Friday, August 06, 2021

Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Scarf

Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Scarf

If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this scarf featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic anatomical geek humor scarf for anyone with a brain and who does not want to be disturbed! myAnatomy

#disturb #brain #Scarf

Wanted A New Brain Anatomical Brain Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Wanted A New Brain Anatomical Brain Humor Serving Tray

Showcase your wry anatomical medical geek humor attitude with this serving tray featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Wanted A New Brain". Memorable serving tray for the medically ponderous! myAnatomy

#brain #wanted #ServingTray

An Open Mind Is Key To Communication (Brain) Business Card

Ad: An Open Mind Is Key To Communication (Brain) Business Card

Showcase your wry communicative brain side the next time you introduce yourself with any of these business cards featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "An Open Mind Is Key To Communication". myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #BusinessCard

Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Face Mask #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #FaceMask

Ad: Think Earth Blue Marble Earth Environmental Advice Face Mask #think #earth #blue #marble #earth #FaceMask

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Radiation Dose Chart (by Randall Munroe)

Ad: Radiation Dose Chart (by Randall Munroe)

If you ever wanted to know about radiation and the various levels of radiation doses that one can get via various activities you'll enjoy any of these scientific and educational gifts featuring a "Radiation Dose Chart". Chart was made by Randall Munroe. No need to work in the health and/or medical fields or physics fields to enjoy! myEverything

#radiation #dose #chartradiation #dosagewords

3NT My Favorite Contract Four Card Suits Bridge Scarf

Ad: 3NT My Favorite Contract Four Card Suits Bridge Scarf

Bridge / duplicate bridge players who love playing game in 3NT (three no trump) will enjoy this scarf featuring the four card suits along with the saying "3NT My Favorite Contract". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge game attitude with this memorable bridge saying scarf! myBridgeTeacher

#duplicate #bridge #words #unwords #Scarf

Team Biochemistry (Kreb Cycle Citric Acid Cycle) T-Shirt

Ad: Team Biochemistry (Kreb Cycle Citric Acid Cycle) T-Shirt

No need to be a biologist chemist or biochemist to enjoy Krebs cycle humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Comes with the scientific truism caption "Team Biochemistry". Showcase where you get your energy from with a dose of scientific attitude today with these memorable biochem gifts! myBiochemistry

#team #biochemistry #TShirt

Awakened Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Awakened Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry anatomical side with a dose of psychological attitude with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Awakened Brain Inside". Memorable educational geek humor gifts for anyone who has awoken! myPsychology

#brain #psychology #words #unwords #JigsawPuzzle

Shift Happens Be Prepared For Mother Nature's T-Shirt

Ad: Shift Happens Be Prepared For Mother Nature's T-Shirt

No need to be a geographer or earth scientist to know that earthquakes occur all over the world. Showcase your wry plate tectonics sense of humor with this tee featuring the tectonic plates of the world along with the scientific and geological truism saying: "Shift Happens - Be Prepared For Mother Nature's Friction". Make others do a double-take at the phenomenon of earthquakes with a dose of educational geographical humor today! myEverything

#scientist #earthquakes #plate #tectonics #saying #TShirt

Certainty ... Who Needs It? When You Have Stats Planner

Ad: Certainty ... Who Needs It? When You Have Stats Planner

Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with a dose of bell curve attitude with this planner featuring the normal distribution curve complete with percentages under the curve. Comes with the following rhetorical question that will make others do a double-take about the subject of statistics: "Certainty ... Who Needs It? When You Have Statistical Confidence". Get a load of laughs with a dose of stats geek humor with this planner. No need to be a statistician statistics teacher or psychologist to enjoy! myStatistician

#certainty #statistics #bell #curve #normal #Planner

Alice Humpty Dumpty Wonderland Conversation Quote Mouse Pad #alice #humpty #dumpty #wonderland #adventure #MousePad

Ad: Alice Humpty Dumpty Wonderland Conversation Quote Mouse Pad #alice #humpty #dumpty #wonderland #adventure #MousePad

Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Mouse Pad

Ad: Genetics A Facet Of My Identity DNA Replication Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this mousepad featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetics A Facet Of My Identity". Molecular biologists and geneticists will enjoy this educational scientific attitude saying mousepad! myPsychology

#identity #words #unwords #MousePad

Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) Watch

Ad: Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) Watch

No need to be a cryptographer or linguist to enjoy the runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc on this watch. Contains all 34 runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc their names meanings and values in the Latin alphabet. Showcase your ancient language side the next time you tell time with this watch featuring timeless signs and symbols from another culture! myCryptography

#fuorc #anglosaxon #runes #latin #Watch

Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Throw Pillow

Ad: Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Throw Pillow

No need to be a cryptographer to enjoy this pillow featuring the Freemason's cipher also known as the pigpen cipher masonic cipher or Rosicrucian cipher. Make others do a double-take over this geometric simple substitution cipher which exchanges letters for symbols that are fragments of a grid. Coders and all who enjoy cryptanalysis will enjoy! myCryptography

#freemasons #cipher #cryptography #simple #ThrowPillow

Logic Dreams Inside (Logic Matrices) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Logic Dreams Inside (Logic Matrices) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor Throw Blanket #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #ThrowBlanket

Ad: Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor Throw Blanket #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #ThrowBlanket

Congratulations On Your Graduation (White Rabbit) #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white

Ad: Congratulations On Your Graduation (White Rabbit) #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white

Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Socks

Ad: Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Socks

Showcase your wry statistical side with this bell curve attitude pair of socks featuring the normal distribution curve (Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics". Great stats advice pair of socks for any statistician! myStatistician

#statistics #bell #curve #stats #statistician #Socks

A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside Statistics Napkins

Ad: A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside Statistics Napkins

No need to be a statistician to know about correlations and correlation coefficients. Showcase your wry statistical side and make others guess what you mean with this customized paper napkin featuring a variety of correlations and their correlation coefficients at your next gathering. Comes with the saying "A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside". myStatistician

#statistics #geek #humor #wide #Napkins

Nikola Tesla Capacity Of Earth Charge Electrified Serving Tray #if #electrified #alternate #currents #wireless #ServingTray

Ad: Nikola Tesla Capacity Of Earth Charge Electrified Serving Tray #if #electrified #alternate #currents #wireless #ServingTray

Let's Ruminate Together Wonderland Alice Queens Metal Sign #red #queen #words #and #unwords #MetalSign

Ad: Let's Ruminate Together Wonderland Alice Queens Metal Sign #red #queen #words #and #unwords #MetalSign

Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Scarf #feeling #cramped #in #your #room #Scarf

Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Scarf #feeling #cramped #in #your #room #Scarf

The Original Fujita Scale Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Poster #tornado #fan #tornado #watcher #tornado #Poster

Ad: The Original Fujita Scale Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Poster #tornado #fan #tornado #watcher #tornado #Poster

Zero Tolerance For Every Hand

Ad: Zero Tolerance For Every Hand

No need to be a bridge director to desire zero tolerance for every hand at the bridge table. Showcase your sentiment with this customizable bridge attitude flat card! No need to be an avid duplicate bridge player to enjoy. myBridgeTeacher

#zero #tolerance #saying #truism #bridge

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Are you frequently lost in translation? Showcase your chemistry and biochemistry geek side with this ribonucleic acid molecule humor gift tee that says "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Science humor gift for all those who are often lost in translation! No need to be a translator to enjoy! myBiochemistry

#ribonucleic #acid #structure #TShirt