Saturday, October 09, 2021

Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Bandana

Ad: Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Bandana

Do ideas circulate inside of you? Showcase your circulatory system both arteries and veins with a dose of medical anatomical humor with this bandana that says "Ideas Circulate Inside" complete with labels of all key arteries and veins. No need to work in the medical profession or be a philosopher to understand that ideas truly circulate within! myAnatomy

#ideas #circulate #inside #Bandana

Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Button

Ad: Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Button

Showcase your economics side with any of these gifts that includes the supply and demand curve and says "Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium". Truism saying for all who are happy and in equilibrium! myEconomics

#happiness #supply #demand #curve #Button

Life Is Not Long Enough To Master Game Of Chess Planner

Ad: Life Is Not Long Enough To Master Game Of Chess Planner

Showcase your wry chess player side with a dose of chess humor with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Life Is Not Long Enough To Master The Game Of Chess". myChess

#chess #game #saying #words #Planner

Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Scarf

Ad: Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Scarf

Do you have lots of ideas which circulate within you? No need to work in the medical field to appreciate this wry anatomical attitude scarf featuring all key parts (arteries and veins) of the circulatory system along with the saying "Ideas Circulate Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within you today with this geek humor scarf! myAnatomy

#ideas #circulate #inside #Scarf

Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Trivet

Ad: Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Trivet

If you're a bridge player and have come across an unusual hand or have made an unusual bid or misbid you'll enjoy this sound bridge advice saying trivet featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Keep Calm Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge humor trivet! myBridgeTeacher

#keep #calm #play #bridge #four #Trivet

Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Keep Calm Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Humor Bath Mat

If you're a bridge player and have come across an unusual hand or have made an unusual bid or misbid you'll enjoy this sound bridge advice saying bath mat featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Keep Calm Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge humor bathmat! myBridgeTeacher

#keep #calm #play #bridge #four #BathMat

Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required T-Shirt

Ad: Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required T-Shirt

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy this activation energy gift tee that says it all: "Catalyst Needed So That Less Energy Is Required". Showcase your scientific humor side today. Perfect gag gift for all those needing a catalyst! myBiochemistry

#catalyst #catalytic #chemistry #TShirt

100% Organic Krebs Cycle Citric Acid Cycle TCAC Fabric

Ad: 100% Organic Krebs Cycle Citric Acid Cycle TCAC Fabric

Showcase your wry biochemical attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the title "100% Organic". Make others do a double-take about what you consist of and where you get your energy from with this scientific saying geek humor fabric! myBiochemistry

#chemistry #tricarboxylic #acid #cycle #Fabric

This Machine Is Powered By Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Scarf

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Scarf

Do you take vitamin C daily? Showcase wry chemistry attitude with this biochemical attitude scarf featuring the chemical molecule ascorbic acid also known as Vitamin C. Comes with the scientific saying: "This Machine Is Powered By Ascorbic Acid". Make others do a double-take with this educational chemistry truism scarf! No need to work in the medical field or be a healthy person to enjoy. myBiochemistry

#vitamin #ascorbic #acid #Scarf

Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

Ad: Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

No need to be a cell biologist to appreciate wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the operational innards of a mitochondrion. Comes with the electron transport chain in the mitochondrial intermembrane space along with the truism saying "Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential". myBiochemistry

#biology #chemistry #biochemistry

Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Goat Fabric

Ad: Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Goat Fabric

If you love wry probabilistic humor you'll enjoy creating with this fabric featuring three doors and a goat along with the following statistical truism saying that will make others do a double-take: "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Make others smile at your next do-it-yourself project with this geek humor fabric! myStatistician

#life #monty #hall #Fabric

Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Magnet

Ad: Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Magnet

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon. myPsychology

#young #woman #lady #Magnet

Motion Illusion (Optical Illusion) Postcard

Ad: Motion Illusion (Optical Illusion) Postcard

Optical illusion fun is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring the motion illusion. Caption says it all: "Static image appears to be moving due to the cognitive effects of interacting color contrasts and shape position." Perfect psyche / psychology humor gag gift for any fan of optical illusions! Make others do a visual double-take today myOpticalIllusion

#interacting #effects #visual #perception #brain #Postcard

Nikola Tesla Needle In Haystack Theory Calculation Round Clock #theory #nikola #tesla #genius #calculation #RoundClock

