Wednesday, July 28, 2021

RNA The Other Nucleic Acid (Chemical Structure) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: RNA The Other Nucleic Acid (Chemical Structure) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry ribonucleic acid attitude with any of these gifts featuring the chemical structure of RNA along with the following saying: "RNA The Other Nucleic Acid". Make others do a double-take at the biochemical world of RNA today! myBiochemistry

#ribonucleic #acid #biochemist #JigsawPuzzle

Oxytocin Hormone Of Love (Chemistry) Stationery

Ad: Oxytocin Hormone Of Love (Chemistry) Stationery

If you are involved in pair bonding you'll enjoy any of these scientific attitude gifts featuring the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the caption "Hormone Of Love". Educational chemical structure fun for anyone who understands the importance of social recognition and pair bonding in the mammalian world! myBiochemistry

#oxytocin #hormone #love #Stationery

Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Coffee Mug #funny #software #developers #open #source #CoffeeMug

Ad: Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Coffee Mug #funny #software #developers #open #source #CoffeeMug

What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Scarf

Ad: What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Scarf

Showcase your wry anatomical side with this scarf featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration Achilles' heel scarf! myAnatomy

#what #your #achilles #heel #Scarf

Phoenician Alphabet (Linguistics Cryptography) Tie

Ad: Phoenician Alphabet (Linguistics Cryptography) Tie

No need to be a linguist or a cryptographer to enjoy this tie featuring the Phoenician alphabet. Unique cryptic and ancient language Phoenician alphabet necktie for any modern observer! myCryptography

#linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #Tie

Disturb Your Routine Think Brain Anatomy Advice Table Lamp

Ad: Disturb Your Routine Think Brain Anatomy Advice Table Lamp

Showcase your wry anatomical brain sense of humor with this lamp featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying that will make yourself and others do a double-take about the thinking process: "Disturb Your Routine Think". Brainy advice lamp for anyone who understands that it takes effort to think! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #humor #disturb #TableLamp

Metatron's Cube (Sacred Geometry) Coffee Mug

Ad: Metatron's Cube (Sacred Geometry) Coffee Mug

Metatron's Cube is considered a geometric design with the fruit of life and the 5 Platonic solids. Showcase your sacred geometry side with any of these timeless gifts featuring "Metatron's Cube". Memorable sacred geometry gifts for all fans of symmetry and harmony with deep geometric spiritual intent! myEverything

#metatrons #cube #metatron #sacred #CoffeeMug

Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Magnet

Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Magnet

Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this magnet featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable magnet for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myEverything

#particle #physics #elementary #matter #standard #Magnet

Just Eyeball Your Way To Success (Eye Anatomy) Teapot

Ad: Just Eyeball Your Way To Success (Eye Anatomy) Teapot

No need to be an ophthalmologist or optometrist to enjoy wry human eyeball humor with any of these gifts featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the saying "Just Eyeball Your Way To Success". myAnatomy

#just #eyeball #your #Teapot

Reunite Farallon Plate! (Geology Plate Tectonics) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Reunite Farallon Plate! (Geology Plate Tectonics) Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be living on the West Coast to understand geological history with a dose of plate tectonics humor with any of these gifts featuring the saying "Reunite Farallon Plate!" along with where the Farallon Plate was 30 million years ago and what plates the Farallon Plate has broken into. Memorable geological history gifts for all! myEverything

#seismologist #west #coast #plate #tectonics #JigsawPuzzle

Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Magnet

Ad: Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Magnet

Have you ever been told to eyeball it? Do you eyeball things -- such as measurements? Showcase your wry anatomical humor side with any of these literal gifts featuring all key parts of a human eye. Includes the truism saying "Just Eyeball It". Make others do a double-take at exactly what you mean with any of these memorable ophthamological attitude gifts today! No need to be an optician optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#just #eyeball #words #Magnet

I Devote My Spare Time To The Great Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Ad: I Devote My Spare Time To The Great Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "I Devote My Spare Time To The Great Game Of Bridge". myBridgeTeacher

