Saturday, August 21, 2021

Same Data Different Interpretation Illusion Psyche Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Same Data Different Interpretation Illusion Psyche Slip-On Sneakers

Classic gestalt phenomenon on this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the infamous duck / rabbit optical illusion along with the saying that will make others do a double-take the next time it comes to interpreting data: "Same Data Different Interpretation". myPsychology

#duck #rabbit #same #data #different #SlipOnSneakers

Worker Ant Inside Anatomical Humor Doormat

Ad: Worker Ant Inside Anatomical Humor Doormat

Do you feel like a worker ant at times? Showcase your biological sense of humor with this anatomical design featuring ant anatomy along with the saying "Worker Ant Inside". Make others do a double-take about how you feel in life with this educational scientific attitude doormat! myPsychology

#worker #inside #Doormat

Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Water Bottle

Ad: Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Water Bottle

No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these statistical humor featuring the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve or Gaussian curve). Comes with the wry statistical truism saying about the discipline of statistics: "Statistics - If You Torture The Number Long Enough You Can Get Them To Say Anything". Make others do a double-take about the subject of statistics with a dose of educational humor today! myStatistician

#statistics #stats #statistical #statistician #humor #WaterBottle

Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Slip-On Sneakers #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #SlipOnSneakers

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Slip-On Sneakers #red #queen #hypothesis #red #queen #SlipOnSneakers

Worker Ant Inside Anatomical Humor Flask

Ad: Worker Ant Inside Anatomical Humor Flask

Do you feel like a worker ant at times? Showcase your biological sense of humor the next time you take a swig with this flask featuring ant anatomy along with the saying "Worker Ant Inside". Make others do a double-take about how you feel in life with this educational scientific attitude flask! myPsychology

#worker #inside #Flask

Alice Red Queen Running To Stay In Same Place #all #the #running #you #can

Ad: Alice Red Queen Running To Stay In Same Place #all #the #running #you #can

Creative Interconnectedness Inside Brain Socks

Ad: Creative Interconnectedness Inside Brain Socks

Are you a creative person? Showcase this fact with this brain anatomy pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Creative Interconnectedness Inside". No need to be a neuropsychologist to enjoy! myPsychology

#creative #inside #brain #anatomy #Socks

Wonderland Be Careful What You Drink (Alice) Adult Apron #john #tenniel #drinking #alice #lewis #AdultApron

Ad: Wonderland Be Careful What You Drink (Alice) Adult Apron #john #tenniel #drinking #alice #lewis #AdultApron

Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Face Mask

Ad: Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Face Mask

Economics humor comes alive on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a supply-and-demand curve on a graph along with the following query caption: "Are You At Equilibrium?" No matter what your psychological (mental) state or economic state is showcase your wry econ sense of humor with this geek query humor face mask! No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy! myPsychology

#equilibrium #economics #FaceMask

Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Coffee Mug

Ad: Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Coffee Mug

No need to be a cryptographer to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Freemason's cipher also known as the pigpen cipher masonic cipher or Rosicrucian cipher. Make others do a double-take over this geometric simple substitution cipher which exchanges letters for symbols that are fragments of a grid. Coders and all who enjoy cryptanalysis will enjoy! myCryptography

#freemasons #cipher #cryptography #simple #CoffeeMug

Are You All Set? (Math Set Theory Attitude) Tie #are #you #all #set #Tie

Ad: Are You All Set? (Math Set Theory Attitude) Tie #are #you #all #set #Tie

Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Geek Humor Face Mask

Ad: Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Geek Humor Face Mask

Make others do a double-take with this cotton/polyester face mask that says it all: "Who Said That I Was Normal?" Featuring bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) complete with percentages. Educational humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone -- no need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician

#stats #statistician #statistics #bell #curve #FaceMask

Nikola Tesla Let The Future Tell The Truth Quote #nikola #tesla #serbianamerican #genius #radio

Ad: Nikola Tesla Let The Future Tell The Truth Quote #nikola #tesla #serbianamerican #genius #radio

Be As Royal As You Can Be Wonderland Advice Humor Flask #wonderland #be #as #royal #Flask

