Friday, January 14, 2022

Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Notebook

Ad: Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Notebook

No need to be an emergency medical technician to enjoy wry medical electrocardiogram humor with this notebook featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an ECG/EKG along with the following saying "Alive The Condition Of My Existence". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific heartbeat fun today with this memorable saying notebook! Perfect gag notebook gift for anyone alive! myHeartbeat

#alive #geek #humor #Notebook

Wired For Heartbeat (ECG/EKG Sinus Rhythm) T-Shirt

Ad: Wired For Heartbeat (ECG/EKG Sinus Rhythm) T-Shirt

If you have a heartbeat you'll enjoy any of these wry medical humor gifts featuring an electrocardiogram of a heartbeat. Includes sinus rhythm ECG/EKG heartbeat. No need to be a lab technician or work in the medical profession to showcase to the world that you are "Wired For Heartbeat" with any of these gifts! myHeartbeat

#wired #heartbeat #TShirt

Gene Therapy Anyone? (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug

Ad: Gene Therapy Anyone? (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug

No need to be a geneticist or molecular biologist to find wry scientific humor with any of these DNA replication gag gifts featuring the saying "Gene Therapy Anyone?" Make others do a double-take at exactly what your abilities are and exactly what you mean with any of these scientific attitude gifts today! myMolecularBiology

#gene #therapy #genes #genetics #CoffeeMug

No Evil Eye Inside (Anatomical Eyeball Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: No Evil Eye Inside (Anatomical Eyeball Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Do other people look at your strangely as if you had the evil eye? Let others know that there isn't an evil eye within you with any of these anatomical human eyeball attitude gifts featuring all key parts of the eye along with the following saying: "No Evil Eye Inside". No need to be superstitious to enjoy any of these medical anatomy humor gifts today! myAnatomical

Wired For Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG EKG Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Wired For Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG EKG Slip-On Sneakers

If you have a heartbeat you'll enjoy this wry humor pair of slip-on sneakers featuring an electrocardiogram of a heartbeat. Includes a normal sinus rhythm ECG/EKG heartbeat. No need to be a lab technician or work in the medical profession to showcase to the world that you are "Wired For Heartbeat" with this pair of slip-on sneakers! myHeartbeat

#wired #heartbeat #SlipOnSneakers

No Guts No Glory (Digestive System Anatomy) Business Card

Ad: No Guts No Glory (Digestive System Anatomy) Business Card

You've got guts right? You believe in the mantra of "No Guts No Glory" right? No matter what you do showcase your wry anatomical and biological side with any of these digestive system attitude business cards! Featuring the digestive system complete with all key labels along with the truism saying "No Guts No Glory". Make others do a double-take the next time you introduce yourself with a dose of educational scientific fun today! myAnatomical

Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside (Anatomical Heart) T-Shirt

Ad: Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside (Anatomical Heart) T-Shirt

Do you have heart-stopping rhythm inside of you! No need to work in the medical or musical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with any of these gifts featuring a medical diagram of the human heart from Gray's Anatomy along with the saying "Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take with any of these anatomical heart humor gifts! myHeartbeat

#heartstopping #rhythm #inside #anatomy #human #TShirt

Sustained Heartbeat Inside (Electrocardiogram) Tie

Ad: Sustained Heartbeat Inside (Electrocardiogram) Tie

Showcase your wry emergency medical technician sense of humor with this electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) attitude tie featuring a normal sinus rhythm along with the saying "Sustained Heartbeat Inside". Memorable medical necktie for anyone with a tongue-in-cheek medical attitude! myHeartbeat

#sustained #Tie

Geological Time In Perspective (Geological Age) Button #geological #time #in #perspective #geology #Button

Ad: Geological Time In Perspective (Geological Age) Button #geological #time #in #perspective #geology #Button

Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Coffee Mug

Wry suggestive economics humor comes alive on any of these econ gifts featuring the supply and demand curve along with the truism saying "Economists Do It With Models". Those who work with econometrics will definitely agree that economists do it with models. Social scientists will enjoy these double entendre economics attitude gifts that's just perfect for anyone who a model in their head! myEconomics

#economics #econ #economist #econometrics #mathematician #CoffeeMug

Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder #age #is #relative #geological #time #3RingBinder

Ad: Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder #age #is #relative #geological #time #3RingBinder

Signal Ahead (Sign) Invest Both Bull Bear Markets Dart Board

Ad: Signal Ahead (Sign) Invest Both Bull Bear Markets Dart Board

No need to be an economist or working on Wall Street to enjoy wry investor humor with any of these signage humor gifts featuring a yellow diamond warning sign which says "Signal Ahead" along with the caption "Invest In Both Bull & Bear Markets". myEconomics

#sign #signage #warning #economics #investing #DartBoard

Think Virtuous Cycle Not Vicious Circle (Econ) Notebook

Ad: Think Virtuous Cycle Not Vicious Circle (Econ) Notebook

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry macroeconomics humor with this notebook featuring the Virtuous Cycle (Virtuous Circle) and the Vicious Circle (also Vicious Cycle) in the macroeconomics discipline along with the saying "Think Virtuous Cycle Not Vicious Circle". No need to be an economist or political economist to enjoy! myEconomics

#econ #economics #words #unwords #Notebook

Passing The Solution To Overbidding Bridge Advice Scarf

Ad: Passing The Solution To Overbidding Bridge Advice Scarf

Do you overbid? Does your bridge partner overbid his or her hand? Showcase wry duplicate bridge / bridge humor with this scarf featuring the four card suits and the bridge truism saying: "Passing The Solution To Overbidding". Sound bridge advice scarf for any bridge player who needs a reminder when bidding! myBridgePlayer

Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-And-Demand Curve Napkins

Ad: Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-And-Demand Curve Napkins

Are you hosting an event or party where economics is the topic of conversation? Showcase your wry economics sense of style with these customizable paper napkins featuring the supply-and-demand curve along with the following ponderous query: "Are You At Equilibrium?" These paper napkins will surely be the topic of conversation at your next event or party! myEconomics

#equilibrium #economics #Napkins

Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) T-Shirt

Ad: Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) T-Shirt

If you are trying to make Lifemaster in record time you'll enjoy any of these wry bridge attitude gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the common saying "Eat... Sleep... Bridge". Make others do a double-take about what goes on in your life every hour of the day with a dose of bridge player humor today! For all die-hard bridge players! myBridgePlayer

Mechanical Engineer Inside (Gears Brain) Notebook

Ad: Mechanical Engineer Inside (Gears Brain) Notebook

Mechanical engineers will enjoy wry psyche humor with any of these gifts featuring gears in the silhouette of a brain along with the saying "Mechanical Engineer Inside". Make others do a double-take on who you are and how you think with any of these brainy geek humor gear gifts today! myPsychology

You Are Here Light Cone Space Time Physics Duvet Cover

Ad: You Are Here Light Cone Space Time Physics Duvet Cover

Showcase exactly where you are -- in the present -- with this science humor duvet cover featuring the light cone along space and time dimensions. Comes with "You Are Here" callout. Duvet cover for any observer who wants to know exactly where one is in relation to time and space! myPhysics

#physics #time #space #light #cone #DuvetCover

Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game Stationery

Ad: Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game Stationery

No need to be an avid duplicate bridge player to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game". Duplicate bridge really is a game of psychology involving logic memory and a dose of understanding how people play and why they make decisions the way they do. Make others do a double-take at the bridge table the next time you play with any of these memorable bridge psyche saying gifts today! myPsychology

A Definition Of Jerk (Physics) T-Shirt

Ad: A Definition Of Jerk (Physics) T-Shirt

Do you know how to define jerk? Do you know about the definition of jerk in physics? In physics jerk also known as jolt surge and lurch is the rate of change of acceleration -- meaning the derivative of acceleration with respect to time the second derivative of velocity or the third derivative of position. Make others do a double-take with wry physics humor with any of these gifts that feature "A Definition Of Jerk" -- or rather the physics definition of jerk and its three variants! myPhysics

#physics #jerk #second #derivative #TShirt

Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Engine Within Krebs Cycle Coffee Mug

Ad: Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Engine Within Krebs Cycle Coffee Mug

The citric acid cycle is also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Showcase your engine within with this wry educational scientific mug featuring the truism saying "Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Engine Within". Make others do a double-take about what you are powered by with this memorable scientific saying mug! myBiochemistry

I Can Last For Hours (Chess Humor Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Ad: I Can Last For Hours (Chess Humor Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry chess attitude with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess option that any avid chess player can identify with: "I Can Last For Hours". Great throw pillow gift for any serious chess player! myChess

Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Watch

Ad: Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Watch

Do you enjoy viewing Earth's history? Do you see Earth's history as our common history? Showcase wry educational sense of geological age humor with this Earth's history timeline spiral tee with the caption "Our Common History". Let others know exactly when life began and all of the periods eons and epochs that have taken place. Geological timeline for all who know about our common history! myEarthScience

#time #line #geological #geology #Watch

Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent Throw Pillow

Ad: Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent Throw Pillow

In 2017 a team of eleven geologists concluded that Zealandia was a continent in its own right rather than being a microcontinent or continental fragment. It is an almost entirely submerged mass of continent crust which had met the definition of continent (elevation above the surrounding area distinctive geology a crust thicker than the ocean floor) with New Zealand's North and South Islands and New Caledonia rising above the Pacific Ocean. Although there is no formal scientific body recognizing Zealandia as a continent continental fans all around the world will enjoy acknowledging "Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent". Classic scientific attitude throw pillow for any fan of geology plate tectonics or earth science! myEarthScience

#continent #zealandia #earths #newest #ThrowPillow

Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth 3 Ring Binder

Environmental attitude comes alive on this binder featuring the infamous "Blue Marble Earth" picture as taken from outer space. Make others do a double-take with this inspirational environmental truism slogan "Save Earth Stop Global Warming". Binder for anyone who advocates policies to halt the increase in global warming that is sure to come. A memorable binder for anyone who loves planet Earth! myEarthScience

#save #earth #stop #global #warming #3RingBinder

Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Apron

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Apron

Biologists will enjoy this all-over print apron featuring the Red Queen's Hypothesis which states the following: "In reference to an evolutionary system continuing adaptation is needed in order for a species to maintain its relative fitness amongst the systems it is co-evolving with". Includes John Tenniel's illustration of Alice being dragged by the Red Queen as found in Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There". myEvolution

#queen #hypothesis #Apron

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit 3 Ring Binder

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion binder with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude binder for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myOpticalIllusion

#illusion #optical #illusions #paradigm #3RingBinder

Moth Or Faces? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Ad: Moth Or Faces? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Ask yourself and others this key question about this design: "Moth Or Faces?" What do you see? Featuring the gestalt phenomenon wherein you can look at one picture and see two depending on what you are looking at (negative space etc.). Make others do a double-take with this optical illusion t-shirt today! myOpticalIllusion

#psychology #black #white #optical #TShirt