Sunday, January 09, 2022

Get Cultured Work With Bacteria (Agar Plate) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Get Cultured Work With Bacteria (Agar Plate) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Showcase your wry bacterial sense of humor with any of these featuring bacteria on an agar plate along with the scientific truism saying "Get Cultured Work With Bacteria". No need to be an anthropologist or biologist or lab technician to understand this double entendre saying involving bacterial culture! Classic microbiology humor for all. myWork

#cultured #work #with #StainlessSteelWaterBottle

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Bell Curve Ceramic Tile

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Bell Curve Ceramic Tile

Bell curve humor is alive and well on this tile featuring the normal distribution curve including percentages under the curve along with the saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Make others do a double-take at how significant you are with a dose of statistical attitude with this tile! myStatistician

Programmers Know How To Hack Code (Open Source) Coffee Mug

Ad: Programmers Know How To Hack Code (Open Source) Coffee Mug

Wry geek humor comes alive on this mug featuring unofficial open source Java mascot Duke wielding a chainsaw along with the truism caption for all software developers: "Programmers Know How To Hack Code". Make others do a double-take with tongue-in-cheek metaphorical computer programmer humor with this memorable saying mug! No need to be an open source programmer to enjoy! myProgrammer

#code #words #unwords #duke #CoffeeMug

Unleash The Neuroscientist Within (Brain Anatomy) T-Shirt

Ad: Unleash The Neuroscientist Within (Brain Anatomy) T-Shirt

If you think about thinking you'll come to realize that you are not just a philosopher but a neuroscientist. Showcase your wry thoughtful side with this tee featuring the various parts of the brain along with the truism saying for all who think: "Unleash The Neuroscientist Within". Make others do a double-take about neuroscience with this memorable educational brain anatomy t-shirt! myAnatomical

Think Binary Clock Geek Humor Trifold Wallet

Ad: Think Binary Clock Geek Humor Trifold Wallet

Celebrate your geek side with this wallet featuring a clock with all of the hour numbers in binary form along with the following saying in the middle: "Think Binary". Make others do a double-take about the binary world today with this wallet! myMathematician

#think #binary #clock #TrifoldWallet

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Travel Mug

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Travel Mug

Do you work hard all the time? Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this mug featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude with this molecular biology geek humor mug! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #acid #TravelMug

Normal Pulse Inside Heartbeat Electrocardiogram Serving Tray

Ad: Normal Pulse Inside Heartbeat Electrocardiogram Serving Tray

Showcase your wry medical sense of humor with this serving tray featuring a normal heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) along with the saying "Normal Pulse Inside". myHeartbeat

#normal #pulse #inside #heartbeat #ServingTray

Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Face Mask

Ad: Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Face Mask

Let your wry bridge sense of humor shine with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying used by avid bridge players in describing the game: "Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck". Memorable bridge attitude cotton/polyester face mask for any bridge player who understands the nuances of playing bridge! myBridgePlayer

Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Magnet

Ad: Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Magnet

If you have ever partnered with another bridge player and found it to be a mismatch you'll enjoy any of these wry bridge saying gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the truism saying "Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level". Showcase your needs in the game of bridge with a dose of sarcasm with any of these memorable gifts! myBridgePlayer

Engage In The Virtuous Cycle Economics Diagram Fabric

Ad: Engage In The Virtuous Cycle Economics Diagram Fabric

Make stuff with a dose of wry economic attitude in mind with this fabric featuring the business cycle in economics along with the following sound econ advice: "Engage In The Virtuous Cycle". myEconomics

#business #cycle #virtuous #econ #Fabric

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor 3 Ring Binder

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude binder featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this binder! myWarning

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #3RingBinder

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) T-Shirt

Ad: Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) T-Shirt

Signage humor is alive and well on this transportation sign tee featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the common saying "Do As I Say Not As I Do". Make others do a double-take on what you are trying to communicate with this communication humor advice sign t-shirt today! myWarning

#humor #sign #signage #advice #TShirt

Embrace Uncertainty Your Sanity Depends On It Face Shield

Ad: Embrace Uncertainty Your Sanity Depends On It Face Shield

Showcase your wry sane sense of humor with a dose of tongue-in-cheek signage humor with this face shield featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the saying "Embrace ??? (Uncertainty) Your Sanity In This Field Depends Upon It". No matter what your occupation or specialty warn others of what to expect in today's fast changing world! Perfect signage humor face shield for anyone who works in a fast-changing industry or profession (e.g. software engineering media advertising). myWarning

#embrace #uncertainty #your #sanity #FaceShield

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Fabric

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Fabric

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this fabric the next time you create! myWarning

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #Fabric

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Round Clock

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Round Clock

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this clock featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy! Psychological clock for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

Think Chess Reflective Chess Set Chess Advice Wristwatch

Ad: Think Chess Reflective Chess Set Chess Advice Wristwatch

Chess players and die-hard chess players -- those who are seeking Grandmaster status -- will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring a reflective chess set with the saying "Think Chess". Promote a calm chess attitude the next time you tell time with this chess advice watch! myChess

Future Grandmaster (Chess Set) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Future Grandmaster (Chess Set) Baby T-Shirt

Do you aspire to be a grandmaster? Showcase your chess attitude and dedication with this "Future Grandmaster" design complete with reflective chess set. Perfect gifts for avid serious chess players of all ages! myChess

Just Think Linear Regression (Statistics) Round Clock

Ad: Just Think Linear Regression (Statistics) Round Clock

Statisticians economists psychologists and social scientists who think in terms of hypothesis testing and statistics will enjoy this clock featuring linear regression along with the saying "Just Think Linear Regression". Educational statistical geek attitude clock for anyone who does statistics! myStatistician

Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) Water Bottle

Ad: Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) Water Bottle

Are you a genius? Do you know about the normal distribution curve? Showcase your wry statistical attitude with any of these featuring the bell curve (also known as the Gaussian curve or normal distribution curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just A Normally Distributed Genius". Make others do a double-take at what you mean with a dose of psychological educational statistical style today! myStatistician

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Round Clock

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Round Clock

Statistician will enjoy this stats humor clock featuring statistical error summarized in a chart including Type I and Type II errors along with the geek humor saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". Memorable stats humor clock for any statistician or anyone who engages in hypothesis testing! myStatistician

Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) Belt Buckle

Ad: Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) Belt Buckle

Are you a genius? Do you know about the normal distribution curve? Showcase your wry statistical attitude with this belt buckle featuring the bell curve (also known as the Gaussian curve or normal distribution curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just A Normally Distributed Genius". Make others do a double-take at what you mean with a dose of psychological educational statistical style today! myStatistician

Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones Scarf

Ad: Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones Scarf

Do you often experience the "flight or fight" response in your gut? Chalk it up to hormones with this anatomical medical and health humor scarf featuring the endocrine system associated with the gut along with the educational scientific truism saying "Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones". Make others do a double-take about what is happening inside of their gut when the flight or fight response occurs with this scarf! myAnatomical

Twisted Cord Illusion (False Spiral) Coffee Mug

Ad: Twisted Cord Illusion (False Spiral) Coffee Mug

What exactly do you see when you take a look at this twisted cord illusion? Showcase optics fun with any of these optical illusion gifts featuring the twisted cord illusion also known as the false spiral or Fraser spiral illusion. Caption includes the following note for viewers: "Notice the overlapping black arc segments appear to form a spiral. Nevertheless the black arcs are a series of concentric circles." Make others do a double-take with their eyes today! myOpticalIllusion

#twisted #cord #illusion #false #spiral #CoffeeMug

It's All Organic Krebs Cycle Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: It's All Organic Krebs Cycle Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

No need to have taken organic chemistry to enjoy wry scientific humor with this binder featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Includes truism saying "It's All Organic". Educational biochemistry fun for all who know about the organic cycle within their cells! myBiochemistry

Do Me A Favor Think (Brain Anatomy Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Do Me A Favor Think (Brain Anatomy Humor) Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry anatomical side with any of these gifts featuring the various parts of the brain along with the saying that one often says to another person who is flippant in nature. Saying says it all: "Do Me A Favor Think". No need to be a neuroscientist or work in the medical profession to enjoy any of these scientific educational geek advice humor gifts! myAnatomical

Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Planner

Ad: Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Planner

No need to be a neurosurgeon or neuroscientist to enjoy this planner featuring an illustration of the human brain by Renaissance genius scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci. Title of da Vinci's infamous work is known as "Study Of Brain Physiology" and is circa 1508. myAnatomical

Resilient Genes Inside DNA Replication Attitude Fabric

Ad: Resilient Genes Inside DNA Replication Attitude Fabric

Let your resilient side shine the next time you make things with this fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Resilient Genes Inside". Classic biology geek humor on this fabric for any resilient maker! myMolecularBiology

#resilience #words #unwords #Fabric

I've Got Rhythm (ECG/EKG - Oldgate Lane Outline) Tie

Ad: I've Got Rhythm (ECG/EKG - Oldgate Lane Outline) Tie

No need to work in the field of medicine or be a music lover to enjoy any of these heartbeat attitude gifts featuring a normal heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) with the truism saying "I've Got Rhythm" in Oldgate Lane Outline font. Make others do a double-take today on the rhythm inside of you! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #Tie

Saturday, January 08, 2022

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Drosophila Biology Trivet

Ad: What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Drosophila Biology Trivet

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with a dose of educational scientific fun with this trivet featuring the homeobox gene expression as found in the Drosophila melanogaster along with the following query that will make others do a double-take: "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" myMolecularBiology

#what #your #lifes #blueprint #Trivet

Lack Common Sense Fall Well Beyond 3 Std Devs Poster

Ad: Lack Common Sense Fall Well Beyond 3 Std Devs Poster

Showcase your wry bell curve attitude with a dose of psychological humor with this poster featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the following saying: "Of Course I Lack Common Sense - I Fall Well Beyond 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Memorable geek humor stats poster gift for anyone who lacks common sense! myPsychology

It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Pacifier

Ad: It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Pacifier

No need to be a physics major or physicist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Carnot heat engine along with the wry truism saying "It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist 24 Hours A Day 7 Days Per Week 365 Days Per Year". Specifically these gifts feature the second law of thermodynamics. Since any thermodynamic engine requires such a temperature difference it follows that useful work cannot be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink. Educational physics attitude gifts for all who work in the thermodynamic sense of the word! myPhysics

#carnot #heat #engine #thermodynamics #second #Pacifier

Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Face Mask

Ad: Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Face Mask

Showcase your wry brainy and conscientious side with a dose of conscience with this anatomical humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following ponderous query: "Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent reflective fun today with this cotton/polyester face mask! myAnatomical

Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Face Mask

Ad: Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Face Mask

DNA is not everything. Showcase this fact with this wry molecular biology polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with a cross out with the saying "Think Epigenetics polyester face mask with wry scientific attitude for anyone who understands that it is the environmental interaction with genes that is important -- not the genes or the DNA code all by itself! Tongue-in-cheek humor for anyone who knows about how evolution occurs! myEvolution

#environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #FaceMask

Chess Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn Queen Scarf

Ad: Chess Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn Queen Scarf

Chess players will enjoy this scarf featuring chess play humor. Scarf features a reflective chess set along with the following humorous existential chess saying that is often heard when comparing chess to other games: "Chess The Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn To Queen". myChess