Saturday, November 06, 2021
Do Not Disturb Brain At Work (Anatomical Humor) Keychain
Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work (Anatomical Humor) Keychain
If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this keychain featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic medical and anatomical geek humor keychain for anyone with a brain and does not want to be disturbed! myAnatomy
#disturb #brain #Keychain
Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Table Lamp
Ad: Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Table Lamp
Showcase your knowledge of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) -- also known as the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) -- with this biology humor lamp featuring the various genes of the HLA on human chromosome 6 along with the saying "Immunity Is In My Genes". Memorable lamp for any immunologist! myMolecularBiology
#immunity #genes #TableLamp
Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Window Cling
Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Window Cling
If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical window cling featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable window cling for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomy
#brain #anatomy #anatomical #parts #WindowCling
Friday, November 05, 2021
Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) Keychain
Ad: Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) Keychain
Face it -- you are powered by biochemistry. No need to be a biochemist to enjoy any of these wry biochemistry attitude gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the caption "Powered By Biochemistry". Memorable scientific educational gift for all who know about cellular metabolism! myBiochemistry
#powered #biochemistry #citric #Keychain
Pay Attention To Bidding Will Determine Best Line Bandana
Ad: Pay Attention To Bidding Will Determine Best Line Bandana
Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with this bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following sound advice: "Pay Attention To Bidding It Will Determine The Best Line Of Play". Memorable bridge advice bandana for any bridge player who likes to win! myBridgeTeacher
#duplicate #bridge #words #unwords #Bandana
Oxytocin Hormone Of Love (Chemistry) Keychain
Ad: Oxytocin Hormone Of Love (Chemistry) Keychain
If you are involved in pair bonding you'll enjoy any of these scientific attitude gifts featuring the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the caption "Hormone Of Love". Educational chemical structure fun for anyone who understands the importance of social recognition and pair bonding in the mammalian world! myBiochemistry
#oxytocin #hormone #love #Keychain
I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Large Christmas Stocking
Ad: I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Large Christmas Stocking
Showcase your knowledge of statistics and standard deviation with a dose of educational stats humor with this made-to-order xMas stocking featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within Three Standard Deviations From The Mean". Memorable statistical attitude saying xMas stocking for anyone who falls within three standard deviations from the mean! myStatistician
#statistics #bell #curve #statistician #geek #LargeChristmasStocking
I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) T-Shirt
Ad: I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) T-Shirt
If you operate on a convoluted cycle you'll enjoy any of these wry scientific humor gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Comes with the saying: "I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle". Make others do a double-take with any of these biochemistry gifts today! Memorable gifts for doctors nurses scientists and anyone who operates on a convoluted cycle! myBiochemistry
#chemistry #biochemistry #truism #TShirt
Which Universe Do You Live In? (Physics Humor) Adult Apron
Ad: Which Universe Do You Live In? (Physics Humor) Adult Apron
No need to be a physics major or physicists to enjoy this design that asks "Which Universe Do You Live In?" Featuring three different types of universes postulated to exist. Showcase your philosophical side about the universe with this conversation starter apron! myPhysics
#universe #query #physics #thoughtful #physicist #AdultApron
Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Face Mask
Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Face Mask
Existential statistical attitude is alive and well on this educational scientific cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor today with this memorable statistical saying cotton/polyester face mask! No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy! myStatistician
#life #nothing #FaceMask
What Are Tarts Made Of? King Of Hearts Wonderland Two-Tone Coffee Mug #what #are #tarts #made #of #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Geek Humor Metal Sign
Ad: Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Geek Humor Metal Sign
