Thursday, May 20, 2021

Photosynthesis Necessary For Life Face Mask

Ad: Photosynthesis Necessary For Life Face Mask

No need to be a gardener or biologist to know that photosynthesis is necessary for life. Showcase your educational scientific side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis the process of turning light into chemical energy along with the saying "Photosynthesis Necessary For Life". myBiochemistry

#photosynthesis #necessary #life #FaceMask

Statistical Spirit (Normal Distribution Curve) T-Shirt

Ad: Statistical Spirit (Normal Distribution Curve) T-Shirt

Do you breathe statistics everyday? Statisticians of all ages will enjoy this angled normal distribution curve "Statistical Spirit" stats humor gift tee. Showcase your team spirit for the world of statistics today! myStatistics

#psychology #geek #statistics #TShirt

Our Cosmic Neighborhood Planets Astronomy Duvet Cover #our #cosmic #neighborhood #astronomy #planets #DuvetCover

Ad: Our Cosmic Neighborhood Planets Astronomy Duvet Cover #our #cosmic #neighborhood #astronomy #planets #DuvetCover

Storytelling Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Notebook

Ad: Storytelling Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Notebook

Those who love to tell stories will enjoy this molecular biology attitude notebook featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Storytelling Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take on where you get your storyteller skills from with a dose of educational scientific humor today! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #Notebook

Pawn Promotion Is The Name Of The Game Chess Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Pawn Promotion Is The Name Of The Game Chess Humor Metal Sign

Showcase your wry chess player attitude the next time you wear this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying that many chess players will agree with: "Pawn Promotion Is The Name Of The Game". Memorable chess saying metal parking sign for any chess player or chess teacher. myChess

#name #game #MetalSign

Proof Is In The Pi (Pi On Baked Pie Geek Humor) Table Lamp #mathematician #irrational #number #math #humor #TableLamp

Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Reflective Chess Face Shield

Ad: Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Reflective Chess Face Shield

Showcase your wry twisted chess attitude with this face shield featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game". Chess geek humor face shield for anyone who knows about the similarities between life and chess! myChess

#life #like #FaceShield

My Life Is Nothing More Than A Pi Filled Existence Fabric #pi #on #a #pie #baked #Fabric

Do You Know Your Colatitude? Geometry Attitude Face Mask #colatitude #astronomy #earth #science #geometry #FaceMask

The Original Fujita Scale Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Travel Mug #tornado #fan #tornado #watcher #tornado #TravelMug

Ad: The Original Fujita Scale Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Travel Mug #tornado #fan #tornado #watcher #tornado #TravelMug

Team Angiosperm Alternation Of Generations Flower Poster #flower #fan #life #cycle #of #Poster

Ad: Team Angiosperm Alternation Of Generations Flower Poster #flower #fan #life #cycle #of #Poster

How Affected Are You By Pollution? (Physiology) Poster #pollution #health #effects #of #pollution #Poster

Ad: How Affected Are You By Pollution? (Physiology) Poster #pollution #health #effects #of #pollution #Poster

Do You Know Where Great Pacific Garbage Patch Lies Bumper Sticker #do #you #know #wherethe #great #BumperSticker

Ad: Do You Know Where Great Pacific Garbage Patch Lies Bumper Sticker #do #you #know #wherethe #great #BumperSticker

Statistics Art Science Finding Out Uncertain World Shower Curtain

Ad: Statistics Art Science Finding Out Uncertain World Shower Curtain

No need to be a statistician or mathematician to enjoy wry stats humor attitude with this bell curve shower curtain! Saying includes the following humorous definition of statistics: "Statistics - The Art & Science Of Finding Out How Uncertain The World Really Is". Educational stats psychology shower curtain gift for anyone who works with the normal distribution! myStatistics

#statistics #science #ShowerCurtain

Inside What I Eat Plant Cell Vegetarian Humor Duvet Cover

Ad: Inside What I Eat Plant Cell Vegetarian Humor Duvet Cover

No need to be a vegetarian -- although it certainly helps -- in order to enjoy wry food humor with this educational scientific duvet cover featuring a detailed diagram of a plant cell with the caption "Inside What I Eat". Do a double-take on exactly what is inside of what you eat with this duvet cover! Science attitude truism saying for vegetarians and herbivores alike! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegan #attitude #DuvetCover

