Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Face Mask
Ad: Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Face Mask
No need to be a neurosurgeon or neuroscientist to enjoy this polyester face mask featuring an illustration of the human brain by Renaissance genius scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci. Title of da Vinci's infamous work is known as "Study Of Brain Physiology" and is circa 1508. myDaVinci
#study #brain #physiology #leonardo #FaceMask
Team Statistics Bell Curve Normal Distribution Trivet
Ad: Team Statistics Bell Curve Normal Distribution Trivet
No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy this educational wry statistics trivet featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) complete with percentages and Z-scores. Make others do a double-take about exactly what team you are on with this "Team Statistics" trivet! myStatistician
#team #statistics #statistician #stats #Trivet
Mean Thoughts Inside Stats Geek Humor Metal Sign
Ad: Mean Thoughts Inside Stats Geek Humor Metal Sign
Showcase wry statistical humor with this psychological stats metal parking sign featuring the bell curve (Gaussian distribution curve) along with the definition saying "Mean Thoughts Inside". Shows the percentages of a normal distribution curve. No need to be a statistician psychologist or an angry person to enjoy! Perfect double entendre metal sign for anyone who thinks about averages and statistics constantly! myStatistician
#mean #thoughts #inside #stats #teacher #MetalSign
Protein Synthesis Inside (mRNA tRNA) Round Clock
Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (mRNA tRNA) Round Clock
Showcase your biological side with a dose of educational scientific fun with this clock featuring mRNA and tRNA in the following illustration that any cell and molecular biologist can relate to: "Protein Synthesis Inside". myMolecularBiology
#protein #synthesis #inside #RoundClock
Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Playing Cards #climate #change #global #warming #forest #PlayingCards
Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Slip-On Sneakers
Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Slip-On Sneakers
Existential statistical attitude is alive and well on this educational scientific pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor today with this memorable statistical saying pair of slip-on sneakers! No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy! myStatistician
#life #nothing #SlipOnSneakers
Tribal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock
Ad: Tribal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock
Are you part of an tribe? No need to be a person of any particular origin or group to enjoy wry molecular biology humor with this clock featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Tribal DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take about the tribe that you belong to with this scientific humor clock! myMolecularBiology
#science #humor #words #unwords #RoundClock
Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor Planner #age #is #relative #geological #time #Planner
I've Got Rhythm ECG EKG Electrocardiogram Duvet Cover
Ad: I've Got Rhythm ECG EKG Electrocardiogram Duvet Cover
Showcase your wry electrocardiogram sense of humor with this duvet cover featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram along with the saying "I've Got Rhythm" in Oldgate Lane Outline font! Memorable duvet cover gift for anyone with a heartbeat! myHeartbeat
#heartbeat #words #unwords #DuvetCover
Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Humor Socks #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Socks
Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Humor Fabric #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Fabric
Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge Metal Sign
Ad: Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge Metal Sign
Showcase your wry duplicate bridge sense of humor and attitude with this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge advice: "Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge". Memorable bridge advice metal sign for any duplicate bridge player or teacher! myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #humor #teachers #words #MetalSign
Warning! Recession Ahead (Yellow Diamond Sign) T-Shirt
Ad: Warning! Recession Ahead (Yellow Diamond Sign) T-Shirt
If you are predicting a recession you'll enjoy this economics humor tee featuring the yellow diamond warning sign with downward trending line on graph along with the saying "Warning! Recession Ahead". Given that economists have predicted 11 out of the past 3 recessions you'll enjoy this econ humor t-shirt! myEconomics
#warning #economics #words #unwords #TShirt
Life Is But A Dream (Red King Snoring Wonderland) Bicycle Playing Cards #life #is #but #a #dream #BicyclePlayingCards
Be The Life Of The Party Play Bridge Card Suits Metal Sign
Ad: Be The Life Of The Party Play Bridge Card Suits Metal Sign
