Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Life Is Chess Chess Is Life Chess Set Geek Saying Stone Coaster

Ad: Life Is Chess Chess Is Life Chess Set Geek Saying Stone Coaster

Avid chess players will enjoy this chess saying coaster featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Life Is Chess Chess Is Life". Memorable chess saying coaster for anyone who views the game of chess along the lines of the game of life! myChess

#chess #saying #words #StoneCoaster

Anatomy Of A Mosquito (Entomology) Round Clock

Ad: Anatomy Of A Mosquito (Entomology) Round Clock

No need to be an entomologist to enjoy any of these entomological attitude biology gifts featuring detailed "Anatomy Of A Mosquito" with labels of all key anatomical parts. Make others do a double-take during mosquito season with an informative scientific diagram of everyone's most unwanted insect! No need to have been bitten by a mosquito to enjoy! myAnatomy

#anatomy #insect #entomology #RoundClock

Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Bath Mat

Ad: Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Bath Mat

No need to be a biochemist to enjoy wry geek humor with this bath mat featuring the DNA bases of adenine cytosine guanine and thymine in chemical molecule form along with the following rhetorical question: "Do You Have All Your Bases Covered?" myBiochemistry

#have #your #BathMat

Simply Statistical (Bell Curve Attitude) Dry-Erase Board

Ad: Simply Statistical (Bell Curve Attitude) Dry-Erase Board

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy thinking about the bell curve with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve along with percentages underneath the curve and the saying "Simply Statistical". Educational statistical saying gifts for all who work with statistics! myStatistics

#statistics #bell #curve #DryEraseBoard

A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle (Photosynthesis) Cloth Placemat

Ad: A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle (Photosynthesis) Cloth Placemat

Anyone who desires to know what happens in the Calvin cycle the dark reactions of photosynthesis will enjoy any of these informative photosynthetic chemistry gifts featuring "A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle". Showcase what really happens in the Calvin cycle from a biochemical perspective today! myBiochemistry

#summary #calvin #cycle #ClothPlacemat

Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Fabric

Ad: Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Fabric

No need to be a biochemist to enjoy wry geek humor when you create with this fabric featuring the DNA bases of adenine cytosine guanine and thymine in chemical molecule form along with the following rhetorical question: "Do You Have All Your Bases Covered?" Ponderous existential scientific fabric for anyone who wonders whether all bases of life have been covered! myBiochemistry

#have #your #Fabric

It's Never Too Late Make Wise Choices For Planet Adult Apron #global #warming #words #and #unwords #AdultApron

Ad: It's Never Too Late Make Wise Choices For Planet Adult Apron #global #warming #words #and #unwords #AdultApron

Warning! Swordfish Inside T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Swordfish Inside T-Shirt

Do you argue with a sharp tongue? Showcase your sharp side with any of these naturalist attitude gifts featuring a swordfish along with saying "Warning! Swordfish Inside". No need to be a literal fan of swordfish to enjoy the metaphor with these memorable scientific attitude gifts! Make others do a double-take when they do battle with you! myPsychology

#fish #swordfish #psyche #psychology #warning #TShirt

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Mouse Pad

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Mouse Pad

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect mousepad for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myPsychology

#illusion #optical #illusions #paradigm #MousePad

Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Face Mask

Ad: Genetic Counselor Inside DNA Replication Face Mask

Showcase your molecular biology/genetics side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with the following saying: "Genetic Counselor Inside". Memorable cotton/polyester face mask for anyone into genetic counseling! myDna

#biologist #genetic #counselor #inside #FaceMask

Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites Yin-Yang Fabric

Ad: Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites Yin-Yang Fabric

Face it - you cannot have good without the bad right without wrong black without white. Showcase this fact the next time you create with this psyche fabric featuring the infamous yin-yang duality symbol along with the saying "Life Always Consists Of Polar Opposites". Memorable psychology attitude fabric for anyone who understands the nature of polar opposites in life! myPsychology

