Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Vase Or Faces? (Optical Illusion) Mouse Pad

Ad: Vase Or Faces? (Optical Illusion) Mouse Pad

Do you see a vase or faces? Showcase your optical illusion sense of style with this mousepad that asks the key question: "Vase Or Faces?" Make others do a double-take with illusory visual fun. Psychological attitude mousepad for anyone who knows about the gestalt phenomenon! myOpticalIllusion

#gestalt #phenomenon #vase #MousePad

Phylogenetic Tree Of Life You Are Here Throw Pillow

Ad: Phylogenetic Tree Of Life You Are Here Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry evolutionary side with this throw pillow featuring a tongue-in-cheek look at where human beings are on the phylogenetic tree of life our evolutionary tree. Featuring the three main kingdoms along with the title "Phylogenetic Tree of Life" along with a "You Are Here" call-out pointing to Animalia. myEvolution

#phylogenetic #tree #life #ThrowPillow

Apiarist Inside (Tacuina sanitatis 14th Century) Bandana

Ad: Apiarist Inside (Tacuina sanitatis 14th Century) Bandana

If you are a beekeeper -- i.e. apiarist -- you'll enjoy this bandana featuring a 14th century diagram of three beehives along with bees in the air along with the caption "Apiarist Inside". Beginning and experienced apiarists will enjoy this bandana featuring this timeless agricultural phenomenon known as beekeeping! myBeekeeper

#tacuina #sanitatis #apiarist #inside #words #Bandana

Coded For Storytelling (DNA Replication) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Coded For Storytelling (DNA Replication) Jigsaw Puzzle

Do you come from a long line of storytellers? Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with any of these gifts featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Coded For Storytelling". Make others do a double-take with a dose of tongue-in-cheek geek attitude today! myMolecularBiology

#coded #storytelling #storyteller #JigsawPuzzle

Just A Summation Math Equation Carl Gauss Formula Poster

Ad: Just A Summation Math Equation Carl Gauss Formula Poster

Mathematicians and math majors will enjoy this poster featuring Carl Gauss's formula to quickly add all the numbers from 1 to n. Includes the title "Just A Summation". myMathematician

#math #equation #formula #just #Poster

Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About Notebook

Ad: Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About Notebook

No need to be a molecular biologist or geneticist to enjoy wry scientific attitude with this notebook featuring DNA replication along with the following scientific truism saying: "Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About". Make others do a double-take at what the subject of genetics is all about with a dose of educational fun! myMolecularBiology

#decoding #life #what #genetics #Notebook

Problem With Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) iPhone 11 Case

Ad: Problem With Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) iPhone 11 Case

Does your brain zig when you zag? Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain (color-coded) along with the saying "Problem With Brain Inside". myAnatomy

#brain #problem #with #iPhone11Case

Play Bridge It's The Ultimate Trick Taking Game Poster

Ad: Play Bridge It's The Ultimate Trick Taking Game Poster

Poster featuring the four card suits along with the common bridge saying "Play Bridge It's The Ultimate Trick Taking Game". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge / duplicate bridge is all about with this poster! myBridgeTeacher

#play #bridge #ultimate #trick #taking #Poster

Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Silver Plated Necklace

Electrocardiogram attitude is alive and well on this necklace featuring the following psychological and existential saying: "Alive The Condition Of My Existence". Comes with a normal sinus rhythm heartbeat electrocardiogram. Wry medical fun for anyone alive! myHeartbeat

#alive #geek #humor #SilverPlatedNecklace

Problem With Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Kitchen Towel

Ad: Problem With Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Kitchen Towel

Does your brain zig when you zag? Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain (color-coded) along with the saying "Problem With Brain Inside". myAnatomy

#brain #problem #with #KitchenTowel

Look Down Not Up Always Invest Margin Of Safety Trifold Wallet

Ad: Look Down Not Up Always Invest Margin Of Safety Trifold Wallet

Value investors will enjoy this traffic sign / transportation sign humor wallet featuring the warning sign of a vehicle plunging into water. Tongue-in-cheek -- yet very real investing advice -- saying says "Look Down Not Up - Always Invest With A Margin Of Safety". Perfect wry financial advice wallet for any investor especially one who follows the Graham and Dodd school of thought! myEconomics

#value #investing #investor #look #TrifoldWallet

Distracted Nerves Inside (Synapse) Coffee Mug

Ad: Distracted Nerves Inside (Synapse) Coffee Mug

Are you frequently distracted? No need to have attention deficit disorder to enjoy any of these anatomical neuron / synapse gifts complete with labels of all key parts. Educational biology fun for all with "Distracted Nerves Inside". Perfect attention getting gag gift for busy people! myAnatomy

