Friday, June 03, 2022

Entanglement Motto Of My Life (Quantum Physics) Round Clock

Ad: Entanglement Motto Of My Life (Quantum Physics) Round Clock

Showcase your wry quantum mechanics / quantum physics attitude toward life with a dose of geek humor with this clock featuring quantum entanglement via the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics -- i.e. Schrödinger's cat in both states dead and/or alive. Comes with the saying that will make others do a double-take on how you feel about life with a dose of scientific fun: "Entanglement Motto Of My Life". Memorable clock for any person who cannot decide which state of matter one is in! myPhysics

#quantum #physics #mechanics #entanglement #RoundClock

Just Call Me Paranormal (Zener Cards) Dartboard With Darts

Ad: Just Call Me Paranormal (Zener Cards) Dartboard With Darts

Are you hyperaware? Do you have extrasensory perception? You'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring Zener cards along with the saying "Just Call Me Paranormal". Classic psychology humor gifts for the ultra-sensitive! myPsychology

Mechanistic Thinker Inside Psyche Brain Gears 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Mechanistic Thinker Inside Psyche Brain Gears 3 Ring Binder

Do you think in a mechanistic way? Showcase your wry psychological mechanical engineer side with a dose of geek humor with this binder featuring gears that comprise of a brain (silhouette) along with the following saying: "Mechanistic Thinker Inside". Make others do a double-take on how you think with a dose of mechanistic Newtonian attitude today! myPsychology

Come Closer To The Solenoid Within (Physics Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Come Closer To The Solenoid Within (Physics Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be a physicist to think about magnetic currents and direction. Showcase wry physics attitude with this jigsaw puzzle featuring a solenoid along with the saying "Come Closer To The Solenoid Within". Educational fun jigsaw puzzle for anyone who has a magnetic current running through themselves! myPhysics

#electricity #magnet #current #physicist #physics #JigsawPuzzle

From Tryptophan To Serotonin (Chemistry Humor) Mouse Pad

Ad: From Tryptophan To Serotonin (Chemistry Humor) Mouse Pad

No need to be a chemistry major or milk drinker to enjoy wry educational humor with this chemical molecule mousepad featuring how tryptophan becomes serotonin. Make others do a double-take when you showcase "From Tryptophan To Serotonin - No Wonder Why Drinking Milk Has Such A Calming Effect". Scientific attitude mousepad to calm down your chemical side! myBiochemistry

Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Coffee Mug

Ad: Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Coffee Mug

No need to be have experienced an earthquake to understand that the Earth has many fault lines. Showcase wry plate tectonics humor with this mug featuring the different plates of the Earth along with the scientific truism double-entendre saying "Blame Earth She Has Many Faults". Comes with a world map featuring the different plates of the Earth. Educational attitude mug for seismologists geologists earth scientists and anyone who understands that Earth has many faults! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #plate #tectonics #CoffeeMug

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Card #climate #change #global #warming #forest #Card

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Card #climate #change #global #warming #forest #Card

Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) T-Shirt

Ad: Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) T-Shirt

No need to be have experienced an earthquake to understand that the Earth has many fault lines. Showcase wry plate tectonics humor with this tee featuring the different plates of the Earth along with the scientific truism double-entendre saying "Blame Earth She Has Many Faults". Comes with a world map featuring the different plates of the Earth. Educational attitude t-shirt for seismologists geologists earth scientists and anyone who understands that Earth has many faults! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #plate #tectonics #TShirt

Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Matchboxes

Ad: Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Matchboxes

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this tee featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude tee for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myStatistician

Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Round Clock

Ad: Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Round Clock

No need to be a statistician to enjoy this educational "Statistical Error Summarized" clock featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with this stats attitude clock today! Psychologists economists scientists and all who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myStatistician

Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree Statistics Shower Curtain

Ad: Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree Statistics Shower Curtain

Showcase your wry statistical side with this stats humor shower curtain featuring various correlations along with their correlation coefficients. Includes the saying "Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree". Do a double-take with a dose of correlative style whenever you step into or out of the bathtub or shower with this shower curtain! No need to be a statistician or statistics teacher to enjoy! myStatistician