#devote #spare #time #MetalSign

Warning! Filled With Dynamite (Nitroglycerin) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Filled With Dynamite (Nitroglycerin) T-Shirt

Do you take nitroglycerin as a medication? Are you filled with dynamite so to speak? Regardless you'll enjoy this chemical molecule humor gift tee that says "Warning! Filled With Dynamite (Nitroglycerin)". Warn others before they get any closer to you with wry chemical attitude! myBiochemistry

#warning #filled #with #dynamite #TShirt

99.7% Confident Within 3 Standard Deviations Mean Laptop Sleeve

Ad: 99.7% Confident Within 3 Standard Deviations Mean Laptop Sleeve

Showcase your statistical attitude side with this neoprene laptop sleeve that includes the wry saying "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Make everyone do a double-take at your level of confidence with a dose of geek humor today! myStatistician

#statistics #bell #curve #statistician #geek #LaptopSleeve

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Table Lamp #climate #change #global #warming #forest #TableLamp

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Table Lamp #climate #change #global #warming #forest #TableLamp

Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Trucker Hat

Ad: Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Trucker Hat

No need to be a statistician to enjoy this educational "Statistical Error Summarized" hat featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with this stats attitude hat today! Psychologists economists scientists and all who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myStatistician

#statistical #error #summarized #TruckerHat

Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Face Mask

Ad: Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Face Mask

Statistical probabilistic humor is found on this polyester face mask featuring the infamous Monty Hall problem of three doors and one goat behind one door along with the following saying: "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Great polyester face mask for anyone with a quirky statistical geek attitude toward life's probabilities! myStatistician

#life #monty #hall #FaceMask

Aquarium Inside T-Shirt

Ad: Aquarium Inside T-Shirt

If you love aquariums and/or the fish that inhabit them you'll enjoy any of these calm biology gifts featuring 4 different types of fish in an aquarium including the popular clownfish. Make others do a double-take at the soothing peaceful aquatic side of you with these gifts that feature the "Aquarium Inside"! No need to be an ecologist to enjoy! myPsychology

#aquarium #inside #fish #TShirt

It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor Scarf

Ad: It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor Scarf

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse sense of humor with this educational scientific scarf featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now". Make others do a double-take with a dose of geek humor advice with this scarf! myPsychology

#worth #synapse #Scarf

Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Alice Fabric

Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Alice Fabric

Add a touch of Wonderland humor and adventure the next time you create with this fabric featuring John Tenniel's vintage drawing from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll along with the following ponderous query caption: "Feeling Cramped In Your Room?" Conversation starter fabric for anyone who feels cramped and crimped in life! myPsychology

#feeling #cramped #your #room #Fabric

Catalyst For Second Industrial Revolution N. Tesla Face Mask #father #of #radio #genius #electrical #FaceMask

Ad: Catalyst For Second Industrial Revolution N. Tesla Face Mask #father #of #radio #genius #electrical #FaceMask

Nikola Tesla Fights Misunderstandings Quote T-Shirt #quote #wireless #genius #engineering #nikola #TShirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Fights Misunderstandings Quote T-Shirt #quote #wireless #genius #engineering #nikola #TShirt

COBOL Completely Obsolete Business-Oriented Lang. T-Shirt #cobol #completely #obsolete #businessoriented #language #TShirt

Ad: COBOL Completely Obsolete Business-Oriented Lang. T-Shirt #cobol #completely #obsolete #businessoriented #language #TShirt

California Has Four Seasons Icons Earthquake Fire Mouse Pad #california #environmentalist #earthquake #fire #flood #MousePad

Ad: California Has Four Seasons Icons Earthquake Fire Mouse Pad #california #environmentalist #earthquake #fire #flood #MousePad

Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air Neck Tie #cloud #streets #meteorologist #convrolls #in #NeckTie

Ad: Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air Neck Tie #cloud #streets #meteorologist #convrolls #in #NeckTie