Thursday, August 11, 2022

Sharp Eye (I) Inside Anatomical Eyeball Humor Apron

Ad: Sharp Eye (I) Inside Anatomical Eyeball Humor Apron

Do you have a sharp eye? No need to be an ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical and medical attitude with this all-over print apron featuring the different parts of the human eyeball along with the saying "Sharp Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take at your viewing skills and your psyche with a dose of medical geek humor today with this apron! myAnatomical

Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Round Clock

Ad: Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Round Clock

Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this clock featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" saying clock the next time you tell time! myAnatomical

Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) Mouse Pad #eye #of #the #storm #inside #MousePad

Ad: Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) Mouse Pad #eye #of #the #storm #inside #MousePad

Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Power w/o Wires T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #patron #saint #of #TShirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Power w/o Wires T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #patron #saint #of #TShirt

Wonderland Don't Want To Go Among Mad People Quote Drawstring Bag #wonderland #alice #cheshire #cat #lewis #DrawstringBag

Ad: Wonderland Don't Want To Go Among Mad People Quote Drawstring Bag #wonderland #alice #cheshire #cat #lewis #DrawstringBag

Life Is But A Dream Wonderland Sleeping Red King 3 Ring Binder #life #is #but #a #dream #3RingBinder

Ad: Life Is But A Dream Wonderland Sleeping Red King 3 Ring Binder #life #is #but #a #dream #3RingBinder

Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Face Shield

Ad: Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Face Shield

Showcase your molecular biology/genetics side with this face shield featuring DNA replication along with the following saying: "Genetic Counselor Inside". Memorable face shield for anyone into genetic counseling! myMolecularBiology

#biologist #genetic #counselor #inside #biology #FaceShield

Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game Chess Set Planner #play #chess #chess #game #Planner

Ad: Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game Chess Set Planner #play #chess #chess #game #Planner

Life Is Chess Chess Is Life Chess Set Geek Saying 3 Ring Binder #chess #is #life #is #3RingBinder

Ad: Life Is Chess Chess Is Life Chess Set Geek Saying 3 Ring Binder #chess #is #life #is #3RingBinder

Ohmic Material Inside (Ohm's Law) Watch

Ad: Ohmic Material Inside (Ohm's Law) Watch

Physicists will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring the different components of Ohm's Law including V for voltage I for current and R for resistance. Comes with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you comprise of: "Ohmic Material Inside". myPhysics

#ohms #physics #physicists #ohmic #Watch

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Live An Examined Life Advice Compound Microscope Planner

Ad: Live An Examined Life Advice Compound Microscope Planner

No need to be a psychologist microbiologist or scientist to enjoy wry scientific attitude with this planner featuring a compound microscope along with the saying that every scientist can agree with: "Live An Examined Life". With apologies to Plato and those who know that the unexamined life is not worth living! myPsychology

Brainy Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Planner

Ad: Brainy Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Planner

Showcase your wry anatomical brain side with this planner featuring an illustration of the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Brain Mindset Inside". No need to be a neurologist neurosurgeon psychologist or teacher to enjoy! myPsychology

What's Your Position? Angular Momentum Face Mask

Ad: What's Your Position? Angular Momentum Face Mask

No need to be a physicist or physics major to enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask that asks the key question "What's Your Position?" Educational science attitude cotton/polyester face mask featuring angular momentum and the concepts of position velocity and acceleration. Includes all four quadrants. Make others do a double-take on exactly where they are! myPhysics

#what #your #position #angular #FaceMask

Uncommon DNA Inside DNA Replication Planner #genes #words #and #unwords #dna #Planner

Ad: Uncommon DNA Inside DNA Replication Planner #genes #words #and #unwords #dna #Planner

Ohmic Material Inside Ohm's Law Humor Planner

Ad: Ohmic Material Inside Ohm's Law Humor Planner

Physicists will enjoy this planner featuring the different components of Ohm's Law including V for voltage I for current and R for resistance. Comes with the following physics saying that will make others do a double-take on what you are comprised of: "Ohmic Material Inside". myPhysics

#ohms #physics #physicists #ohmic #Planner

Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics T-Shirt

Ad: Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with any of these statistical attitude gifts! Perfect gifts for all decision-makers! myStatistician

Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Fabric

Ad: Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Fabric

No need to be a neurosurgeon or neuroscientist to enjoy creating and making items with this fabric featuring an illustration of the human brain by Renaissance genius scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci. Title of da Vinci's infamous work is known as "Study Of Brain Physiology" and is circa 1508. myAnatomical

