Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ethanol A Cleaner Form Of Energy Green Energy Face Mask #ethanol #a #cleaner #form #of #FaceMask

Ad: Ethanol A Cleaner Form Of Energy Green Energy Face Mask #ethanol #a #cleaner #form #of #FaceMask

This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Leggings

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Leggings

Showcase wry chemistry molecule humor the next time you step out with this adrenaline molecule leggings with the scientific truism saying "This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline". Featuring molecular structure of adrenaline responsible for the "flight or fight" response. Make others do a double-take on what you are powered by no matter where you go or what you do! Memorable pair of leggings for anyone powered by adrenaline! myBiochemistry

#adrenaline #chemical #molecule #Leggings

The Science Of Logic Is Found In The Game Of Chess T-Shirt #game #of #chess #teacher #TShirt

Ad: The Science Of Logic Is Found In The Game Of Chess T-Shirt #game #of #chess #teacher #TShirt

Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Notebook #software #developers #open #source #java #Notebook

Ad: Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Notebook #software #developers #open #source #java #Notebook

Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Pinback Button

Ad: Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Pinback Button

Showcase wry anatomical humor with any of these brain anatomy gifts featuring the various parts of the brains including the pons cerebellum and medulla - color coded for distinction. Comes with the wry truism saying "Use It [Your Brain] Or Lose It". No need to be a neuroscientist philosopher or neurosurgeon to enjoy any of these educational scientific humor gifts today! myAnatomy

#lose #PinbackButton

Vigenère Square (Cryptography Tabula Rasa) Coffee Mug

Ad: Vigenère Square (Cryptography Tabula Rasa) Coffee Mug

A Vigenère square is essentially a table of alphabets and is also known as a Vigenère table Vigenère cipher or tabula rasa. It consists of the alphabet written out 26 times in different rows each alphabet shifted cyclically to the left compared to the previous alphabet corresponding to the 26 possible Caesar ciphers. At different points in the encryption process the cipher uses a different alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at each point depends on a repeating keyword. Showcase your love of cryptography with this cryptic mug today! Memorable mug for anyone who knows about encryption and decryption! myCryptography

#cryptography #cipher #decipher #vigenre #square #CoffeeMug

Take A Break Revitalize Your Grey Matter (Brain) Dartboard With Darts

Ad: Take A Break Revitalize Your Grey Matter (Brain) Dartboard With Darts

Showcase your wry brainy attitude with a dose of anatomical humor with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Take A Break Revitalize Your Grey Matter". myAnatomy

#grey #matter #brain #DartboardWithDarts

Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Metal Sign

Ad: Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart Metal Sign

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry geek anatomical heart humor with this metal parking sign featuring a diagram of a human heart from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Just Showing You My Heart". Make everyone do a double-take at what you mean with this heart anatomy metal sign! myAnatomy

#heart #medicine #anatomy #MetalSign

Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Bandana

Ad: Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Bandana

Showcase your tongue-in-cheek food for thought side with this fruit attitude bandana featuring peach anatomy. Comes with the truism saying that will make others do a double-take as to what you are referring to: "Just Feeling Peachy". Memorable peach humor bandana for anyone who has a fruity sense of humor! myAnatomy

#peach #Bandana

Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) Keychain

Ad: Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) Keychain

If you are trying to make Lifemaster in record time you'll enjoy any of these wry bridge attitude gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the common saying "Eat... Sleep... Bridge". Make others do a double-take about what goes on in your life every hour of the day with a dose of bridge player humor today! For all die-hard bridge players! myBridgeTeacher

#sleep #bridge #game #Keychain

Wanted Clean Air For Breathability Respire Humor Jigsaw Puzzle #clean #air #environmentalist #environmental #slogan #JigsawPuzzle

Ad: Wanted Clean Air For Breathability Respire Humor Jigsaw Puzzle #clean #air #environmentalist #environmental #slogan #JigsawPuzzle

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Light Dependent Face Mask #photosynthesis #reduce #smog #support #photosynthesis #FaceMask

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Light Dependent Face Mask #photosynthesis #reduce #smog #support #photosynthesis #FaceMask

I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle Humor) Mouse Pad

Ad: I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle Humor) Mouse Pad

Do you function on a complex cycle? You'll enjoy any of these biochemistry humor gifts featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) with the saying "I Function On A Complex Cycle". Showcase the complexity of your operating innards today. Science attitude gifts for all those who function on a complex cycle -- no matter what schedule you are following! myBiochemistry

