Thursday, July 15, 2021
Urea Cycle First Metabolic Cycle Discovered Poster
Ad: Urea Cycle First Metabolic Cycle Discovered Poster
Showcase your educational scientific side with this poster featuring the urea cycle "The First Metabolic Cycle Discovered". It was discovered by Hans Krebs and Kurt Henseleit in 1932 5 years before the citric acid cycle was elucidated. myBiochemistry
#urea #cycle #first #metabolic #Poster
Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Face Mask
Ad: Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Face Mask
Showcase your wry neurological attitude toward learning with a dose of educational scientific fun with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following biological and psychological truism saying: "Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process". myPsychology
#learning #iterative #process #FaceMask
Coenzyme Q10 Unique Role Electron Transport Chain Poster
Ad: Coenzyme Q10 Unique Role Electron Transport Chain Poster
Showcase your knowledge of biology and biochemistry with this poster featuring the chemical molecule Coenzyme Q10 along with the caption "Playing A Unique Role In The Electron Transport Chain". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific style with this educational poster featuring Coenzyme Q10's energy transfer role. myBiochemistry
#coenzyme #energy #transfer #Poster
Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Large Christmas Stocking #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #LargeChristmasStocking
Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Face Mask
Ad: Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Face Mask
If you work with linear regression and linear least squares you'll enjoy this educational math and statistics cotton/polyester face mask featuring the truism saying "Think Linear - Linear Least Squares". Make others do a double-take today on why they should think in a linear manner. No need to be a mathematician statistician psychologist or economist to enjoy! myStatistics
#stats #linear #least #squares #FaceMask
My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Postcard
Ad: My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Postcard
No need to be a biochemist or biologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Comes with the scientific truism saying: "My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle". Make others do a double-take on where you get your energy from with a dose of educational attitude with these memorable science humor gifts! Showcase your indefatigable biochemical side! myBiochemistry
#energy #neverending #Postcard
Logic Dreams Inside (Logic Matrices) Round Clock #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #RoundClock
Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Round Clock
Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Round Clock
Bell curve knowledge is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring all key aspects of the normal distribution curve along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of statistics: "Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics". Classic statistics humor poster for all who think about statistics -- awake and asleep! myStatistics
#bell #curve #humor #RoundClock
Logic Dreams Inside Logic Matrices Geek Humor Fabric #logic #dreams #inside #logic #matrices #Fabric
Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Magnet
Ad: Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Magnet
No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these educational "Statistical Error Summarized" gifts featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with any of these stats attitude gifts today! Psychologists economists scientists and all who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myStatistics
#statistical #error #Magnet
Caesar Cipher Rotated 13 Steps (Cryptography) Postcard #cryptographer #cryptography #julius #caesar #Postcard
3NT My Favorite Contract (Four Card Suits Bridge) Tote Bag
Ad: 3NT My Favorite Contract (Four Card Suits Bridge) Tote Bag
Bridge / duplicate bridge players who love playing game in 3NT (three no trump) will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "3NT My Favorite Contract". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge game attitude with these memorable bridge saying gifts! myBridge
#duplicate #bridge #words #ToteBag
Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt
Ad: Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm (Heart) Baby T-Shirt
No need to be a cardiologist to enjoy any of these medical heart chamber gifts featuring the biological truism saying "Remember Systole Is A Normal Rhythm". Memorable vivid imagery gifts for all who desire to remind and educate others on what is a normal rhythm! myAnatomy
#cardiology #anatomy #systole #BabyTShirt
Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Adult Apron
Ad: Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Adult Apron
Make others do a double-take about the type of work that is being done during a bridge game with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits and the wry saying "Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge". Bridge humor gifts for all who understand that bridge is more important than work and can consume a lot of time away from their occupation! myBridge
#duplicate #bridge #game #AdultApron
Always A Gutsy Move Inside (Digestive System) T-Shirt
Ad: Always A Gutsy Move Inside (Digestive System) T-Shirt
No need to be an entrepreneur or work in the medical field to appreciate raw scientific humor with any of these digestive system attitude gifts! Featuring all key parts of the digestive system including liver and stomach along with the biological truism saying for all who are bold: "Always A Gutsy Move Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational anatomical fun today with these memorable gifts! myAnatomy
#humor #digestive #system #TShirt
Team Molecular Biology DNA Replication Genetics Face Mask
Ad: Team Molecular Biology DNA Replication Genetics Face Mask
Molecular biologists will enjoy this polyester face mask featuring DNA replication complete with all key labels of leading and lagging strands along with the truism caption "Team Molecular Biology". Anyone working in the biotechnology field will enjoy this educational scientific molecular biology saying polyester face mask! myDna
#team #molecular #biology #biotechnology #FaceMask
Our Cosmic Neighborhood (Solar System) Mouse Pad #solar #system #relative #sizes #of #MousePad
Lorentz Transformation Inside Physics Fabric
Ad: Lorentz Transformation Inside Physics Fabric
This diagram shows the Lorentz transformations on the Minkowski light cone spacetime diagram for one spatial dimension. The Lorentz transformation or Lorentz-Fitzgerald transformation describes how according to the theory of special relativity different measurements of space and time by two observers can be converted into the measurements observed in either frame of reference. Showcase your knowledge of physics with a dose of relativistic attitude the next time you create with this "Lorenz Transformation Inside" fabric. Memorable educational geek humor fabric for any physicist! myEverything
#theory #relativity #physics #words #Fabric
Wanted A World Filled With Fresh Air Respiratory Hip Flask
Ad: Wanted A World Filled With Fresh Air Respiratory Hip Flask
No need to be a clean air advocate to know that your lungs deserve the very best! Showcase your wry respiratory system attitude with this anatomical educational flask featuring the following saying that will surely make others do a double-take on whether you have asthma: "Wanted A World Filled With Fresh Air". myAnatomy
#wanted #medicine #words #HipFlask
Geology Is A Core Subject (Earth Science Attitude) Metal Ornament
Ad: Geology Is A Core Subject (Earth Science Attitude) Metal Ornament
Do you view geology as a core subject? Showcase your wry scientific side with any of these geological attitude gifts featuring the various layers of the Earth along with the scientific truism saying "Geology Is A Core Subject". Make others do a double-take about Earth's core with a dose of earth science humor today! Memorable gifts for any geologist! myEverything
#geology #core #subject #MetalOrnament
Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Apron
Ad: Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Apron
Are you frequently lost in a world of chess? Avid chess players who concentrate very hard on the game of chess will enjoy this wry chess saying all-over print apron featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Lost In A World Of Chess". Make others do a double-take at where you truly are when you play chess with this geek humor apron! myChess
#chess #saying #world #Apron
Just Feeling Peachy (Peach Anatomy Humor) Hip Flask
Ad: Just Feeling Peachy (Peach Anatomy Humor) Hip Flask
Make everyone do a double-take whenever you take a swig from this flask featuring all key anatomical parts of a peach along with the following truism saying: "Just Feeling Peachy". Classic botanical geek humor flask gift for all who feel peachy! myAnatomy
#peach #HipFlask
Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts Fleece Blanket
Ad: Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts Fleece Blanket
No need to be a scientist biologist or work in the medical field to understand wry digestive system humor. Design comes with all key labels of the digestive system along with the anatomical humor truism saying: "Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts". Showcase your gutsy side to the world with this anatomical geek humor fleece blanket! myAnatomy
#digestive #system #guts #FleeceBlanket