Thursday, June 09, 2022

Happiness In Life Depends Upon Balanced Gradient Fabric

Ad: Happiness In Life Depends Upon Balanced Gradient Fabric

Showcase wry active transport humor when you create with this fabric featuring the sodium-potassium pump and the life saying "Happiness In Life Depends Upon Having A Balanced Gradient". Make others do a double-take on the concept of balanced gradient in life with this educational science humor fabric featuring active transport! myBiochemistry

Riboflavin Vitamin B2 Chemical Molecule Bandana

Ad: Riboflavin Vitamin B2 Chemical Molecule Bandana

Riboflavin is an easily absorbed micronutrient with a key role in maintaining a wide variety of cellular processes. Like the other B vitamins it plays a key role in energy metabolism and for the metabolism of fats ketone bodies carbohydrates and proteins. Make others do a double-take with wry chemistry molecule humor with this bandana featuring riboflavin also known as vitamin B2! No need to be chemist or nutritionist to enjoy! myBiochemistry

Reorganization Of Life Ahead Yellow Warning Sign 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Reorganization Of Life Ahead Yellow Warning Sign 3 Ring Binder

Do you need to reorganize your life? Showcase your wry warning sign sense of humor with this binder featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the following saying: "Reorganization Of Life Ahead". Memorable geek humor signage binder for anyone who needs to reorganize his or her life and desire to warn others about it! Includes generic desktop computer logo as an icon for organization. myWarning

#computer #funny #words #unwords #3RingBinder

Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life Chemistry Face Mask

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life Chemistry Face Mask

No need to be a chemist or chemistry major to enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a drawing of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule in 3-D. Comes with the scientific truism saying "Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life". Memorable biochemistry face mask for anyone with energy! myBiochemistry

Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate Throw Pillow

Ad: Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry neurological sense of humor with this throw pillow featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate". myWarning

#neuron #axon #alzheimer #disease #synapse #ThrowPillow

Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) Watch

Ad: Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) Watch

Interested in what happens to tryptophan after you ingest it? Showcase "Tryptophan Metabolism" on this chemistry attitude watch. Educational scientific design featuring the different chemical compounds that tryptophan breaks down into inside of your cells. No need to be a chemist or drinker of milk to enjoy! myBiochemistry

Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) T-Shirt

Ad: Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) T-Shirt

No matter what age you are if you are into Earth's history and geological age you'll enjoy any of these colorful time line gifts featuring the geological time scale complete with periods and epochs. Showcase your geological attitude with any of these educational scientific earth science gifts! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #geologist #earths #TShirt

Love Geology Unconditionally Fault Driven World Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Love Geology Unconditionally Fault Driven World Baby T-Shirt

Showcase your wry sense of geological humor with any of these gifts featuring a map of the plates of the Earth along with the scientific saying "Love Geology Unconditionally It's A Fault Driven World No Matter Which Plate You're On". No need to be a seismologist geologist or earth scientist to enjoy educational attitude about the planet that we all live on! Psyche humor for all who love unconditionally with a double-entendre on the word "fault"! myEarthScience

#saying #truism #educational #scientific #science #BabyTShirt

Encoded To Be Human DNA Replication iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Encoded To Be Human DNA Replication iPhone 13 Case

No need to be a paleontologist anthropologist or molecular biologist to enjoy this scientific educational iPhone 13 case featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Encoded To Be Human". Make others do a double-take with a dose of genetic attitude today! myMolecularBiology

#encoded #human #iPhone13Case

Wine Grape Berry (Botanical Anatomy) Throw Pillow

Ad: Wine Grape Berry (Botanical Anatomy) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry botanical side with this pillow gift featuring all key anatomical parts of a "Wine Grape Berry". Perfect pillow gift for any wine connoisseur who loves to nap! myAnatomical

