Saturday, August 06, 2022

Ohmic Material Inside Ohm's Law Humor Socks

Ad: Ohmic Material Inside Ohm's Law Humor Socks

Physicists will enjoy this pair of socks featuring the different components of Ohm's Law including V for voltage I for current and R for resistance. Comes with the following physics saying that will make others do a double-take on what you are comprised of: "Ohmic Material Inside". myPhysics

#ohms #physics #physicists #ohmic #Socks

Ohmic Material Inside (Ohm's Law) Throw Pillow

Ad: Ohmic Material Inside (Ohm's Law) Throw Pillow

Physicists will enjoy this throw pillow featuring the different components of Ohm's Law including V for voltage I for current and R for resistance. Comes with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you comprise of the next time you take a nap: "Ohmic Material Inside". myPhysics

#ohms #physics #physicists #ohmic #ThrowPillow

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder Wonderland Socks #beauty #wonderland #lobster #quadrille #Socks

Ad: Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder Wonderland Socks #beauty #wonderland #lobster #quadrille #Socks

It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist Thermodynamics Matchboxes

Ad: It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist Thermodynamics Matchboxes

No need to be a physics major or physicist to enjoy this matchbox featuring the Carnot heat engine along with the wry truism saying "It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist 24 Hours A Day 7 Days Per Week 365 Days Per Year". Specifically this matchbox features the second law of thermodynamics. Since any thermodynamic engine requires such a temperature difference it follows that useful work cannot be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink. Educational physics attitude matchbox for anyone who works in the thermodynamic sense of the word! myPhysics

#carnot #heat #engine #thermodynamics #second #Matchboxes

Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch

Ad: Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch

Electrical engineers physicists and advocates of wireless will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring a portrait of "Wizard of Wireless" and "Father of Radio" Nikola Tesla along with one of his quotes on alternate currents: "Alternate currents especially of high frequencies pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature." myPhysics

#rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #quote #Watch

Indestructible Phineas Gage Psychology Humor Doormat

Ad: Indestructible Phineas Gage Psychology Humor Doormat

Are you indestructible? Showcase your wry cerebral localization attitude with this doormat featuring Phineas Gage an American railroad construction foreman now remembered for his improbable survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe. Gage is often discussed in neurology psychology and related disciplines with respect to understanding the mind-body connection. These all include the truism caption "Indestructible". myPsychology

Red Queen Hypothesis Wonderland Alice Red Queen 3 Ring Binder #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #3RingBinder

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis Wonderland Alice Red Queen 3 Ring Binder #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #3RingBinder

Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Fabric #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #Fabric

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Fabric #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #Fabric

I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) Dartboard With Darts

Ad: I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) Dartboard With Darts

If you operate on a convoluted cycle you'll enjoy this wry scientific humor dartboard featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Comes with the saying: "I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle". Make others do a double-take with this biochemistry dartboard today! Memorable dartboard for doctors nurses scientists and anyone who operates on a convoluted cycle! myBiochemistry

Epigeneticist Inside Epigenetic Mechanisms Planner #environmental #genetics #epigenetic #mechanisms #epigeneticist #Planner

Ad: Epigeneticist Inside Epigenetic Mechanisms Planner #environmental #genetics #epigenetic #mechanisms #epigeneticist #Planner

Phylogenetic Groups - You Are Here T-Shirt #phylogenetics #clades #cladistics #taxonomy #phylogenetic #TShirt

Ad: Phylogenetic Groups - You Are Here T-Shirt #phylogenetics #clades #cladistics #taxonomy #phylogenetic #TShirt

Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) Mouse Pad

Ad: Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry meteorological side with this mousepad featuring a picture of a hurricane's eye from outer space along with the saying "Eye Of The Storm Inside". No need to be a weather watcher or meteorologist to enjoy! myEarthScience

#storm #inside #MousePad

Epigeneticist Inside Epigenetic Mechanisms Bandana #environmental #genetics #epigenetic #mechanisms #epigeneticist #Bandana

Ad: Epigeneticist Inside Epigenetic Mechanisms Bandana #environmental #genetics #epigenetic #mechanisms #epigeneticist #Bandana

Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Keychain

Ad: Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Keychain

Showcase the bell curve with a wry dose of educational humor on any of these gifts that feature the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve and the Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek stats advice saying: "Apply Yourself Think Statistics". Includes percentages under the curve. No need to be a statistician or stats teacher to enjoy any of these timeless and inspirational statistics humor gifts! myStatistician

Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Bandana

Ad: Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Bandana

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry geek anatomical heart humor with this bandana featuring a diagram of a human heart from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Just Showing You My Heart". Make everyone do a double-take at what you mean with this heart anatomy bandana! myAnatomical

