Saturday, August 14, 2021
Never Mind ... (Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Never Mind ... (Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle
Showcase your wry mentality with a dose of anatomical fun with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the often heard saying "Never Mind ... ". Makes a great psychological humor gift for anyone who shrugs a lot! myPsychology
#brain #words #unwords #never #JigsawPuzzle
Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Jigsaw Puzzle
Showcase your biochemical from light to energy side with any of these gifts featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis along with an illustration of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Educational scientific fun for all who know how autotrophs operate! myBiochemistry
#photosynthesis #lightdependent #reactions #JigsawPuzzle
Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Face Mask #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #FaceMask
Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Slip-On Sneakers
Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Slip-On Sneakers
Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Memorable scientific saying slip-on sneakers for any biochemist scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry
#biochemical #energy #biochemistry #SlipOnSneakers
Venn Diagram A Intersected With B Coffee Mug #venn #diagram #a #intersected #with #CoffeeMug
Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Socks
Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Socks
Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this pair of socks featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Memorable scientific saying pair of socks for any biochemist scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry
#biochemical #energy #biochemistry #Socks
Venn Diagram A Intersected With B T-Shirt #venn #diagram #a #intersected #with #TShirt
Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Adult Apron #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #AdultApron
Dynamic Translator Inside (Rosetta Stone) T-Shirt #language #code #programmer #rosetta #stone #TShirt
Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Adult Apron #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #AdultApron
Caesar Cipher With Shift Of Three (Cryptographer) T-Shirt #code #decode #programmer #julius #caesar #TShirt
Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Humor Serving Tray
Ad: Ideas Circulate Inside Circulatory System Humor Serving Tray
Do you have lots of ideas which circulate within you? No need to work in the medical field to appreciate this educational scientific anatomical attitude serving tray featuring all key parts (arteries and veins) of the circulatory system along with the saying "Ideas Circulate Inside". myAnatomy
#ideas #circulate #inside #ServingTray
I'm So Vein (Circulatory System Anatomy Veins) Ceramic Ornament
Ad: I'm So Vein (Circulatory System Anatomy Veins) Ceramic Ornament
Are you a vein (vain) person? Do you have varicose veins? Showcase your wry circulatory system attitude with any of these gifts featuring the veins of the circulatory system along with the scientific anatomical pun "I'm So Vein". Make others do a double-take with a dose of medical attitude today! myAnatomy
#humor #words #unwords #CeramicOrnament
Cryptographer (Dancing Men Stick Figures) Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Cryptographer (Dancing Men Stick Figures) Jigsaw Puzzle
Showcase your wry cryptic side with a dose of substitution cipher attitude with any of these gifts featuring a classic substitution cipher of stick figures along with the caption "Cryptographer". Geek attitude gifts for all who love to code and decode! myCryptography
#cryptographer #geek #dancing #stick #JigsawPuzzle
Duplicate Bridge Sometimes Struggle To Be Average Bandana
Ad: Duplicate Bridge Sometimes Struggle To Be Average Bandana
If you are a duplicate bridge player and have struggled to get to 50% game at times you'll enjoy this timeless duplicate bridge saying bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following truism: "Duplicate Bridge Sometimes It's A Struggle To Be Average". Wry duplicate bridge humor bandana for anyone who knows about the struggle at the bridge table now and then! myBridgeTeacher
#duplicate #bridge #sometimes #Bandana
An Opened Mind Should Not Be Wasted (Brain) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Ad: An Opened Mind Should Not Be Wasted (Brain) Two-Tone Coffee Mug
No need to be a teacher or work in the medical field to enjoy tongue-in-cheek anatomical brain humor with any of these gifts featuring the various parts of the human brain (color-coded) along with the saying "An Opened Mind Should Not Be Wasted". Neurosurgeons will view this phrase from their medical perspective; teachers will view it from another. Regardless of how you feel about the human brain whether physically or psychologically showcase your brainy sense of humor today with a dose of educational scientific attitude! myAnatomy
#psyche #psychology #brain #TwoToneCoffeeMug
The Game Of Bridge Requires A Lot Of Patience Fabric
Ad: The Game Of Bridge Requires A Lot Of Patience Fabric
If you play bridge or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy creating with this wry bridge humor fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following saying "The Game Of Bridge Requires A Lot Of Patience". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge really requires in order to play successfully the next time you create! myBridgeTeacher
#bridge #teacher #game #Fabric
Silence Is Music To My Tympanic Membrane Ear Throw Pillow
Ad: Silence Is Music To My Tympanic Membrane Ear Throw Pillow
Showcase your wry anatomical geek sense of humor with this pillow gift featuring ear anatomy along with the following saying: "Silence Is Music To My Tympanic Membrane". Make others do a double-take about why silence is music the next time you doze off! myAnatomy
#canal #ThrowPillow
Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits Fleece Blanket
Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits Fleece Blanket
If you play duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this bridge attitude saying fleece blanket featuring the four card suits and the bridge truism "Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport". Make others do a double-take at what is involved in playing the great game of duplicate bridge with this bridge saying design the next time you bundle up with this fleece blanket! myBridgeTeacher
#mental #sport #bridge #game #duplicate #FleeceBlanket
Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Face Mask
Ad: Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Face Mask
No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this polyester face mask featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with this geek humor polyester face mask today! myBiochemistry
#trust #biochemical #phenomenon #FaceMask
RNA The Other Nucleic Acid (Chemical Structure) Silver Plated Necklace
Ad: RNA The Other Nucleic Acid (Chemical Structure) Silver Plated Necklace
Showcase your wry ribonucleic acid attitude with any of these gifts featuring the chemical structure of RNA along with the following saying: "RNA The Other Nucleic Acid". Make others do a double-take at the biochemical world of RNA today! myBiochemistry
#ribonucleic #acid #biochemist #SilverPlatedNecklace
Just Call Me Statistically Significant Keychain
Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Keychain
No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude gifts for those who engage in hypothesis testing and know that they are statistically significant! myStatistician
#humor #normal #distribution #curve #geek #Keychain
Global Warming? Blame It On El Niño and La Niña Fabric #la #nina #environmental #global #warming #Fabric
Hypothesis Tester Inside Stats Humor Mouse Pad
Ad: Hypothesis Tester Inside Stats Humor Mouse Pad
Psychologists and statisticians who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy this mousepad featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Hypothesis Tester Inside". Showcase your wry stats side with a dose of statistical attitude today! myStatistician
#gaussian #curve #bell #hypothesis #MousePad