Sunday, August 07, 2022

Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life? Throw Pillow #are #you #leading #or #lagging #ThrowPillow

Ad: Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life? Throw Pillow #are #you #leading #or #lagging #ThrowPillow

Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation iPhone 13 Case

Showcase your wry physics attitude with this iPhone 13 case featuring the paradox of Schrödinger's cat as illustrated by a film reel that separates into different universes that do not interact with each other along with the following saying that any quantum physicist can agree with: "Quantum Mechanics Subject To A Many Worlds Interpretation". Philosophical entanglement attitude iPhone 13 case for anyone who wonders whether Schrödinger's cat is dead or alive! myPhysics

#film #reel #physics #subject #iPhone13Case

Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry neurological attitude toward learning with a dose of educational scientific fun with this mug featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following biological and psychological truism saying: "Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process". myPsychology

Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

Ad: Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this trivet featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude trivet for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myPsychology

Dark Energy Dark Matter Expressions Ignorance Bandana

Ad: Dark Energy Dark Matter Expressions Ignorance Bandana

Showcase your wry astronomical attitude with this scientific truism bandana featuring a graphical pie of the Universe and the percentages of dark energy and dark matter that are hypothesized to occupy the Universe at this time. Comes with the saying: "Dark Energy & Dark Matter Are Expressions Of Human Ignorance". Make others do a double-take the next time you talk about the content of the Universe with this astrophysics bandana! myPhysics

#astronomer #dark #matter #words #Bandana

Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Napkin #jabberwock #jabberwocky #lewis #carroll #alice #Napkin

Ad: Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Napkin #jabberwock #jabberwocky #lewis #carroll #alice #Napkin

Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) Coffee Mug

Ad: Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) Coffee Mug

Face it -- you are powered by biochemistry. No need to be a biochemist to enjoy any of these wry biochemistry attitude gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the caption "Powered By Biochemistry". Memorable scientific educational gift for all who know about cellular metabolism! myBiochemistry

Food Webs In Perspective (Ocean Land Biology) Throw Pillow #biology #food #webs #biologist #food #ThrowPillow

Ad: Food Webs In Perspective (Ocean Land Biology) Throw Pillow #biology #food #webs #biologist #food #ThrowPillow

Gregorian Calendar Seasonal Error (Earth Science) Postcard

Ad: Gregorian Calendar Seasonal Error (Earth Science) Postcard

No need to be an earth scientist to enjoy educational earth science fun with these gifts featuring "Gregorian Calendar Seasonal Error." Make others do a double-take about how off our own calendar system is to Earth's rotation through the centuries with scientific attitude today! myEarthScience

#seasons #words #unwords #gregorian #Postcard

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Bandana #climate #change #global #warming #forest #Bandana

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Bandana #climate #change #global #warming #forest #Bandana

Syngnathidae (Nature Male Pregnancy Seahorse) T-Shirt #seahorse #male #preganancy #syngnathidae #nature #TShirt

Ad: Syngnathidae (Nature Male Pregnancy Seahorse) T-Shirt #seahorse #male #preganancy #syngnathidae #nature #TShirt

Mean Thoughts Inside (Statistics Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Mean Thoughts Inside (Statistics Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase wry statistical humor with any of these psychological stats gifts featuring the bell curve (Gaussian distribution curve) along with the definition saying "Mean Thoughts Inside". Shows the percentages of a normal distribution curve. No need to be a statistician psychologist or an angry person to enjoy! Perfect double entendre gifts for all who think about averages and statistics constantly! myStatistician

What Are You Coded For? (Amino Acid Wheel) Face Mask

Ad: What Are You Coded For? (Amino Acid Wheel) Face Mask

Do you know what you are coded for -- in life? Showcase your wry genetic code attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the genetic code for various amino acids arranged in a wheel. Includes the following query: "What Are You Coded For?" Memorable biological double-entendre saying face mask for anyone who wonders about what he or she is coded for in life! myMolecularBiology

#what #coded #FaceMask

Wanted A New Brain Anatomical Brain Humor Fabric

Ad: Wanted A New Brain Anatomical Brain Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry anatomical medical geek humor attitude when you create with this fabric featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Wanted A New Brain". myAnatomical

Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Coffee Mug

Ad: Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Coffee Mug

Are you a lateral thinker? Do you think in a non-linear manner? Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry brainy attitude with this mug featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Lateral Thinker Inside". Any creative thinker will enjoy this mug! myAnatomical

2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside Biology Geek Humor Fabric

Ad: 2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside Biology Geek Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry evolutionary side when you create with this molecular biology attitude fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on who our ancestors truly are: "2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside". myMolecularBiology

#percent #neanderthal #geek #Fabric

Vegetarian DNA (Vegetarian Attitude Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Vegetarian DNA (Vegetarian Attitude Humor) Coffee Mug

