemical geek humor drink mix for anyone who understands the predictable nature of the Krebs cycle to one's existence! myBiochemistry

Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Throw Pillow

Ad: Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle energy side with this throw pillow featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the scientific truism saying "Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy". myBiochemistry

Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Poster

Ad: Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Poster

No need to be have experienced an earthquake to understand that the Earth has many fault lines. Showcase wry plate tectonics humor with this poster featuring the different plates of the Earth along with the scientific truism double-entendre saying "Blame Earth She Has Many Faults". Comes with a world map featuring the different plates of the Earth. Educational attitude poster for seismologists geologists earth scientists and all who understand that Earth has many faults! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #plate #tectonics #Poster

Geologists View World Sedimentary Stratigraphic Photo Print

Ad: Geologists View World Sedimentary Stratigraphic Photo Print

No need to be a fan of the Grand Canyon or a geologist to enjoy this wry scientific humor poster featuring the three different sets of Grand Canyon rock layers along with the truism saying "Geologists View The World In Such A Sedimentary And Stratigraphic Manner". Make others do a double-take on how geologists view the world with this witty educational vivid geological imagery poster! myEarthScience

#geology #sediment #words #unwords #PhotoPrint

Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Apron #environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #Apron

Ad: Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Apron #environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #Apron

Life Cycle Of Green Algae Cloth Napkin #life #cycle #of #green #algae #ClothNapkin

Ad: Life Cycle Of Green Algae Cloth Napkin #life #cycle #of #green #algae #ClothNapkin

Simply Statistical Bell Curve Geek Humor Apron

Ad: Simply Statistical Bell Curve Geek Humor Apron

No need to be a statistician to enjoy this all-over print apron featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the saying "Simply Statistical". Let your inner stats geek shine with this apron today! myStatistician

Take Care Of Your Heart It's Only One You've Got Large Tote Bag

Ad: Take Care Of Your Heart It's Only One You've Got Large Tote Bag

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy this anatomical medical humor tote bag featuring two diagrams of the heart one in diastole (filling) and one in systole (pumping) mode along with the medical truism saying "Take Care Of Your Heart - It's The Only One You've Got". Showcase your healthy heart today with this sound medical advice tote bag! Perfect tote bag for anyone into heart health! myAnatomical

Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have Advice 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have Advice 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with a dose of anatomical attitude with this binder featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the saying "Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have". Neurological and psychological geek attitude for anyone with a brain! myAnatomical

Problem With Brain Inside Brain Anatomy Planner

Ad: Problem With Brain Inside Brain Anatomy Planner

Does your brain zig when you zag? Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with this planner featuring the different parts of the human brain (color-coded) along with the saying "Problem With Brain Inside". myAnatomical

Problem With Brain Inside Brain Anatomy 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Problem With Brain Inside Brain Anatomy 3 Ring Binder

Does your brain zig when you zag? Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with this binder featuring the different parts of the human brain (color-coded) along with the saying "Problem With Brain Inside". myAnatomical

Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Mouse Pad

Ad: Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Mouse Pad

Bridge players and bridge partners of all ages and experience levels will enjoy this bridge saying mousepad featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge". Showcase your bridge attitude with a dose of sound bridge advice today the next time you play bridge! myBridgePlayer

Love Bridge It's A Fascinating Game Card Suits Mouse Pad

Ad: Love Bridge It's A Fascinating Game Card Suits Mouse Pad

Do you love the game of bridge because you think it's a fascinating game? Look no further than this mousepad which features the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "Love Bridge It's A Fascinating Game". No need to be a bridge teacher or bridge director to enjoy! myBridgePlayer

Venn Diagram Of Greek Latin & Russian Cyrillic iPhone 13 Case #linguistics #greek #latin #russian #cyrillic #iPhone13Case

Ad: Venn Diagram Of Greek Latin & Russian Cyrillic iPhone 13 Case #linguistics #greek #latin #russian #cyrillic #iPhone13Case

Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore (Brain Anatomy) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore (Brain Anatomy) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this anatomical psychological mug featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying -- especially apropos for anyone who lives an exceedingly busy life and can't think at times: "Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific anatomical mug today! No need to be a neurosurgeon or psychologist to enjoy! myPsychology