Saturday, November 13, 2021

Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Notebook

Ad: Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Notebook

No need to be an economist or social scientist to enjoy this wry econ humor notebook featuring the supply-and-demand curve along with the economics truism: "Economics: Not A Matter Of Life Or Death Just A Matter Of Equilibrium". Make others do a double-take with any of these tongue-in-cheek yet deadly serious educational economics humor notebook today! myEconomics

#economics #just #matter #Notebook

Never Underestimate Your Opponents Chess Attitude Fabric

Ad: Never Underestimate Your Opponents Chess Attitude Fabric

Do your opponents underestimate your abilities as a chess player? Showcase your wry chess player attitude with a dose of sound chess advice when you create with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Never Underestimate Your Opponents". Memorable chess attitude fabric for any avid chess player who likes to create and make things! myChess

#chess #reflective #never #Fabric

Bridge Is A Habitual Game Four Card Suits Wrapping Paper

Ad: Bridge Is A Habitual Game Four Card Suits Wrapping Paper

If you play bridge doesn't the game of bridge seem to be a habitual game to you? Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge side with this wrapping paper featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "Bridge Is A Habitual Game". Make others do a double-take on how the game of bridge creates habits and is largely dependent upon them -- bidding defense etc. -- the next time you play bridge! myBridgeTeacher

#habitual #bridge #WrappingPaper

Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Mouse Pad

Ad: Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Mouse Pad

Wry suggestive economics humor comes alive on this mousepad featuring the supply and demand curve along with the truism saying "Economists Do It With Models". Those who work with econometrics will definitely agree that economists do it with models. Social scientists will enjoy this double entendre economics attitude mousepad that's just perfect for anyone who a model in their head! myEconomics

#economics #econ #economist #econometrics #mathematician #MousePad

Warning! I Can Play Chess Until Dawn Chess Pieces Face Mask

Ad: Warning! I Can Play Chess Until Dawn Chess Pieces Face Mask

Showcase your mental stamina at the game of chess with this wry chess saying cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! I Can Play Chess Until Dawn". Advise your opponents of your ability to play chess into the wee hours of the morning with this chess humor cotton/polyester face mask today! myChess

#warning #reflective #chess #FaceMask

My Gutsy Moves Begin With Peristalsis (Digestive) Pinback Button

Ad: My Gutsy Moves Begin With Peristalsis (Digestive) Pinback Button

No need to be a gastroenterologist or work in the medical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with any of these gifts featuring a diagram of the digestive system complete with all key labels. Comes with the scientific truism saying "My Gutsy Moves Begin With Peristalsis". Make others do a double-take with a dose of gutsy science humor today! myAnatomy

#anatomical #humor #gutsy #PinbackButton

Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry contemporary duplicate bridge sense of humor with this mug featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! Let others know that there's a lot of think about when playing the game of duplicate bridge with this mug! myBridgeTeacher

#occupy #your #mind #play #duplicate #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery Planner

Ad: Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery Planner

Signage humor planner featuring sign of person falling down the stairs -- meaning warning of slippery steps -- along with the following truism saying that will make you do a double-take on the different paths of life that one can take: "Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery". myWarning

#signage #life #advice #sign #Planner

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Metal Sign

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude metal parking sign featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this metal sign! myWarning

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #MetalSign

Showcase Your Statistical Significance Statistics Face Mask

Ad: Showcase Your Statistical Significance Statistics Face Mask

Statisticians psychologists economists scientists social scientists and anyone who works with statistics will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring bell curve (normal distribution curve) attitude. Includes the bell curve complete with percentages under the curve along with the following saying that will make statisticians and non-statisticians alike do a double-take: "Showcase Your Statistical Significance Do Statistics". Memorable educational statistical significance humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who knows about calculating probabilities! myStatistician

#showcase #your #statistical #significance #bell #FaceMask

Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Keychain

Ad: Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Keychain

Life is all about birth death and the Krebs cycle! Showcase wry organic chemistry humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the scientific truism saying "Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle". Intelligent educational double-entendre geek attitude gifts for those who know that life follows an organic cycle! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #citric #acid #Keychain

Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate Watch

Ad: Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate Watch

Are you losing your memory? Are you forgetful at times? No need to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease to enjoy wry anatomical neuron / synapse humor with this watch featuring the tongue-in-cheek (but all too true!) saying "Warning! Losing Brain Cells At An Alarming Rate". Make others do a double-take about the act of thinking with their brain whenever you tell time with this scientific educational attitude watch today! myWarning