Are you just a normal statistician? Showcase your normal sense of humor with this wry statistical humor metal parking sign featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Just A Normal Statistician". Make others do a double-take at how normal you are according to the world of statistics! Memorable metal sign for anyone who plays with statistics and consider himself or herself to be a statistician! myStatistician
#psychologist #words #unwords #statistics #MetalSign
Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Scarf
Ad: Statistics Both Art Science Bell Curve Humor Geek Scarf
Showcase your wry bell curve attitude with this scarf featuring the normal distribution curve complete with percentages under the curve along with the saying "Statistics Both An Art & A Science". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical attitude today about what the discipline of statistics is all about the next time you wear this scarf! myStatistician
#bell #curve #words #unwords #Scarf
Excellence At Chess Characteristic Scheming Mind Fabric
Ad: Excellence At Chess Characteristic Scheming Mind Fabric
No need to be an excellent chess player to enjoy wry chess humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess observation: "Excellence At Chess Is Characteristic Of A Scheming Mind". Make others do a double-take with a dose of serious chess attitude with this memorable chess saying! Memorable fabric for any chess player with a well-developed scheming mind! myChess
#excellence #chess #Fabric
Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air Slip-On Sneakers
Ad: Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air Slip-On Sneakers
Make others do a double-take with a dose of meteorological attitude with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring horizontal convective rolls along with the following saying: "Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll In The Air". No need to be a pilot or meteorologist to enjoy! myMeteorologist
#cloud #streets #meteorologist #convrolls #SlipOnSneakers
Red Queen Hypothesis (Alice Red Queen Wonderland) T-Shirt #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #TShirt
Excellence At Chess Characteristic Scheming Mind Bandana
Ad: Excellence At Chess Characteristic Scheming Mind Bandana
No need to be an excellent chess player to enjoy wry chess humor with this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess observation: "Excellence At Chess Is Characteristic Of A Scheming Mind". Make others do a double-take with a dose of serious chess attitude with this memorable chess saying! Memorable bandana for any chess player with a well-developed scheming mind! myChess
#excellence #chess #Bandana
My Thoughts Escape Me From Time To Time (Neuron) Poster
Ad: My Thoughts Escape Me From Time To Time (Neuron) Poster
Do your thoughts escape you from time to time? Showcase your wry neuron / synapse sense of humor with this poster featuring all key parts of a neuron/synapse along with the saying "My Thoughts Escape Me From Time To Time". No need to be absent-minded to enjoy! myPsychology
#neuron #synapse #acetycholine #medical #medicine #Poster
Charles Darwin (Darwin HMS Beagle Phylogenetics) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Charles Darwin (Darwin HMS Beagle Phylogenetics) Jigsaw Puzzle
Are you a fan of Charles Darwin and evolution? Showcase your vintage evolutionary side with any of these gifts featuring a picture of Charles Darwin collage the H.M.S. Beagle and a rudimentary genealogical / phylogenetic tree. Memorable gifts for biologists naturalists scientists and all fans of evolution! myEvolution
#naturalist #charles #darwin #JigsawPuzzle
Play Chess It's A Highly Reflective Game Throw Pillow
Ad: Play Chess It's A Highly Reflective Game Throw Pillow
Showcase your wry chess attitude with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess advice: "Play Chess It's A Highly Reflective Game". Memorable chess saying throw pillow for any avid chess player or chess teacher! myChess
#geek #humor #chess #player #ThrowPillow
Think Binary Clock (Geek Humor) Mouse Pad
Ad: Think Binary Clock (Geek Humor) Mouse Pad
Celebrate your geek side with any of these gifts featuring a clock with all of the hour numbers in binary form along with the following saying in the middle: "Think Binary". Make others do a double-take about the binary world today! myMathematician
#think #binary #clock #MousePad
The Beekeepers (1568) Pieter Brugel The Elder Long Apron
Ad: The Beekeepers (1568) Pieter Brugel The Elder Long Apron
Apiarists of all levels will enjoy this apron featuring Flemish (Dutch) painter Pieter Bruegel The Elder in one of his masterpieces "The Beekeepers" (1568). Make others do a double-take at how beekeeping was done in the 16th century with this apron featuring Renaissance beekeepers! myBeekeeper
#dutch #painter #apiarist #bees #apiary #LongApron
Team Beekeeper (Bee On Yellow Flower) T-Shirt
Ad: Team Beekeeper (Bee On Yellow Flower) T-Shirt
Beekeepers and apiarists who feel at one with the bee will enjoy this tee featuring a bee collecting pollen on a yellow flower along with the following truism saying "Team Beekeeper". Make others do a double-take on the role of bees in society with this Team Beekeeper tee today! myBeekeeper
#beekeeping #words #unwords #apiarist #TShirt