Bridge players will enjoy this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Be The Life Of The Party Play Bridge". Memorable metal sign for any avid bridge player who represents the life of the party! myBridgeTeacher
#duplicate #bridge #words #unwords #MetalSign
We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) Tile
Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) Tile
No need to have read Lewis Carroll's sequence to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to enjoy any of these Wonderland gifts. Featuring Alice stepping through the looking glass as illustrated by John Tenniel in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Make others do a double-take about life and mirrors with this endearing and enchanting saying "We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence" on any of these timeless gifts. Truism humor for all who look at and through mirrors when critically looking at themselves! myPsychology
#wonderland #through #looking #glass #Tile
Come Closer To The Solenoid Within (Physics Humor) T-Shirt
Ad: Come Closer To The Solenoid Within (Physics Humor) T-Shirt
No need to be a physicist to think about magnetic currents and direction. Showcase wry physics attitude with this scientific tee featuring a solenoid along with the saying "Come Closer To The Solenoid Within". Educational fun t-shirt for anyone who has a magnetic current running through himself or herself! myPhysics
#electricity #magnet #current #physicist #physics #TShirt
All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive (Physics) T-Shirt
Ad: All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive (Physics) T-Shirt
No need be a physicist to enjoy refractive attitude with this tee featuring Snell's law along with the truism saying "All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational physics humor with this refraction saying t-shirt! myPhysics
#physics #physicist #refraction #snells #TShirt
Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? T-Shirt
Ad: Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? T-Shirt
Have you noticed colder winters in the past couple of years? Solar activity observers noted that centuries ago the Maunder Minimum a period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare occurred and that a low-level of sunspot activity is occurring today. Showcase your earth science / climate change / meteorological side with this tee featuring a frozen lagoon of Venice as painted by Gabriele Bella in 1708 along with the ubiquitous query nowadays: "Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period?" myEarthScience
#maunder #minimum #meteorology #words #TShirt
Take The Synaptic Leap Think Neuron Synapse Trivet
Ad: Take The Synaptic Leap Think Neuron Synapse Trivet
Philosophers and thinkers will enjoy wry anatomical humor with this trivet featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Take The Synaptic Leap Think". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational thoughtful biological attitude today! Memorable geek humor trivet for anyone who loves to think! myAnatomy
#neuron #humor #words #Trivet
Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral) T-Shirt
Ad: Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral) T-Shirt
Showcase the "Spiral Of Geological Time" with any of these gifts that feature Earth's history along a spiral. Take a closer look at eons epochs and periods such as when the dinosaurs flourished. Memorable geological age gifts for all who enjoy learning about Earth's history! myEarthScience
#geologist #earths #history #earth #science #TShirt
Do You Know Where The Ozone Layer Is Located? T-Shirt
Ad: Do You Know Where The Ozone Layer Is Located? T-Shirt
No need to be an earth scientist or meteorologist to know the location of the ozone layer in Earth's atmosphere. The ozone layer serves to block various ultraviolet radiation from the sun and is an important factor in providing for life on Earth. Showcase your educational scientific side with this ozone layer graph t-shirt featuring the following question: "Do You Know Where The Ozone Layer Is Located? myEarthScience
#ozone #layer #graph #ultraviolet #radiation #TShirt
Before You Shake My Hand Know What You're Holding Business Card
Ad: Before You Shake My Hand Know What You're Holding Business Card
Showcase your wry health and medicine side with any of these educational anatomical business cards featuring the different bone parts of the hand (from carpals to phalanges) along with the scientific truism saying for all those who shake hands! Saying says it all: "Before You Shake My Hand You Should Know What You're Holding". Introduce yourself with your tongue-in-cheek sense of anatomical humor with these business cards today! myAnatomy
#shake #hands #saying #hand #BusinessCard
The Lineage Of Algae (Taxonomy) T-Shirt
Ad: The Lineage Of Algae (Taxonomy) T-Shirt
Showcase the evolutionary history of algae with this taxonomic diagram featuring "The Lineage Of Algae". Perfect cladistics gift tee for any biologist or ecologist who is interested in algae. Educational scientific attitude fun for all who eat seaweed algae etc.! myEvolution
#biology #biologist #ecology #ecologist #evolution #TShirt