Sunday, January 09, 2022

Nuclear Radiologist Inside (Beta-Negative Decay) Sandstone Coaster

Ad: Nuclear Radiologist Inside (Beta-Negative Decay) Sandstone Coaster

Those who work in radiology will enjoy any of these health and medicine attitude gifts featuring beta-negative decay whereby an electron is emitted from an atomic nucleus. Comes with the caption that says it all: "Nuclear Radiologist Inside". myPhysics

#electron #beta #negative #decay #words #SandstoneCoaster

Three Types Of Evolutionary Trends (Evolution) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Three Types Of Evolutionary Trends (Evolution) Baby T-Shirt

Evolutionary education humor comes alive on any of these gifts that feature the three types of evolutionary trends: divergent parallel convergent. Ask yourself and others this key question: "How Are You Evolving?" Wry scientific attitude gifts for all who evolve over time! Make others do a double-take today! myEvolution

#evolution #evolutionary #humor #attitude #geek #BabyTShirt

Bridge Players Do It With Finesse Four Card Suits Doormat

Ad: Bridge Players Do It With Finesse Four Card Suits Doormat

Wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude is alive and well on this doormat featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Players Do It With Finesse". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you are referring to with a dose of tongue-in-cheek suggestive bridge humor with this door mat! Memorable door mat for any bridge club. myBridgePlayer

Morals Of Chess Benjamin Franklin Reflective Chess Round Clock

Ad: Morals Of Chess Benjamin Franklin Reflective Chess Round Clock

Thoughtful chess players all around the world will enjoy any of these gifts featuring an excerpt from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin's essay "The Morals Of Chess" as published in 1786. Make others do a double-take on what the game of chess can teach a person with any of these words of wisdom chess quotation gifts featuring a reflective chess set! myChess

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) T-Shirt

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with any of these Krebs cycle gifts that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Perfect gifts for those who understand the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

Intraplate Earthquakes Happen All The Time Gift Box

Ad: Intraplate Earthquakes Happen All The Time Gift Box

No need to be a seismologist or geologist to enjoy this educational scientific saying "Intraplate Earthquake Happen All The Time" along with a picture of the numerous earthquakes along with New Madrid Fault line in the middle of the United States. Make others do a double-take about exactly where earthquakes can happen with any of these gifts! myEarthScience

#geology #happen #time #GiftBox

Tsunami Zone Ahead (Yellow Diamond Warning Sign) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Tsunami Zone Ahead (Yellow Diamond Warning Sign) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your disaster preparedness side with this mug featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the following saying: "Tsunami Zone Ahead". Make others do a double-take about what area they will be approaching with a dose of earth scientific seriousness today! myEarthScience

#tsunami #zone #ahead #yellow #diamond #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Encoded To Be Human (DNA Replication) Trucker Hat

Ad: Encoded To Be Human (DNA Replication) Trucker Hat

No need to be a paleontologist anthropologist or molecular biologist to enjoy this scientific educational hat featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Encoded To Be Human". Make others do a double-take with a dose of genetic attitude today! myMolecularBiology

#encoded #human #TruckerHat

Be Quiet! Silencer RNA Inside Biology Advice Humor Scarf

Ad: Be Quiet! Silencer RNA Inside Biology Advice Humor Scarf

If you are looking for some silence -- for some peace and quiet -- you'll enjoy this wry science humor scarf featuring silencer RNA along with the truism saying "Be Quiet! Silencer RNA Inside". Educational cell and molecular biology attitude scarf for anyone looking for some peace and quiet! myMolecularBiology

#quiet #silencer #inside #Scarf

Poignant Eye (I) Inside (Anatomical Eyeball) Wrapping Paper

Ad: Poignant Eye (I) Inside (Anatomical Eyeball) Wrapping Paper

Do you show your heartfelt side with your eyes? Showcase your wry anatomical attitude with this wrapping paper featuring all key parts of a human eyeball along with the saying 'Poignant Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take at how you feel with this medical eyeball humor wrapping paper today! myAnatomical

Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Neck Tie

Ad: Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Neck Tie

Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with this tie featuring a Gray's Anatomy (medical textbook) heart drawing along with the saying "Smooth Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take at the heartbeat within you with a dose of educational fun whenever you wear this necktie! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #heart #NeckTie

Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Timeline Matchboxes #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Matchboxes

Ad: Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Timeline Matchboxes #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Matchboxes

Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Round Clock

Ad: Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Round Clock

Have you ever tried to short a stock? Showcase your wry economics / investing sense of humor with this yellow diamond warning sign clock featuring the following truism saying about why you should not short stock: "Warning! The Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Remain Solvent". Make others do a double-take with a dose of investing signage humor the next time you tell time with this clock! myEconomics

#warning #investor #sign #economics #markets #RoundClock

Director Please (Four Card Suits Bridge Game)

Ad: Director Please (Four Card Suits Bridge Game)

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude the next time you introduce yourself with a dose of bridge humor with these business cards featuring the four card suits along with the saying that is often heard in bridge clubs and bridge tournaments: "Director Please". Make others do a double-take about what you do for the game of bridge! myBridgePlayer

Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Pacifier

Ad: Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Pacifier

Have you ever tried to short a stock? Showcase your wry economics / investing sense of humor with any of these yellow diamond warning signs featuring the following truism saying about why you should not short stock: "Warning! The Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Remain Solvent". Make others do a double-take with a dose of investing signage humor today! myEconomics

#warning #investor #sign #economics #markets #Pacifier

Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Wrist Watch

Ad: Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Wrist Watch

Showcase your wry supply-and-demand curve sense of humor the next time you tell time with this watch featuring the following sound observation about life: "Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium". No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy tongue-in-cheek social science humor with this watch! myEconomics

