Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit? (Optical Illusion) Magnet

Ad: Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit? (Optical Illusion) Magnet

Do you think that this picture is a duck or a rabbit? Make others do a double-take with any of these optical illusion gifts that asks "Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit?" Featuring infamous gestalt phenomenon picture of an entity that is both duck and rabbit. Optical illusion visual fun for all who imagine! myOpticalIllusion

#optical #illusion #visual #visualization #duck #Magnet

I Love Beekeeping (Bee) T-Shirt

Ad: I Love Beekeeping (Bee) T-Shirt

Are you a beekeeper? Do you love beekeeping? You'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring a bee illustration along with the saying "I Love Beekeeping" in Love Letters font. Memorable bee attitude gifts for all beekeepers and apiarists! myBeekeeper

#love #fanbee #TShirt

Just A Summation Math Equation Carl Gauss Formula Socks

Ad: Just A Summation Math Equation Carl Gauss Formula Socks

Mathematicians and math majors will enjoy this pair of socks featuring Carl Gauss's formula to quickly add all the numbers from 1 to n. Includes the title "Just A Summation". Memorable pair of socks for anyone who loves to add! myMathematician

#math #equation #formula #just #Socks

Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid It's The Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

Ad: Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid It's The Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

You are made up of DNA! Therefore you should "Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid - It's The Stuff Of Life". Molecular biology attitude gift for anyone with DNA. Showcase DNA replication with a touch of wry scientific humor today! myMolecularBiology

#acid #replication #TShirt

My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point Fabric

Ad: My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point Fabric

Are you an inflection point in your life? Showcase your wry inflection point side with a dose of math (calculus) and geometry humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring an inflection point (a point along the curve where the sign of the curvature changes) along with the truism saying "My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point". Make others do a double-take at how your life is going with this geometric attitude fabric! myMathematician

#inflection #point #math #geometry #graph #Fabric

Study Of A Tuscan Landscape (Leonardo da Vinci) Round Clock

Ad: Study Of A Tuscan Landscape (Leonardo da Vinci) Round Clock

Showcase your nature and landscape lover side with this clock featuring Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece known as "Study Of A Tuscan Landscape" circa 1473. myDaVinci

#study #tuscan #landscape #RoundClock

No Inclement Weather Can Shock Me Anymore Humor Bandana

Ad: No Inclement Weather Can Shock Me Anymore Humor Bandana

If you experience inclement weather you'll enjoy this bandana featuring storm clouds along with lightning rain and snow along with the saying "No Inclement Weather Can Shock Me Anymore". myMeteorologist

#inclement #weather #shock #Bandana

Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within T-Shirt

Ad: Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within T-Shirt

Bridge players and bridge partners will enjoy this tee featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "The Keys To Your Success In The Game Of Bridge Lie Within Your Partner's Hand". Make others do a double-take the next time you play bridge with a dose of wry bridge attitude today with this memorable bridge saying t-shirt! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #keys #your #TShirt

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Scarf

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Scarf

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this scarf featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche humor with this scarf! myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #Scarf

Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) T-Shirt

Ad: Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm (ECG/EKG) T-Shirt

No need to be a cardiologist to know about the sinus rhythm of your heart. Enjoy wry suggestive medical humor with this tee featuring an ECG/EKG heartbeat on an electrocardiogram along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm". Make others do a double-take about what you mean with this medical humor t-shirt today! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #sinus #rhythm #TShirt

Zombie Chess Player Inside (Reflective Chess Set) Tile

Ad: Zombie Chess Player Inside (Reflective Chess Set) Tile

Chess players who stay up all night to play the great game of chess and feel like chess zombies will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Zombie Chess Player Inside". myChess

#zombie #chess #player #inside #Tile

Anatomy Of A Mosquito Coffee Mug

Ad: Anatomy Of A Mosquito Coffee Mug

No need to be an entomologist to enjoy any of these entomological attitude biology gifts featuring detailed "Anatomy Of A Mosquito" with labels of all key anatomical parts. Make others do a double-take during mosquito season with an informative scientific diagram of everyone's most unwanted insect! No need to have been bitten by a mosquito to enjoy! myAnatomy

