Sunday, June 26, 2022

Chess A Game Of Strategic Execution 3 Ring Binder #chess #game #chess #attitude #3RingBinder

Ad: Chess A Game Of Strategic Execution 3 Ring Binder #chess #game #chess #attitude #3RingBinder

I'm A Geneticist Ergo Genes Are My Memes (DNA) Mouse Pad

Ad: I'm A Geneticist Ergo Genes Are My Memes (DNA) Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry genetics attitude with this mousepad featuring DNA replication along with the saying that any geneticist will agree with upon reflection: "I'm A Geneticist Ergo Genes Are My Memes". Get a load of laughs no matter what your occupation with this genetics humor mousepad! myMolecularBiology

#molecular #biology #words #unwords #MousePad

I Play Chess During My Breaks Reflective Chess Planner #i #play #chess #words #and #Planner

Ad: I Play Chess During My Breaks Reflective Chess Planner #i #play #chess #words #and #Planner

Forensic Scientist Inside DNA Replication Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Forensic Scientist Inside DNA Replication Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Showcase your wry forensic scientist side with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Forensic Scientist Inside". myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #SlipOnSneakers

I Play Chess Therefore I Am Chess Set Pieces Slip-On Sneakers #i #play #chess #words #and #SlipOnSneakers

Ad: I Play Chess Therefore I Am Chess Set Pieces Slip-On Sneakers #i #play #chess #words #and #SlipOnSneakers

Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Apron #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Apron

Ad: Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Apron #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Apron

Blame My Neurotransmitters If Not Paying Attention Business Card

Ad: Blame My Neurotransmitters If Not Paying Attention Business Card

It's quite easy to not pay attention when you are meeting someone else as you're probably thinking about what to say next. Showcase your wry biology medical geek side the next time you introduce yourself with these business cards featuring a neuron / synapse along with the truism saying "Blame My Neurotransmitters If I'm Not Paying Attention". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational humor at your next meet and greet! myPsychology

Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Fabric #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Fabric

Ad: Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Fabric #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Fabric

I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Fabric #i #love #to #check #chess #Fabric

Ad: I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Fabric #i #love #to #check #chess #Fabric

We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland Apron

Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland Apron

No need to have read Lewis Carroll's sequence to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to enjoy this Wonderland attitude all-over print apron featuring Alice stepping through the looking glass as illustrated by John Tenniel in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Make others do a double-take about life and mirrors with this endearing and enchanting saying "We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence" on this apron. Truism humor for all who look at and through mirrors when critically looking at themselves! myPsychology

It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor Fabric

Ad: It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse sense of humor with this educational scientific fabric featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now". Make others do a double-take with a dose of geek humor advice the next time you create with this fabric! myPsychology

Improve Your Cognition Play Chess Advice Chess Set 3 Ring Binder #play #chess #advice #improve #3RingBinder

Ad: Improve Your Cognition Play Chess Advice Chess Set 3 Ring Binder #play #chess #advice #improve #3RingBinder

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Large Tote Bag

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Large Tote Bag

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude tote bag for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myPsychology

Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics Bandana

Ad: Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics Bandana

Showcase your wry twisted physics attitude with this bandana featuring the Doppler Effect along with the double-entendre saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of physics: "Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics". Note: There is no error in the saying "Do Not Let Life Pass By You" as opposed to the common saying of "do not let life pass you by". You'll need to seize the moment with a dose of physics humor with this bandana which promotes the study of physics! No need to be a physics major or physics teacher to enjoy. myPhysics

#life #pass #Bandana

Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often iPhone 13 Case

If you are frequently not in equilibrium - from an economics and psychological perspective - you'll enjoy this supply-and-demand curve iPhone 13 case featuring the supply-and-demand graph along with the wry economics truism saying: "Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory But Not Often Found In Practice". Memorable iPhone 13 case for anyone who seeks economic equilibrium but often never finds it. myPsychology

Parity In Quantum Mechanics Physics Trivet

Ad: Parity In Quantum Mechanics Physics Trivet

No need to be a physics major to understand the concept of parity in quantum mechanics and physics in general. Showcase the definition of parity in physics with this trivet featuring two-dimensional representations of parity. Each representation shows a pair of quantum states which go into each other under parity. Wry physics geek attitude for all who understand quantum mechanics! myPhysics

#quantum #state #mechanics #physicist #Trivet

Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Poster

Ad: Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Poster

Showcase your wry statistical side with this bell curve attitude poster featuring the normal distribution curve along with the saying "Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics". Great stats advice poster for any statistician! myStatistician

Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Poster #environmental #change #environmental #protection #agency #Poster

Ad: Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Poster #environmental #change #environmental #protection #agency #Poster

Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor Fleece Blanket

Ad: Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor Fleece Blanket

Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this fleece blanket featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" saying fleece blanket today! myAnatomical

