Monday, September 06, 2021

This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate

Showcase your wry ATP side with this educational science humor Lifeproof iPhone 7 case featuring the chemical molecule adenosine triphosphate with the following truism saying: "This Machine Is Powered By Adenosine Triphosphate - ATP". Make others do a double-take on what you are powered by with a dose of biochemical attitude today! myBiochemistry

#this #machine

Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coffee Mug

Ad: Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coffee Mug

Showcase the bell curve with a wry dose of educational humor on any of these gifts that feature the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve and the Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek stats advice saying: "Apply Yourself Think Statistics". Includes percentages under the curve. No need to be a statistician or stats teacher to enjoy any of these timeless and inspirational statistics humor gifts! myStatistician

#bell #curve #statistician #normal #distribution #CoffeeMug

Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Baby T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these statistical humor gifts featuring the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve or Gaussian curve). Comes with the wry statistical truism saying about the discipline of statistics: "Statistics - If You Torture The Number Long Enough You Can Get Them To Say Anything". Make others do a double-take about the subject of statistics with a dose of educational humor today! myPsychology

#statistics #stats #statistical #statistician #humor #BabyTShirt

Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Sandstone Coaster

Ad: Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Sandstone Coaster

Showcase your wry neurological attitude toward learning with a dose of educational scientific fun with this coaster featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following biological and psychological truism saying: "Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process". myPsychology

#learning #iterative #process #SandstoneCoaster

Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore Anatomical Humor Apron

Ad: Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore Anatomical Humor Apron

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this anatomical psychological all-over print apron featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying -- especially apropos for anyone who lives an exceedingly busy life and can't think at times: "Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific anatomical all-over print apron today! No need to be a neurosurgeon or psychologist to enjoy! myPsychology

#brain #full #cant #think #Apron

Freemason's Cipher Cryptography Deciphering Code White Cotton Face Mask #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Ad: Freemason's Cipher Cryptography Deciphering Code White Cotton Face Mask #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Global Warming? Blame It On El Niño and La Niña Fabric #la #nina #environmental #global #warming #Fabric

Ad: Global Warming? Blame It On El Niño and La Niña Fabric #la #nina #environmental #global #warming #Fabric

Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Scarf

Ad: Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Scarf

No need to work in the medical field -- although it certain helps -- to enjoy this wry kidney nephron humor scarf featuring all of the key parts of the nephron (from medical textbook Gray's Anatomy) along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Word play on the word "real" and "renal". Make everyone do a double-take on what you mean today with this anatomical attitude scarf! myAnatomy

#anatomy #nephron #kidney #Scarf

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Face Mask

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Face Mask

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical polyester face mask featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable polyester face mask for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #anatomical #parts #FaceMask

Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Round Clock

Ad: Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts? Brain Round Clock

Showcase your wry brainy and conscientious side with a dose of conscience with any of these anatomical gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following ponderous query: "Are You Greater Than The Sum Of Your Parts?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent reflective fun today! myAnatomy

#words #unwords #brain #RoundClock

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Face Mask

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Face Mask

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche humor with this cotton/polyester face mask! myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #FaceMask

Guess Intelligently Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Ad: Guess Intelligently Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Showcase your wry bridge player / duplicate bridge player side with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Guess Intelligently Play Bridge". Make others -- both other bridge players and non-bridge players alike -- do a double-take at what bridge players do all the time! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #humor #advice #words #Notebook

Sunday, September 05, 2021

I Go To School At The Bridge Table (Bridge Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: I Go To School At The Bridge Table (Bridge Humor) T-Shirt

Those who can never truly master the game of bridge will enjoy any of these wry bridge saying gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the saying "I Go To School At The Bridge Table". Make others do a double-take about how much is really learned in the game of bridge with any of these bridge truism gifts! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #table #TShirt

My Energy Cycle Keeps Me Going (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt

Ad: My Energy Cycle Keeps Me Going (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry scientific humor with this geek saying tee featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) and the following line: "My Energy Cycle Keeps Me Going". Let others know what truly keeps your going with a dose of scientific fun! myBiochemistry

#keeps #going #tcac #TShirt

Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Planner

Ad: Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Planner

Face it - genetics is likely to be a part of your identity. Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this planner featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetics A Facet Of My Identity". Molecular biologists and geneticists will enjoy this psychological saying about genetics and identity on this planner! myPsychology

#identity #molecular #biologist #biology #Planner

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Scarf

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Scarf

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this scarf featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy. Psychological stats attitude scarf for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

#psychology #words #unwords #probabilities #Scarf

Standard Deviation Square Root Of The Variance Pinback Button

Ad: Standard Deviation Square Root Of The Variance Pinback Button

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy statistical attitude with any of these gifts featuring the mathematical definition of standard deviation the square root of the variance. Educational scientific stats equation. Make others do a double-take with wry stats humor today! myStatistician

#standard #deviation #equation #PinbackButton

What Wavelength Are You On? Psyche Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: What Wavelength Are You On? Psyche Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

No need to be a physicist to understand atmospheric electromagnetic transmittance with a dose of wry geek humor on this psychological binder featuring the common rhetorical question: "What Wavelength Are You On?" Memorable binder for anyone who converses with other people and who finds that one is frequently having a different conversation that one had expected! myPsychology

#what #wavelength #3RingBinder

Meet Me In Wonderland (Queen Alice Frog) Gift Box #queen #alice #words #and #unwords #GiftBox

Ad: Meet Me In Wonderland (Queen Alice Frog) Gift Box #queen #alice #words #and #unwords #GiftBox

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Large Christmas Stocking

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this xMas stocking featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy! Psychological xMas stocking for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

#psychology #words #unwords #probabilities #LargeChristmasStocking

Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Metal Sign

Economics humor comes alive on this metal sign featuring a supply-and-demand curve on a graph along with the following query caption: "Are You At Equilibrium?" No matter what your psychological (mental) state or economic state is showcase your wry econ sense of humor with this geek query humor metal parking sign! No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy! myPsychology

#equilibrium #economics #MetalSign

What Is Your Circadian Rhythm? Wrist Watch

Ad: What Is Your Circadian Rhythm? Wrist Watch

We all have a circadian rhythm. Some of us are larks (early morning people) and others night owls (late night people). Make others do a double-take on where the circadian rhythm originates and what is his or her own circadian rhythm with this watch featuring the mechanics of our circadian rhythm along with the caption "What Is Your Circadian Rhythm?" myPsychology

#what #your #circadian #rhythm #WristWatch

Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Dartboard

Ad: Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Dartboard

No need to be a cryptographer to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Freemason's cipher also known as the pigpen cipher masonic cipher or Rosicrucian cipher. Make others do a double-take over this geometric simple substitution cipher which exchanges letters for symbols that are fragments of a grid. Coders and all who enjoy cryptanalysis will enjoy! myCryptography

#freemasons #cipher #cryptography #simple #Dartboard

Dalecarlian Runes Set Of Runes In Darlana Sweden T-Shirt

Ad: Dalecarlian Runes Set Of Runes In Darlana Sweden T-Shirt

Runologists and linguists will enjoy this tee featuring the "Dalecarlian Runes A Set Of Runes Used In The Province Of Darlana Sweden From The 16th Up To The Early 20th Century". myCryptography

#language #linguist #runologist #dalecarlian #rules #TShirt

Whooo...Are...You? (Alice and the Caterpillar) Round Clock #query #wonderland #caterpillar #alice #lewis #RoundClock

Ad: Whooo...Are...You? (Alice and the Caterpillar) Round Clock #query #wonderland #caterpillar #alice #lewis #RoundClock