Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Wired For Statistics (Bell Curve Stats Attitude) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Wired For Statistics (Bell Curve Stats Attitude) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Statisticians psychologists mathematicians economists and anyone who works with statistics on a daily basis will enjoy this memorable stats humor saying mug featuring the bell curve along with the caption "Wired For Statistics". Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent educational style with this statistical attitude mug! Featuring percentages under the curve along with the normal distribution curve (Gaussian distribution). myStatistics

#wired #statistics #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Mug

Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Mug

Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this mug featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great mug for any scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry

#biochemical #energy #biochemistry #Mug

Just A Statistical Feeling (Stats Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Just A Statistical Feeling (Stats Humor) T-Shirt

Do you often just have a statistical feeling? If you work with numbers all day you'll enjoy this stats humor geek gift tee featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian distribution) along with the caption "Just A Statistical Feeling". Showcase how you are feeling to others with a dose of wry statistical attitude! myStatistics

#statistician #statistical #statistics #TShirt

Vegetarian DNA (Vegetarian Attitude Humor) Adult Apron

Ad: Vegetarian DNA (Vegetarian Attitude Humor) Adult Apron

Make others do a double-take with any of these gifts featuring a bunch of vegetables from squash tomato carrot peas and peppers along with DNA replication. In short the design stands for "Vegetarian DNA". Memorable vegetarian attitude gifts for vegans and vegetarians and all who know that eating vegetables and loving them is a mindset that may have their origins in our genes! myVegetarian

#genes #genetics #molecular #AdultApron

Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Round Clock #funny #software #developers #open #source #RoundClock

Ad: Software Developers Know How To Move Mountains Round Clock #funny #software #developers #open #source #RoundClock

Where's The Hand You Held In Bidding? Bridge Game Face Mask

Ad: Where's The Hand You Held In Bidding? Bridge Game Face Mask

If you have ever had a bridge partner who bid wildly at the bridge table you will enjoy this bridge humor cotton/polyester face mask. Design features all four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the query that a declarer often says to dummy "Where's The Hand You Held In Bidding?" Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with a dose of tongue-in-cheek bridge attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask! myBridge

#bridge #player #declarer #FaceMask

Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Brain Anatomy Advice Watch

Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Brain Anatomy Advice Watch

If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy telling time with this watch featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic medical and anatomical geek humor watch for anyone with a brain and does not want to be disturbed! myAnatomy

#disturb #brain #Watch

Bridge Players Know How To Finesse The Way To Top Face Shield

Ad: Bridge Players Know How To Finesse The Way To Top Face Shield

Duplicate bridge players who are very good at finessing their way to the top of the scoreboard during a bridge session will enjoy this face shield featuring the four card suits along with the following quirky bridge saying: "Bridge Players Know How To Finesse The Way To The Top". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with a strong dose of bridge humor with this face shield! myBridge

#four #card #suits #words #FaceShield

Examining A Slice Of The Earth (Earth Science) Notebook

Ad: Examining A Slice Of The Earth (Earth Science) Notebook

No need to be an earth scientist to know about the various layers of the Earth with this educational scientific earth science notebook! Featuring the saying: "Examining A Slice Of The Earth". Make others do a double-take about the various layers of the Earth from core on outward to the atmospheric layers today! myGeology

#earth #atmosphere #layers #Notebook

Do I Really Repeat Myself? DNA Replication Humor Apron

Ad: Do I Really Repeat Myself? DNA Replication Humor Apron

Molecular biology humor is alive and well on this all-over print apron featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Do I Really Repeat Myself?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific fun today with this all-over print apron! myDna

#genetics #biology #Apron

Curiosity In Search Of Life On Mars Martian Rover Towel #curiosity #in #search #of #life #Towel

Ad: Curiosity In Search Of Life On Mars Martian Rover Towel #curiosity #in #search #of #life #Towel

Kuiper Belt and The Oort Cloud (Astronomy) Neck Tie #astronomy #astronomical #kuiper #belt #the #NeckTie

Ad: Kuiper Belt and The Oort Cloud (Astronomy) Neck Tie #astronomy #astronomical #kuiper #belt #the #NeckTie

Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Water Bottle

Ad: Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Water Bottle

Is there a volcano inside of you? Make others do a double-take with wry geological humor with any of these featuring an active volcano and the saying "Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside". Make others do a double-take about what's going on inside of you with these earth science attitude gifts! myGeology