Are You Congruent? Congruent Angles Fabric

Ad: Are You Congruent? Congruent Angles Fabric

No need to be a mathematician or geometry fan to enjoy wry geometric humor with this fabric featuring congruent angles angles that have the same degrees no matter how they are rotated reflected or translated. Make others do a double-take with this tongue-in-cheek mathematical query "Are You Congruent?" and wonder exactly what you are asking about the next time you create with this fabric! myMathematician

#equal #congruent #math #geometry #angle #Fabric

No Evil Eye Inside Anatomical Eyeball Humor Planner

Ad: No Evil Eye Inside Anatomical Eyeball Humor Planner

Do other people look at your strangely as if you had the evil eye? Let others know that there isn't an evil eye within you with this anatomical human eyeball attitude planner featuring all key parts of the eye along with the following saying: "No Evil Eye Inside". No need to be superstitious to enjoy this anatomical geek humor planner today! myAnatomical

No Trump Is A Destination Not Escape Bridge Humor Fabric

Ad: No Trump Is A Destination Not Escape Bridge Humor Fabric

Showcase wry and sensible bridge attitude with this bridge humor fabric featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the bridge truism for advocates of a no-trump contract: "No Trump Is A Destination Not An Escape". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with this memorable bridge bid saying fabric! Memorable design for any fan of the no trump bridge-bid. myBridgePlayer

Who Needs A Partner When All You Need Bridge Humor Fabric

Ad: Who Needs A Partner When All You Need Bridge Humor Fabric

Wry bridge attitude comes alive the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits and asks the following question: "Who Needs A Partner When All You Need Is A Good Hand?" Fabric for any bridge player who wishes that one did not need a partner to play bridge and who understands that sometimes at the bridge table it just takes a good hand to win! myBridgePlayer

Life Requires Lots Of Guts Gastroenterology Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Life Requires Lots Of Guts Gastroenterology Humor 3 Ring Binder

Showcase wry anatomical humor with this binder featuring the digestive system complete with labels of all important parts including stomach and liver. Existential life saying says: "Life Requires Lots Of Guts". Tongue-in-cheek inspirational biology attitude binder for anyone who understands that life truly does require a lot of guts! myAnatomical

Do You Know Which Line Is Euler's Line? Geometry Planner

Ad: Do You Know Which Line Is Euler's Line? Geometry Planner

No need to be a mathematician or geometrician to know about Euler's line. In geometry the Euler line pronounced "oiler" is a line determined from any triangle that is not equilateral. This line passes through several important points determined from the triangle including the orthocenter the circumcenter the centroid and the center of the nine-point circle of the triangle. Make others do a double-take with this following geometric query on this planner: "Do You Know Which Line Is Euler's Line?" myMathematician

#math #geometry #eulers #line #Planner

Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Socks

Ad: Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Socks

Logicians and mathematicians will enjoy this pair of socks featuring Boolean logic along with the truism caption "Logic Matrices Inside". Memorable socks for anyone with a logical mindset! myMathematician

#logic #matrices #inside #geek #humor #Socks

Can You Identify The 20 Amino Acids? Biochemistry Notebook

Ad: Can You Identify The 20 Amino Acids? Biochemistry Notebook

No need to be a chemistry teacher or chemistry major to enjoy wry ponderous humor with this notebook featuring the 20 standard amino acids in chemical molecule form along with the following query: "Can You Identify The 20 Amino Acids?" myBiochemistry

Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed Brain Humor Face Mask

Ad: Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed Brain Humor Face Mask

Showcase your wry brain anatomical sense of humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following advice that will make others do a double-take on what you need: "Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed". myWarning

#brain #words #unwords #warning #FaceMask

This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Fabric

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Fabric

Showcase wry chemistry molecule humor the next time you create with this adrenaline molecule fabric with the scientific truism saying "This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline". Featuring molecular structure of adrenaline responsible for the "flight or fight" response. Make others do a double-take on what you are powered by no matter where you go or what you do with this fabric! Memorable fabric for anyone powered by adrenaline! myBiochemistry

Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Throw Pillow

Ad: Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Throw Pillow

No need to be have experienced an earthquake to understand that the Earth has many fault lines. Showcase wry plate tectonics humor with this throw pillow featuring the different plates of the Earth along with the scientific truism double-entendre saying "Blame Earth She Has Many Faults". Comes with a world map featuring the different plates of the Earth. Educational attitude throw pillow for seismologists geologists earth scientists and anyone who understands that Earth has many faults! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #plate #tectonics #ThrowPillow

Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Planner

Ad: Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Planner

Showcase wry geological time humor with this earth science planner featuring the spiral of geological time along with the title "Current Epoch In Perspective" along with the call out "Anthropocene Epoch You Are Here". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific truism saying planner today! myEarthScience

#geology #words #unwords #spiral #Planner