Saturday, June 25, 2022

Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Watch

Ad: Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Watch

Showcase your wry political economy style with a dose of sound economic advice the next time you tell time with this watch featuring a yellow diamond warning sign along with the saying "Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection". Memorable advice watch for any investor who needs a reminder on what not to do throughout the day! myWarning

#invest #Watch

Primary Consciousness Inside Neuron Synapse Fabric

Ad: Primary Consciousness Inside Neuron Synapse Fabric

You'll enjoy designing with this fabric featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of attention span and awareness: "Primary Consciousness Inside". Classic geek humor fabric! myPsychology

Corporate Restructuring Ahead Yellow Diamond Sign Fabric

Ad: Corporate Restructuring Ahead Yellow Diamond Sign Fabric

Has your position been outsourced? Has your department been reorganized or dissolved? Showcase your wry sense of corporate humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the diamond yellow warning sign along with the saying "Corporate Restructuring Ahead". Includes chainsaw picture on the sign. No need to work in mergers and acquisitions to enjoy! Perfect fabric for anyone who has had one's position restructured or who works in a dynamic ever-changing industry! myWarning

#office #humor #sign #organizational #psychology #Fabric

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Round Clock

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Round Clock

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this clock featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy! Psychological clock for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

Indestructible (Phineas Gage) Coffee Mug

Ad: Indestructible (Phineas Gage) Coffee Mug

Are you indestructible? Showcase your wry cerebral localization attitude this mug featuring Phineas Gage an American railroad construction foreman now remembered for his improbable survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe. Gage is often discussed in neurology psychology and related disciplines with respect to understanding the mind-body connection. This mug includes the truism caption "Indestructible". myPsychology

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Planner

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Planner

Do you know your percentages? Showcase wry statistical humor with this planner featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) with the stats truism saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". Make others do a double-take on exactly how well they know statistics with this educational statistical cheat sheet planner! myStatistician

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Mask

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Mask

Do you know your percentages? Showcase wry statistical humor with this polyester face mask featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) with the stats truism saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". Make others do a double-take on exactly how well they know statistics with this educational statistical cheat sheet polyester face mask! myStatistician

Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life Chemistry Matchboxes

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life Chemistry Matchboxes

No need to be a chemist or chemistry major to enjoy this matchbox featuring a drawing of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule in 3-D. Comes with the scientific truism saying "Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life". Memorable biochemistry matchbox for anyone with energy! myBiochemistry

Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Humor Round Clock

Ad: Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Humor Round Clock

Are you just a normal statistician? Showcase your normal sense of humor with this wry statistical humor clock featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Just A Normal Statistician". Make others do a double-take at how normal you are according to the world of statistics! Memorable clock for anyone who plays with statistics and consider himself or herself to be a statistician! myStatistician

Activate Your Grey Matter Think Anatomical Brain Fabric

Ad: Activate Your Grey Matter Think Anatomical Brain Fabric

Brainy advice is alive and well the next time you create with this fabric featuring the various parts of the human brain along with the following saying: "Activate Your Grey Matter Think". No need to be a philosopher psychologist neurologist neurosurgeon or teacher to enjoy! myAnatomical

Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon (Oxytocin) Keychain

Ad: Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon (Oxytocin) Keychain

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with any of these geek humor gifts today! myBiochemistry

Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Fabric

Ad: Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Fabric

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry geek anatomical heart humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring a diagram of a human heart from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Just Showing You My Heart". Make everyone do a double-take at what you mean with this heart anatomy fabric! myAnatomical

Eye Dream Anatomical Human Eyeball Humor Face Mask

Ad: Eye Dream Anatomical Human Eyeball Humor Face Mask

Do you dream a lot? No need to be an ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical eye humor with this polyester face mask featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the following saying: "Eye (I) Dream". Make others do a double-take at what you dream about with a dose of selfish eyeball attitude today with this polyester face mask! myAnatomical

Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Planner #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Planner

Ad: Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Planner #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Planner

Risk-Taking Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Pinback Button

Ad: Risk-Taking Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Pinback Button

Are you a risk-taker? Adventuresome people will enjoy this biology humor button featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Risk-Taking Is In My Genes". Make others do a double-take on where you get your daring-do side from with a dose of geek attitude today! myMolecularBiology

#risktaker #risk #taking #PinbackButton

I Can Resist Anything But A Chess Game Throw Pillow #i #can #resist #anything #but #ThrowPillow

Ad: I Can Resist Anything But A Chess Game Throw Pillow #i #can #resist #anything #but #ThrowPillow

Proud To Be A Chess Player Reflective Chess Set Fabric #chess #proud #to #be #chess #Fabric

Ad: Proud To Be A Chess Player Reflective Chess Set Fabric #chess #proud #to #be #chess #Fabric

Prepare Yourself For The Battle Chess Advice Scarf #prepare #yourself #for #the #battle #Scarf

Ad: Prepare Yourself For The Battle Chess Advice Scarf #prepare #yourself #for #the #battle #Scarf

Friday, June 24, 2022

Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion Wrist Watch

Ad: Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion Wrist Watch

Are you a physicist? Showcase your wry scientific side the next time you tell time with this watch featuring a mass spring damper diagram along with the tongue-in-cheek saying: "Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion". Make others do a double-take at exactly what physicists do with educational scientific humor today via this watch! myPhysics