#polar #opposites #life #truism #yinyang #Fabric

Fortuna vs Sapientia (16th Century Wood Engraving) Travel Mug

Ad: Fortuna vs Sapientia (16th Century Wood Engraving) Travel Mug

Psychological attitude is alive and well on this mug featuring a 16th Century wood engraving which has Dame Fortune blindfolded and holding onto a fortune wheel with people of various means and Dame Wisdom (Knowledge) looking into a mirror and seeing herself with Sun Moon and Stars all around. Life's attitude is found on this mug featuring "Fortuna vs. Sapientia". Which one will guide you in your life? myPsychology

#fortuna #sapientia #psyche #psychology #wisdom #TravelMug

Software DNA Inside DNA Replication Humor Face Mask #molecular #biologist #software #engineer #words #FaceMask

Ad: Software DNA Inside DNA Replication Humor Face Mask #molecular #biologist #software #engineer #words #FaceMask

Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Notebook #nikola #tesla #20th #century #inventor #Notebook

Ad: Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Notebook #nikola #tesla #20th #century #inventor #Notebook

Nikola Tesla Progressive Development Of Man Quote Baby Bodysuit #wireless #genius #father #of #radio #BabyBodysuit

Ad: Nikola Tesla Progressive Development Of Man Quote Baby Bodysuit #wireless #genius #father #of #radio #BabyBodysuit

Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Metal Sign #software #developers #open #source #java #MetalSign

Ad: Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Metal Sign #software #developers #open #source #java #MetalSign

Where Are We Torpedoed By Tornadoes? T-Shirt #tornado #geek #humor #attitude #science #TShirt

Ad: Where Are We Torpedoed By Tornadoes? T-Shirt #tornado #geek #humor #attitude #science #TShirt

Keep Calm Have Some Pi (Pi On A Baked Pie) Adult Apron

Ad: Keep Calm Have Some Pi (Pi On A Baked Pie) Adult Apron

Mathematicians and pi fans will enjoy any of these gifts featuring pi on a baked pie along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on what to do in life: "Keep Calm Have Some Pi". Great gifts for anyone hungry for the everlasting irrational mathematical constant known as pi! myEverything

#keep #calm #have #some #AdultApron

Future Grandmaster (Reflective Chess Set) Baby Bodysuit

Ad: Future Grandmaster (Reflective Chess Set) Baby Bodysuit

Chess players who aspire to be Grandmasters will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Future Grandmaster". For any chess player who aspires to reach the highest echelons of the chess world! myChess

#future #grandmaster #chess #BabyBodysuit

Be Careful It's Mosquito Season (Mosquito Anatomy) Wrapping Paper

Ad: Be Careful It's Mosquito Season (Mosquito Anatomy) Wrapping Paper

No need to be an entomologist to know that an active mosquito season is on the way. Showcase your wry insect sense of humor with a dose of scientific flair with any of these gifts featuring mosquito anatomy along with the saying "Be Careful It's Mosquito Season". Make others do a double-take with anatomical mosquito fun today! myAnatomy

#entomologist #insect #mosquito #WrappingPaper

Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge Table Lamp

Ad: Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge Table Lamp

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge sense of humor and attitude with this lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge advice: "Have Intellectual Vitality Play Duplicate Bridge". Memorable bridge saying lamp for any duplicate bridge player or duplicate bridge teacher! myBridge

#bridge #humor #teachers #TableLamp

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with any of these Krebs cycle that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Perfect for those who understand the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

#tricarboxylic #acid #cycle #StainlessSteelWaterBottle

Think Epigenetics! (Cross Out DNA Replication) Neck Tie #environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #NeckTie

Ad: Think Epigenetics! (Cross Out DNA Replication) Neck Tie #environmental #genetics #genes #epigenetics #molecular #NeckTie

Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Advice Table Lamp

Ad: Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge Advice Table Lamp

Duplicate bridge players will enjoy this lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Don't Get Emotional Play Duplicate Bridge". myBridge

#dont #emotional #play #TableLamp

Monday, July 19, 2021

Preempt Or Be Preempted Bridge Humor 4 Card Suits Throw Blanket

Ad: Preempt Or Be Preempted Bridge Humor 4 Card Suits Throw Blanket

Do you preempt a lot at the bridge table? Avid bridge players will enjoy this throw blanket featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Preempt Or Be Preempted". Make others do a double-take about what is often necessary to do when playing a hand in the game of bridge today with this bridge saying throw blanket! myBridge

#bridge #humor #words #ThrowBlanket