#neuron #words #unwords #CoffeeMug

Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) T-Shirt

Ad: Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) T-Shirt

Are you obsessive about bridge? Do you have obsessive compulsive bridge disorder? Look no further than any of these gifts which celebrate your compulsive neurological side with a dose of duplicate bridge attitude fun! Featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder". Warn others about what afflicts you the next time you play at the bridge table! myBridgeTeacher

#obsessive #compulsive #bridge #TShirt

Just Trust Me Oxytocin Mammalian Hormone Humor Scarf

Ad: Just Trust Me Oxytocin Mammalian Hormone Humor Scarf

Let your wry biochemical side shine with this scarf featuring the chemical structure of oxytocin the mammalian hormone responsible for social bonding and trust along with the following truism saying: "Just Trust Me". Classic biochemistry geek humor scarf for anyone who desires to be trusted! myBiochemistry

#just #trust #oxytocin #Scarf

Just A Normal Statistician (Bell Curve Humor) Mouse Pad

Ad: Just A Normal Statistician (Bell Curve Humor) Mouse Pad

Are you just a normal statistician? Showcase your normal sense of humor with this wry statistical humor mousepad featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Just A Normal Statistician". Make others do a double-take at how normal you are according to the world of statistics! Memorable mousepad for anyone who plays with statistics! myStatistician

#psychologist #words #unwords #statistics #MousePad

How Much Free Energy Do You Have? Chemistry Humor Serving Tray

Ad: How Much Free Energy Do You Have? Chemistry Humor Serving Tray

Showcase your wry chemistry / biochemistry sense of humor with this serving tray featuring a graph showing the difference in both activation energy and time of the reaction when an enzyme is present along with the following rhetorical question: 'How Much Free Energy Do You Have?" Classic geek humor serving tray for anyone who scoffs at the idea of energy being free! myBiochemistry

#science #humor #activation #energy #ServingTray

99.7% Confident Fall Within Three Std Deviations Socks

Ad: 99.7% Confident Fall Within Three Std Deviations Socks

Are you a statistically inclined person? Pair of socks contains an image of the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the saying that will surely turn all heads and wonder what you mean: "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Stats humor pair of socks for anyone into statistics! No need to be a statistician or statistics teacher to enjoy. myStatistician

#statistics #bell #curve #statistician #geek #Socks

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Large Christmas Stocking

Are you frequently lost in translation? No need to know about protein synthesis to enjoy wry biochemistry humor with this xMas stocking featuring messenger RNA along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying that is applicable in life: "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Make others do a double-take about language and meaning with this quirky scientific saying xMas stocking during the holidays! myBiochemistry

#messenger #LargeChristmasStocking

Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Socks

Ad: Warning! Emotional DNA Inside Molecular Bio Humor Socks

If you are an emotional person and believe that there is a hereditary basis for being emotional you'll enjoy this molecular biology attitude pair of socks featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Warning! Emotional DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take at what lies within with a dose of scientific fun with this pair of socks! myWarning

#psychology #emotional #inside #words #Socks

Statistical Anomaly Inside (Bell Curve I Am Here) T-Shirt

Ad: Statistical Anomaly Inside (Bell Curve I Am Here) T-Shirt

Are you a statistical anomaly? Showcase your wry stats geek sense of humor with this tee featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the "I Am Here" call-out and the saying "Statistical Anomaly Inside". Make others do a double-take at what a six-sigma event you truly are with this statistical humor tee! No need to be a statistician to enjoy! myStatistician

#statistical #anomaly #inside #bell #curve #TShirt

Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Ad: Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon. myPsychology

#young #woman #lady #TShirt

Which Orange Circle Is Larger? (Optical Illusion) Keychain

Ad: Which Orange Circle Is Larger? (Optical Illusion) Keychain

Ask yourself and others this key question: Which orange circle is larger? Showcase the Ebbinghaus illusion with a dose of relative fun on any of these gifts. Caption explains the optical illusion: "Answer: The 2 orange circles are the same size but the one on the left seems smaller due to being surrounded by larger objects. This phenomenon is known as the Ebbinghaus illusion." Also known as Titchener circles. Educational optical illusion gifts for all who enjoy visual humor. Make others do a double-take and look again and again today! myOpticalIllusion

#optical #illusion #illusions #brain #teaser #Keychain

Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Trivet #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #Trivet

Ad: Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Trivet #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #Trivet

The Wizard Of The West (Nikola Tesla) T-Shirt #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #TShirt

Ad: The Wizard Of The West (Nikola Tesla) T-Shirt #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #TShirt

Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Trivet #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #Trivet

Ad: Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Trivet #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #Trivet