Friday, January 07, 2022

Complex Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Ceramic Ornament

Ad: Complex Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Ceramic Ornament

Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this ornament featuring DNA replication complete with all key labels along with the caption "Complex Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take at how complex you truly are with a dose of educational scientific fun! Memorable and appropriate ornament for anyone who has complex parents or who has a complex personality! myMolecularBiology

#genes #genetics #complex #inside #CeramicOrnament

Open Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Open Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Do you have an open mindset or outlook on life? Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Open Mindset Inside". Classic anatomical geek humor pair of slip-on sneakers for anyone with an open mind! myAnatomical

Remember: It Takes Sense Anti-Sense To Replicate Round Clock

Ad: Remember: It Takes Sense Anti-Sense To Replicate Round Clock

Showcase your wry DNA attitude with this molecular biology clock featuring DNA replication along with the following scientific truism: "Remember: It Takes Sense & Anti-Sense To Replicate Life". No need to be a biologist or scientist to enjoy! myMolecularBiology

#takes #sense #RoundClock

Life Is A Matter Of Gut Feeling Anatomical Humor Planner

Ad: Life Is A Matter Of Gut Feeling Anatomical Humor Planner

Make others do a double-take about life and the meaning of life with this anatomical humor planner featuring the endocrine glands of the gut (part of the endocrine system) along with the biological truism saying "Life Is A Matter Of Gut Feeling". Memorable educational medical and anatomical humor planner for anyone with gut feeling! myAnatomical

The Future Lies In Mining Genes (DNA Replication) Business Card

Ad: The Future Lies In Mining Genes (DNA Replication) Business Card

If you work in the biotechnology industry you'll enjoy introducing yourself with this customizable business card featuring DNA replication along with the saying "The Future Lies In Mining Genes". Make others do a double-take about data mining in molecular biology with a dose of wry biological humor today at your next introduction! myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #BusinessCard

Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Face Mask

Ad: Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Face Mask

If you are an organized person you'll enjoy this anatomical brain attitude cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Organized Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take at how organized you truly are with this biological attitude face mask today! myAnatomical

Do I Look Like I Have Indigestion? (Medical Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Do I Look Like I Have Indigestion? (Medical Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase wry anatomical medical humor with any of these digestive system gifts along with the following rhetorical question: "Do I Look Like I Have Indigestion?" Memorable scientific humor gag gifts for all those who digest! myAnatomical

Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) Keychain

Ad: Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) Keychain

No need to be a cardiologist to know about the sinus rhythm of your heart. Enjoy wry suggestive medical humor with any of these gifts featuring an ECG/EKG heartbeat on an electrocardiogram along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm". Make others do a double-take about what you mean with scientific humor gifts today! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #sinus #rhythm #Keychain

Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) Pinback Button

Ad: Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) Pinback Button

No need to be a cardiologist to know about the sinus rhythm of your heart. Enjoy wry suggestive medical humor with any of these gifts featuring an ECG/EKG heartbeat on an electrocardiogram along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm". Make others do a double-take about what you mean with scientific humor gifts today! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #sinus #rhythm #PinbackButton

Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops #time #line #geological #time #geology #FlipFlops

Ad: Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops #time #line #geological #time #geology #FlipFlops

The Science Of Bridge Is Found In The Play Of Hand Throw Pillow

Ad: The Science Of Bridge Is Found In The Play Of Hand Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude the next time you take a nap on this throw pillow featuring the saying "The Science Of Bridge Is Found In The Play Of The Hand". Make others do a double-take about how to view bridge as a science! myBridgePlayer

Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Throw Pillow #time #line #geological #time #geology #ThrowPillow

Ad: Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Throw Pillow #time #line #geological #time #geology #ThrowPillow

Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Face Mask

Ad: Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Face Mask

Ask yourself and others this key question -- often considered a rhetorical question for anyone who goes to bridge tournaments: "Are You Hungry For Bridge?" Memorable bridge rhetorical query polyester face mask featuring the four card suits and the query that most bridge players will say "Yes" to after spending some time away from the game polyester face mask for any bridge player who loves to play bridge! myBridgePlayer

Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Neck Tie

Ad: Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Neck Tie

Wry suggestive economics humor comes alive on this necktie featuring the supply and demand curve along with the truism saying "Economists Do It With Models". Those who work with econometrics will definitely agree that economists do it with models. Social scientists will enjoy this double entendre economics attitude tie that's just perfect for anyone who has a model in his head! myEconomics

#economics #econ #economist #econometrics #mathematician #NeckTie

To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Pocket Watch

Ad: To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Pocket Watch

If you have ever asked yourself whether you should bid or not you'll enjoy this bridge attitude pocket watch featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism query: "To Bid Or Not To Bid? That Is The Question". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with your wry bridge attitude the next time you tell time with this pocket watch! With apologies to William Shakespeare! myBridgePlayer

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Fabric

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Fabric

Think different the next time you create with this duck/rabbit illusion fabric with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude fabric for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myPsychology

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Scarf

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Scarf

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion scarf with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude scarf for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myPsychology

Present Is A Relative Concept Light Cone Physics Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Present Is A Relative Concept Light Cone Physics Large Christmas Stocking

Do you often wonder where you are on the time-space continuum? Wonder no further with this physics geek humor xMas stocking featuring exactly where an observer is in the present between the future light cone and past light cone. Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific truism saying xMas stocking which notes that "Present Is A Relative Concept"! myPhysics

