Friday, October 15, 2021

My Mind Regresses Toward Mean Linear Regression Classic Round Sticker

Ad: My Mind Regresses Toward Mean Linear Regression Classic Round Sticker

No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring linear regression and the tongue-in-cheek saying "My Mind Regresses Toward The Mean When Constantly Doing Linear Regression". Make others do a double-take about what happens to your mind when doing statistics! myStatistician

#mind #regresses #words #ClassicRoundSticker

Team Statistics (Normal Distribution Curve Stats) Keychain

Ad: Team Statistics (Normal Distribution Curve Stats) Keychain

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy any of these educational wry statistics gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) complete with percentages and Z-scores. Make others do a double-take about exactly what team you are on with any of these "Team Statistics" gifts! myStatistician

#team #statistics #statistician #Keychain

Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Tie #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #Tie

Ad: Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Tie #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #Tie

Morphogenesis Inside Drosophila Fruit Fly Genes Tile

Ad: Morphogenesis Inside Drosophila Fruit Fly Genes Tile

Showcase your scientific side with a dose of educational scientific fun with any of these gifts featuring the homeobox genes of the Drosophilia (fruit fly) along with the caption "Morphogenesis Inside". Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. No need to be a developmental biologist to enjoy! myMolecularBiology

#drosophila #fruit #science #homeobox #Tile

Normal Pulse Inside (ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram) Round Clock

Ad: Normal Pulse Inside (ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram) Round Clock

Showcase your wry medical sense of humor with this clock featuring a normal heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) along with the saying "Normal Pulse Inside". myHeartbeat

#normal #pulse #inside #heartbeat #RoundClock

Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops #time #line #geological #time #geology #FlipFlops

Ad: Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops #time #line #geological #time #geology #FlipFlops

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Doormat

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Doormat

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this doormat featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche door mat! myPsychology

#brain #words #unwords #never #Doormat

Mad Hatter To The Rescue Wonderland Sentiment T-Shirt #wonderland #mad #hatter #to #the #TShirt

Ad: Mad Hatter To The Rescue Wonderland Sentiment T-Shirt #wonderland #mad #hatter #to #the #TShirt

Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often T-Shirt

Ad: Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often T-Shirt

If you are frequently not in equilibrium - from an economics and psychological perspective - you'll enjoy this supply-and-demand curve tee featuring the supply-and-demand graph along with the wry economics truism saying: "Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory But Not Often Found In Practice". Memorable t-shirt for anyone who seeks economic equilibrium but often never finds it! myEconomics

#curve #economics #economist #humor #TShirt

Life Is Like Game Of Bridge Determinism Free Will T-Shirt

Ad: Life Is Like Game Of Bridge Determinism Free Will T-Shirt

No need to love the game of bridge to understand this wry bridge truism saying. Saying says: "Life Is Like A Game Of Bridge - The Hand You Are Dealt With Represents Determinism; The Way You Play It Represents Free Will". Includes all four card suits. Bridge attitude for all bridge players on any of these memorable gifts! myBridgeTeacher

#free #will #bridge #player #TShirt

Restructure Your Thoughts Make Connections Brain Fabric

Ad: Restructure Your Thoughts Make Connections Brain Fabric

Anatomical brain advice is found on this brain anatomy fabric featuring the saying "Restructure Your Thoughts Make The Connections & Build A Better Brain". Comes with the different parts of the human brain. Medical geek humor fabric for anyone who thinks and creates! No need to be a psychologist or brain surgeon to enjoy! myPsychology

#brain #build #better #Fabric

Be What You Would Seem To Be Wonderland Advice Serving Tray

Ad: Be What You Would Seem To Be Wonderland Advice Serving Tray

Alice and the Duchess had a logical conversation in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. Bring back logic and humor with this serving tray featuring Alice and the Duchess as drawn by John Tenniel along with the Duchess's logical mindset: "Be What You Would Seem To Be". Perfect serving tray for anyone who is at a crossroads and desires to be who he or she is! myPsychology

#alices #adventures #wonderland #ServingTray

What's Your Standard Configuration? (Physics) Dartboard With Darts

Ad: What's Your Standard Configuration? (Physics) Dartboard With Darts

Those who study the Lorentz transformation will enjoy any of this dartboard featuring the standard configuration. An observer O situated at the origin of a local set of coordinates - a frame of reference F. The observer in this frame uses the coordinates (x y z t) to describe a spacetime event shown as a star. Showcase your relativistic attitude toward the Cartesian coordinate system with this dartboard featuring the following query saying: "What's Your Standard Configuration?" myPhysics

#whats #your #standard #configuration #physics #DartboardWithDarts

Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps (Cryptography) Adult Apron #cryptographer #cryptography #julius #caesar #AdultApron

Ad: Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps (Cryptography) Adult Apron #cryptographer #cryptography #julius #caesar #AdultApron

Vigenère Square (Cryptography Tabula Rasa) Neck Tie

Ad: Vigenère Square (Cryptography Tabula Rasa) Neck Tie

A Vigenère square is essentially a table of alphabets and is also known as a Vigenère table Vigenère cipher or tabula rasa. It consists of the alphabet written out 26 times in different rows each alphabet shifted cyclically to the left compared to the previous alphabet corresponding to the 26 possible Caesar ciphers. At different points in the encryption process the cipher uses a different alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at each point depends on a repeating keyword. Showcase your love of cryptography with any of these cryptic gifts today! Memorable gifts for all who know about encryption and decryption! myCryptography

