Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Just Another Hypercubed Day 4-D Polytope 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Just Another Hypercubed Day 4-D Polytope 3 Ring Binder

4-dimensional polytope binder for anyone who is having "Just Another Hypercubed Day". Memorable geek geometric humor binder for anyone who thinks in the fourth dimension or in 4-D terms! myMathematician

#just #another #hypercubed #hypercube #3RingBinder

Just Another Hypercubed Day 4-D Polytope Table Lamp

Ad: Just Another Hypercubed Day 4-D Polytope Table Lamp

4-dimensional polytope lamp for anyone who is having "Just Another Hypercubed Day". Memorable geek geometric humor lamp for anyone who thinks in the fourth dimension or in 4-D terms! myMathematician

#just #another #hypercubed #hypercube #TableLamp

My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point Jigsaw Puzzle

Are you an inflection point in your life? Showcase your wry inflection point side with a dose of math (calculus) and geometry humor with this jigsaw puzzle featuring an inflection point (a point along the curve where the sign of the curvature changes) along with the truism saying "My Life Is Frequently At An Inflection Point". Make others do a double-take at how your life is going with this geometric attitude jigsaw puzzle! myMathematician

#inflection #point #math #geometry #graph #JigsawPuzzle

Dad Is In My Genes DNA Replication Scarf

Ad: Dad Is In My Genes DNA Replication Scarf

No need to be a father or to have a living Dad to enjoy this wry molecular biology DNA replication scarf with the saying "Dad Is In My Genes". Comes with all key labels in DNA replication. Make others do a double-take with this scientific truism. Perfect Father's Day scarf for anyone who has Dad on his or her mind! myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #molecular #Scarf

How Displaced Are You In The Cartesian World? Math Throw Pillow

Ad: How Displaced Are You In The Cartesian World? Math Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry geometric sense of humor with this throw pillow featuring parallel displacement along with the following rhetorical question that will make others do a double-take about their place in the world: "How Displaced Are You In The Cartesian World?" Educational mathematical geek humor throw pillow for those who know geometry! myMathematician

#math #mathematician #parallel #displacement #descartes #ThrowPillow

Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Apron

Ad: Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Apron

Showcase your knowledge of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) -- also known as the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) -- with this biology humor all-over print apron featuring the various genes of the HLA on human chromosome 6 along with the saying "Immunity Is In My Genes". Memorable apron for any immunologist! myMolecularBiology

#immunity #genes #Apron

Just A Heartbeat Away Electrocardiogram EKG Humor Fabric

Ad: Just A Heartbeat Away Electrocardiogram EKG Humor Fabric

Make others do a double-take with this EKG/ECG (electrocardiogram) fabric with the wry saying "Just A Heartbeat Away". Whether it is for a loved one near and dear to your heart or whether you are talking about life and death matters impress others with tongue-in-cheek medical humor when you create with this fabric! Memorable fabric to make items for anyone who misses someone else from afar! myHeartbeat

#words #unwords #Fabric

Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Ad: Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Is My Second Nature". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry reflective chess attitude with this existential chess saying face mask! myChess

#chess #teacher #words #unwords #FaceMask

Eye Dream Anatomical Human Eyeball Humor Award

Ad: Eye Dream Anatomical Human Eyeball Humor Award

Do you dream a lot? No need to be an ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical eye humor with any of these gifts featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the following saying: "Eye (I) Dream". Make others do a double-take at what you dream about with a dose of selfish eyeball attitude today! myAnatomy

#eyeball #human #Award

Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Chess players will enjoy this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece". Assertive chess attitude for anyone who plays chess with an independent thinker's mindset. No need to be a chess teacher or avid chess player to enjoy! myChess

#chess #piece #SlipOnSneakers

Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Ad: Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Showcase your wry and witty bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Some Days I Have A Crush On The Game Of Bridge - Other Days I Feel Crushed By The Game Of Bridge". Memorable metal sign for any bridge player who understands the importance of managing one's emotions when confronted with the vicissitudes of bridge. myBridgeTeacher

#some #days #crush #bridge #game #MetalSign

Powered By Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Fabric

Ad: Powered By Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Fabric

Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor the next time you create with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) fabric complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific fabric for anyone who works with statistics! myStatistician