Lots Of Guts Inside Digestive System Face Mask

Ad: Lots Of Guts Inside Digestive System Face Mask

Showcase your wry anatomical side with this digestive system humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring the following gastroenterological saying: "Lots Of Guts Inside". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with this anatomical attitude face mask -- i.e. meaning that you have lots of innards inside or that you have a lot of gutsy mentality inside -- today! myAnatomical

Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge (Card Suits) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge (Card Suits) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Showcase your wry bridge player side with any of these bridge attitude featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge". myBridgePlayer

Huge Heart Inside Human Heart Anatomy Diagram Planner

Ad: Huge Heart Inside Human Heart Anatomy Diagram Planner

Showcase wry anatomical humor no matter what you do with this planner featuring a Gray Anatomy illustration of the human heart along with the saying "Huge Heart Inside". Complete with key heart anatomy labels. Perfect planner for Valentine's Day birthday Mother's Day Father's Day or any other day whenever you desire to proclaim that you have a huge heart inside! myAnatomical

Which Hominoid Are You? Hominid Skeletons Coffee Mug #evolve #chimpanzee #which #hominoid #are #CoffeeMug

Ad: Which Hominoid Are You? Hominid Skeletons Coffee Mug #evolve #chimpanzee #which #hominoid #are #CoffeeMug

Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this clock featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great clock gift for any scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry

Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) 3 Ring Binder

No need to be a botanist or biochemist to understand the important of photosynthesis the process of creating energy from light. Technically photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. Make others do a double-take about photosynthesis with this colorful scientific attitude binder featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis! myBiochemistry

Adenosine Triphosphate Energy Currency For All Face Mask

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate Energy Currency For All Face Mask

Showcase your knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the ATP molecule in ball-and-stick form. Comes with the educational scientific saying "Adenosine Triphosphate Energy Currency For All Living Things". myBiochemistry

Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Bandana

Ad: Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Bandana

No need to be a physicist or atmospheric scientist to enjoy educational definitional scientific attitude bandana featuring "Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance". Make others do a double-take with a dose of electromagnetism attitude with this bandana for anyone who understands how our wireless world works! myEarthScience

#field #physics #physicist #Bandana

Tsunami Puerto Rico Trench Plate Tectonics Earth Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Tsunami Puerto Rico Trench Plate Tectonics Earth Two-Tone Coffee Mug

No need to be a seismologist or earth scientist to enjoy this geographical mug featuring the location of the Puerto Rico trench along with the following ponderous thought: "The Next Tsunami To Hit The United States Could Come From An Earthquake Along The Puerto Rico Trench". Memorable mug for any fan of plate tectonics! myEarthScience

#earth #scientist #plate #tectonics #tsunami #TwoToneCoffeeMug

My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered Anatomy Bandana

Ad: My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered Anatomy Bandana

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this hand bone bandana featuring the metacarpals along with the wry scientific truism saying "My Metacarpals Are Indeed Numbered". Factual educational bandana for anyone who has studied hand anatomy! myAnatomical

Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with this binder featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take about what your day is like: "Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant". Medical geek humor at its best! No need to work in the psychological or medical profession to enjoy! myAnatomical

Immunity Is In My Genes (Immunology Chromosome 6) Water Bottle

Ad: Immunity Is In My Genes (Immunology Chromosome 6) Water Bottle

Showcase your knowledge of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) -- also known as the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) -- with scientific attitude on this water bottle featuring the various genes of the HLA on human chromosome 6 along with the biological truism saying "Immunity Is In My Genes". myMolecularBiology

#immunity #genes #WaterBottle

Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind Planner

Ad: Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind Planner

If you are into health and wellness you'll enjoy this planner featuring all key parts of the respiratory system along with the following wellness saying: "Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Of My Mind". Promote good mental health with this physiology planner today! myAnatomical

Elevate Yourself Think Critically Brainy Advice Throw Pillow

Ad: Elevate Yourself Think Critically Brainy Advice Throw Pillow

No need to be a teacher to enjoy wry anatomical advice with this throw pillow featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Elevate Yourself Think Critically". Make others do a double-take at what everyone should do in life with a dose of tongue-in-cheek brainy attitude today! myAnatomical

Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Jigsaw Puzzle #happiness #is #an #endless #chess #JigsawPuzzle

Ad: Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Jigsaw Puzzle #happiness #is #an

I Can Resist Anything But A Chess Game Fabric #i #can #resist #anything #but #Fabric

Ad: I Can Resist Anything But A Chess Game Fabric #i #can #resist #anything #but #Fabric