Thursday, November 04, 2021

Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative Physics Round Clock

Ad: Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative Physics Round Clock

No need to work in nuclear physics to enjoy this clock featuring this educational scientific diagram with radiation doses in millirems from various sources. Make others do a double-take about the radiation levels to which everyone is exposed with this reminder clock that says "Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative"! myPhysics

#radiation #doses #relative #RoundClock

Acetyl-CoA Contributes To My Cell's Energy Supply T-Shirt

Ad: Acetyl-CoA Contributes To My Cell's Energy Supply T-Shirt

Do you know how energy (ATP) gets produced in your Krebs cycle inside of cells? Showcase the acetyl-CoA molecule with a dose of scientific attitude on any of these gifts. No need to be a biochemist or chemist or nutritionist to let everyone know that acetyl-CoA "Contributes To My Cell's Energy Supply". Educational science truism humor fun! myBiochemistry

#acetylcoa #molecule #chemistry #TShirt

Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Scarf

Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Scarf

Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this scarf featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable scarf for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics

#particle #physics #elementary #matter #standard #Scarf

Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Fabric

Ad: Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry disciplined side the next time you create with this medical and anatomical humor fabric featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the saying "Disciplined Eye Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of strict eyeball attitude with this mug! myAnatomy

#disciplined #inside #Fabric

Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Planner

Ad: Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Planner

Showcase your wry disciplined side with this medical and anatomical humor planner featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the saying "Disciplined Eye Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of strict eyeball attitude with this planner! myAnatomy

#disciplined #inside #Planner

See What Graduate School Has Done To Me (Skeleton) Button

Ad: See What Graduate School Has Done To Me (Skeleton) Button

Are you a graduate student? Have you studied yourself to the bone? Whether you are being literal or figurative showcase to others with a wry sense of humor exactly what graduate school has done to you with any of these timeless Vesalius skeleton gifts! Caption says it all: "See What Graduate School Has Done To Me". No matter how close you are to finishing that thesis or dissertation let others know that you have worked yourself to the bone with tongue-in-cheek anatomical humor! myAnatomy

#anatomy #skeleton #vesalius #Button

Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone T-Shirt

Ad: Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone T-Shirt

Seismologists and earth scientists will enjoy this wry science humor "Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone". The shadow zone is the area in which a secondary seismic wave (S-wave) is not detected due to Earth's liquid outer core and where P-waves are diffracted downward. Educational scientific fun for those who lie within the shadow zone! myEarthScience

#seismology #seismologist #earth #science #TShirt

Optimism Runs Through My Arteries Veins Anatomy Face Mask

Ad: Optimism Runs Through My Arteries Veins Anatomy Face Mask

Optimists will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key parts of the circulatory system along with the following saying: "Optimism Runs Through My Arteries & Veins". Let your wry health and wellness side shine the next time you wear this cotton/polyester face mask. myAnatomy

#arteries #optimist #optimism #FaceMask

Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Planner

Ad: Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Planner

DNA is not everything. Showcase this fact with this wry molecular biology planner featuring DNA replication along with a cross out with the saying "Think Epigenetics!" Planner with wry scientific attitude for anyone who understands that it is the environmental interaction with genes that is important -- not the genes or the DNA code all by itself! Tongue-in-cheek humor for anyone who knows about how evolution occurs! myEvolution

#environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #Planner

Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Slip-On Sneakers

DNA is not everything. Showcase this fact with this wry molecular biology pair of slip-on sneakers featuring DNA replication along with a cross out with the saying "Think Epigenetics!" Pair of slip-on sneakers with wry scientific attitude for anyone who understands that it is the environmental interaction with genes that is important -- not the genes or the DNA code all by itself! Tongue-in-cheek humor for anyone who knows about how evolution occurs! myEvolution

#environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #SlipOnSneakers

Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Fabric

Ad: Think Epigenetics! DNA Replication Cross-Out Humor Fabric

DNA is not everything. Showcase this fact with this wry molecular biology fabric featuring DNA replication along with a cross out with the saying "Think Epigenetics!" Fabric with wry scientific attitude for anyone who understands that it is the environmental interaction with genes that is important -- not the genes or the DNA code all by itself! Scientific saying fabric for the next time you create! myEvolution

#environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #Fabric

Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra T-Shirt

Ad: Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra T-Shirt

Wry scientific humor comes alive on this tee featuring a visual image of two theories of evolution -- both phyletic gradualism where evolutionary change is slow and punctuated equilibrium where evolution occurs rapidly over a short period of time. Evolution attitude saying is included: "The evolution of my life can be viewed from both phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium perspectives." Memorable evolutionary psychology humor for anyone -- no need to be a biologist or geologist or paleontologist to enjoy! myEvolution

