Friday, July 09, 2021

How Focused Are You? Parabola Graph Math Humor Fabric

Ad: How Focused Are You? Parabola Graph Math Humor Fabric

Geometric attitude is alive and well on this fabric featuring a parabola along with the following ponderous query: "How Focused Are You?" Parabolic curve showing chord (L) focus (F) and vertex. L is an arbitrary chord of the parabola perpendicular to its axis of symmetry. Showcase your wry mathematical side with a dose of educational geek humor the next time you create with this fabric! myEverything

#focused #graph #Fabric

Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times Face Mask

Ad: Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times Face Mask

Have you ever quit the game of chess? Wry chess attitude is alive and well with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the tongue-in-cheek sarcastic saying "Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times". Make others do a double-take about how addictive the game of chess truly is with this chess humor cotton/polyester face mask! myChess

#chess #addictive #FaceMask

The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle Notebook

Ad: The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle Notebook

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the saying "The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle". Memorable bridge saying notebook for any bridge player who believes that the game of bridge truly is a struggle! myBridge

#bridge #humor #advice #Notebook

Eye Think (I Think Anatomical Eye Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Eye Think (I Think Anatomical Eye Humor) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry sense of anatomical humor with this "Eye Think [I Think]" gift tee! Complete with all important labels of the human eye. Optometrist and opthalmologist health and medicine gift for practitioners who love to think! Let everyone know what you think with a dose of educational anatomical humor. Make others do a double-take and wonder exactly what you mean! myAnatomy

#iris #retina #TShirt

Powered By Biochemistry Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Fleece Blanket

Ad: Powered By Biochemistry Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Fleece Blanket

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle attitude side with this fleece blanket featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle). Make everyone do a double-take about what everyone is powered by with this fleece blanket with the scientific truism saying "Powered By Biochemistry". Memorable fleece blanket gift for any biochemist! myBiochemistry

#powered #biochemistry #citric #FleeceBlanket

My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor White Cotton Face Mask

Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor White Cotton Face Mask

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor with this cotton face mask featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what their energy cycle is all about with this cotton face mask! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #words #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge (Card Suits) Notebook

Ad: Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge (Card Suits) Notebook

Are you forgetful on whether a particular card has been played at the game of bridge and have gone down on a contract more than once? Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this bridge saying notebook featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism "Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor the next time you play bridge with this bridge advice notebook! myBridge

#forgetfulness #disastrous #bridge #Notebook

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind Four Card Suits Face Mask

Ad: Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind Four Card Suits Face Mask

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of mental sharpness with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind". myBridge

#play #bridge #FaceMask

Study Quantum Physics Higgs Field Standard Model Pocket Watch

Ad: Study Quantum Physics Higgs Field Standard Model Pocket Watch

Quantum physicists will enjoy this pocket watch featuring the Higgs field of quantum mechanics along with the following physics geek advice: "Study Quantum Physics After All You Can Do Things Prohibited By The Laws Of Classical Physics". Make others do a double-take on why everyone should study quantum physics with a dose of tongue-in-cheek geek humor today the next time you tell time with this pocket watch! myEverything

#quantum #physics #higgs #field #PocketWatch

My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Face Mask

Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Face Mask

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what their energy cycle is all about! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #biochemistry #FaceMask

Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coffee Mug

Ad: Apply Yourself Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coffee Mug

Showcase the bell curve with a wry dose of educational humor on any of these gifts that feature the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve and the Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek stats advice saying: "Apply Yourself Think Statistics". Includes percentages under the curve. No need to be a statistician or stats teacher to enjoy any of these timeless and inspirational statistics humor gifts! myStatistics

#bell #curve #statistician #CoffeeMug

3 Types Of Plate Boundaries - Which Standing On? T-Shirt

Ad: 3 Types Of Plate Boundaries - Which Standing On? T-Shirt

Educational geological fun is found on any of these gifts that feature the three different types of plate boundaries: transform divergent and convergent. Ask yourself and others which plate boundary you are standing on! Make others wonder about the earthquakes and plate tectonics today! myEverything