Statistics Art Science Finding Out Uncertain World Shower Curtain

Ad: Statistics Art Science Finding Out Uncertain World Shower Curtain

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy wry stats humor attitude with this bell curve shower curtain! Saying includes the following humorous definition of statistics: "Statistics - The Art & Science Of Finding Out How Uncertain The World Really Is". Educational stats psychology shower curtain gift for anyone who works with the normal distribution! myStatistician

Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Bandana

Ad: Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Bandana

Do ideas circulate inside of you? Showcase your circulatory system both arteries and veins with a dose of medical anatomical humor with this bandana that says "Ideas Circulate Inside" complete with labels of all key arteries and veins. No need to work in the medical profession or be a philosopher to understand that ideas truly circulate within! myAnatomical

In Re Morse International Morse Code Geek Humor Socks

Ad: In Re Morse International Morse Code Geek Humor Socks

No need to be a programmer or work in the legal field to enjoy wry linguistic humor on this pair of socks featuring the International Morse Code along with the saying "In Re Morse" -- meaning "pertaining to Morse". Showcase your educational Morse code attitude today! Perfect geek humor pair of socks for any wireless fan who knows about Morse code! myProgrammer

#morse #remorse #pertaining #Socks

Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Planner

Ad: Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Planner

Do ideas circulate inside of you? Showcase your circulatory system both arteries and veins with a dose of medical anatomical humor with this planner that says "Ideas Circulate Inside" complete with labels of all key arteries and veins. No need to work in the medical profession or be a philosopher to understand that ideas truly circulate within! myAnatomical

Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Substitution Hello Socks

Ad: Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Substitution Hello Socks

Showcase your wry cryptographic side with this pair of socks featuring the infamous substitution cipher known as "Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps". Memorable pair of socks for any fan of cryptography! myProgrammer

#cryptographer #cryptography #caesar #cipher #rotated #Socks

Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Substitution Hello Scarf

Ad: Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Substitution Hello Scarf

Showcase your wry cryptographic side with this scarf featuring the infamous substitution cipher known as "Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps". Memorable scarf for any fan of cryptography! myProgrammer

#cryptographer #cryptography #caesar #cipher #rotated #Scarf

Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Scarf

Ad: Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Scarf

Showcase your wry brainy and conscientious side with a dose of conscience with this anatomical humor scarf featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following ponderous query: "Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent reflective fun today with this scarf! myAnatomical

Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Apron

Ad: Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Apron

Logicians and mathematicians will enjoy this all-over print apron featuring Boolean logic along with the truism caption "Logic Matrices Inside". Memorable apron for anyone with a logical mindset! myMathematician

#logic #matrices #inside #geek #humor #Apron

Jocular Eye (I) Inside Human Eyeball Anatomy iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Jocular Eye (I) Inside Human Eyeball Anatomy iPhone 13 Case

Are you a jocular person? Do you like to joke around or be facetious regularly? Showcase your wry anatomical side with this iPhone 13 case featuring the various parts of the human eye along with the following saying: "Jocular Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational fun today! myAnatomical

Measurement Of Man Adult Apron

Ad: Measurement Of Man Adult Apron

Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci created Vitruvian Man his infamous drawing of proportion with the "Measurement Of Man" in mind. Enjoy medieval and Renaissance measurements with any of these educational scientific and historical Measurement Of Man gifts! myMathematician

#leonardo #vinci #vitruvian #AdultApron

All The Way With mRNA Messenger RNA Molecular Bio Fabric

Ad: All The Way With mRNA Messenger RNA Molecular Bio Fabric

No need to be a medical researcher or geneticist to enjoy wry molecular biology / biochemistry humor with this design featuring the chemical structure of messenger RNA - i.e. mRNA or messenger ribonucleic acid. Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the saying "All The Way With mRNA". Biotechnology attitude fabric for everyone who knows about the importance of messenger RNA as a biochemical component for current vaccine development. myMolecularBiology

#biochemistry #biochemist #mrna #messenger #Fabric

Bridge Is A Game Of Endurance (Four Card Suits) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Bridge Is A Game Of Endurance (Four Card Suits) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism saying: "Bridge Is A Game Of Endurance". For all bridge players who have stayed up late playing bridge in bridge tournaments! myBridgePlayer

Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge Table Lamp

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge Table Lamp

Avid bridge players will enjoy this lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Life Is Nothing But A Game Of Bridge". Memorable bridge attitude lamp for any serious bridge player or enthusiastic bridge club! myBridgePlayer

Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Fabric

Ad: Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Fabric

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring all key anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following saying for all thinkers: "Thought Process Experimentation Inside". myPsychology

Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Geek Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Geek Metal Lunch Box

Are you a thinker who likes to think about different variables and scenarios? Showcase your wry neuron / synapse attitude with this metal lunch box featuring all key anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following saying for anyone who likes to experiment: "Thought Process Experimentation Inside". myPsychology

Are You Awake Yet? (Caffeine Molecule) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Are You Awake Yet? (Caffeine Molecule) Silver Plated Necklace

Showcase your wry geek sense of style when you wear this necklace featuring the caffeine chemical molecule along with the query "Are You Awake Yet?" Make others do a double-take at whether you or they are awake or not with this educational scientific necklace! myPsychology

Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time Coffee Mug

Ad: Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time Coffee Mug

Whether you are student or teacher you'll enjoy any of these scientific truism gifts featuring osmosis over the cell membrane with the saying "Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time". Comes with detailed labels of all key parts. Memorable educational biological and psychological attitude gifts for learners of all ages! myPsychology

Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Bandana

Ad: Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Bandana

Make others do a double-take on what the discipline of statistics is all about with this bandana featuring a graph showing "Statistics The Taming Of Randomness". Memorable bandana for any statistician or stats fan! myStatistician

Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor jigsaw puzzle featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician

We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor iPhone 13 Case

Ad: We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor iPhone 13 Case

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor with this iPhone 13 case featuring linear regression on a graph along with the following stats truism saying: "We All Regress To The Mean Eventually". No need to be a statistician economist or psychologist to enjoy this statistical attitude iPhone 13 case! myStatistician

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Two-Tone Coffee Mug

No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with this mug featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable mug for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry

Don't Poke Me In The (Eye Anatomy) Humor Round Clock

Ad: Don't Poke Me In The (Eye Anatomy) Humor Round Clock

Make sure others understand that you do not want to be poked in the eye with any of these wry eyeball anatomy gifts featuring the saying: "Don't Poke Me In The (Eye)". Featuring all key parts of the human eye complete with medical labels. Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific attitude. No need to be an optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy any of these eyeball anatomical humor gifts! myAnatomical

Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Hip Flask

Ad: Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Hip Flask

If you ever wanted to know about the anatomy of a grape you'll enjoy this educational scientific diagram flask of all key anatomical parts of a wine grape berry. Make others pause and think about grape anatomy the next time you sip from this flask. No need to be a wine lover to enjoy! myAnatomical

Occupy Your Mind It Gives You Something To Do Face Mask

Ad: Occupy Your Mind It Gives You Something To Do Face Mask

Anatomical brain humor is alive and well on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the brain. Comes with the quirky tongue-in-cheek advice for anyone who thinks: "Occupy Your Mind It Gives You Something To Do". Timeless geek humor face mask for philosophers teachers and anyone who knows how to occupy one's mind! myAnatomical

Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Planner

Ad: Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Planner

Showcase your wry medical genetics attitude with this planner featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetic Counselor Inside". Memorable molecular biology planner for anyone into medical genetics or genetic counseling! myMolecularBiology

#biologist #genetic #counselor #inside #biology #Planner

Biotechnology The Splicing Of Life (Mature RNA) Travel Mug

Ad: Biotechnology The Splicing Of Life (Mature RNA) Travel Mug

Wry molecular biology attitude is alive and well on any of these biotechnology gifts featuring introns exons and the making of mature RNA. Comes with the truism saying for all who know about the splicing of life: "Biotechnology The Splicing Of Life". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific biological attitude today! myMolecularBiology


Your Mind Is Like Software Program It Brain Advice iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Your Mind Is Like Software Program It Brain Advice iPhone 13 Case

No need to be a software engineer software programmer or psychologist to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the brain along with the saying "Your Mind Is Like Software Program It". Make others do a double-take with a dose of geek humor with this psyche attitude iPhone 13 case today! Memorable metaphor and sound psychological advice for all who learn! myProgrammer

#brain #programmer #your #mind #iPhone13Case