Software Developers Are Addicted To Sweets Two-Tone Coffee Mug #software #developers #are #addicted #to #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Software Developers Are Addicted To Sweets Two-Tone Coffee Mug #software #developers #are #addicted #to #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Be Social Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Ad: Be Social Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Make others do a double-take with a dose of social bridge humor with this clock featuring the four card suits and the saying "Be Social Play Bridge". Sound bridge advice clock for any bridge player who loves to play the social game of bridge! myBridge

#bridge #advice #saying #RoundClock

Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge Luggage Tag

Ad: Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge Luggage Tag

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following saying that any duplicate bridge player can relate to: "Be Competitive Play Duplicate Bridge". Great gifts for any competitive duplicate bridge player! myBridge

#bridge #attitude #advice #LuggageTag

May All Your Finesses And Slams Make Bridge Humor Fabric

Ad: May All Your Finesses And Slams Make Bridge Humor Fabric

Wish you fellow bridge partner happy thoughts with this bridge attitude fabric featuring the four card suits along with the saying "May All Your Finesses And Slams Make". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with a dose of good wishes for excellent bridge play with this memorable bridge saying fabric! myBridge

#bridge #game #duplicate #Fabric

Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Coffee Mug

Ad: Use It Or Lose It (Brain Anatomy Humor Saying) Coffee Mug

Showcase wry anatomical humor with any of these brain anatomy gifts featuring the various parts of the brains including the pons cerebellum and medulla - color coded for distinction. Comes with the wry truism saying "Use It [Your Brain] Or Lose It". No need to be a neuroscientist philosopher or neurosurgeon to enjoy any of these educational scientific humor gifts today! myAnatomy

#lose #CoffeeMug

Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts Throw Pillow

Ad: Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry geological rock-hound stratigraphic side with this throw pillow featuring Grand Canyon stratigraphy along with the following geek humor saying that will make others do a double-take: "Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts". myGeology

#geology #sentimental #thoughts #ThrowPillow

If Need Escape From Present Take Walk Geological Serving Tray

Ad: If Need Escape From Present Take Walk Geological Serving Tray

No need to be a geologist or earth scientist to enjoy this serving tray featuring a history of the Earth through geological time. Comes with the wry saying: "If You Need An Escape From The Present Take A Walk Along The Spiral Of Geological Time". Memorable serving tray for anyone who thinks about geological time and Earth's history! myGeology

#geology #words #unwords #ServingTray

Our Cosmic Neighborhood (Solar System) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #solar #system #relative #sizes #of #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Our Cosmic Neighborhood (Solar System) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #solar #system #relative #sizes #of #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Arriving In Waves T-Shirt

Ad: Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Arriving In Waves T-Shirt

Showcase your wry physics sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the Doppler effect along with the following physics truism saying about life: "Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Bunched Together Or Stretched Apart Depending Upon Where You Are". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific style with any of these Doppler effect attitude gifts today! No need to be a physics major to enjoy! myPhysics

#physics #words #unwords #TShirt

Chess A Competition Between Two Minds Chess Set Face Shield

Ad: Chess A Competition Between Two Minds Chess Set Face Shield

Showcase your wry reflective chess side with this face shield featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess truism saying: "Chess A Competition Between Two Minds". Memorable face shield for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #game #FaceShield

Where Did Gibbs Find Lots Of Available Free Energy Coffee Mug

Ad: Where Did Gibbs Find Lots Of Available Free Energy Coffee Mug

Do you lack available free energy in your day? Do you have a wry sense of chemistry and/or physics humor? Showcase your thermodynamic potential attitude with any of these tongue-in-cheek science humor gifts featuring the classic graph along with the saying "Where Did Gibbs Find Lots Of Available Free Energy?". Educational scientific Gibbs humor for all who wonder where all of this available free energy comes from! myPhysics

#thermodynamics #chemistry #physics #CoffeeMug

Play Chess It's The Gymnasium Of The Mind Metal Sign

Ad: Play Chess It's The Gymnasium Of The Mind Metal Sign

If you play chess you'll enjoy this chess saying metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Play Chess It's The Gymnasium Of The Mind". Make others do a double-take about what chess does to one's mind with a dose of sound chess advice with this metal parking sign! myChess

#play #chess #gymnasium #MetalSign