#clades #cladistics #punctuated #equilibrium #phyletic #TShirt

The Beekeepers (1568) Pieter Bruegel The Elder Notebook

Ad: The Beekeepers (1568) Pieter Bruegel The Elder Notebook

Beekeepers will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a classic work "The Beekeepers" done in 1568 by Pieter Bruegel The Elder. This Flemish (Dutch) renaissance painter and printmaker was known for his landscapes and peasant scenes. Apiarists will enjoy any of these vintage beekeeper illustration gifts featuring how beekeeping was done in the 16th century! myBeekeeper

#dutch #painter #apiarist #bees #apiary #Notebook

Perpetual Waterfall Optical Illusion Visual Humor Ceramic Tile

Ad: Perpetual Waterfall Optical Illusion Visual Humor Ceramic Tile

Ever saw a perpetual waterfall? Showcase your illusory illusions attitude with any of these optical illusion gifts featuring a perpetual waterfall -- whether the water always flows upward and comes down. Deny the law of physics and make others do a double-take with any of these vivid optical illusion gifts today! myOpticalIllusion

#perpetual #waterfall #optics #CeramicTile

Backyard Beekeeper Inside (Beehive In Garden) Business Card

Ad: Backyard Beekeeper Inside (Beehive In Garden) Business Card

Beekeepers who keep bees in their backyard will enjoy introducing themselves to others with these business cards featuring a beehive in a garden in sepia along with the caption "Backyard Beekeeper Inside". myBeekeeper

#backyard #beekeeper #inside #beehive #drawing #BusinessCard

Forensic Scientist Inside (DNA Replication) Trucker Hat

Ad: Forensic Scientist Inside (DNA Replication) Trucker Hat

Showcase your wry forensic scientist side with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Forensic Scientist Inside". myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #TruckerHat

Statistical Error Summarized Hypothesis Testing Face Mask

Ad: Statistical Error Summarized Hypothesis Testing Face Mask

No need to be a statistician to enjoy this educational "Statistical Error Summarized" cotton/polyester face mask featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with this stats attitude cotton/polyester face mask today! Psychologists economists scientists and anyone who engages in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myMathematician

#statistical #error #summarized #FaceMask

Expressive DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Expressive DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor Serving Tray

Are you an expressive person? Alternately do you know about gene expression? Showcase your expressive self with wry DNA replication humor with this serving tray with the scientific biological truism saying "Expressive DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take and wonder about what you really mean with this serving tray! myMolecularBiology

#acid #gene #expression #ServingTray

Are You All Set? (Math Set Theory Attitude) Round Clock

Ad: Are You All Set? (Math Set Theory Attitude) Round Clock

No need to be a mathematician to enjoy wry geek math humor with any of these gifts illustrating set theory along with the truism query in life "Are You All Set?" Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of mathematical logical fun with any of these geek humor gifts featuring multiples of various numbers in a Venn diagram. myMathematician


Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Metal Sign

Ad: Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Metal Sign

If you work then you should understand the meaning of rest and relaxation. Celebrate life with this inspirational Leonardo da Vinci quotation metal parking sign featuring da Vinci's timeless words of wisdom on the relationship between relaxation work and judgment. Quotation says: "Every now and then go away even briefly have a little relaxation for when you come back to work your judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power." Memorable metal sign for anyone who takes time away from work to rejuvenate! myDaVinci

#leonardo #vinci #MetalSign

Hurricane Sandy 2000 Miles Of Storm Postcard

Ad: Hurricane Sandy 2000 Miles Of Storm Postcard

These gifts feature NASA's satellite imagery of Hurricane Sandy on October 28 2012 along with the saying "Hurricane Sandy 2000 Miles Of Storm". myMeteorologist

#hurricane #sandy #miles #Postcard

Take A Break From Reality Play Chess Planner

Ad: Take A Break From Reality Play Chess Planner

Showcase your reflective side as a chess player with a dose of wry chess humor with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Take A Break From Reality Play Chess". Avid chess players and chess teachers -- particularly those who understand the recreational benefit that playing chess can provide -- will enjoy this sound chess advice planner! myChess

#chess #teachers #play #take #Planner

Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game Flask

Ad: Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game Flask

Are you a die-hard chess player? Showcase your dead serious chess attitude with this flask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game". Memorable flask for any avid chess player! myChess

#nothing #keeps #going #like #Flask

Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha Throw Pillow

Ad: Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha Throw Pillow

Showcase your knowledge of beta and alpha in the investment world with this Wall Street signage throw pillow with the truism saying "Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta and Too Little Alpha". Beta of course means volatility; alpha means abnormal returns. Make others do a double-take about your knowledge of what really goes on in the financial world called Wall Street the next time you take a nap! myEconomics

#wall #street #sign #humor #value #ThrowPillow

Guts And Glory Are Part Of My Existence Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Guts And Glory Are Part Of My Existence Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry digestive system side with a dose of guts and glory humor with any of these gifts featuring the following saying: "Guts And Glory Are Part Of My Existence". myAnatomy

#digestive #system #TwoToneCoffeeMug