Encoded To Be Human DNA Replication Hot Chocolate Drink Mix

Ad: Encoded To Be Human DNA Replication Hot Chocolate Drink Mix

No need to be a paleontologist anthropologist or molecular biologist to enjoy this scientific educational drink mix featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Encoded To Be Human". Make others do a double-take with a dose of genetic attitude today! myMolecularBiology

#encoded #human #HotChocolateDrinkMix

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Planner

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Planner

Do you work hard all the time? Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this planner featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude with this molecular biology geek humor planner! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #acid #Planner

Alert And Attentive Inside Neuron Synapse Humor Coffee Drink Mix

Ad: Alert And Attentive Inside Neuron Synapse Humor Coffee Drink Mix

Showcase your wry neuronal sense of humor with this drink mix featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Alert And Attentive Inside". Memorable biological and anatomical attitude drink mix for anyone with an attention span! myAnatomical

Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Ad: Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Showcase your wry cerebral sense of humor with a dose of anatomical fun with this pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Just Call Me Cerebral". No need to be a brain surgeon or philosopher or psychologist to enjoy pensive geek humor today! myAnatomical

635013559600 Total No Of Possible Bridge Hands Notebook

Ad: 635013559600 Total No Of Possible Bridge Hands Notebook

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge side with this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "635 013 559 600 Total Number Of Possible Bridge Hands". Make others do a double-take at the number of possible combinations amongst 13 cards there truly are once a hand has been dealt! A bridge player will definitely not live to play them all! myBridgePlayer

Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Round Clock #chess #attitude #chess #saying #reflective #RoundClock

Ad: Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Round Clock #chess #attitude #chess #saying #reflective #RoundClock

Check Your Emotions At The Door When You Play Ceramic Ornament

Ad: Check Your Emotions At The Door When You Play Ceramic Ornament

Bridge players who play duplicate bridge will enjoy any of these sound bridge advice gifts featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying: "Check Your Emotions At The Door When You Play Duplicate Bridge". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with any of these bridge saying gifts! myBridgePlayer

Chess A Struggle Against Error Reflective Chess Notebook #chess #game #chess #a #struggle #Notebook

Ad: Chess A Struggle Against Error Reflective Chess Notebook #chess #game #chess #a #struggle #Notebook

Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Fleece Blanket

Ad: Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Fleece Blanket

Showcase your wry quantum mechanics side with this fleece blanket featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject matter of matter itself: "Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously". Educational scientific geek humor fleece blanket for anyone who thinks about matter very seriously! myPhysics

#matter #quantum #physics #physicist #FleeceBlanket

Mechanistic Thinker Inside (Gears Brain) Throw Pillow

Ad: Mechanistic Thinker Inside (Gears Brain) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry mechanical attitude toward thought with this pillow gift featuring gears in a brain silhouette along with the saying "Mechanistic Thinker Inside". Memorable gift for any mechanical engineer or psychologist! myPsychology

Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Neurology Throw Pillow

Ad: Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Neurology Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry neurological attitude with this throw pillow featuring all key anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Synaptic Pruning Inside". Great neuropsychology geek humor throw pillow for any who ages and learns! myPsychology

Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Table Lamp

Ad: Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Table Lamp

Showcase your wry quantum mechanics side with this lamp featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject matter of matter itself: "Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously". Educational scientific geek humor lamp for anyone who thinks about matter very seriously! myPhysics

#matter #quantum #physics #physicist #TableLamp

My World Revolves Around Krebs (Energy Cycle) Neck Tie

Ad: My World Revolves Around Krebs (Energy Cycle) Neck Tie

Showcase your wry biochemical side with a dose of educational scientific fun with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the saying "My World Revolves Around Krebs". myBiochemistry

Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Coffee Mug

Do you feel saturated by life? Are you saturated by chemistry? Showcase your wry geek side with any of these tongue-in-cheek biochemistry / chemistry gifts featuring a graph of the substrate concentration versus the reaction rate. Caption says it all: "Are You Saturated Yet?" Make others do a double-take with any of these enzyme kinetics humor gifts today! myBiochemistry

Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions T-Shirt

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions T-Shirt

Do you life to be nothing but a series of chain reactions? Showcase wry biological and scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the electron transport chain as found in the mitochondria. Comes with the biological truism saying that many find to be true: "Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions". Make others do a double-take with wry biochemical humor with any of these electron transport chain attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

cAMP Molecule Just A Second Messenger Apron

Ad: cAMP Molecule Just A Second Messenger Apron

Do you know about cyclic adenosine monophosphate? Showcase your chemical sense of style with this all-over print apron featuring the cAMP molecule the second messenger important in many biological processes. cAMP is derived from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and used for intracellular signal transduction in many different organisms. Make others do a double-take with this scientific educational apron featuring the cAMP molecule with the caption "just a second messenger (used for intracellular signal transduction)"! myBiochemistry

This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate Apron

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate Apron

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to know that you are powered by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Showcase your wry chemical molecule geek side with this all-over print apron featuring the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate". myBiochemistry

Epigenetics Is My Modus Operandi (Mechanisms) Pacifier #epigenetics #is #my #modus #operandi #Pacifier

Ad: Epigenetics Is My Modus Operandi (Mechanisms) Pacifier #epigenetics #is #my #modus #operandi #Pacifier

Higher Order Evolution Begins Adequate Amt Oxygen Poster

Ad: Higher Order Evolution Begins Adequate Amt Oxygen Poster

Ever wondered how much oxygen in the atmosphere existed during the Cambrian explosion or around the Permian-Triassic extinction event? Wonder no longer and showcase your evolutionary sense of humor with this poster featuring the relative oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere during the course of the last billion years. Caption says it all: "Higher Order Evolution Begins With An Adequate Amount Of Oxygen". Make others do a double-take about how oxygen levels and evolution impacted each other with this educational scientific attitude poster. No need to be an atmospheric scientist to enjoy! myEarthScience

#evolution #higher #order #oxygen #Poster

Team Normality Normal Distribution Curve Humor Doormat

Ad: Team Normality Normal Distribution Curve Humor Doormat

If you are on Team Normality you'll enjoy this tongue-in-cheek educational statistical humor door mat featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the normal distribution curve or Gaussian curve) along with the caption "Team Normality". Comes with percentages and z-scores. Do a double-take with stats attitude with this doormat! myStatistician

Just Think Linear Regression Statistics Graph Bandana

Ad: Just Think Linear Regression Statistics Graph Bandana

Statisticians economists psychologists and social scientists who think in terms of hypothesis testing and statistics will enjoy this bandana featuring linear regression along with the saying "Just Think Linear Regression". Educational statistical geek attitude bandana for anyone who does statistics! myStatistician

Statistically Irresistible Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

Ad: Statistically Irresistible Bell Curve Stats Humor Trivet

Showcase your bell curve humor with a dose of fun with this trivet featuring a bell curve (normal distribution curve) complete with percentages under the curve along with the stats humor caption "Statistically Irresistible". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical attitude with this trivet! myStatistician

Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Face Mask

Ad: Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Face Mask

Statistical probabilistic humor is found on this polyester face mask featuring the infamous Monty Hall problem of three doors and one goat behind one door along with the following saying: "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Great polyester face mask for anyone with a quirky statistical geek attitude toward life's probabilities! myStatistician

Jury Trial Outcomes Innocent Guilty Jury Verdict Planner

Ad: Jury Trial Outcomes Innocent Guilty Jury Verdict Planner

No need to have done jury duty to enjoy this educational statistical error summarized "Jury Trial Outcomes" planner featuring jury verdict versus true state. Planner for anyone who knows about hypothesis testing outcomes as applied to guilty or innocent verdicts in the court system. myMathematician

#statistical #error #jury #trial #outcomes #Planner