#neuron #axon #alzheimer #disease #synapse #Watch

Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

Ad: Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry statistical humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Embrace Your Normal Self". Classic geek humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who embraces one's own normal self with a dose of psychological statistical attitude style! myStatistician

#bell #curve #embrace #your #normal #FaceMask

When Conducting Poll Survey Think Margin Of Error Large Tote Bag

Ad: When Conducting Poll Survey Think Margin Of Error Large Tote Bag

No need to be a statistician to understand margin of error. Showcase wry statistical attitude with any of these gifts featuring various sample sizes and corresponding margin of error along with the statistical truism: "When Conducting Any Poll Or Survey Always Think Margin Of Error" Statistical attitude gifts for all social scientists who understand the limitations of the poll or survey! myPsychology

#statistics #survey #psychology #words #LargeToteBag

Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Scarf

Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Scarf

Add a touch of Wonderland humor and adventure with this scarf featuring John Tenniel's vintage drawing from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll along with the caption that asks: "Feeling Cramped In Your Room?" Conversation starter scarf for anyone who feels cramped and crimped in life! myPsychology

#feeling #cramped #your #room #Scarf

Beware Of Merge Zones Organizational Integration Throw Pillow

Ad: Beware Of Merge Zones Organizational Integration Throw Pillow

Have you been through mergers? Do you drive and drive through merge zones? Signage humor throw pillow for anyone who has been through mergers! Includes the transportation sign for merge zone ahead along with the following saying: "Beware Of Merge Zones Organizational Integration Is Often Not Seamless". Make others do a double-take today with a dose of signage attitude today with this throw pillow! myPsychology

#beware #merge #zones #signs #ThrowPillow

Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Bandana

Ad: Logic Matrices Inside Boolean Logic Geek Humor Bandana

Logicians and mathematicians will enjoy this bandana featuring Boolean logic along with the truism caption "Logic Matrices Inside". Memorable psychological geek humor bandana for anyone with a logical mindset! myPsychology

#logic #matrices #inside #geek #humor #Bandana

Old Man On The Mountain NH Optical Illusion Face Mask

Ad: Old Man On The Mountain NH Optical Illusion Face Mask

No need to live in New Hampshire to enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring New Hampshire's classic Old Man Of The Mountain before its collapse on May 3 2003. Also known as the Great Stone Face or the Profile Old Man Of The Mountain was a series of five granite cliff ledges on Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (USA) that when viewed from the correct angle appeared to be the jagged profile of a face. This rock outcrop has been New Hampshire's state emblem since 1945. Celebrate New Hampshire's history today with a dose of optical illusion fun with this face mask featuring the classic Old Man Of The Mountain -- here called "Old Man On The Mountain"! myOpticalIllusion

#mountain #FaceMask

Greenland Yet Another Land Mass Destined To Melt Baby T-Shirt #greenland #environmentalist #effects #of #global #BabyTShirt

Ad: Greenland Yet Another Land Mass Destined To Melt Baby T-Shirt #greenland #environmentalist #effects #of #global #BabyTShirt

Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Fabric

Ad: Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Fabric

No need to be in love to have a strong heartbeat. Showcase your "Strong Rhythm Inside" with a dose of health humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). Make others do a double-take at the strong rhythm inside of you with this educational health attitude fabric! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #strong #rhythm #inside #Fabric

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Metal Lunch Box

Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this lunch box featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude at your next meal with this metal lunchbox! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #MetalLunchBox

VIP DNA (DNA Replication Humor)

Ad: VIP DNA (DNA Replication Humor)

Showcase wry molecular biology humor with any of these DNA replication gifts featuring "VIP DNA". Educational science attitude gifts that lets you make others do a double-take today about the genes of a very important person -- you! myMolecularBiology

#replication #acid

Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Scarf

Ad: Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Scarf

No need to be in love to have a strong heartbeat. Showcase your "Strong Rhythm Inside" with a dose of health humor with this scarf featuring a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). Make others do a double-take at the strong rhythm inside of you with this educational health attitude scarf! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #strong #rhythm #inside #Scarf

Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Planner

Ad: Strong Rhythm Inside Electrocardiogram Heartbeat Planner

No need to be in love to have a strong heartbeat. Showcase your "Strong Rhythm Inside" with a dose of health humor with this planner featuring a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). Make others do a double-take at the strong rhythm inside of you with this educational health attitude planner! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #strong #rhythm #inside #Planner

Friday, November 12, 2021

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Bandana

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Bandana

Do you work hard all the time? Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this bandana featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude with this molecular biology geek humor bandana! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #acid #Bandana