Friday, October 08, 2021

Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Make others do a double-take with this metal parking sign that says it all: "Who Said That I Was Normal?" Featuring bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) complete with percentages. Educational normal stats humor metal sign for anyone -- no need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician

#stats #statistician #statistics #bell #curve #MetalSign

Life Is Nothing But A Tasty Matter Of Pi (Pi Pie) Notebook

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Tasty Matter Of Pi (Pi Pie) Notebook

Are you constantly hungry for pi? Hungry pi fans and mathematicians will enjoy wry pi on a pie humor with this notebook featuring the following saying: "Life Is Nothing But A Tasty Matter Of Pi". No need to wait until March 14th rolls around to enjoy this scrumptious pi fan notebook! myMathematician

#life #nothing #Notebook

Let's Ruminate Together Wonderland Alice Queens Apron #red #queen #words #and #unwords #Apron

Ad: Let's Ruminate Together Wonderland Alice Queens Apron #red #queen #words #and #unwords #Apron

Arsenal Of Pattern Recognition Rules Inside Chess Face Mask

Ad: Arsenal Of Pattern Recognition Rules Inside Chess Face Mask

Chess is all about pattern recognition. Showcase your wry chess attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess advice to opponents: "Arsenal Of Pattern Recognition Rules Inside". Make others do a double-take on what the game of chess is all about with this chess saying cotton/polyester face mask today! myChess

#chess #teacher #words #unwords #FaceMask

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Fabric

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Fabric

Creators and makers who have a statistical attitude will enjoy creating things with this fabric featuring the normal distribution curve along with the following sound stats advice: "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". myPsychology

#psychology #teacher #stats #mathematician #hypothesis #Fabric

The Game Of Chess Is Both An Art And A Science Apron

Ad: The Game Of Chess Is Both An Art And A Science Apron

Chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this chess saying all-over print apron featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess truism saying: "The Game Of Chess Is Both An Art & A Science". Memorable chess attitude all-over print apron for anyone who knows about how the game of chess combines the artistic and scientific sides of one's brain! myChess

#chess #saying #teachers #words #Apron

Allopatric Speciation Amongst Fruit Flies Pinback Button

Ad: Allopatric Speciation Amongst Fruit Flies Pinback Button

No need to be an evolutionary biologist to enjoy this educational design featuring "Allopatric Speciation Amongst Fruit Flies". Showcase the definition of allopatric speciation with this colorful design. Scientific attitude gifts for all fans of fruit flies and evolution! myEvolution

#speciation #evolution #evolutionary #biology #biologist #PinbackButton

Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Face Mask

Ad: Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Face Mask

Chess players will enjoy this polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead". Make others do a double-take with a dose of chess geek attitude today the next time you wear this face mask! myChess

#chess #attitude #saying #reflective #FaceMask

Economists Do It With Models (Supply Demand Curve) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Economists Do It With Models (Supply Demand Curve) Silver Plated Necklace

Wry suggestive economics humor gifts for all those who work with models in the world of econometrics! Comes with the supply-and-demand curve along with the following saying: "Economists Do It With Models". myMathematician

#economics #econ #economist #econometrics #mathematician #SilverPlatedNecklace

Janet Yellen Govt Institutions Teaching Inspire Serving Tray

Ad: Janet Yellen Govt Institutions Teaching Inspire Serving Tray

Words of wisdom Janet Yellen quote on this serving tray featuring her official Federal Reserve portrait. Quotation says the following: "In government institutions and in teaching you need to inspire confidence. To achieve credibility you have to very clearly explain what you are doing and why. The same principles apply to businesses." No need to be an economist teacher or government official to enjoy this timeless inspirational Janet Yellen quotation serving tray! myEconomics

#economics #inspirational #janet #yellen #federal #ServingTray

Beekeeper Inside (Black White Bee Drawing) Neck Tie

Ad: Beekeeper Inside (Black White Bee Drawing) Neck Tie

Showcase your apiarist / beekeeper attitude with this customizable tie featuring a black and white bee drawing along with the saying "Beekeeper Inside". myBeekeeper

