Do you have a sharp eye? No need to be an ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical and medical attitude with this mug featuring the different parts of the human eyeball along with the saying "Sharp Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take at your viewing skills and your psyche with a dose of medical geek humor today with this mug! myAnatomical
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Sharp Eye (I) Inside (Anatomical Eyeball) Travel Mug
Wine Grape Berry (Botanical Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle
No need to be a fan of grapes or fine wine to enjoy any of these gifts featuring wine grape berry anatomy. Detailed labels of all key parts of the wine grape berry are included. Make others do a double-take at the different parts of a wine grape berry with any of these scientific educational botanical gifts! myAnatomical
Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt
Ad: Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt
No need to be a cardiologist to enjoy any of these medical heart chamber gifts featuring the biological truism saying "Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm". Memorable vivid imagery gifts for all who desire to remind and educate others on what is a normal rhythm! myHeartbeat
#cardiology #anatomy #systole #BabyTShirt
Joyful Heartbeat Inside ECG EKG Electrocardiogram Wrapping Paper
Ad: Joyful Heartbeat Inside ECG EKG Electrocardiogram Wrapping Paper
Do you have a joyful heartbeat inside of you? No need to work in the medical field to appreciate your heartbeat with a dose of wry geek style with any of these gifts featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) along with the saying "Joyful Heartbeat Inside". Memorable heartbeat attitude gifts for anyone with a heartbeat to match his or her joyful personality! myHeartbeat
#joyful #heartbeat #inside #WrappingPaper
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair (DNA Humor) Coffee Mug
Ad: My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair (DNA Humor) Coffee Mug
Yes DNA does repair itself. No matter how you feel celebrate life with a dose of molecular biology attitude with any of these gifts featuring DNA repair along with the wry saying "My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair". Make others do a double-take with any of these educational scientific biology gifts! No need to be a biologist or gene therapist to enjoy! myMolecularBiology
#replication #humor #geek #polymerase #CoffeeMug
Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Luggage Tag
Wildfires are occurring everywhere on this planet due to climate change. Let your wry environmental side shine with this luggage tag featuring a forest fire along with the following scientific saying about global warning and climate change: "Climate Change Is Here We Are Living In The Pyrocene Era". Make other do a double-take on the era that we live in today with this luggage tag the next time you travel! myEcology
Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Planner
Wildfires are occurring everywhere on this planet due to climate change. Let your wry environmental side shine with this planner featuring a forest fire along with the following scientific saying about global warning and climate change: "Climate Change Is Here We Are Living In The Pyrocene Era". Do a double-take on the era that we live in today with this planner! myEcology
Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Humor) Belt Buckle
Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with any of these bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) gifts complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific gifts for all who work with statistics! myStatistician
We All Descended From Her Mitochondrial Eve Face Mask
Ad: We All Descended From Her Mitochondrial Eve Face Mask
Let everyone know with this wry evolutionary biology humor cotton/polyester face mask that "We All Descended From Her" -- meaning Mitochondrial Eve. Cladistics lineage evolutionary tree for anyone living today! Memorable ancestry geek humor cotton/polyester face mask for any evolutionary ecologist or paleontologist! myEvolution
#mtdna #mitochondrial #FaceMask
Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) Neck Tie
Ad: Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) Neck Tie
No need to be a mathematician or physicist or topologist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Ricci flow a kind of nonlinear diffusion equation. For the record the Ricci flow (named after Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro) was introduced by Richard Hamilton in 1981 in order to gain insight into the geometrization conjecture of William Thurston which concerns the topological classification of three-dimensional smooth manifolds. The Ricci flow plays an important role in Grigori Perelman's solution of the Poincaré conjecture. Memorable geometric gifts for any fan of geometric flows! myMathematician
#ricci #flow #geometry #math #mathematician #NeckTie
Get Some Mental Exercise Play Chess Advice Throw Blanket
Showcase your wry chess attitude with this throw blanket featuring a reflective chess set and the chess saying "Get Some Mental Exercise Play Chess". No need to be a chess teacher to understand the mental exercise that the game of chess provides to its players. Make others do a double-take with humorous chess advice today with this throw blanket! myChess
Follow The 3 W's Watch Wear Mask Wash Hands Sign Planner
Ad: Follow The 3 W's Watch Wear Mask Wash Hands Sign Planner
During these unusual times promote your health and wellness side with this signage planner featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the following advice: "Follow The 3 W's - Watch Your Distance Wear A Mask Wash Your Hands". Planner includes an illustration of the coronavirus along with the standard advice given to reduce its spread. myWarning
#yellow #diamond #warning #sign #coronavirus #Planner
Wanted A World Filled With Biochemical Energy Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on any of these geek humor gifts featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citrus acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Wanted A World Filled With Biochemical Energy". No need to be a scientist or chemist to enjoy tongue-in-cheek biochemical attitude today! myBiochemistry
Orbital Variation (Astronomy) Poster
Ad: Orbital Variation (Astronomy) Poster
Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific attitude with this poster featuring "Orbital Variation". Great poster for any astronomer earth scientist or geophysicist! myEarthScience
#geophysics #astronomy #astronomer #earth #science #Poster
Competitive Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Ad: Competitive Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Are you a competitive person? Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this mug featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Competitive Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of tongue-in-cheek competitive attitude with this geek humor mug! Memorable mug for any competitive person! myMolecularBiology
