Monday, August 16, 2021

Wonderland Don't Want To Go Among Mad People Quote Apron #wonderland #alice #cheshire #cat #lewis #Apron

Ad: Wonderland Don't Want To Go Among Mad People Quote Apron #wonderland #alice #cheshire #cat #lewis #Apron

Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Notebook

Ad: Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Notebook

Showcase wry educational stats humor with this notebook featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy! Psychological notebook for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology

#psychology #words #unwords #probabilities #Notebook

Bullseye Is The Goal (Three Darts On Dartboard) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Bullseye Is The Goal (Three Darts On Dartboard) Jigsaw Puzzle

Goal-oriented achievers who enjoy a game of darts will love any of these gifts featuring three darts on a dartboard one hitting the bullseye along with the truism saying for all who love to hit their mark whether in sport or in life: "Bullseye Is The Goal". Motivational and inspirational gifts for all who love to hit their goals! myPsychology

#bullseye #goal #JigsawPuzzle

Phoenician Alphabet (Linguistics Cryptography) Keychain

Ad: Phoenician Alphabet (Linguistics Cryptography) Keychain

No need to be a linguist or a cryptographer to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Phoenician alphabet. Unique cryptic and ancient language Phoenician alphabet gifts for all modern observers! myCryptography

#linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #Keychain

Be What You Would Seem To Be Wonderland Advice Bandana #be #what #you #would #seem #Bandana

Ad: Be What You Would Seem To Be Wonderland Advice Bandana #be #what #you #would #seem #Bandana

We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland Fabric #wonderland #through #the #looking #glass #Fabric

Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland Fabric #wonderland #through #the #looking #glass #Fabric

Alice Red Queen All The Running You Can Do Quote Trivet #all #the #running #you #can #Trivet

Ad: Alice Red Queen All The Running You Can Do Quote Trivet #all #the #running #you #can #Trivet

We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland OtterBox Defender iPhone Case #wonderland #through #the #looking #glass #OtterBoxDefenderiPhoneCase

Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence Wonderland OtterBox Defender iPhone Case #wonderland #through #the #looking #glass #OtterBoxDefenderiPhoneCase

Nikola Tesla Harnessed The Cosmic Rays Device Face Mask #inventor #words #and #unwords #nikola #FaceMask

Ad: Nikola Tesla Harnessed The Cosmic Rays Device Face Mask #inventor #words #and #unwords #nikola #FaceMask

Duplicate Bridge Sometimes It's A Struggle Average Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Sometimes It's A Struggle Average Metal Lunch Box

If you are a duplicate bridge player and have struggled to get to 50% game at times you'll enjoy this timeless duplicate bridge saying lunch box featuring the four card suits along with the following truism: "Duplicate Bridge Sometimes It's A Struggle To Be Average". Wry duplicate bridge humor lunchbox for any bridge player who knows about the struggle at the bridge table now and then! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #sometimes #MetalLunchBox

Hands With Mirrored Distribution Lend To End Plays Fabric

Ad: Hands With Mirrored Distribution Lend To End Plays Fabric

Avid bridge players and bridge teachers will enjoy creating with this bridge saying fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge observation: "Hands With Mirrored Distribution Lend Themselves To End Plays". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge / duplicate bridge attitude today with this memorable fabric! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #teacher #advice #words #Fabric

I Love Bridge Four Card Suits Bridge Game Attitude Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: I Love Bridge Four Card Suits Bridge Game Attitude Large Christmas Stocking

Do you love the game of bridge? Showcase your love for the game of bridge with this xMas stocking featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying in Love Letters font: "I Love Bridge". Memorable bridge saying xMas stocking for any avid bridge / duplicate bridge player! myBridgeTeacher

#love #bridge #game #LargeChristmasStocking

Wonderland Be Careful What You Drink (Alice) Mouse Pad #john #tenniel #drinking #alice #lewis #MousePad

Ad: Wonderland Be Careful What You Drink (Alice) Mouse Pad #john #tenniel #drinking #alice #lewis #MousePad

