Sunday, October 10, 2021

Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs T-Shirt

Ad: Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs T-Shirt

No need to be a biochemist or organic chemist to enjoy wry Krebs cycle humor with any of these citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) gifts featuring the following saying: "Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within". Make others do a double-take on what they are powered by with a dose of educational scientific fun today! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #machinery #TShirt

Warning! Sharp Shark Sense Inside Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Warning! Sharp Shark Sense Inside Two-Tone Coffee Mug

No need to be a shark biologist or an Icthyologist or an elasmobranchologist to enjoy this shark humor mug. Featuring the following saying that makes others do a double-take about what's inside of you: "Warning! Sharp Shark Sense Inside". Memorable mug for any scuba diver or any shark fan! myWarning

#sharks #warning #sharp #shark #sense #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics Bell Curve Geek Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics Bell Curve Geek Slip-On Sneakers

Bell curve knowledge is alive and well on this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring all key aspects of the normal distribution curve along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of statistics: "Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics". Classic statistics humor slip-on sneakers for anyone who thinks about statistics -- awake and asleep! myStatistician

#bell #curve #sleep #think #SlipOnSneakers

Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice T-Shirt

Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice T-Shirt

If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this tee featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic anatomical geek humor tee for anyone with a brain and does not want to be disturbed! myPsychology

#disturb #brain #TShirt

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit 3 Ring Binder

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion binder with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude binder for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myOpticalIllusion

#illusion #optical #illusions #paradigm #3RingBinder

Catalyst For Second Industrial Revolution N. Tesla Planner #father #of #radio #genius #electrical #Planner

Ad: Catalyst For Second Industrial Revolution N. Tesla Planner #father #of #radio #genius #electrical #Planner

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Playing Cards #climate #change #global #warming #forest #PlayingCards

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Playing Cards #climate #change #global #warming #forest #PlayingCards

To Be Deciphered (Jules Verne Runic Cryptogram) Large Tote Bag #jules #verne #science #fiction #cryptography #LargeToteBag

Ad: To Be Deciphered (Jules Verne Runic Cryptogram) Large Tote Bag #jules #verne #science #fiction #cryptography #LargeToteBag

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Do you work hard all the time? Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude with this molecular biology geek humor pair of slip-on sneakers! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #acid #SlipOnSneakers

EMT Inside (Sinus Rhythm Electrocardiogram) Notepad

Ad: EMT Inside (Sinus Rhythm Electrocardiogram) Notepad

Emergency medical technicians -- and anyone who works in the medical profession -- will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) along with the caption "EMT Inside". Make others do a double-take on what you do with a dose of wry medical technology humor today! myHeartbeat

#inside #words #unwords #Notepad

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Scarf

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Scarf

Do you work hard all the time? Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this scarf featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude with this molecular biology geek humor scarf! myMolecularBiology

#hard #work #acid #Scarf

Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life? Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life? Metal Lunch Box

DNA humor is alive and well on this metal lunch box featuring DNA replication along with the following rhetorical question that will make everyone do a double-take on thinking about the leading strand and the lagging strand in life: "Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life?" Wry molecular biology attitude for anyone who ponders about where he or she might be in the grand scheme of life on this metal lunchbox! myMolecularBiology

#genes #molecular #biology #MetalLunchBox

Just Call Me Venous Veins Venous System Wrapping Paper

Ad: Just Call Me Venous Veins Venous System Wrapping Paper

You have numerous veins in your body. Showcase this fact with any of these anatomical medical humor gifts featuring the major veins in the human body along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying "Just Call Me Venous". myAnatomy

#just #call #venous #WrappingPaper

Saturday, October 09, 2021

Figure Skaters Know All About Angular Momentum Face Mask

Ad: Figure Skaters Know All About Angular Momentum Face Mask

If you love figure skating and think about the physics of figure skating you'll enjoy wry scientific figure skating attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask! Cotton/polyester face mask features an illustration of angular momentum in physics along with a female figure skater doing the Biellmann spin plus the saying "Figure Skaters Know All About Angular Momentum". Memorable face mask for anyone who loves skating and understands the science behind spinning! myPhysics