DNA Media DNA Replication Molecular Biology Socks

Ad: DNA Media DNA Replication Molecular Biology Socks

Showcase your wry sense of molecular biology with this DNA replication attitude pair of socks featuring the self-explanatory saying "DNA Media". Educational and memorable scientific pair of socks for anyone with DNA. No matter what you do for a living showcase genetic DNA media style today. myMolecularBiology

#acid #replication #Socks

Be A Mental Gymnast Play Bridge Four Card Suits Mouse Pad

Ad: Be A Mental Gymnast Play Bridge Four Card Suits Mouse Pad

Showcase your mental gymnastics attitude toward the game of bridge with a dose of wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this mousepad featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism saying: "Be A Mental Gymnast Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at the mental gymnastics involved when playing bridge with this memorable bridge attitude saying mousepad. myBridgePlayer

Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck 3 Ring Binder

Let your wry bridge sense of humor shine with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying used by avid bridge players in describing the game: "Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck". Memorable bridge attitude binder for any bridge player who understands the nuances of playing bridge! myBridgePlayer

Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Planner

Ad: Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Planner

Let your wry bridge sense of humor shine with this planner featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying used by avid bridge players in describing the game: "Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck". Memorable bridge attitude planner for any bridge player who understands the nuances of playing bridge! myBridgePlayer

Tongue Twister Doctor Doctors Another Doctor Card #brain #teasers #tongue #twister #doctor #Card

Ad: Tongue Twister Doctor Doctors Another Doctor Card #brain #teasers #tongue #twister #doctor #Card

Information Transfer Inside (Brain Anatomy) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Information Transfer Inside (Brain Anatomy) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry brainy side with this mug featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Information Transfer Inside". Make others do a double-take at what your brain does all the time with a dose of scientific fun! myPsychology

Dream Statistics (Statistical Attitude) T-Shirt

Ad: Dream Statistics (Statistical Attitude) T-Shirt

Do you dream statistics? No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy any of these educational statistical designs featuring the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Dream Statistics". Make others do a double-take about the subject of probabilities and percentages with any of these memorable gifts! myStatistician

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Coaster Set

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Coaster Set

Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this coaster set featuring the bell curve distribution complete with percentages under the curve along with the saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable coaster set for anyone who thinks that he or she is statistically significant. myStatistician

Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Planner

Ad: Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Planner

If you work with linear regression and linear least squares you'll enjoy this educational math and statistics planner featuring the truism saying "Think Linear - Linear Least Squares". Make others do a double-take today on why they should think in a linear manner. No need to be a mathematician statistician psychologist or economist to enjoy! myStatistician

Astronomy Becomes Existential When You Realize How Tea Bag Drink Mix #dark #matter #astronomy #becomes #existential #TeaBagDrinkMix

Ad: Astronomy Becomes Existential When You Realize How Tea Bag Drink Mix #dark #matter #astronomy #becomes #existential #TeaBagDrinkMix

Running On The Krebs Cycle Biochemistry Geek Humor iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle Biochemistry Geek Humor iPhone 13 Case

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with this Krebs cycle iPhone 13 case that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Memorable scientific humor iPhone 13 case for anyone who understands the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) to our cells (and ourselves) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

Filled To The Brim With Hormones Anatomical Humor Fabric

Ad: Filled To The Brim With Hormones Anatomical Humor Fabric

Do you create with zeal and a geek sense of humor? Showcase the hormones in the brain and thyroid the next time you create with this fabric featuring the different hormones complete with all key labels along with the tongue-in-cheek anatomical saying "Filled To The Brim With Hormones". Make others do a double-take about how many hormones are actually associated with their head (brain thyroid etc.) with this anatomical science humor fabric today! myAnatomical

Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen Brain Coffee Mug

Ad: Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen Brain Coffee Mug

If you love to think you'll enjoy this anatomical brain humor mug featuring the different parts of the brain with labels along with the wry scientific advice saying "Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen". Make others do a double-take the next time they think and how thinking occurs with this brainy thoughtful mug! myAnatomical

Birth Of A Tornado Inside (Meteorology) Postcard #birth #of #a #tornado #inside #Postcard

Ad: Birth Of A Tornado Inside (Meteorology) Postcard #birth #of #a #tornado #inside #Postcard

Be Timely- Or Rather Don't Be Late White Rabbit iPhone 13 Case #lewis #carroll #john #tenniel #white #iPhone13Case

Ad: Be Timely- Or Rather Don't Be Late White Rabbit iPhone 13 Case #lewis #carroll #john #tenniel #white #iPhone13Case

Alice Red Queen All The Running You Can Do Quote Trivet #all #the #running #you #can #Trivet

Ad: Alice Red Queen All The Running You Can Do Quote Trivet #all #the #running #you #can #Trivet