Saturday, July 10, 2021

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with any of these gifts featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable gifts for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry

#science #humor #words #TShirt

Embrace Statistics Be Normal (Bell Curve) Throw Pillow

Ad: Embrace Statistics Be Normal (Bell Curve) Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry statistics geek attitude with this throw pillow gift featuring the bell curve distribution (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following statistics advice: "Embrace Statistics Be Normal". myStatistics

#embrace #statistics #norrmal #ThrowPillow

Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Keepsake Box

Ad: Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Keepsake Box

If you ever wanted to know about grapes and/or wine you'll enjoy any of these educational scientific diagram gifts of all key anatomical parts of a wine grape berry. Make others do a double-take the next time they eat a grape or have a sip of wine with any of these botanical and biological gifts! No need to be a wine lover to enjoy! myAnatomy

#grape #wine #KeepsakeBox

Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Notebook

Ad: Wine Grape Berry Anatomy Scientific Diagram Notebook

If you ever wanted to know about grapes and/or wine you'll enjoy this educational scientific diagram notebook of any key anatomical part of a wine grape berry. Make others do a double-take the next time they eat a grape or have a sip of wine with this botanical and biological notebook! myAnatomy

#grape #wine #Notebook

Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind Four Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind Four Card Suits Fabric

Create with a dose of bridge attitude with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge advice: "Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind". No need to be a myBridge

#play #bridge #Fabric

Sow The Seed Of Success (Seed Anatomy Humor) Notebook

Ad: Sow The Seed Of Success (Seed Anatomy Humor) Notebook

No need to be successful to be able to "Sow The Seed Of Success". Showcase wry anatomical and biological humor with this notebook featuring a bean seed (dicotyledon) along with the sound scientific advice saying "Sow The Seed Of Success". Memorable inspirational and motivational notebook gift for entrepreneurs farmers teachers gardeners and all who truly sow the seed of success! myAnatomy

#bean #seed #Notebook

Team Molecular Biology DNA Replication Genetics Fabric

Ad: Team Molecular Biology DNA Replication Genetics Fabric

Molecular biologists will enjoy creating with this fabric featuring DNA replication complete with all key labels of leading and lagging strands along with the truism caption "Team Molecular Biology". Anyone working in the biotechnology field will enjoy this educational scientific molecular biology saying fabric! myDna

#team #molecular #biology #biotechnology #Fabric

2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside Biology Geek Humor Fabric

Ad: 2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside Biology Geek Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry evolutionary side when you create with this molecular biology attitude fabric featuring DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on who our ancestors truly are: "2.5% Neanderthal DNA Inside". myDna

#percent #neanderthal #Fabric

The Golden Ratio (Mathematics 1.6180339887) Coffee Mug

Ad: The Golden Ratio (Mathematics 1.6180339887) Coffee Mug

No need to be a Renaissance person or mathematician to enjoy any of these "The Golden Ratio" mathematical gifts. Showcase the golden ratio of 1.6180339887 as found in ancient and Renaissance times and used in art and architecture. Educational scientific logical a is to b golden ratio geometry gifts! myEverything

#golden #ratio #math #mathematical #CoffeeMug

Obey Refraction It's The Law (Optics Snell's Law) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Obey Refraction It's The Law (Optics Snell's Law) Classic Round Sticker

Showcase wry optical humor with this design featuring Snell's law which says that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and of refraction is a constant that depends on the media. Snell's law is also known as Descartes' law or the law of refraction. Make others do a double-take with any of these scientific truism refraction humor gifts that include the tongue-in-cheek saying "Obey Refraction It's The Law". No need to be a physics major to enjoy! myEverything

#obey #refraction #ClassicRoundSticker

Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone Mouse Pad

Ad: Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone Mouse Pad

Do you feel like you are in the shadow zone at times? No need to be a seismologist to understand S-waves and P-waves and the shadow zone. This mousepad features the P-wave (primary seismic waves) and its shadow zone as the waves are refracted downwards on entering the Earth's core as the liquid outer core lowers their speed. This shadow zone occurs between 104 and 140 degrees. Wry educational geology truism saying for anyone who does not want to be affected by earthquakes: "Don't Mind Me I'm Just In The Shadow Zone". myEverything

#seismology #words #unwords #dont #MousePad

Never Underestimate Your Opponents Chess Attitude Teddy Bear

Ad: Never Underestimate Your Opponents Chess Attitude Teddy Bear

Do your opponents underestimate your abilities as a chess player? Alternately have you underestimated some of your opponents in the game of chess? Showcase your wry chess player attitude with a dose of sound chess advice with this teddy bear featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Never Underestimate Your Opponents". Memorable chess attitude saying teddy bear gift for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #reflective #TeddyBear

Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Fabric

Ad: Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Fabric

If you work with linear regression and linear least squares you'll enjoy this educational math and statistics fabric featuring the truism saying "Think Linear - Linear Least Squares". Make others do a double-take today on why they should think in a linear manner. No need to be a mathematician statistician psychologist or economist to enjoy! myStatistics

#stats #linear #least #squares #Fabric

Statistics Ultimate Means Ultimately Average End Fabric

Ad: Statistics Ultimate Means Ultimately Average End Fabric

Statistics humor is alive and well on this bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) fabric featuring the following saying: "Statistics The Ultimate Means To An Ultimately Average End". Make others do a double-take about what you mean with this saying with a dose of educational statistical attitude when you create with this fabric! Memorable stats geek humor fabric for anyone who knows about the outcome from doing lots of statistics! myStatistics

#stats #statistician #words #Fabric

Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Engine Within (Krebs) T-Shirt

Ad: Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Engine Within (Krebs) T-Shirt

Showcase the engine within with this biochemistry humor gift tee featuring the tricarboxylic acid cycle also known as the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle. Detailed educational scientific gift will surely be a favorite for anyone with lots of energy! Geek perspective t-shirt that's not just for biologists or biochemists only! myBiochemistry

#science #energetic #krebs #TShirt

Limnology A Subset Of Ecology Lake Oceanography Face Mask #environment #lake #hawea #oceanography #limnology #FaceMask

Ad: Limnology A Subset Of Ecology Lake Oceanography Face Mask #environment #lake #hawea #oceanography #limnology #FaceMask

Exhaustion Is In My DNA Genetics Geek Humor Bandana

Ad: Exhaustion Is In My DNA Genetics Geek Humor Bandana

Are you exhausted all the time? Do you believe that there is a genetic basis for exhaustion? Showcase your wry molecular biology side with a dose of DNA replication humor with this bandana featuring the saying "Exhaustion Is In My DNA". myDna

#exhaustion #Bandana

Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Face Mask

Ad: Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Face Mask

Are you a lateral thinker? Do you think in a non-linear manner? Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry brainy attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Lateral Thinker Inside". Any creative thinker will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask! myPsychology

#lateral #thinker #inside #psyche #brain #FaceMask

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Shield

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Shield

Do you know your percentages? Showcase wry statistical humor with this face shield featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) with the stats truism saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". Make others do a double-take on exactly how well they know statistics with this educational statistical cheat sheet face shield! myPsychology

#psychology #teacher #mathematician #hypothesis #testing #FaceShield

Nikola Tesla AC Dynamo Electrical System Patent Bumper Sticker #nikola #tesla #father #of #BumperSticker

Ad: Nikola Tesla AC Dynamo Electrical System Patent Bumper Sticker #nikola #tesla #father #of #BumperSticker

Nikola Tesla Scientific Man Does Not Aim Immediate T-Shirt #immediate #result #lay #the #foundation #TShirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Scientific Man Does Not Aim Immediate T-Shirt #immediate #result #lay #the #foundation #TShirt

Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Bandana

Ad: Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Bandana

Chess players will enjoy this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead". Make others do a double-take with a dose of chess geek attitude today! myChess

#chess #attitude #saying #Bandana

Having Guts Is My Mantra (Digestive System) Long Apron

Ad: Having Guts Is My Mantra (Digestive System) Long Apron

Anatomical attitude is alive and well on this educational scientific apron featuring all key components of the digestive system along with the following saying: "Having Guts Is My Mantra". No need to be a doctor or gastroenterologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#digestive #system #having #guts #LongApron

Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Throw Pillow

Ad: Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take about the intellectual depth found in the game of chess with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Chess Is A Sea In Which A Gnat May Drink & An Elephant May Bathe". Great throw pillow for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #metaphor #player #ThrowPillow

Logic Operations Found Inside Hasse Diagram Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Logic Operations Found Inside Hasse Diagram Humor Throw Pillow

Do you think logically? Showcase your wry logic side with this throw pillow featuring the Hasse diagram along with the caption "Logic Operations Found Inside". Note: The Hasse diagram was created by Wikipedia user Lipedia. Make others do a double-take at your and / or operational side today with this throw pillow! myEverything

#operations #operational #logic #logician #math #ThrowPillow