#earth #science #plate #tectonics #three #TShirt

Unwind With Molecular Biology DNA Replication Napkins

Ad: Unwind With Molecular Biology DNA Replication Napkins

Showcase your wry molecular biologist side with a dose of genetics humor with this customizable paper napkin featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Unwind With Molecular Biology". Includes the leading and lagging strands of DNA. Classic conversation starter geek humor paper napkin for your next event or gathering! myDna

#unwind #with #molecular #biology #Napkins

Coded For Amino Acids Codon Wheel Wood Wall Decor

Ad: Coded For Amino Acids Codon Wheel Wood Wall Decor

Twenty-two amino acids are naturally incorporated into polypeptides and are called proteinogenic or natural amino acids. Of these 20 are encoded by the universal genetic code. Showcase your knowledge of the genetic code for amino acids with this "Coded For Amino Acids" wood canvas. Educational scientific attitude wood canvas featuring amino acid code wheel including the stop codons. myDna

#amino #acids #code #WoodWallDecor

Search DNA Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: Search DNA Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Round Clock

If you work in the internet search industry you'll enjoy wry biological humor with this clock featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you do and why you do it: "Search DNA Is In My Genes". No need to have a biological background to enjoy tongue-in-cheek scientific humor today! myDna

#search #RoundClock

Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Notebook #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Notebook

Ad: Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Notebook #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Notebook

My Ideas Come And Go Moment By Moment Four Magnets Kitchen Towel

Ad: My Ideas Come And Go Moment By Moment Four Magnets Kitchen Towel

No need to have attention deficit disorder to enjoy wry intelligent humor gifts featuring a magnetic quadrupole moment along with the saying "My Ideas Come And Go Moment By Moment". Showcase your fleeting style with a dose of educational magnetic physics attitude with any of these truism saying gifts! myPsychology

#magnetic #quadrupole #moment #science #words #KitchenTowel

Think Boolean (Hasse Diagram) Tie #operations #logic #logician #math #boolean #Tie

Ad: Think Boolean (Hasse Diagram) Tie #operations #logic #logician #math #boolean #Tie

Wonderland Be What You Would Seem To Be Alice Business Card #alice #in #wonderland #alice's #adventures #BusinessCard

Ad: Wonderland Be What You Would Seem To Be Alice Business Card #alice #in #wonderland #alice's #adventures #BusinessCard

Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Adult Apron #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #carroll #AdultApron

Ad: Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Adult Apron #alice #in #wonderland #lewis #carroll #AdultApron

Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Face Mask

Ad: Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Face Mask

Showcase wry chess attitude with this reflective chess set cotton/polyester face mask that includes the wry saying "Life Is A Game - Chess Is Serious". Make others do a double-take about the nature of the game of chess. Memorable chess saying cotton/polyester face mask for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #FaceMask

Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Metal Sign

Ad: Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Metal Sign

Are you frequently lost in a world of chess? Avid chess players who concentrate very hard on the game of chess will enjoy this wry chess saying metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Lost In A World Of Chess". Make others do a double-take at where you truly are when you play chess with this memorable chess attitude metal parking sign! myChess

#chess #saying #world #MetalSign

Improve Your Cognition Play Chess Long Apron

Ad: Improve Your Cognition Play Chess Long Apron

Chess attitude apron for anyone who plays chess to improve their cognition. Featuring reflective chess set along with the saying "Improve Your Cognition Play Chess". No need to be an avid chess player or chess teacher to enjoy! myChess

#play #chess #advice #LongApron

Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Baby Bodysuit #nikola #tesla #serbian #american #20th #BabyBodysuit

Ad: Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Baby Bodysuit #nikola #tesla #serbian #american #20th #BabyBodysuit

Chess A Ruthless Game Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Ad: Chess A Ruthless Game Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Make others do a double-take at one of the world's most ruthless games with a dose of wry chess humor with this chess saying polyester face mask! Featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess A Ruthless Game". Memorable polyester face mask for any ruthless chess player! myChess

#reflective #chess #FaceMask