#stats #percentages #normal #distribution #curve #Fabric

Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is Probability Face Mask

Ad: Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is Probability Face Mask

Showcase your wry statistical side with this polyester face mask featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the following stats truism saying: "Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is A Probability Play". No need to be a statistician or student of statistics to enjoy! myStatistician

#statistics #statistician #stats #bell #curve #FaceMask

In Love With My Energy Cycle (Krebs Cycle TCAC) Tie

Ad: In Love With My Energy Cycle (Krebs Cycle TCAC) Tie

Wry scientific humor is alive and well on this necktie featuring the Krebs cycle -- also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Comes with the following biochemical saying that will make others do a double-take about the subject of energy: "In Love With My Energy Cycle". Science humor tie for the energetic energy cycle fan! myBiochemistry

#tcac #words #unwords #Tie

Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor jigsaw puzzle featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician

#statistics #stats #linear #regression #datapoints #JigsawPuzzle

Warning! Dynamite Inside Nitroglycerin Molecule Bandana

Ad: Warning! Dynamite Inside Nitroglycerin Molecule Bandana

Warn others of your dynamite personality with this wry chemistry humor bandana featuring the chemical structure of nitroglycerin molecule along with the saying "Warning! Dynamite Inside". Make others do a double-take about what lies inside of you with a dose of tongue-in-cheek scientific attitude the next time you wear this bandana! myWarning

#dynamite #warning #inside #Bandana

Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Socks

Ad: Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Socks

Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor pair of socks featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy wearing this stats attitude pair of socks! myStatistician

#statistics #stats #linear #regression #datapoints #Socks

Lack Common Sense Fall Well Beyond 3 Std Devs Jewelry Box

Ad: Lack Common Sense Fall Well Beyond 3 Std Devs Jewelry Box

Do you lack common sense? If so you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) and the wry statistical attitude saying "Of Course I Lack Common Sense I Fall Well Beyond 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Make others do a double-take at your statistical side and guess exactly what you mean! myPsychology

#statistician #words #unwords #common #JewelryBox

Same Data Different Interpretation Illusion Psyche Face Mask

Ad: Same Data Different Interpretation Illusion Psyche Face Mask

Classic gestalt phenomenon on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the infamous duck / rabbit optical illusion along with the saying that will make others do a double-take the next time it comes to interpreting data: "Same Data Different Interpretation". myPsychology

#duck #rabbit #same #data #different #FaceMask

Old Man On The Mountain Optical Illusion Napkins

Ad: Old Man On The Mountain Optical Illusion Napkins

No need to live in New Hampshire to enjoy these paper napkins featuring New Hampshire's classic Old Man Of The Mountain before its collapse on May 3 2003. Also known as the Great Stone Face or the Profile Old Man Of The Mountain was a series of five granite cliff ledges on Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (USA) that when viewed from the correct angle appeared to be the jagged profile of a face. This rock outcrop has been New Hampshire's state emblem since 1945. Celebrate New Hampshire's history today with a dose of optical illusion fun with these paper napkins featuring the classic Old Man Of The Mountain -- here called "Old Man On The Mountain"! myOpticalIllusion

#mountain #Napkins

Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Table Lamp #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #TableLamp

Ad: Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Table Lamp #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #TableLamp

Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Bicycle Playing Cards #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #BicyclePlayingCards

Ad: Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Bicycle Playing Cards #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #BicyclePlayingCards

Nikola Tesla Money Mankind Little Easier Life T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #patron #saint #of #TShirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Money Mankind Little Easier Life T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #patron #saint #of #TShirt

Articulating A Vision Begins Understanding The Eye Throw Pillow

Ad: Articulating A Vision Begins Understanding The Eye Throw Pillow

No need to work in the medical field or to be engaged in entrepreneurial activities to enjoy wry scientific anatomical medical humor with this throw pillow featuring the eye. Funny scientific truism saying says it all: "Articulating A Vision Begins With Understanding The Eye". Make others do a double-take with this educational anatomical throw pillow! myAnatomy

#medicine #articulating #vision #ThrowPillow

Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring a Gray's Anatomy (medical textbook) heart drawing along with the saying "Smooth Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take at the heartbeat within you with these scientific attitude gifts with a dose of educational fun today! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #heart #JigsawPuzzle