#warning #pyroclastic #flows #inside #WaterBottle

Chess Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn Queen Fabric

Ad: Chess Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn Queen Fabric

Chess players will enjoy this fabric featuring chess play humor. Fabric features a reflective chess set along with the following humorous existential chess saying that is often heard when comparing chess to other games: "Chess The Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn To Queen". Memorable chess attitude fabric for the next time you create chess-themed items! myChess

#chess #game #words #Fabric

Know Your Heart (Heart Anatomy) Coffee Mug

Ad: Know Your Heart (Heart Anatomy) Coffee Mug

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry heart-based humor with any of these health and medicine gifts featuring the heart during filling (diastole) and pumping (systole) phases. Featuring all key labels of the heart as well as the truism caption "Know Your Heart". Make everyone do a double-take with your medical sense of humor with sound advice coupled with this double-entendre saying! myAnatomy

#know #your #heart #CoffeeMug

Quantum Mechanics Proof That Life Is Relative Round Clock

Ad: Quantum Mechanics Proof That Life Is Relative Round Clock

Showcase your wry scientific / quantum mechanics attitude with any of these gifts featuring the Schrödinger's cat paradox along with the following saying: "Quantum Mechanics - Proof That Life Is Relative When You Think Within The Box". Tongue-in-cheek physics attitude for all who understand is-the-cat-alive-or-dead issues in the field of quantum mechanics! myPhysics

#proof #that #life #relative #RoundClock

Life Cycle Of A Typical Moss (Bryophyte) Sweatshirt #biological #life #cycle #of #moss #Sweatshirt

Ad: Life Cycle Of A Typical Moss (Bryophyte) Sweatshirt #biological #life #cycle #of #moss #Sweatshirt

Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen Chess Saying Humor Bandana

Ad: Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen Chess Saying Humor Bandana

Showcase your wry emerging chess sensibility with a dose of educational chess attitude with this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess truism saying "Every Pawn Is A Potential Queen". Memorable bandana for any chess player who knows the rules of chess! myChess

#chess #every #pawn #Bandana

The Physiology Of Love (Symptoms Of Love) Notebook

Ad: The Physiology Of Love (Symptoms Of Love) Notebook

No need to have been in love to enjoy wry medical and anatomical humor with this notebook featuring "The Physiology Of Love" describing all of the symptoms of love. Whether for Valentine's Day or any other special day celebrate the physiological response that we call "love" with a dose of biological humor the next time you write in this notebook! Great geek attitude notebook on the symptoms of love! myAnatomy

#symptoms #love #Notebook

Exhausted Brain Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Fabric

Ad: Exhausted Brain Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Fabric

Are you exhausted mentally from time to time? Showcase your wry anatomical side the next time you create with this fabric featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Exhausted Brain Inside". myAnatomy

#exhausted #brain #inside #Fabric

Articulating A Vision Begins Understanding The Eye Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Articulating A Vision Begins Understanding The Eye Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to work in the medical field or to be engaged in entrepreneurial activities to enjoy wry scientific anatomical medical humor with any of these gifts featuring the eye. Funny scientific truism saying says it all: "Articulating A Vision Begins With Understanding The Eye". Make others do a double-take with any of these educational anatomical gifts! myAnatomy

#medicine #articulating #vision #JigsawPuzzle

Team Vegetarian (Vegetarian Attitude / Spirit) Trucker Hat

Ad: Team Vegetarian (Vegetarian Attitude / Spirit) Trucker Hat

If you are a die-hard vegetarian you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring a pile of vegetables with the caption "Team Vegetarian". Let everyone know of your vegetarian spirit with any of these vegetarian / vegan saying gifts! Advocate the vegetarian lifestyle today! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegan #team #TruckerHat

Resting Potential Inside Active Transport Humor Apron

Ad: Resting Potential Inside Active Transport Humor Apron

Do you like to rest? If so showcase your wry and witty biochemical cell biology side with this all-over print apron featuring the sodium-potassium pump used in active transport along with the saying "Resting Potential Inside". myBiochemistry

#active #transport #pump #Apron

Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

If you play duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this bridge attitude saying binder featuring the four card suits and the bridge truism "Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport". Make others do a double-take at what is involved in playing the great game of duplicate bridge with this bridge saying design on this binder! myBridge

#mental #sport #bridge #game #3RingBinder

Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Humor Fleece Blanket

Ad: Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics Bell Curve Humor Fleece Blanket

Showcase your wry statistical side with this bell curve attitude fleece blanket featuring the normal distribution curve along with the saying "Have A Sixth Sense For Statistics". Memorable fleece blanket for any statistician or statistics teacher! myStatistics

#statistics #bell #curve #FleeceBlanket