#replication #genes #molecular #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Unwind With Molecular Biology (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug
Ad: Unwind With Molecular Biology (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug
Showcase your wry molecular biologist side with a dose of genetics humor with this mug featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Unwind With Molecular Biology". Includes the leading and lagging strands of DNA. Classic geek humor for anyone with deoxyribonucleic acid! myMolecularBiology
#unwind #with #molecular #biology #CoffeeMug
Cardiology Is All About The Heart (Anatomical) Baby T-Shirt
Cardiologists will enjoy wry anatomical humor with any of these gifts featuring an illustration of the heart from Gray's Anatomy along with the following medical truism saying: "Cardiology Is All About The Heart". Make others do double-take with a dose of literal and figurative heart humor today! myAnatomical
Sustained Heartbeat Inside Electrocardiogram Doormat
Ad: Sustained Heartbeat Inside Electrocardiogram Doormat
Showcase your wry emergency medical technician sense of humor with this electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) attitude doormat featuring a normal sinus rhythm along with the saying "Sustained Heartbeat Inside". Memorable medical door mat for anyone with a tongue-in-cheek medical attitude! myHeartbeat
#sustained #Doormat
Geological Time In Perspective (Earth's History) Round Clock #geological #time #in #perspective #natural #RoundClock
Okun's Rule Of Thumb (Linear Regression Economics) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Okun's Rule Of Thumb (Linear Regression Economics) Jigsaw Puzzle
Economists and social scientists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a linear regression plot of Okun's Rule Of Thumb which notes that a 1% increase in the unemployment rate is associated with a 2% decrease in GDP. Make others do a double-take with your educational economic sense of style today! myEconomics
#economist #regression #okuns #rule #JigsawPuzzle
Preempt Or Be Preempted Bridge Humor 4 Card Suits Stone Coaster
Ad: Preempt Or Be Preempted Bridge Humor 4 Card Suits Stone Coaster
Do you preempt a lot at the bridge table? Avid bridge players will enjoy this coaster featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Preempt Or Be Preempted". Make others do a double-take about what is often necessary to do when playing a hand in the game of bridge today with this bridge saying coaster! myBridgePlayer
Radiation Dose Chart (Physics) Plaque
Ad: Radiation Dose Chart (Physics) Plaque
Kudos goes to Randall Munroe of XKCD fame who created this "Radiation Dose Chart" and released the chart into the public domain. Educational chart puts the concept of radiation dose into comparative perspective. No need to work in the health or medicine or physics fields to understand what radiation dosage is all about with any of these gifts featuring a "Radiation Dose Chart". Memorable gifts for anyone who has ever had exposure to any level of radiation! myPhysics
#radiation #dose #chart #physics #Plaque
Wired For Chess Reflective Chess Set Planner
Chess players who are wired for chess will enjoy this chess saying planner featuring a reflective chess set and the following chess truism: "Wired For Chess". Make others do a double-take at what you are wired for with a dose of wry chess attitude today with this planner! No need to be a chess teacher or Grandmaster to enjoy! myChess
Become One With The Chess Piece Chess Advice Humor Face Mask
Are you frequently one with the chess piece when you play chess? Showcase your reflective existential side with a dose of chess attitude with this polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Become One With The Chess Piece". Make others do a double-take at how transcended you are by the game of chess today! myChess
Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) Planner
No need to be a botanist or biochemist to understand the important of photosynthesis the process of creating energy from light. Technically photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. Make others do a double-take about photosynthesis with this colorful scientific attitude planner featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis! myBiochemistry
If You Do Not Want Lead Balanced Life Play Chess T-Shirt
Wry chess humor is alive and well on this tee featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "If You Do Not Want To Lead A Balanced Life Play Chess". Make others do a double-take at what you are trying to say about the game of chess with a dose of tongue-in-cheek chess humor. Memorable t-shirt for any avid chess player who feels dominated by the game of chess! myChess
Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) Stationery
Ad: Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) Stationery
No matter what age you are if you are into Earth's history and geological age you'll enjoy any of these colorful time line gifts featuring the geological time scale complete with periods and epochs. Showcase your geological attitude with any of these educational scientific earth science gifts! myEarthScience
#earth #science #geology #geologist #earths #Stationery
Life Is An Epoch Adventure Geological Time Humor Apron
Ad: Life Is An Epoch Adventure Geological Time Humor Apron
Showcase your wry geological time attitude with this all-over print apron featuring Earth's history in a spiral of time timeline along with the following earth scientific truism: "Life Is An Epoch Adventure". No need to be a geologist paleontologist or earth scientist to enjoy! myEarthScience
#life #epoch #adventure #Apron
Surface Of The Earth Moves Which Direction Headed? Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Ad: Surface Of The Earth Moves Which Direction Headed? Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Plate tectonics attitude is alive and well on this mug featuring the number of centimeters the various tectonic plates move each year as well as the direction of plate movement. Geologists seismologists and earth scientist will enjoy this mug featuring the scientific saying and query: "The Surface Of The Earth Moves - Toward Which Direction Are You Headed?" Make others do a double-take about the direction of movement for the plate that they are standing on today with a dose of educational scientific fun! myEarthScience
#world #plate #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Old Man On The Mountain (Optical Illusion) Coffee Mug
Ad: Old Man On The Mountain (Optical Illusion) Coffee Mug
No need to live in New Hampshire to enjoy any of these gifts featuring New Hampshire's classic Old Man Of The Mountain before its collapse on May 3 2003. Also known as the Great Stone Face or the Profile Old Man Of The Mountain was a series of five granite cliff ledges on Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (USA) that when viewed from the correct angle appeared to be the jagged profile of a face. This rock outcrop has been New Hampshire's state emblem since 1945. Celebrate New Hampshire's history today with a dose of optical illusion fun with any of these gifts featuring the classic Old Man Of The Mountain -- here called "Old Man On The Mountain"! myOpticalIllusion
#mountain #CoffeeMug