Ad: Nikola Tesla Needle In Haystack Theory Calculation Round Clock #theory #nikola #tesla #genius #calculation #RoundClock

Eunice Foote Climate Change Pioneer 1856 Paper Faux Canvas Print #eunice #foote #climate #change #pioneer #FauxCanvasPrint

Ad: Eunice Foote Climate Change Pioneer 1856 Paper Faux Canvas Print #eunice #foote #climate #change #pioneer #FauxCanvasPrint

Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps (Cryptography) Postcard #cryptographer #cryptography #julius #caesar #Postcard

Ad: Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps (Cryptography) Postcard #cryptographer #cryptography #julius #caesar #Postcard

Risk-Taking Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Fabric

Ad: Risk-Taking Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Fabric

Are you a risk-taker? Adventuresome crafters and makers will enjoy this biology humor fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Risk-Taking Is In My Genes". Make others do a double-take on where one gets a daring-do perspective with a dose of geek attitude today with this fabric! myMolecularBiology

#risktaker #risk #taking #Fabric

My Heart Beats For Cardiology (Sinus Rhythm) T-Shirt

Ad: My Heart Beats For Cardiology (Sinus Rhythm) T-Shirt

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these sinus rhythm electrocardiogram gifts featuring normal heartbeat on the ECG/EKG. Make others do a double-take with medical attitude with the tongue-in-cheek heart felt saying "My Heart Beats For Cardiology"! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #cardiology #sinus #TShirt

Geneticists View Life From A Twisted Perspective Fabric

Ad: Geneticists View Life From A Twisted Perspective Fabric

Make others do a double-take the next time you create with a dose of wry molecular biology attitude with this fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Geneticists View Life From A Twisted Perspective". No need to be a geneticist or molecular biologist to enjoy creating and making things with this geek humor fabric! myMolecularBiology

#geneticists #view #life #from #Fabric

Thought Requires A Lot Of Nerve (Synapse) T-Shirt

Ad: Thought Requires A Lot Of Nerve (Synapse) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry medical humor side with any of these anatomical gifts featuring a synapse along with the scientific truism "Thought Requires A Lot Of Nerve". Showcase tongue-in-cheek biology humor with a dose of educational fun with any of these science attitude gifts! No need to work in the medical field to enjoy! myAnatomy

#neuron #synapse #nerve #TShirt

Friday, October 08, 2021

The Best Offense Is A Good Defense (Bridge) Business Card

Ad: The Best Offense Is A Good Defense (Bridge) Business Card

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge side with these business cards for the next time you introduce yourself! Featuring the four card suits along with the following timeless bridge saying -- or saying in any strategic game: "The Best Offense Is A Good Defense". Make others do a double-take at your next meet-and-greet! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #game #BusinessCard

RNA The Other Nucleic Acid Chemical Structure 3 Ring Binder

Ad: RNA The Other Nucleic Acid Chemical Structure 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry ribonucleic acid attitude with this binder featuring the chemical structure of RNA along with the following saying: "RNA The Other Nucleic Acid". Make others do a double-take at the biochemical world of RNA today! myBiochemistry

#ribonucleic #acid #biochemist #3RingBinder

Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle T-Shirt

Ad: Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle T-Shirt

Showcase your knowledge of quantum physics with any of these gifts featuring the saying "Wave-Particle Duality Inside". Includes an illustration of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle which describes the fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle such as position x and momentum p can be known simultaneously. In other words the more precisely the position of some particle is determined the less precisely its momentum can be known and vice versa. Classic quantum mechanics geek attitude with any of these gifts! myPhysics

#waveparticle #duality #inside #quantum #mechanics #TShirt

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Pet ID Tag

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Pet ID Tag

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with any of these Krebs cycle gifts that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Perfect gifts for those who understand the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

#tricarboxylic #acid #cycle #PetIDTag

Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Waves Physics Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Waves Physics Humor Bath Mat

No need to be a physicist to understand the Doppler effect along with the following analogy which draws parallels between the Doppler effect and life: "Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Arriving In Waves Bunched Together Or Stretched Apart Depending Upon Where You Are". Make others do a double-take on life with a dose of scientific humor with this Doppler effect analogy bathmat! myPhysics

#physics #words #unwords #life #BathMat