Showcase your wry brainy and conscientious side with a dose of conscience with this anatomical humor pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following ponderous query: "Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent reflective fun today with this pair of socks! myAnatomical
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Socks
Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Matchboxes
Ad: Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Matchboxes
Ask yourself and others this key question -- often considered a rhetorical question for anyone who goes to bridge tournaments: "Are You Hungry For Bridge?" Memorable bridge rhetorical query matchbox featuring the four card suits and the query that most bridge players will say "Yes" to after spending some time away from the game! Matchbox for any bridge player who loves to play bridge. myBridgePlayer
Caddiwompas Noun Definition State Grossly Uneven iPhone 13 Case #caddiwompas #noun #uneven #skewed #words #iPhone13Case
Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Serving Tray
If you've ever encountered anyone who does not use their brain you'll enjoy this apropos tongue-in-cheek brain anatomy humor serving tray featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Use It Or Lose It". Make others do a double-take about what they should do with their brain with a dose of medical anatomical sound advice attitude with this serving tray! myPsychology
Correlation Cheat Sheet (Correlation Coefficients) Coffee Mug
Showcase your knowledge of statistical correlations with any of these gifts featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients. Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific "Correlation Cheat Sheet". Memorable gifts for statistician psychologists economists and anyone who knows about correlations! myPsychology
Understanding Type 1 And Type 2 Errors Statistics Shower Curtain
No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with this statistical attitude shower curtain! myStatistician
Just How Negative Do You Think I Am? (Beta-Neg.) Round Clock
No need to be a nuclear physicist to ask this key question -- relating to yourself of course -- with any of these wry science humor gifts featuring beta-negative decay. In beta-negative decay the weak interaction converts a neutron into a proton while emitting an electron and an electron anti-neutrino. The diagram shows the conversion of a down quark to an up quark by emission of a W⁻ boson; the W⁻ boson subsequently decays into an electron and an electron anti-neutrino. Comes with the geek attitude inquiry for all who love to criticize at the quantum level: "Just How Negative Do You Think I Am?" Keep others guessing with any of these educational physics humor gifts! myPsychology
Life Is Just A Bunch Of Probabilities Bandana
Showcase your wry statistical side with this bandana featuring all key parts of the normal distribution curve along with the following stats truism saying: "Life Is Just A Bunch Of Probabilities". Memorable bandana for any statistician or stats teacher! myStatistician
Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Face Mask
No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myStatistician
Do Not Confuse Dark Energy With Dark Matter Throw Pillow #astrophysicist #dark #matter #astronomer #words #ThrowPillow
Just Call Me Hormonal Endocrine Alimentary System Adult Apron
If you feel hormonal it's probably because of all of the endocrine glands in your alimentary system. Showcase your wry medical anatomical side with any of these gifts featuring the endocrine glands of the alimentary system complete with all key hormones along with the truism saying "Just Call Me Hormonal". Make everyone do a double-take at all of those hormones inside of you! myAnatomical
Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Socks
Yes everyone has guts. Enjoy wry scientific humor with this educational anatomical pair of socks featuring the digestive system. Comes with the truism saying "Never Call Me Gutless". Make others do a double-take on the guts that you do have -- both literally and figuratively -- with this tongue-in-cheek digestive system attitude advice pair of socks! myAnatomical
Pacific Ocean World's Largest Air Conditioner Fabric #pacific #ocean #topography #geography #geographer #Fabric
Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Matchboxes #warning #economics #markets #can #remain #Matchboxes
Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Serving Tray #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #carroll #ServingTray
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Statistical Error Summarized Hypothesis Testing Bandana
No need to be a statistician to enjoy this educational "Statistical Error Summarized" bandana featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with this stats attitude bandana today! Psychologists economists scientists and anyone who engages in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myPsychology
Bridge Is My Religion Four Card Suits Fabric
Ad: Bridge Is My Religion Four Card Suits Fabric
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry bridge attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Is My Religion". Memorable bridge humor fabric for any bridge player who religiously plays the game of bridge! myBridgePlayer