#anatomy #insect #entomology #CoffeeMug

An Average Defender Operates Fog Uncertainty Planner

Ad: An Average Defender Operates Fog Uncertainty Planner

Wry bridge humor comes alive for all to see with this planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "An Average Defender Operates In A Fog Of Uncertainty". Make others do a double-take on the subject of defense at the bridge table with this memorable bridge / duplicate bridge humor planner! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #words #unwords #Planner

Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Bandana

Ad: Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Bandana

No need to be an economist or social scientist to enjoy this wry econ humor bandana featuring the supply-and-demand curve along with the economics truism: "Economics: Not A Matter Of Life Or Death Just A Matter Of Equilibrium". Make others do a double-take with this tongue-in-cheek yet deadly serious educational economics humor bandana today! myEconomics

#economics #just #matter #Bandana

Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within T-Shirt

Ad: Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within T-Shirt

Bridge players and bridge partners will enjoy this tee featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "The Keys To Your Success In The Game Of Bridge Lie Within Your Partner's Hand". Make others do a double-take the next time you play bridge with a dose of wry bridge attitude today with this memorable bridge saying tee! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #keys #your #TShirt

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Bandana

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Bandana

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical bandana featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable bandana for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #anatomical #parts #Bandana

Chess A Purely Deterministic Game (Reflective Set) Notebook

Ad: Chess A Purely Deterministic Game (Reflective Set) Notebook

If you hate the idea of leaving decisions to chance you'll enjoy playing the great game of chess. Showcase your chess attitude with this notebook featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess truism saying: "Chess A Purely Deterministic Game". Memorable notebook for any chess player who likes to think through every play to the very end -- leaving nothing to chance! myChess

#chess #purely #deterministic #game #Notebook

Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge Face Mask

Ad: Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge Face Mask

Showcase your wry and witty bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge - Other Days I Feel Crushed By The Game Of Bridge". Memorable cotton/polyester face mask for any bridge player who understands the importance of managing one's emotions when confronted with the vicissitudes of bridge. myBridgeTeacher

#some #days #crush #bridge #game #FaceMask

Team Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle Humor) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Team Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle Humor) Silver Plated Necklace

Biochemists will enjoy this necklace featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the saying "Team Biochemistry". myBiochemistry

#team #biochemistry #krebs #cycle #SilverPlatedNecklace

Follow The 3 W's Watch Wear Mask Wash Hands Sign Magnet

Ad: Follow The 3 W's Watch Wear Mask Wash Hands Sign Magnet

During these unusual times promote your health and wellness side the next time you create with this signage magnet featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the following advice: "Follow The 3 W's - Watch Your Distance Wear A Mask Wash Your Hands". Signage magnet includes an image of the coronavirus along with the standard advice given to reduce its spread. myWarning

#yellow #diamond #warning #sign #coronavirus #Magnet

Of Course I Lack Common Sense (Stats Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Of Course I Lack Common Sense (Stats Humor) T-Shirt

Statisticians who have been criticized for having a lack of common sense will enjoy this stats humor gift tee! Says: "Of Course I Lack Common Sense - I Fall Well Beyond 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Includes bell curve (normal distribution curve) with percentages. Provide others with a reason to think about statistics with a tongue-in-cheek attitude! myStatistician

#bell #curve #normal #distribution #TShirt

Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Fabric

Ad: Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Fabric

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring all key anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following saying for all thinkers: "Thought Process Experimentation Inside". myPsychology

#neuron #thought #process #inside #Fabric

The Devil's Pitchfork (Optical Illusion) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: The Devil's Pitchfork (Optical Illusion) Classic Round Sticker

Do you see the third pitchfork -- being supported by nothing? Showcase wry optical illusion attitude with any of these optical illusion gifts featuring the classic "The Devil's Pitchfork". No need to believe in the devil or be religious to enjoy! myOpticalIllusion

#optics #optical #illusion #devils #ClassicRoundSticker

Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Large Tote Bag #antarctica #global #warming #words #and #LargeToteBag

Ad: Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Large Tote Bag #antarctica #global #warming #words #and #LargeToteBag

My Heart Beats For Cardiology (ECG / EKG) Notebook

Ad: My Heart Beats For Cardiology (ECG / EKG) Notebook

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these sinus rhythm electrocardiogram gifts featuring normal heartbeat on the ECG/EKG. Make others do a double-take with medical attitude with the tongue-in-cheek heart felt saying "My Heart Beats For Cardiology"! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #cardiology #sinus #Notebook