Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Jigsaw Puzzle
Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this jigsaw puzzle featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great jigsaw puzzle for any scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry
#biochemical #energy #biochemistry #JigsawPuzzle
Venn To The Sixth Set (Venn Diagram) Tie #venn #diagram #math #mathematics #logic #Tie
Software Developers Know How To Surf Through Time Keychain #surf #through #time #software #developer #Keychain
Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Cryptography Binder
Ad: Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps Cryptography Binder
No need to be a cryptographer to enjoy this binder featuring the Caesar cipher rotated 13 steps. Code your language and your lettering so that no one but those who are supposed to know will understand your message with this cipher binder! Includes decoded cipher for "hello"! myCryptography
#cryptographer #cryptography #caesar #cipher #rotated #Binder
Don't Be So Anal Be Renal Kidney Nephron Humor Fabric
Ad: Don't Be So Anal Be Renal Kidney Nephron Humor Fabric
Showcase your wry medical geek side the next time you create with this anatomical humor fabric featuring a nephron in a kidney along with the saying "Don't Be So Anal Be Renal". Word-play humor on the word "renal" (real). Make others do a double-take at exactly what you mean with a dose of biological educational humor today! Memorable fabric for any nephrologist! myAnatomy
#tubules #renal #Fabric
Be Systematic Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Napkins
Ad: Be Systematic Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Napkins
Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor with this bridge attitude paper napkin featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Be Systematic Play Bridge". Memorable bridge humor saying paper napkin for your next bridge-related event! myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #teacher #advice #Napkins
Neuroplasticity Embedded Within (Brain Anatomy) Watch
Ad: Neuroplasticity Embedded Within (Brain Anatomy) Watch
Showcase your wry anatomical sense of humor about learning the next time you tell time with this watch featuring the different parts of the human brain complete with labels along with the saying "Neuroplasticity Embedded Within". myAnatomy
#embedded #within #neuroplastic #Watch
Be Systematic Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Fabric
Ad: Be Systematic Play Bridge Advice Four Card Suits Fabric
Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor with this bridge attitude fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Be Systematic Play Bridge". Memorable bridge humor saying fabric for any avid bridge player or bridge teacher for the next time you create! myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #teacher #advice #Fabric
Be Systematic Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Throw Blanket
Ad: Be Systematic Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Throw Blanket
Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor with this bridge attitude throw blanket featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Be Systematic Play Bridge". Memorable bridge humor saying throw blanket for any avid bridge player or bridge teacher!'' myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #teacher #advice #ThrowBlanket
Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Metal Lunch Box
Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Metal Lunch Box
Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor at your next meal with this metal lunch box featuring the bell curve distribution complete with percentages under the curve along with the saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". myStatistician
#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #statistician #MetalLunchBox
Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs Apron
Ad: Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs Apron
No need to be a biochemist or organic chemist to enjoy wry Krebs cycle humor with this citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) all-over print apron featuring the following saying: "Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within". Make others do a double-take on what they are powered by with a dose of educational scientific fun with this all-over print apron! myBiochemistry
#citric #acid #cycle #machinery #Apron
Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Cloth Napkin
Ad: Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Cloth Napkin
No need to be a statistician or statistical outlier to enjoy any of these wry statistical humor gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve) along with the call-out "I Am Here" and the saying "Statistical Outlier Inside". Make others do a double-take on how truly exceptional you are from a statistical point of view today with these educational geek humor stats attitude gifts! myStatistician
#bell #curve #statistical #words #ClothNapkin
Do What Soil Scientists Do Spend More Time Dirt Apron #do #what #soil #scientists #do #Apron
Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time T-Shirt
Ad: Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time T-Shirt
Whether you are student or teacher you'll enjoy any of these scientific truism gifts featuring osmosis over the cell membrane with the saying "Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time". Comes with detailed labels of all key parts. Memorable educational biological and psychological attitude gifts for learners of all ages! myPsychology
#biology #biological #biologist #psyche #psychological #TShirt
Our Machinery Will Be Driven By A Power Obtainable Coffee Mug #wireless #geek #words #and #unwords #CoffeeMug
Stay Focused Keep Coding (Top Bottom Sign) Travel Mug #stay #focusedkeep #codingsignsignageandroidbug #droidyellow #diamond #TravelMug
In Re Morse International Morse Code Geek Humor Socks #in #re #morse #remorse #pertaining #Socks
Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Scarf #enso #el #nino #la #nina #Scarf
Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Fabric #enso #el #nino #la #nina #Fabric
The War On Mosquitoes Is An Endless One (Mosquito) T-Shirt
Ad: The War On Mosquitoes Is An Endless One (Mosquito) T-Shirt
Entomologists and scientists who engage in the war against mosquitoes will enjoy any of these gifts featuring mosquito anatomy complete with all key parts along with the following scientific saying: "The War On Mosquitoes Is An Endless One". myAnatomy
Epigenetics Is My Modus Operandi (Mechanisms) Pacifier #epigenetics #is #my #modus #operandi #Pacifier
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Bridge Is Not A Game Of Chance Four Card Suits Fabric
Ad: Bridge Is Not A Game Of Chance Four Card Suits Fabric
Showcase your wry bridge player side the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism saying: "Bridge Is Not A Game Of Chance". Make others do a double-take at why bridge is not a game of chance with a dose of bridge attitude with this fabric! myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #game #Fabric
Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Light Dependent Socks
Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Light Dependent Socks
No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with this socks featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable pair of socks for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry
#photosynthesis #reduce #smog #Socks
Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Planner
Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Planner
No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with this planner featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude planner for anyone who engages in hypothesis testing and knows that one is statistically significant! myStatistician
#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #statistician #Planner