Make others do a double-take with any of these gifts featuring a bunch of vegetables from squash tomato carrot peas and peppers along with DNA replication. In short the design stands for "Vegetarian DNA". Memorable vegetarian attitude gifts for vegans and vegetarians and all who know that eating vegetables and loving them is a mindset that may have their origins in our genes! myMolecularBiology

#genes #genetics #molecular #biology #vegetables #CoffeeMug

Perpetual Student Of Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Matchboxes

Ad: Perpetual Student Of Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Matchboxes

If you are constantly learning and re-learning the game of duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this matchbox featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Perpetual Student Of Duplicate Bridge". No matter what age you are if you are constantly learning about how to play the game of duplicate bridge showcase this fact with this memorable bridge saying matchbox! myBridgePlayer

Phoenician Alphabet Linguistics Language Symbols Bandana #linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #Bandana

Ad: Phoenician Alphabet Linguistics Language Symbols Bandana #linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #Bandana

Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant iPhone 13 Case

Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with this iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take about what you day is like: "Some Days I Feel I Need A Brain Transplant". Medical geek humor at its best! No need to work in the psychological or medical profession to enjoy! myPsychology

Just Call Me Cut To Perfection Diamond Travel Mug

Ad: Just Call Me Cut To Perfection Diamond Travel Mug

Are you a perfectionist? How about a diamond in the rough? Let your wry psychological side shine with this mug featuring an illustration of a diamond along with the saying "Just Call Me Cut To Perfection". Great geek attitude mug for any perfectionist! myPsychology

Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Face Mask

Ad: Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Face Mask

Showcase your wry statistical side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring various correlations and their corresponding correlation coefficients along with the following existential stats query: "In Life & Thought How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Do a double-take on the subject of correlation with a dose of statistical attitude today with this face mask! myStatistician

Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Geek Humor Baby Bodysuit

Ad: Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Geek Humor Baby Bodysuit

Do you age over time? Do you learn? If you love to learn let your wry neurological side shine with any of these tees featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Synaptic Pruning Inside". Classic anatomical geek humor tees for anyone who engages in synaptic pruning! myPsychology

Team Statistics Bell Curve Normal Distribution Doormat

Ad: Team Statistics Bell Curve Normal Distribution Doormat

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy this educational wry statistics door mat featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) complete with percentages and Z-scores. Make others do a double-take about exactly what team you are on with this "Team Statistics" doormat! myStatistician

Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Socks

Ad: Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Socks

If you are an organized person you'll enjoy this anatomical brain attitude pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Organized Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take at how organized you truly are with this biological attitude pair of socks today! myPsychology

Statistically Irresistible Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

Ad: Statistically Irresistible Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

Showcase your bell curve humor with a dose of fun with this trivet featuring a bell curve (normal distribution curve) complete with percentages under the curve along with the stats humor caption "Statistically Irresistible". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical attitude with this trivet! myStatistician

Due To Our Expanding Universe Big Freeze Occur Travel Mug #due #to #our #expanding #universe #TravelMug

Ad: Due To Our Expanding Universe Big Freeze Occur Travel Mug #due #to #our #expanding #universe #TravelMug

The Making Of ATP (Photosynthetic Attitude) T-Shirt

Ad: The Making Of ATP (Photosynthetic Attitude) T-Shirt

Showcase your biochemical side with any of these gifts featuring "The Making Of ATP" as found in a chloroplast. Educational scientific gifts featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Memorable biology gifts for all who know how ATP is produced in plants! No need to be a biologist or botanist to enjoy! myBiochemistry

Too Much Too Little Bad For Health Cholesterol Apron

Ad: Too Much Too Little Bad For Health Cholesterol Apron

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry health attitude with this all-over print apron featuring the cholesterol molecule along with the following caption: "Too Much & Too Little Can Be Bad For Your Health". Educational scientific chemical molecule apron for anyone who thinks about role of cholesterol in our daily health. myBiochemistry

Creative Interconnectedness Inside Brain iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Creative Interconnectedness Inside Brain iPhone 13 Case

Showcase your creative side with a dose of brainy humor with this iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Creative Interconnectedness Inside". Make others do a double-take at how creative you truly are! myAnatomical

VIP Thought Neuron Synapse Neurotransmitter Humor Face Mask

Ad: VIP Thought Neuron Synapse Neurotransmitter Humor Face Mask

Do you have a VIP (Very Important Person) thought? Showcase your wry neurological side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "VIP Thought". Thoughtful scientific educational cotton/polyester face mask for anyone with a very important thought! myAnatomical

Insufficient Storage Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Round Clock

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Round Clock

Anatomical attitude is alive and well with this clock featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Insufficient Storage Inside". myAnatomical

Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Two-Tone Coffee Mug #enso #el #nino #la #nina #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Two-Tone Coffee Mug #enso #el #nino #la #nina #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Red Queen Hypothesis (Wonderland Alice Red Queen) Ceramic Tile #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #CeramicTile

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis (Wonderland Alice Red Queen) Ceramic Tile #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #CeramicTile