Sunday, July 18, 2021
Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Bandana
Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Bandana
Add a touch of Wonderland humor and adventure with this bandana featuring John Tenniel's vintage drawing from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll along with the caption that asks: "Feeling Cramped In Your Room?" Conversation starter bandana for anyone who feels cramped and crimped in life! myPsychology
#feeling #cramped #your #room #Bandana
Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Alice Face Mask
Ad: Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Alice Face Mask
Add a touch of Wonderland humor and adventure with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring John Tenniel's vintage drawing from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll along with the following ponderous query caption: "Feeling Cramped In Your Room?" Conversation starter cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who feels cramped and crimped in life! myPsychology
#feeling #cramped #your #room #FaceMask
To Win At The Game Of Bridge Must Obey Game Logic Fabric #bridge #game #of #Fabric
Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go From Here Beverage Pitcher #which #way #i #ought #to #BeveragePitcher
Patron Saint Of Modern Electricity (Nikola Tesla) T-Shirt #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #TShirt
The Wizard Of The West (Nikola Tesla) Coffee Mug #electrical #engineer #inventor #electrical #engineering #CoffeeMug
Transform Your Mind Play Chess Advice Chess Set
Ad: Transform Your Mind Play Chess Advice Chess Set
Make others do a double-take on what they should do with a dose of chess attitude with this Lifeproof case for the iPhone 7 featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess advice: "Transform Your Mind Play Chess". Memorable Lifeproof case for any avid chess player or chess teacher! myChess
#transform #your #mind #chess
Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Slip-On Sneakers
Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Slip-On Sneakers
If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic anatomical geek humor slip-on sneakers for anyone with a brain and who does not want to be disturbed! myPsychology
#disturb #brain #SlipOnSneakers
Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #eye #of #the #storm #inside #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Eye Of The Storm Inside (Hurricane's Eye) T-Shirt #eye #of #the #storm #inside #TShirt
No Guts No Glory Digestive System Anatomy Humor Planner
Ad: No Guts No Glory Digestive System Anatomy Humor Planner
If you eat and have a digestive system you'll enjoy this wry anatomical humor planner featuring the digestive system complete with all key labels. Includes the truism saying that is applicable in sport and in life: "No Guts No Glory". Make others do a double-take on what is required for success in life with tongue-in-cheek geek humor fun with this planner! myPsychology
#guts #glory #digestive #Planner
Beware Of Dixie Alley Tornadoes Powerful Punch Two-Tone Coffee Mug #tornadoes #tornado #tornados #beware #of #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Same Data Different Interpretation (Duck Rabbit) Tie
Ad: Same Data Different Interpretation (Duck Rabbit) Tie
Classic gestalt phenomenon on any of these gifts featuring the infamous duck / rabbit optical illusion along with the saying that will make others do a double-take the next time it comes to interpreting data: "Same Data Different Interpretation". myPsychology
#duck #rabbit #same #data #different #Tie
Epigenetics Is My Modus Operandi Mechanisms Slip-On Sneakers #epigenetics #is #my #modus #operandi #SlipOnSneakers
All Things In The Universe Come In Sets T-Shirt #sets #set #theory #math #mathematician #TShirt
My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Throw Blanket
Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Throw Blanket
Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor with this throw blanket featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what their energy cycle is all about the next time you bundle up with this throw blanket! myBiochemistry
#citric #acid #cycle #words #ThrowBlanket
Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Metal Sign
Ad: Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Metal Sign
Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve" metal parking sign featuring the normal distribution curve along with the call-out "I Am Here". Statistics geek humor metal sign for anyone who is well above average! myStatistics
#statistics #words #unwords #MetalSign
By 2050 90% Of The World Will Be Vegetarian Face Mask #by #2050 #ninety #percent #will #FaceMask
My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Doormat
Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Doormat
Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor with this door mat featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what their energy cycle is all about with this doormat! myBiochemistry
#citric #acid #cycle #words #Doormat
The Golden Ratio (Mathematics 1.6180339887) T-Shirt #the #golden #ratio #math #mathematical #TShirt
Venn To The Sixth Set (Venn Diagram) T-Shirt #venn #diagram #math #mathematics #logic #TShirt
Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Socks
Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Socks
Existential statistical attitude is alive and well on this educational scientific pair of socks featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor today with this memorable statistical saying pair of socks! No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy! myStatistics
#life #nothing #Socks
In Re Morse (Morse Code) Mouse Pad #in #re #morse #remorse #pertaining #MousePad
Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Brain Anatomy Advice Serving Tray
Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Brain Anatomy Advice Serving Tray
If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this serving tray featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic medical and anatomical geek humor serving tray for anyone with a brain and does not want to be disturbed! myAnatomy
#disturb #brain #ServingTray