#humor #complex #cycle #MousePad

I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Std Deviations Oval Belt Buckle

Ad: I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Std Deviations Oval Belt Buckle

Showcase your wry stats sense of humor with this belt buckle featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following stats saying: "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". myStatistician

#words #unwords #statistics #bell #OvalBeltBuckle

To Analyze Clumps Data Calculate Cophenetic Corr Dartboard With Darts

Ad: To Analyze Clumps Data Calculate Cophenetic Corr Dartboard With Darts

Statisticians and biostatisticians will enjoy this dartboard featuring the calculation for the cophentic correlation coefficient along with the following saying: "To Analyze Clumps Of Data Just Calculate Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient - Note: Magnitude of c should be close to 1 for a high-quality solution." Cophenetic correlation represents a measure how faithfully a dendrogram preserves the pairwise distances between the original unmodeled data points. Make others do a double-take with intelligent biostatistical humor with this definitional stats dartboard! myStatistician

#stats #statistics #biostatistics #analyze #DartboardWithDarts

I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Leggings

Ad: I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Leggings

Showcase your knowledge of statistics and standard deviation with a dose of educational stats humor with this pair of leggings featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within Three Standard Deviations From The Mean". Memorable statistical attitude leggings for anyone who falls within three standard deviations from the mean! myStatistician

#statistics #bell #curve #statistician #geek #Leggings

Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation Neuron Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation Neuron Slip-On Sneakers

Do you form lots of habits? Showcase your wry neurological sense of humor with this educational scientific pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the different anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following truism saying about habit: "Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation". No need to be a neurologist or psychologist to enjoy! myPsychology

#science #humor #form #SlipOnSneakers

Mechanical Engineer Inside (Gears Brain) Long Apron

Ad: Mechanical Engineer Inside (Gears Brain) Long Apron

Mechanical engineers will enjoy wry psyche humor with any of these gifts featuring gears in the silhouette of a brain along with the saying "Mechanical Engineer Inside". Make others do a double-take on who you are and how you think with any of these brainy geek humor gear gifts today! myPsychology

#brain #psychology #mechanical #engineering #gears #LongApron

Nikola Tesla Scientists Equation No Relation Quote Coffee Mug #substituted #mathematics #for #experiments #inventor #CoffeeMug

Ad: Nikola Tesla Scientists Equation No Relation Quote Coffee Mug #substituted #mathematics #for #experiments #inventor #CoffeeMug

Nikola Tesla Harnessed The Cosmic Rays Device Ceramic Ornament #inventor #words #and #unwords #nikola #CeramicOrnament

Ad: Nikola Tesla Harnessed The Cosmic Rays Device Ceramic Ornament #inventor #words #and #unwords #nikola #CeramicOrnament

Harnessing A Waterfall Sun's Energy Tesla Quote T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #scientist #wireless #TShirt

Ad: Harnessing A Waterfall Sun's Energy Tesla Quote T-Shirt #nikola #tesla #scientist #wireless #TShirt

Beware! Ghosts Lurking Inside (Android) Bumper Sticker #android #three #beware #ghosts #lurking #BumperSticker

Ad: Beware! Ghosts Lurking Inside (Android) Bumper Sticker #android #three #beware #ghosts #lurking #BumperSticker

Birth Of A Tornado Inside (Meteorology) Classic Round Sticker #birth #of #a #tornado #inside #ClassicRoundSticker

Ad: Birth Of A Tornado Inside (Meteorology) Classic Round Sticker #birth #of #a #tornado #inside #ClassicRoundSticker

A Well-Defined Skull Medical Anatomy Scarf

Ad: A Well-Defined Skull Medical Anatomy Scarf

Showcase your wry and raw anatomical attitude with this scarf featuring an illustration of the different parts of the human skull along with the following self-evident caption: "A Well-Defined Skull". Memorable medical humor scarf for anyone curious about one's skull. myAnatomy

#welldefined #skull #human #Scarf

Pay Attention To A Posteriori Probabilities Bridge Table Lamp

Ad: Pay Attention To A Posteriori Probabilities Bridge Table Lamp

Bridge players who know about bridge probabilities will enjoy this bridge saying lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism advice saying: "Pay Attention To A Posteriori Probabilities When Playing Bridge". myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #saying #four #TableLamp