Alert And Attentive Inside (Neuron / Synapse) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Showcase your wry neuronal sense of humor with this mug featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Alert And Attentive Inside". Memorable biological and anatomical humor mug for anyone with an attention span! myAnatomical
Practicing Neurologist Inside Neuron Synapse Scarf
Are you a neurologist? Showcase your wry neurological side with a dose of educational anatomical fun with this scarf featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Practicing Neurologist Inside". Classic biology humor scarf for any neurologist! myAnatomical
2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Pinback Button #2.5 #percent #neanderthal #dna #geek #PinbackButton
My Energy Cycle Keeps Me Going (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry scientific humor with this geek saying tee featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) and the following line: "My Energy Cycle Keeps Me Going". Let others know what truly keeps your going with a dose of scientific fun! myBiochemistry
Oxytocin Hormone Of Love Chemistry 3 Ring Binder
If you are involved in pair bonding you'll enjoy this scientific attitude binder featuring the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the caption "Hormone Of Love". Educational chemical structure fun for anyone who understands the importance of social recognition and pair bonding in the mammalian world! myBiochemistry
You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Jigsaw Puzzle
Do you know where you are in geological time? If you are a fan of Earth's history and think in terms of eons epochs and periods you'll enjoy any of these wry geological age gifts featuring Earth's timeline along with the call-out "You Are Here" pointing to the present. Scientific attitude gifts for all those who live in the present and know about it! myEarthScience
#geology #geological #earths #history #JigsawPuzzle
Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Mouse Pad
Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this mousepad featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" saying mousepad today! myAnatomical
Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts? Digestive System T-Shirt
Do you have guts? Of course you do. Anyone with guts will enjoy wry digestive system humor with this educational anatomical attitude tee featuring all key parts of the digestive system along with the following rhetorical question: "Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of gutsy style today with this tee! myAnatomical
Life Is Like A Chess Game Foresight Strategy Haste Two-Tone Coffee Mug #foresight #and #strategy #triumphs #hindsight #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Bacteria Key To Human Health Morphology T-Shirt #bacteria #key #to #human #health #TShirt
Team Neuroscience Brain Anatomy Attitude 3 Ring Binder
If you like to think and use your brain you'll enjoy this wry scientific attitude binder featuring the different brain parts along with the caption "Team Neuroscience". No need to be a neuroscientist neurologist or work in the medical field to enjoy. Educational anatomical brainy geek humor binder for anyone who thinks! myPsychology
What's Your Standard Configuration? (Physics) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Ad: What's Your Standard Configuration? (Physics) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Those who study the Lorentz transformation will enjoy this mug featuring the standard configuration. An observer O situated at the origin of a local set of coordinates - a frame of reference F. The observer in this frame uses the coordinates (x y z t) to describe a spacetime event shown as a star. Showcase your relativistic attitude toward the Cartesian coordinate system with this mug featuring the following query saying: "What's Your Standard Configuration?" myPhysics
#whats #your #standard #configuration #physics #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Mechanical Engineer Inside Gears Brain Bandana
Mechanical engineers will enjoy wry psyche humor with this bandana featuring gears in the silhouette of a brain along with the saying "Mechanical Engineer Inside". Make others do a double-take on who you are and how you think with this brainy geek humor bandana today! myPsychology
All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive Physics Tote Bag
Ad: All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive Physics Tote Bag
No need be a physicist to enjoy refractive attitude with this tote bag featuring the scientific truism saying "All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational physics humor with this refraction saying tote bag! myPhysics
#physics #refraction #snells #rays #ToteBag
Do You Ever Wish You Could Go Through The Mirror? Fabric #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #Fabric
Puerto Rico Trench Deepest Part Of North Atlantic Fabric
Ad: Puerto Rico Trench Deepest Part Of North Atlantic Fabric
No need to be an earth scientist geologist or geographer to appreciate the Puerto Rico trench on this fabric. Comes with the definition saying: "Puerto Rico Trench - Deepest Part Of The North Atlantic". The Puerto Rico trench is located where two plates the North American plate and the Caribbean plate collide. Fans of plate tectonics will enjoy creating with this fabric! myEarthScience
#puerto #rico #trench #plate #tectonics #Fabric