Thursday, July 22, 2021

My Existential Existence Starts With Irrational Pi Poster

Ad: My Existential Existence Starts With Irrational Pi Poster

Showcase your pi fan side with this poster featuring the irrational and infinite number pi along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on how you feel about pi: "My Existential Existence Starts With Irrational & Infinite Pi". myEverything

#existential #existence #starts #with #Poster

Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Notebook

Ad: Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Notebook

Duplicate bridge players will enjoy this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge". myBridge

#dont #emotional #play #Notebook

Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Throw Blanket

Ad: Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Throw Blanket

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of sensible bridge advice with this throw blanket featuring the four card suits along with the truism saying "Winning At Bridge Requires A Common System". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! myBridge

#bridge #humor #advice #ThrowBlanket

Grand Slam Or Bust Bridge Four Card Suits Table Lamp

Ad: Grand Slam Or Bust Bridge Four Card Suits Table Lamp

If you have 37 pts in your hand when you play bridge / duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this lamp featuring the four card suits along with the bridge saying "Grand Slam Or Bust". Make others do a double-take when holding a grand slam hand with this memorable bridge saying lamp! myBridge

#grand #slam #bust #TableLamp

Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Trivet

Ad: Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Trivet

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of sensible bridge advice with this trivet featuring the four card suits along with the truism saying "Winning At Bridge Requires A Common System". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! myBridge

#bridge #humor #advice #Trivet

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era White Cotton Face Mask #climate #change #global #warming #forest #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era White Cotton Face Mask #climate #change #global #warming #forest #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Make others do a double-take with this metal parking sign that says it all: "Who Said That I Was Normal?" Featuring bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) complete with percentages. Educational normal stats humor metal sign for anyone -- no need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistics

#stats #statistician #statistics #MetalSign

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge 4 Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge 4 Card Suits Fabric

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge sense of humor when you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following sound advice for all who desire to compete with others at the bridge table: "Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge". myBridge

#bridge #attitude #advice #Fabric

Power Is A Function Of Time (Physics) Round Clock

Ad: Power Is A Function Of Time (Physics) Round Clock

No need to be a physicist to know that "Power Is A Function Of Time". Showcase physics attitude with any of these gifts featuring a graph that shows the physics definition of power. Educational scientific gifts with a physics concept of power over a period of time! myEverything

#physics #power #graph #time #physicist #RoundClock

Powered By Statistics Bell Curve Stats Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Powered By Statistics Bell Curve Stats Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) pair of slip-on sneakers complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific slip-on sneakers for anyone who works with statistics! myStatistics

#stats #percentages #normal #SlipOnSneakers

Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle Krebs Cycle Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle Krebs Cycle Jigsaw Puzzle

Life is all about birth death and the Krebs cycle! Showcase wry organic chemistry humor with this jigsaw puzzle featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the scientific truism saying "Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle". Intelligent educational double-entendre geek attitude puzzle for anyone who knows that life follows an organic cycle! myBiochemistry

#life #nothing #JigsawPuzzle

Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Fabric

Ad: Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Fabric

Statisticians psychologists mathematicians economists and anyone who works with statistics on a daily basis will enjoy this memorable stats humor saying fabric featuring the bell curve along with the caption "Wired For Statistics". Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent educational style with this statistical attitude fabric the next time you create! Featuring percentages under the curve along with the normal distribution curve (Gaussian distribution). myStatistics

#wired #statistics #Fabric

Think Epigenetics! (Cross Out DNA Replication) Mouse Pad

Ad: Think Epigenetics! (Cross Out DNA Replication) Mouse Pad

DNA is not everything. Showcase this fact with this wry molecular biology design featuring DNA replication along with a cross out with the saying "Think Epigenetics!" Mousepad with wry scientific attitude for anyone who understands that it is the environmental interaction with genes that is important -- not the genes or the DNA code all by itself! Tongue-in-cheek humor for all those who know about evolution! myDna

#environmental #genetics #genes #MousePad

Moulins A Glacier's Internal Plumbing System Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Moulins A Glacier's Internal Plumbing System Baby T-Shirt

Earth scientists and geologists who study climate change and the increase in the sea level due to the melting polar ice sheets will enjoy any of these informative educational scientific gifts featuring "Moulins A Glacier's Internal Plumbing System". Memorable gifts for any glaciologist! myEverything

#glaciers #internal #plumbing #system #BabyTShirt

Saturn's Rings (Photo Of Saturn Rings) Mouse Pad #astronomer #saturn's #rings #astronomy #MousePad

Ad: Saturn's Rings (Photo Of Saturn Rings) Mouse Pad #astronomer #saturn's #rings #astronomy #MousePad

Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Notebook

Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Notebook

Add a touch of Wonderland humor and adventure with this notebook featuring John Tenniel's vintage drawing from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll along with the caption that asks: "Feeling Cramped In Your Room?" Conversation starter notebook for anyone who feels cramped and crimped in life! myPsychology

#feeling #cramped #your #room #Notebook

Exhaustion Is In My DNA (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Exhaustion Is In My DNA (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Are you exhausted all the time? Do you believe that there is a genetic basis for exhaustion? Showcase your wry molecular biology side with a dose of DNA replication humor with this mug featuring the saying "Exhaustion Is In My DNA". myDna

#exhaustion #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics (Stats Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics (Stats Humor) Coffee Mug

Do you know your percentages? Showcase wry statistical humor with this mug featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) with the stats truism saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". Make others do a double-take on exactly how well they know statistics with this educational statistical cheat sheet mug! myPsychology

#psychology #teacher #stats #humor #mathematician #CoffeeMug

Life Is But A Dream Wonderland Sleeping Red King Bandana #life #is #but #a #dream #Bandana

Ad: Life Is But A Dream Wonderland Sleeping Red King Bandana #life #is #but #a #dream #Bandana

In Life Do You Follow The Induced-Fit Model? Notebook

Ad: In Life Do You Follow The Induced-Fit Model? Notebook

Showcase wry biochemical and psychological humor with this notebook featuring the induced-fit model along with the key questions that you should ask of yourself and others: "In Life Do You Follow The Induced-Fit Model?" Educational scientific humor featuring enzyme-substrate complex on this notebook. No need to be a biologist or biochemist to enjoy! myPsychology

#psychology #words #unwords #enzyme #Notebook

Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Planner #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #Planner

Ad: Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Planner #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #Planner

Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Trivet #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #Trivet

Ad: Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Trivet #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #Trivet

Do You Ever Wish You Could Go Through The Mirror? Mouse Pad #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #MousePad

Ad: Do You Ever Wish You Could Go Through The Mirror? Mouse Pad #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #MousePad

Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen Chess Saying Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen Chess Saying Humor Metal Sign

Showcase your wry emerging chess sensibility with a dose of educational chess attitude with this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess truism saying "Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen". Memorable metal sign for any chess player who knows the rules of chess! myChess

#chess #every #pawn #MetalSign

Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch #rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #quote #Watch

Ad: Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch #rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #quote #Watch