Saturday, October 16, 2021

Wanted Normal Hearbeat (ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram) Travel Mug

Ad: Wanted Normal Hearbeat (ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram) Travel Mug

Showcase your wry electrocardiogram attitude with this mug featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an ECG/EKG (electrocardiogram) along with the saying "Wanted Normal Heartbeat". No need to have a heart murmur or heart trouble to enjoy tongue-in-cheek medical humor! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #TravelMug

Do Me A Favor Think (Brain Anatomy Humor) Notepad

Ad: Do Me A Favor Think (Brain Anatomy Humor) Notepad

Showcase your brainy side with a dose of sound advice with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying: "Do Me A Favor Think". Make others do a double-take about what they should do when they receive any of these snarky brainy geek humor gifts! No need to be a neurosurgeon or psychologist to enjoy brain anatomy attitude! myAnatomy

#favor #think #Notepad

Investor Genes Inside DNA Replication Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Investor Genes Inside DNA Replication Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Are you born to invest? Showcase your wry DNA attitude with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Investor Genes Inside". Tongue-in-cheek molecular biology humor pair of slip-on sneakers for any investor and for anyone who enjoys profiting from the vicissitudes of Mr. Market! myEconomics

#replication #investing #money #SlipOnSneakers

I Keep Forgetting About My Short Attention Span Fabric

Ad: I Keep Forgetting About My Short Attention Span Fabric

If you have a short attention span you'll enjoy this wry biological and anatomical neuron / synapse humor fabric featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse. Make others do a double-take with double-entendre psychological humor with this scientific attitude fabric featuring the saying "I Keep Forgetting About My Short Attention Span" the next time you create and make items. myAnatomy

#neuron #synapse #anatomy #Fabric

Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game Chess Throw Pillow

Ad: Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game Chess Throw Pillow

Chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this wry chess saying throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game". Make others do a double-take about what the game of chess is all about with this chess truism! myChess

#pattern #recognition #name #ThrowPillow

Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Metal Sign

If you're a bridge player and have come across an unusual hand or have made an unusual bid or misbid you'll enjoy this sound bridge advice saying metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Keep Calm Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge humor metal sign! myBridgeTeacher

#keep #calm #play #bridge #four #MetalSign

This Machine Is Powered By The Citric Acid Cycle Mouse Pad

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By The Citric Acid Cycle Mouse Pad

Showcase what you are powered by with this geek science humor mousepad featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Truism saying says: "This Machine Is Powered By The Citric Acid Cycle". Scientific attitude mousepad for anyone powered by the citric acid cycle -- and that means you! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #citric #acid #MousePad

Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool (DNA) Notebook

Ad: Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool (DNA) Notebook

Showcase your wry molecular biology / molecular ecology attitude with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you are referring to: "Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool". myWarning

#genes #sarcasm #lifeguards #Notebook

Hypothesis Tester Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Hypothesis Tester Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Psychologists and statisticians who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy this mug featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Hypothesis Tester Inside". Showcase your wry stats side with a dose of statistical attitude today! myStatistician

#gaussian #curve #bell #hypothesis #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Stationery

Ad: Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Stationery

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon. myPsychology

#young #woman #lady #Stationery

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Face Mask

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Face Mask

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy. Psychological cotton/polyester face mask for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

#psychology #words #unwords #probabilities #FaceMask

Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Geek Humor Mouse Pad

Ad: Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Geek Humor Mouse Pad

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this mousepad featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude mousepad for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myPsychology

#normal #statistics #stats #statistician #geek #MousePad

Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Face Mask

Ad: Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Face Mask

Face it - genetics is likely to be a part of your identity. Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetics A Facet Of My Identity". Molecular biologists and geneticists will enjoy this psychological saying about genetics and identity on this cotton/polyester face mask! myPsychology

#identity #molecular #biologist #biology #FaceMask

The Devil's Pitchfork (Optical Illusion) Neck Tie

Ad: The Devil's Pitchfork (Optical Illusion) Neck Tie

Do you see the third pitchfork -- being supported by nothing? Showcase wry optical illusion attitude with any of these optical illusion gifts featuring the classic "The Devil's Pitchfork". No need to believe in the devil or be religious to enjoy! myOpticalIllusion

#optics #optical #illusion #devils #NeckTie

Patron Saint Of Modern Electricity (Nikola Tesla) Keychain #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #Keychain

Ad: Patron Saint Of Modern Electricity (Nikola Tesla) Keychain #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #Keychain

Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Mouse Pad #environmental #change #environmental #protection #agency #MousePad

Ad: Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Mouse Pad #environmental #change #environmental #protection #agency #MousePad

Just Being Cryptic (Glyphs Cryptography) T-Shirt #sir #arthur #conan #doyle #cryptic #TShirt

Ad: Just Being Cryptic (Glyphs Cryptography) T-Shirt #sir #arthur #conan #doyle #cryptic #TShirt

Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Poster

Ad: Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) Poster

Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with this poster featuring a Gray's Anatomy (medical textbook) heart drawing along with the saying "Smooth Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take at the heartbeat within you with a dose of educational fun today with this medical illustration poster! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #heart #Poster

What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Large Christmas Stocking

Showcase your wry anatomical side with this xMas stocking featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration Achilles' heel xMas stocking! myAnatomy

#what #your #achilles #heel #LargeChristmasStocking

Genetics University (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Genetics University (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Are you studying or teaching genetics? Showcase your wry DNA replication side with any of these educational gifts that feature the leading and lagging strands complete with labels of all key parts along with the Jersey lettering for "Genetics University". Make others do a double-take when you let them know that you are studying at Genetics University. No need to be a biology or genetic engineer or work in the medical field to enjoy scientific attitude! myMolecularBiology

#genetics #university #biologist #molecular #biology #TShirt

Pay Attention To Gut Intuition (Digestive System) Button

Ad: Pay Attention To Gut Intuition (Digestive System) Button

Do you often go with your gut intuition? Showcase wry anatomical humor with any of these gifts with the truism saying "Pay Attention To Gut Intuition". Includes diagram of digestive system complete with labels. Perfect gifts for all those who are intuitive and desire for others to pay attention to gut intuition! No need to be a psychologist or work in the medical field to enjoy! myAnatomy

#attention #intuition #Button

Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have (Brain) T-Shirt

Ad: Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have (Brain) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with a dose of anatomical attitude with this tee featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the saying "Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have". Neurological and psychological geek t-shirt for anyone with a brain! myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #TShirt

The Multiple Structures Of Protein T-Shirt

Ad: The Multiple Structures Of Protein T-Shirt

Cell biologists and biochemists will enjoy this colorful biological design featuring the 4 structures of protein (primary secondary tertiary quaternary) from amino acid to protein complex. Educational biology gift for those who know about "The Multiple Structures Of Protein"! myBiochemistry

#four #structures #biology #TShirt

Friday, October 15, 2021

My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle TCAC Socks

Ad: My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle TCAC Socks

If you lead a complex life you'll enjoy wry scientific humor on this pair of socks featuring the Krebs cycle along with the saying "My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle". Showcase your biochemistry geek side with these socks that are a great conversation starter! Citric acid cycle attitude socks for anyone who operates on a complex cycle! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #citric #acid #Socks

Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport (Card Suits) T-Shirt

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport (Card Suits) T-Shirt

If you play duplicate bridge you'll enjoy any of these bridge attitude saying gifts featuring the four card suits and the bridge truism "Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport". Make others do a double-take at what is involved in playing the great game of duplicate bridge! myBridgeTeacher

#mental #sport #bridge #game #duplicate #TShirt