Thursday, August 18, 2022
Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) Watch
Interested in what happens to tryptophan after you ingest it? Showcase "Tryptophan Metabolism" on this chemistry attitude watch. Educational scientific design featuring the different chemical compounds that tryptophan breaks down into inside of your cells. No need to be a chemist or drinker of milk to enjoy! myBiochemistry
Coenzyme Q10 Unique Role Electron Transport Chain Round Clock
Showcase your knowledge of biology and biochemistry with this clock featuring the chemical molecule Coenzyme Q10 along with the caption "Playing A Unique Role In The Electron Transport Chain". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific style with this clock featuring Coenzyme Q10's energy transfer role! myBiochemistry
Krebs Cycle A.K.A. Citric Acid Cycle Tricarboxylic iPhone 13 Case
Face it you are powered by the Krebs cycle! Showcase your Krebs cycle attitude with this iPhone 13 case featuring the Krebs cycle which is also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Make others do a double-take and take a closer look at everyone's energy cycle with this iPhone 13 case. myBiochemistry
Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present Matchboxes
Ad: Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present Matchboxes
If you wonder about age and ageism the discrimination against age you'll enjoy wry geological time / geological age humor on this matchbox featuring Earth's historical timeline in terms of epochs eons and periods along with the truism saying "Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present". Double-entendre saying with a dose of earth science attitude for any fan of Earth's history with this matchbox. myEarthScience
#geology #geological #earth #science #Matchboxes
No Evil Eye Inside Anatomical Eyeball Humor Fabric
Do other people look at your strangely as if you had the evil eye? Let others know that there isn't an evil eye within you the next time you create with this anatomical human eyeball attitude fabric featuring all key parts of the eye along with the following saying: "No Evil Eye Inside". No need to be superstitious to enjoy this anatomical geek humor fabric today! myAnatomical
You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Adult Apron
Ad: You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Adult Apron
No matter how old you are or whether you are retired or not if you enjoy the game of bridge or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge". Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of intelligent fun today! myBridgePlayer
Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game Chess Set iPhone 13 Case #play #chess #chess #game #iPhone13Case
Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess Bandana #chess #saying #words #and #unwords #Bandana
Got Any Symptoms Of The Swine Flu? (Anatomy) Square Sticker #health #medicine #anatomy #swine #flu #SquareSticker
Clean Air Wanted (Health & Medicine Alveoli Humor) Coffee Mug #alveoli #lungs #clean #air #wanted #CoffeeMug
Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess Binder #chess #saying #words #and #unwords #Binder
You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Pinback Button
Ad: You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Pinback Button
No matter how old you are or whether you are retired or not if you enjoy the game of bridge or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge". Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of intelligent fun today! myBridgePlayer
Biology Is In My Genes DNA Replication Matchboxes #dna #replication #medical #genes #biology #Matchboxes
Prepare Yourself For The Battle (Chess) Business Card #prepare #yourself #for #the #battle #BusinessCard
Warfarin For Preventing Thrombosis & Embolism T-Shirt #chemical #molecule #warfarin #wafarin #anticoagulant #TShirt
Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation Window Cling
Ad: Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation Window Cling
Showcase your wry physics attitude with this window cling featuring the paradox of Schrödinger's cat as illustrated by a film reel that separates into different universes that do not interact with each other along with the following saying that any quantum physicist can agree with: "Quantum Mechanics Subject To A Many Worlds Interpretation". Philosophical entanglement attitude window cling for anyone who wonders whether Schrödinger's cat is dead or alive! myPhysics
#film #reel #physics #subject #WindowCling
Chance Favors Those Who Know How To Court Her iPhone 13 Case
Showcase your wry attitude toward chance with this classic saying "Chance Favors Those Who Know How To Court Her". Includes a paid of red dice. Memorable iPhone 13 case for anyone who knows about chance's fickleness! Perfect iPhone 13 case for any gamer who frequently deals with probabilities! myPsychology
Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Face Mask
No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this polyester face mask featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with this geek humor polyester face mask today! myPsychology
Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Slip-On Sneakers
Showcase wry educational stats humor with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy! Psychological pair of slip-on sneakers for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology
Ozone Blocking Several Types Of Ultraviolet Water Bottle
Ad: Ozone Blocking Several Types Of Ultraviolet Water Bottle
Do you know about the role of ozone in creating life on Earth? Educational atmospheric science are found with this design featuring a graph of where ozone is located on Earth along with the following saying: "Ozone Blocking Several Types Of Ultraviolet Radiation From The Sun". No need to have gotten a sunburn to enjoy! myPhysics
#ozone #layer #atmosphere #physics #atmospheric #WaterBottle
Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go From Here iPhone 11 Case #which #way #i #ought #to #iPhone11Case
Let's Go Hydroelectric Generator Turbine Face Mask #let's #go #hydroelectric #turbine #generator #FaceMask
Earthquakes Are Not My Fault Plate Tectonics Map Fabric
Ad: Earthquakes Are Not My Fault Plate Tectonics Map Fabric
Showcase your wry geological plate tectonics sense of humor with this earth science fabric which geologists and earth scientists -- or anyone who is plate tectonics fan -- will enjoy! Featuring a map of the tectonic plates of the world along with the saying that everyone will agree with: "Earthquakes Are Not My Fault". Educational scientific seismological fabric for any creator who has experienced an earthquake. myEarthScience
#earthquakes #fault #Fabric
Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Fabric #antarctica #global #warming #climate #change #Fabric
Founder Effect A Special Case Of Genetic Drift Socks #founder #effect #a #special #case #Socks
The World Contains Many Faults Plate Tectonics Bandana
Ad: The World Contains Many Faults Plate Tectonics Bandana
Showcase your wry plate tectonic side with this bandana featuring a map of the world's tectonic plates along with the following scientific truism saying that geologists seismologists and earth scientists can all relate to: "The World Contains Many Faults". Make others do a double-take on what you mean when you refer to faults with a dose of educational earthquake attitude about the planet we live in with this bandana! myEarthScience
#world #contains #many #faults #Bandana
Certainty ... Who Needs It? When You Have Stats Keychain
Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with a dose of bell curve attitude with this stats attitude keychain featuring the normal distribution curve complete with percentages under the curve. Comes with the following rhetorical question that will make others do a double-take about the subject of statistics: "Certainty ... Who Needs It? When You Have Statistical Confidence". Get a load of laughs with a dose of stats geek humor today! No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy. myStatistician
Here's An Eyeful Eye Anatomy Geek Humor Apron
No need to be an optician or ophthalmologist to enjoy this wry medical anatomical design featuring the eye. Includes all important parts including cornea retina and vitreous humour. Common truism saying says it all: "Here's An Eyeful". Make everyone do a double-take with their eyes with this educational scientific eyeball humor all-over print apron! myAnatomical