Ad: Be As Royal As You Can Be Wonderland Advice Humor Flask #wonderland #be #as #royal #Flask

Be Systematic Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Keychain

Ad: Be Systematic Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Keychain

Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor with any of these bridge attitude gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Be Systematic Play Bridge". Memorable bridge humor saying gifts for any avid bridge player or bridge teacher! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #teacher #advice #Keychain

What I Do With My Free Time (Recreation Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: What I Do With My Free Time (Recreation Humor) T-Shirt

Do you enjoy archery or tennis? Rock climbing or hang gliding? No matter what you do with your free time enjoy wry signage humor with this transportation sign tee with the saying "What I Do With My Free Time". Make others do a double-take on what you do with your free time when you wear this psychological recreational attitude t-shirt! myPsychology

#recreation #recreational #psyche #psychology #psychological #TShirt

Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Showcase your tongue-in-cheek food for thought side with this fruit attitude pair of slip-on sneakers featuring peach anatomy. Comes with the truism saying that will make others do a double-take as to what you are referring to: "Just Feeling Peachy". Memorable peach humor pair of slip-on sneakers for anyone who has a fruity sense of humor! myPsychology

#peach #just #feeling #SlipOnSneakers

Where Are We Winded By Wind? (Wind Power) Jigsaw Puzzle #winded #by #wind #renewable #energy #JigsawPuzzle

Ad: Where Are We Winded By Wind? (Wind Power) Jigsaw Puzzle #winded #by #wind #renewable #energy #JigsawPuzzle

Warning! Dynamite Inside (Nitroglycerin) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Dynamite Inside (Nitroglycerin) T-Shirt

Is there dynamite inside of you? Wry chemistry humor comes across on this chemical molecule gift tee featuring nitroglycerin the active ingredient in dynamite. Warns others with tongue-in-cheek scientific humor that they should be forewarned: "Warning! Dynamite Inside". Perfect double entendre science attitude gift for those who work in the medical field or in the field of chemistry! myBiochemistry

#biochemistry #warning #dynamite #TShirt

Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Face Shield #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #FaceShield

Ad: Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Face Shield #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #FaceShield

Programmer DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Rectangular Sticker #dna #replication #dna #programmer #RectangularSticker

Ad: Programmer DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Rectangular Sticker #dna #replication #dna #programmer #RectangularSticker

Disturb Your Routine Think Brain Anatomy Advice Table Lamp

Ad: Disturb Your Routine Think Brain Anatomy Advice Table Lamp

Showcase your wry anatomical brain sense of humor with this lamp featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying that will make yourself and others do a double-take about the thinking process: "Disturb Your Routine Think". Brainy advice lamp for anyone who understands that it takes effort to think! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #humor #disturb #TableLamp

Scatterbrained Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Bicycle Playing Cards

Ad: Scatterbrained Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Bicycle Playing Cards

Do you complain of having a scatterbrained brain at times? Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor with any of these brain attitude gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Scatterbrained Inside". Make others do a double-take at how your mind works with a dose of geek humor today! myAnatomy

#brain #scatterbrained #funny #BicyclePlayingCards

Retirement Is A State Of Mind (Anatomical Brain) T-Shirt

Ad: Retirement Is A State Of Mind (Anatomical Brain) T-Shirt

Do you believe that retirement is a state of mind? No need to work in the medical or psychological field to enjoy this tee featuring the human brain complete with all key parts labeled along with the saying "Retirement Is A State Of Mind". If you're thinking about retirement and just can't do so you'll be happy to know that retirement truly is a state of mind with this geek humor t-shirt! myAnatomy

#retirement #state #mind #TShirt

Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Adult Apron

Ad: Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Adult Apron

Have you ever been told to eyeball it? Do you eyeball things -- such as measurements? Showcase your wry anatomical humor side with any of these literal gifts featuring all key parts of a human eye. Includes the truism saying "Just Eyeball It". Make others do a double-take at exactly what you mean with any of these memorable ophthamological attitude gifts today! No need to be an optician optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#just #eyeball #words #AdultApron