#happiness #supply #demand #curve #WristWatch

Play One Card At A Time Four Card Suits Face Shield

Ad: Play One Card At A Time Four Card Suits Face Shield

Showcase your sound bridge advice with a dose of bridge attitude with this face shield featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Play One Card At A Time". Make others do a double-take if they forget the rules of the game with this memorable bridge saying face shield! myBridgePlayer

It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Coffee Mug

Ad: It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Coffee Mug

No need to be a physics major or physicist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Carnot heat engine along with the wry truism saying "It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist 24 Hours A Day 7 Days Per Week 365 Days Per Year". Specifically these gifts feature the second law of thermodynamics. Since any thermodynamic engine requires such a temperature difference it follows that useful work cannot be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink. Educational physics attitude gifts for all who work in the thermodynamic sense of the word! myPhysics

#carnot #heat #engine #thermodynamics #second #CoffeeMug

Baryon Decuplet (Particle Physics) Coffee Mug

Ad: Baryon Decuplet (Particle Physics) Coffee Mug

Particle physicists will enjoy this mug featuring a baryon decuplet. Combinations of three u d or s quarks forming baryons with a spin-3/2 form the uds baryon decuplet. myPhysics

#baryon #decuplet #particle #physics #CoffeeMug

It's A Long Tail World Power Law Graph Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: It's A Long Tail World Power Law Graph Humor Throw Pillow

The term long tail has been used to describe the retailing strategy of selling a large number of unique items with relatively small quantities sold of each. Showcase your wry statistical and psychological attitude the is applicable in the e-commerce world with a dose of power law graph humor with this throw pillow. The power-law graph which is a functional relationship between two quantities where one quantity varies as a power of another is frequently being used to demonstrate ranking of popularity. To the right is the long tail and to the left are the few that dominate. Includes the saying that says it all: "It's A Long Tail World". myPsychology

Lorentz Force Inside Electromagnetism Humor Scarf

Ad: Lorentz Force Inside Electromagnetism Humor Scarf

Let your electromagnetic side shine with this scarf featuring an illustration of the Lorentz force the combination of electric and magnetic force on a point charge due to electromagnetic fields. Comes with the geek humor saying "Lorentz Force Inside". myPhysics

#lorentz #force #inside #point #charge #Scarf

Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game Geek Advice Face Mask

Ad: Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game Geek Advice Face Mask

Like it or not chess is an intelligent game as it forces its players to exude intelligence. Showcase your chess attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess truism saying "Play Chess It's An Intelligent Game". Make others do a double-take at the game of chess today with a dose of chess humor the next time you wear this chess saying face mask! myChess

Where In The World Would You Be Organic Chemistry? White Cotton Face Mask

Ad: Where In The World Would You Be Organic Chemistry? White Cotton Face Mask

Krebs cycle attitude is found on this cotton face mask featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the following rhetorical question: "Where In The World Would You Be Without Organic Chemistry?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry biochemistry humor today - no need to be an organic chemist or biochemist to enjoy this cotton face mask! myBiochemistry

Stamp Out Mental Laziness Learn How To Play Chess Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Stamp Out Mental Laziness Learn How To Play Chess Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Chess advice attitude is found on this mug featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Stamp Out Mental Laziness Learn How To Play Chess". Make others do a double-take with a dose of chess advocacy with this mug for any future chess player! Chess teachers will enjoy! myChess

Magnetic Anomalies Inside (Earth Science) Business Card

Ad: Magnetic Anomalies Inside (Earth Science) Business Card

Showcase your knowledge of plate tectonics and Earth's history with a dose of magnetic attitude with these earth science business cards featuring reversals of magnetic polarity through the ages. Comes with the wry scientific saying: "Magnetic Anomalies Inside". myEarthScience

#words #unwords #geomagnetic #polarity #BusinessCard

Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective Bandana

Ad: Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective Bandana

If you know about plate tectonics and biogeography you'll enjoy this educational scientific bandana featuring "Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective". Evolutionary history of animals and plants across the continents are part of the proof that the plates of the Earth moved apart over the course of hundreds of millions of years ago. All who know about Earth's history or are fans of Earth's early history will enjoy! myEvolution

#gondwana #words #unwords #plate #Bandana

Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective Fabric

Ad: Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective Fabric

If you know about plate tectonics and biogeography you'll enjoy creating and making items with this educational scientific fabric featuring "Gondwana's History Biogeography In Perspective". Evolutionary history of animals and plants across the continents are part of the proof that the plates of the Earth moved apart over the course of hundreds of millions of years ago. All who know about Earth's history or are fans of Earth's early history will enjoy this fabric! myEvolution

#gondwana #words #unwords #plate #Fabric

Vase Or Faces? (Optical Illusion)

Ad: Vase Or Faces? (Optical Illusion)

Do you see a vase or faces? Showcase your optical illusion sense of style with any of these gifts that asks the key question: "Vase Or Faces?" Make others do a double-take with illusory visual fun. Psychological attitude gifts for those who know about the gestalt phenomenon! myOpticalIllusion

#gestalt #phenomenon #vase

Summarizing Statistics Keychain

Ad: Summarizing Statistics Keychain

If you work with statistics all day you'll enjoy any of these wry statistical attitude gifts featuring the normal distribution curve along with the truism caption "Summarizing Statistics". Complete with z-scores and p-values. Make others do a double-take when you try to explain statistics with educational tongue-in-cheek fun! myStatistician