Be A Better Person In Life And In Bridge Scarf

Ad: Be A Better Person In Life And In Bridge Scarf

Bridge players and bridge teachers will enjoy this scarf featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Be A Better Person In Life And In Bridge". Make others do a double-take at how to conduct themselves in life and at the bridge table with this positive bridge / duplicate bridge attitude scarf! Sound bridge advice for any bridge player! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #words #unwords #Scarf

No Weather Pattern Can Shock Me Anymore Dartboard #no #weather #pattern #can #shock #Dartboard

Ad: No Weather Pattern Can Shock Me Anymore Dartboard #no #weather #pattern #can #shock #Dartboard

Tiger-Lily Can Talk Worth Talking To (Wonderland) Mouse Pad #wonderland #alice #tigerlily #garden #passage #MousePad

Ad: Tiger-Lily Can Talk Worth Talking To (Wonderland) Mouse Pad #wonderland #alice #tigerlily #garden #passage #MousePad

Pay Attention To Gut Intuition (Digestive System) T-Shirt

Ad: Pay Attention To Gut Intuition (Digestive System) T-Shirt

Do you often go with your gut intuition? Showcase wry anatomical humor with this tee with the truism saying "Pay Attention To Gut Intuition". Includes diagram of digestive system complete with labels. Perfect t-shirt for anyone who is intuitive and who desires for others to pay attention to gut intuition! No need to be a psychologist or work in the medical field to enjoy! myPsychology

#attention #intuition #TShirt

Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon (Oxytocin) T-Shirt

Ad: Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon (Oxytocin) T-Shirt

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with any of these geek humor gifts today! myBiochemistry

#trust #biochemical #phenomenon #TShirt

Environmental Genetics Motto DNA Loads Environment Magnet #biology #dna #environment #pulls #the #Magnet

Ad: Environmental Genetics Motto DNA Loads Environment Magnet #biology #dna #environment #pulls #the #Magnet

Oxytocin Hormone Of Love Chemistry Trivet

Ad: Oxytocin Hormone Of Love Chemistry Trivet

If you are involved in pair bonding you'll enjoy this scientific attitude trivet featuring the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the caption "Hormone Of Love". Educational chemical structure fun for anyone who understands the importance of social recognition and pair bonding in the mammalian world! myBiochemistry

#oxytocin #hormone #love #Trivet

Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this clock featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great clock gift for any scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry

#words #unwords #biochemical #RoundClock

The Golden Ratio (Mathematics 1.6180339887) Coffee Mug #the #golden #ratio #math #mathematical #CoffeeMug

Ad: The Golden Ratio (Mathematics 1.6180339887) Coffee Mug #the #golden #ratio #math #mathematical #CoffeeMug

Programmers Know How To Hack Code (Open Source) Coffee Mug #code #words #and #unwords #duke #CoffeeMug

Ad: Programmers Know How To Hack Code (Open Source) Coffee Mug #code #words #and #unwords #duke #CoffeeMug

In Re Morse International Morse Code Geek Humor Face Mask

Ad: In Re Morse International Morse Code Geek Humor Face Mask

No need to be a programmer or work in the legal field to enjoy wry linguistic humor on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the International Morse Code along with the saying "In Re Morse" -- meaning "pertaining to Morse". Showcase your educational Morse code attitude today! Perfect geek humor cotton/polyester face mask for any wireless fan who knows about Morse code! myCryptography

#morse #remorse #pertaining #FaceMask

Here's An Eyeful (Eye Anatomy Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Here's An Eyeful (Eye Anatomy Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be an optician or ophthalmologist to enjoy this wry medical anatomical design featuring the eye. Includes all important parts including cornea retina and vitreous humour. Common truism saying says it all: "Here's An Eyeful". Make everyone do a double-take with their eyes with any one of these educational scientific eyeball humor gifts! myAnatomy

#eyeball #anatomy #JigsawPuzzle