#physics #light #cone #words #LargeChristmasStocking

Are You A Pawn In The Game Of Life? Chess Humor Face Mask

Ad: Are You A Pawn In The Game Of Life? Chess Humor Face Mask

Make others do a double-take with this reflective chess set cotton/polyester face mask with the following existential life query: "Are You A Pawn In The Game Of Life?" Memorable chess humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who wonders what he or she is doing in life! myChess

Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required T-Shirt

Ad: Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required T-Shirt

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy this activation energy gift tee that says it all: "Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required". Showcase your scientific humor side today. Perfect gag gift for all those needing a catalyst! myBiochemistry

Future Grandmaster Reflective Chess Set Pieces Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Future Grandmaster Reflective Chess Set Pieces Slip-On Sneakers

Do you aspire to the rank of Grandmaster? Showcase your wry chess attitude and dedication to the game with this "Future Grandmaster" pair of slip-on sneakers complete with reflective chess set. Perfect chess saying pair of slip-on sneakers for any serious chess player! myChess

In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate? Trucker Hat

Ad: In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate? Trucker Hat

No need to be a biologist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this hat featuring the induced-fit enzyme-substrate model. Educational science attitude hat with the ubiquitous query that will truly make others guess what you mean: "In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate?" Unforgettable geek humor for anyone who knows about the difference between the enzyme and the substrate! myBiochemistry

Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Metal Sign

Showcase your wry chess player side with this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! Scheming Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take on how you think about chess with this geek humor chess saying metal parking sign! myChess

Life Is A Matter Of Convection (Earth Science) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Life Is A Matter Of Convection (Earth Science) Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be an earth scientist to enjoy wry geological humor with this educational scientific jigsaw puzzle featuring the proposed convection system under the Earth's crust. Make others do a double-take with a dose of geek science humor with this jigsaw puzzle with the word-play saying "Life Is A Matter Of Convection". Plate tectonics attitude jigsaw puzzle for anyone with conviction on how the Earth works underneath its surface! myEarthScience

#words #unwords #geology #humor #JigsawPuzzle

Vision Deception Scintillating Grid Illusion Postcard

Ad: Vision Deception Scintillating Grid Illusion Postcard

If the black dot is bouncing around when you view this image it is due to the fact that you are looking at an optical illusion known as the scintillating grid illusion. Visual humor fun gifts for all who love to perceive the world through a different lens! Endless psyche / cognitive psychology gag gifts for those who know about vision deception! myOpticalIllusion

#optics #optical #illusion #illusions #psyche #Postcard

Phylogenetic Tree Of Life - You Are Here (Biology) Keychain

Ad: Phylogenetic Tree Of Life - You Are Here (Biology) Keychain

Showcase your wry evolutionary side with any of these science humor gifts featuring the phylogenetic tree of life. Comes with "You Are Here" callout identifying exactly where you are! Make others do a double-take when they think about where they are in the evolutionary course of life! myEvolution

#phylogenetic #tree #life #Keychain

Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Scarf

Ad: Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Scarf

Showcase your wry bell curve attitude with this scarf featuring the normal distribution curve complete with percentages under the curve along with the saying "Statistics Both An Art & A Science". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical attitude today about what the discipline of statistics is all about the next time you wear this scarf! myStatistician

Always Working On Endocytosis (Cellular Eating) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Always Working On Endocytosis (Cellular Eating) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry biological sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring three different forms of endocytosis: phagocytosis pinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry cellular humor the next time anyone eats with these gifts featuring eating at the cellular level along with the following scientific truism saying: "Always Working On Endocytosis". myWork

#always #working #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Thomas Edison Not Failed 10000 Ways Won't Work Coffee Mug

Ad: Thomas Edison Not Failed 10000 Ways Won't Work Coffee Mug

Here's an inspirational and motivational quote by Thomas Edison: "I have not failed I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." Gifts to inspire and delight those who have a high failure rate. Quotable quote for scientists inventors engineers writers artists and everyone else who hasn't failed but instead found many many ways that won't work. Perseverance quote humor for all who look on the bright side of life! myWork

#thomas #edison #alva #CoffeeMug

Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Serving Tray

Ad: Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Serving Tray

Showcase your wry bell curve attitude with this serving tray featuring the normal distribution curve complete with percentages under the curve along with the saying "Statistics Both An Art & A Science". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical attitude today about what the discipline of statistics is all about with this serving tray! myStatistician

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude 3 Ring Binder

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical binder featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable binder for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomical

Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts? Digestive System Bandana

Ad: Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts? Digestive System Bandana

Any gutsy person will enjoy this wry digestive system humor bandana featuring all key parts of the digestive system along with the following rhetorical question: "Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts?" Memorable educational scientific bandana for any gutsy person! myAnatomical

Ping Yourself (IT / Computer Networking) Mouse Pad

Ad: Ping Yourself (IT / Computer Networking) Mouse Pad

No need to work in the field of computers or computer science to enjoy any of these wry information technology gifts featuring the loopback address along with the saying "Ping Yourself". Make others do a double-take at exactly what you are trying to say when discussing computers and localhost with any of these geek humor gifts! myProgrammer

#ping #yourself #computer #science #MousePad

What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Planner

Ad: What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Planner

Showcase your wry anatomical side with this planner featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration Achilles' heel planner! myAnatomical

Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Planner

Ad: Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Planner

Yes everyone has guts. Enjoy wry scientific humor with this educational anatomical planner featuring the digestive system. Comes with the truism saying "Never Call Me Gutless". Make others do a double-take on the guts that you do have -- both literally and figuratively -- with this tongue-in-cheek digestive system attitude advice planner! myAnatomical