#mass #spring #damper #uniform #harmonic #WristWatch

An Open Mind Is Key To Communication Brain Anatomy Planner

Ad: An Open Mind Is Key To Communication Brain Anatomy Planner

Showcase your brainy side with this planner featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "An Open Mind Is Key To Communication". Memorable psyche saying planner for anyone who has an open mind and wants to communicate with others! myPsychology

All Of My Relationships Are In A Quantum State Notebook

Ad: All Of My Relationships Are In A Quantum State Notebook

No need to be a physicist or quantum physicist to enjoy wry geek humor with this notebook featuring the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics -- i.e. quantum entanglement and the infamous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment -- along with the saying that many can relate to: "All Of My Relationships Are In A Quantum State". Geek humor at its best! myPhysics

#physicist #words #unwords #Notebook

Global Warming Is Here And Melting Antarctica T-Shirt #environment #environmentalist #saying #truism #global #TShirt

Ad: Global Warming Is Here And Melting Antarctica T-Shirt #environment #environmentalist #saying #truism #global #TShirt

Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Advice Face Mask

Ad: Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Advice Face Mask

Duplicate bridge players will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge". myBridgePlayer

Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth 3 Ring Binder #save #earth #stop #global #warming #3RingBinder

Ad: Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth 3 Ring Binder #save #earth #stop #global #warming #3RingBinder

Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Matchboxes

Ad: Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Matchboxes

Showcase your wry statistical side with this matchbox featuring various correlations and their corresponding correlation coefficients along with the following existential stats query: "In Life & Thought How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Do a double-take on the subject of correlation with a dose of statistical attitude today with this matchbox! myStatistician

Bridge Players Know How To Count To Thirteen Bandana

Ad: Bridge Players Know How To Count To Thirteen Bandana

Showcase your wry bridge player side with this bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism saying: "Bridge Players Know How To Count To Thirteen". Make others do a double-take at the number of cards in a card suit today! myBridgePlayer

Huge Heart Inside Human Heart Anatomy Diagram iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Huge Heart Inside Human Heart Anatomy Diagram iPhone 13 Case

Showcase wry anatomical humor no matter what you do with this iPhone 13 case featuring a Gray Anatomy illustration of the human heart along with the saying "Huge Heart Inside". Complete with key heart anatomy labels. Perfect iPhone 13 case for Valentine's Day birthday Mother's Day Father's Day or any other day whenever you desire to proclaim that you have a huge heart inside! myAnatomical

To Pass Or Not To Pass? That Is The Question Humor Socks

Ad: To Pass Or Not To Pass? That Is The Question Humor Socks

If you've ever played the game of bridge and have pondered whether to pass you'll enjoy this bridge humor pair of socks featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Pass Or Not To Pass That Is The Question". Do a double take on what you are pondering the next time it is your turn to bid with this pair of socks! With apologies to William Shakespeare on this common bridge saying! myBridgePlayer

Poignant Eye (I) Inside Anatomical Eyeball Notebook

Ad: Poignant Eye (I) Inside Anatomical Eyeball Notebook

Do you show your heartfelt side with your eyes? Showcase your wry anatomical attitude with this notebook featuring all key parts of a human eyeball along with the saying 'Poignant Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take at how you feel with this medical eyeball humor notebook today! myAnatomical

Just Crazy For Some Pi (Pi / Pie Math Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Just Crazy For Some Pi (Pi / Pie Math Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Do you think about pi whenever you eat some pie? Are you crazy for some pi? Showcase wry math geek humor with any of these gifts featuring the mathematical constant pi along with the saying "Just Crazy For Some Pi". Make others do a double-take about exactly what it is that you are crazy about - whether it be pi pie or pi on a pie! Word play gifts on the word pi / pie that will make others think carefully about what you mean! myMathematician

#just #crazy #some #JigsawPuzzle

Warning! Malfunctioning Neurotransmitters Inside Planner

Ad: Warning! Malfunctioning Neurotransmitters Inside Planner

No need to be a biologist or work in the medical field to enjoy wry biological humor with this neuron / synapse planner featuring the saying "Warning! Malfunctioning Neurotransmitters Inside". Make others do a double-take with educational scientific attitude! Educational fun planner for anyone with neurons that malfunction sometimes! myWarning

#neurology #synapse #neuron #warning #inside #Planner

Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence Molecule Face Mask

Ad: Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence Molecule Face Mask

Is caffeine part of your daily routine? Showcase your wry caffeinated molecule sense of humor with this biochemistry cotton/polyester face mask featuring the caffeine molecule along with the following saying: "Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence". Do you drink coffee soda or tea? If so then you probably know that caffeine is a commonly used stimulant in our lives. Make others do a double-take on the role of caffeine in your life with a dose of science humor today! myBiochemistry

Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship Bridge Fleece Blanket

Ad: Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship Bridge Fleece Blanket

If you have a love-hate relationship with the game of bridge you'll enjoy this wry bridge / duplicate bridge saying fleece blanket featuring the four card suits. Comes with the truism saying that will make others do a double-take at the bridge table: "Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship With The Game Of Bridge". Memorable fleece blanket for anyone who has had winning and losing streaks when playing the great game of bridge! myWarning

#bridge #game #FleeceBlanket

Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Business Card

Ad: Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Business Card

No need to be a biochemist or chemist to enjoy wry scientific attitude at your next introduction with any of these business cards featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis along with the chemical formula for photosynthesis. Make others do a double-take with your dose of educational autotrophic sense of style today! myBiochemistry