#figure #skaters #angular #momentum #physics #FaceMask

Duplicate Bridge A Game Where Intelligent Minds T-Shirt

Ad: Duplicate Bridge A Game Where Intelligent Minds T-Shirt

Duplicate bridge players will enjoy this tee featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge A Game Where Intelligent Minds Meet". Make others do a double-take on what the game of duplicate bridge is all about with this bridge saying tee! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #game #where #TShirt

Proof Of The Existence Of The Higgs Boson Time Serving Tray

Ad: Proof Of The Existence Of The Higgs Boson Time Serving Tray

Particle physicists will enjoy this serving tray featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field including quarks leptons protons and the infamous Higgs boson. Make others do a double-take at the sub-atomic view of the world with this educational scientific serving tray featuring the following saying: "Proof Of The Existence Of The Higgs Boson Is Important To The Understanding Of Time Space & Matter". myPhysics

#higgs #boson #standard #model #ServingTray

Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Just A Normally Distributed Genius (Stats Humor) 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry statistical side with this binder featuring a normal distribution curve (Gaussian curve) along with the following caption that will make others do a double-take: "Just A Normally Distributed Genius". Stats humor fun for all geniuses! myStatistician

#stats #humor #geek #statistics #statistician #3RingBinder

It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid Cycle) Mouse Pad

Ad: It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid Cycle) Mouse Pad

No need to have taken organic chemistry to enjoy wry scientific humor with this mousepad featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Includes truism saying "It's All Organic". Educational biochemistry humor mousepad for anyone who knows about the organic cycle within his or her cells! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #tcac #MousePad

You Are Here Light Cone Space Time Physics Socks

Ad: You Are Here Light Cone Space Time Physics Socks

Showcase exactly where you are -- in the present -- with this physics humor pair of socks featuring the light cone along space and time dimensions. Comes with "You Are Here" callout. Classic geek humor pair of socks for any observer who wants to know exactly where one is in relation to time and space! myPhysics

#physics #time #space #light #cone #Socks

Powered By Statistics (Stats Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Powered By Statistics (Stats Humor) Coffee Mug

Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with any of these bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) gifts complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific gifts for all who work with statistics! myStatistician

#stats #percentages #normal #distribution #curve #CoffeeMug

Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Attitude) Business Card

Ad: Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Attitude) Business Card

Are you powered by statistics? Statisticians mathematicians psychology and stats major will enjoy introduce themselves to others with a dose of wry geek humor with these business cards featuring the bell curve along with the saying "Powered By Statistics". Make everyone do a double-take on what you are powered by today! myStatistician

#stats #percentages #normal #distribution #curve #BusinessCard

Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of Mind Scarf

Ad: Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of Mind Scarf

Showcase your wit and wisdom regarding the game of chess with this scarf featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of The Mind". Memorable chess attitude scarf for any avid chess player who knows what a chess player's mind goes through when playing the game of chess! myChess

#chess #teachers #mental #game #Scarf

Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Gift Box #jabberwock #jabberwocky #lewis #carroll #alice #GiftBox

Ad: Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Gift Box #jabberwock #jabberwocky #lewis #carroll #alice #GiftBox

Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life? Scarf

Ad: Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life? Scarf

No need to be either disabled or a psychologist to enjoy this transportation signage humor scarf featuring the disabled person sign as well as the rhetorical query "Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life?" Make others do a double-take on their attitude toward life with this existential signage query scarf today! myPsychology

#psyche #psychology #transportation #sign #handicap #Scarf

Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life? Humor Socks

Ad: Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life? Humor Socks

No need to be either disabled or a psychologist to enjoy this transportation signage humor pair of socks featuring the disabled person sign as well as the rhetorical query "Does Your Attitude Handicap You In Life?" Make others do a double-take on their attitude toward life with this existential signage query pair of socks today! myPsychology

#psyche #psychology #transportation #sign #handicap #Socks