#cryptography #cipher #decipher #vigenre #square #NeckTie

Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Notebook

Ad: Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Notebook

Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this notebook featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" saying notebook today! myAnatomy

#reboot #needed #anatomical #brain #Notebook

Old Man On The Mountain NH Optical Illusion Scarf

Ad: Old Man On The Mountain NH Optical Illusion Scarf

No need to live in New Hampshire to enjoy this scarf featuring New Hampshire's classic Old Man Of The Mountain before its collapse on May 3 2003. Also known as the Great Stone Face or the Profile Old Man Of The Mountain was a series of five granite cliff ledges on Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (USA) that when viewed from the correct angle appeared to be the jagged profile of a face. This rock outcrop has been New Hampshire's state emblem since 1945. Celebrate New Hampshire's history today with a dose of optical illusion fun with this scarf featuring the classic Old Man Of The Mountain -- here called "Old Man On The Mountain"! myOpticalIllusion

#mountain #Scarf

Team Beekeeper Bee On Yellow Flower Metal Sign

Ad: Team Beekeeper Bee On Yellow Flower Metal Sign

Beekeepers and apiarists who feel at one with the bee will enjoy this metal parking sign featuring a bee collecting pollen on a yellow flower along with the following truism saying "Team Beekeeper". Make others do a double-take on the role of bees in society with this Team Beekeeper metal sign today! myBeekeeper

#beekeeping #words #unwords #apiarist #MetalSign

Coded For Amino Acids DNA Genetic Code OtterBox Defender iPhone Case

Ad: Coded For Amino Acids DNA Genetic Code OtterBox Defender iPhone Case

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry amino acid codon humor with this Otterbox case featuring the codon wheel along with the scientific truism caption "Coded For Amino Acids". Educational molecular biology Otterbox case for anyone! myMolecularBiology

#amino #acids #code #coded #OtterBoxDefenderiPhoneCase

Shush! Silencing RNA Inside Biology Humor Scarf

Ad: Shush! Silencing RNA Inside Biology Humor Scarf

Do you need peace and quiet? Showcase your wry molecular biology side with a dose of silencing RNA attitude with this scarf featuring small interfering RNA. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) sometimes known as short interfering RNA or silencing RNA is a class of double-stranded RNA molecules 20-25 nucleotides in length that play a variety of roles in biology -- most notably involvement in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway where it interferes with the expression of a specific gene. Memorable educational scientific sense of humor scarf for anyone needing some peace and quiet! myMolecularBiology

#biology #sirna #molecular #Scarf

Pi Probably Irrational Definitely Not 22/7 (Blue) Keychain

Ad: Pi Probably Irrational Definitely Not 22/7 (Blue) Keychain

It is often said that pi is a mathematical constant that is an irrational number. Let it be known with any of these gifts the truth about pi with these sayings: "Probably Irrational Definitely Not 22/7". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you mean with a dose of mathematical attitude! myMathematician

#probably #irrational #definitely #Keychain

Platonic Solids As Derived From The Fruit Of Life Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Platonic Solids As Derived From The Fruit Of Life Classic Round Sticker

No need to be a mathematician or a spiritual person to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the various "Platonic Solids As Derived From The Fruit Of Life". Included are the 5 Platonic solids known as tetrahedron hexahedron octahedron dodecahedron and icosahedron along with Metatron's Cube in comparison. In geometry a Platonic solid is a convex polyhedron that is regular in the sense of a regular polygon. Specifically the faces of a Platonic solid are congruent regular polygons with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex; thus all its edges are congruent as are its vertices and angles. Throughout the ages sacred geometry has been used in the planning and construction of religious structures and religious art. Make others do a double-take regarding all of the five platonic solids with any of these memorable "Platonic Solids As Derived From The Fruit Of Life" gifts! myMathematician

#geometry #sacred #fruit #ClassicRoundSticker

Life Is A Cascade Of Signals Cell Biology Humor Fabric

Ad: Life Is A Cascade Of Signals Cell Biology Humor Fabric

No need to be a biologist to know that signal transduction is a mechanism that converts a mechanical/chemical stimulus to a cell into a specific cellular response. Signal transduction starts with a signal to a receptor and ends with a change in cell function. Showcase your wry sense of cell biology humor with this fabric featuring signal transduction and the biological truism saying "Life Is A Cascade Of Signals" for the next time you create! myMolecularBiology

#signal #transduction #biology #molecular #biologist #Fabric

Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within Face Shield

Ad: Keys To Your Success In Game Of Bridge Lie Within Face Shield

Bridge players and bridge partners will enjoy this face shield featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "The Keys To Your Success In The Game Of Bridge Lie Within Your Partner's Hand". Make others do a double-take the next time you play bridge with a dose of wry bridge attitude with this memorable bridge saying face shield! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #keys #your #FaceShield

Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt

No need to be a cardiologist to enjoy any of these medical heart chamber gifts featuring the biological truism saying "Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm". Memorable vivid imagery gifts for all who desire to remind and educate others on what is a normal rhythm! myHeartbeat

#cardiology #anatomy #systole #BabyTShirt