#beekeeper #inside #beekeepers #black #NeckTie

Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) Adult Apron

Ad: Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) Adult Apron

No need to be a cryptographer or linguist to enjoy any of these runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc as gifts. Contains all 34 runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc their names meanings and values in the Latin alphabet. Showcase your ancient language side today with any of these timeless educational gifts from another culture! myCryptography

#fuorc #anglosaxon #runes #latin #AdultApron

Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Metal Sign

Ad: Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Metal Sign

No need to be an economist or social scientist to enjoy this wry econ humor metal parking sign featuring the supply-and-demand curve along with the economics truism: "Economics: Not A Matter Of Life Or Death Just A Matter Of Equilibrium". Make others do a double-take with any of these tongue-in-cheek yet deadly serious educational economics humor metal sign today! myEconomics

#economics #just #matter #MetalSign

Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Magnet

Ad: Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Magnet

Showcase your economics side with any of these gifts that includes the supply and demand curve and says "Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium". Truism saying for all who are happy and in equilibrium! myEconomics

#happiness #supply #demand #curve #Magnet

Warning! Approaching Object With Huge Heart Inside Pinback Button

Ad: Warning! Approaching Object With Huge Heart Inside Pinback Button

Do you have a huge heart inside of you? Showcase wry double-entendre anatomical humor with this Gray's Anatomy diagram of a heart along with the psychological saying "Warning! Approaching Object With A Huge Heart Inside". No need to work in the medical field to enjoy any of these medical and anatomical gifts! Tongue-in-cheek truism saying will make others do a double-take on what's inside of you! myWarning

#words #unwords #medicine #huge #PinbackButton

Don't Procrastinate! White Rabbit Watch Wonderland Silver Plated Necklace #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #don't #SilverPlatedNecklace

Ad: Don't Procrastinate! White Rabbit Watch Wonderland Silver Plated Necklace #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #don't #SilverPlatedNecklace

Chess A Struggle Against Error Reflective Chess Bandana

Ad: Chess A Struggle Against Error Reflective Chess Bandana

Do you view chess as a struggle against error? Showcase your wry chess attitude side with this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess A Struggle Against Error". Make others do a double-take about exactly what the game of chess is all about in a mental sense with this memorable chess humor saying bandana! myChess

#chess #game #struggle #Bandana

Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Bandana

Ad: Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Bandana

Avid chess players who feel happy when playing chess will enjoy this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with following chess saying: "Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game". Make others do a double-take on what truly makes you happy with this chess humor bandana! myChess


Get Educated Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Scarf

Ad: Get Educated Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Scarf

If you believe that the game of chess has taught you well then show case you wry chess side with this scarf featuring a reflective chess set along with the following sound chess advice: "Get Educated Play Chess." No need to be a chess teacher or Grandmaster to enjoy! myChess

#educated #play #chess #Scarf

I Only Play Chess On Days That End In Y Humor Face Shield

Ad: I Only Play Chess On Days That End In Y Humor Face Shield

If you play chess everyday of the week you'll enjoy wearing this face shield featuring a reflective chess set with the saying: I Only Play Chess On Days That End In 'Y'. Make others do a double-take on how often you play chess! Perfect face shield for any chess fanatic who can't stop thinking and playing chess every day of the week! myChess

#chess #player #reflective #FaceShield

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Bandana

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Bandana

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude bandana featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this bandana! myMolecularBiology

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #Bandana

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Scarf

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Scarf

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude scarf featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this scarf! myMolecularBiology

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #Scarf

Explorer Genes Inside DNA Replication Socks

Ad: Explorer Genes Inside DNA Replication Socks

Do you love to explore? Are you genetically hard-wired for exploration? Showcase your wry genetic side with this pair of socks featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Explorer Genes Inside". myMolecularBiology

#replication #genes #explorer #Socks

Coded For Genealogy DNA Replication Face Mask

Ad: Coded For Genealogy DNA Replication Face Mask

Showcase your wry genealogical molecular biology side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Coded For Genealogy". Make others do a double-take about their family history today! Memorable science humor face mask for any genealogist! myMolecularBiology

#coded #genealogy #replication #FaceMask

Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Planner #antarctica #global #warming #climate #change #Planner

Ad: Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Planner #antarctica #global #warming #climate #change #Planner