Friday, May 14, 2021

It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle) Beverage Coaster

Ad: It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle) Beverage Coaster

Showcase your biochemical side with this set of 6 cork coasters featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle). Make others do a double-take with the common saying "It's All Organic". Memorable gift with a scientific attitude toward energy! myBiochemistry

#organic #BeverageCoaster

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Notebook

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Notebook

Statistician will enjoy this stats humor notebook featuring statistical error summarized in a chart including Type I and Type II errors along with the geek humor saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". Memorable stats humor notebook for any statistician or anyone who engages in hypothesis testing! myStatistics

#unleash #your #statistical #self #Notebook

Do You Know Your Colatitude? Geometry Attitude T-Shirt #colatitude #astronomy #earth #science #geometry #TShirt

Ad: Do You Know Your Colatitude? Geometry Attitude T-Shirt #colatitude #astronomy #earth #science #geometry #TShirt

Due To Our Expanding Universe Big Freeze Occur Round Clock #due #to #our #expanding #universe #RoundClock

Ad: Due To Our Expanding Universe Big Freeze Occur Round Clock #due #to #our #expanding #universe #RoundClock

Genetics A Facet Of My Identity (DNA Replication) Travel Mug

Ad: Genetics A Facet Of My Identity (DNA Replication) Travel Mug

Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetics A Facet Of My Identity". Molecular biologists and geneticists will enjoy these educational gifts with scientific attitude saying! myDna

#identity #words #unwords #TravelMug

I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Planner

Ad: I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Planner

Chess players will enjoy this wry chess attitude planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying in Love Letters font: "I Love To Check My Opponents". Make others do a double-take at your favorite move in the game of chess besides checkmate with this planner! myChess

#love #check #Planner

Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Throw Pillow

Ad: Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take about the intellectual depth found in the game of chess with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Chess Is A Sea In Which A Gnat May Drink & An Elephant May Bathe". Great throw pillow for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #metaphor #player #ThrowPillow

Jury Trial Outcomes (Innocent Guilty Jury Verdict) T-Shirt #statistical #error #jury #trial #outcomes #TShirt

Team Adrenaline (Chemical Molecule Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Team Adrenaline (Chemical Molecule Humor) T-Shirt

Do you enjoy the adrenaline pumping through your circulatory system? No need to be a runner or jogging to enjoy wry chemical molecule with this "Team Adrenaline" design featuring the adrenaline molecule. Scientific educational attitude tee for anyone who is part of Team Adrenaline! myBiochemistry

#molecule #biochemistry #adrenaline #TShirt

Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Round Clock

Ad: Photosynthesis (Chemical Formula) Round Clock

Showcase your biochemical from light to energy side with this clock featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis along with an illustration of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Educational scientific attitude clock for anyone who knows how autotrophs operate! myBiochemistry

#photosynthesis #chemical #formula #RoundClock

Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Bandana #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Bandana

Ad: Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Bandana #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Bandana

Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Coffee Mug

Ad: Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry chemistry side with this chemical molecule mug featuring "Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate". Science humor attitude for all who know that our energy comes in the form of ATP! myBiochemistry

#molecular #currency #energy #CoffeeMug

Photosynthesis Necessary For Life T-Shirt

Ad: Photosynthesis Necessary For Life T-Shirt

No need to be a biochemist or biologist to enjoy this educational gift tee featuring the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis along with the saying "Photosynthesis Necessary For Life". Showcase your knowledge of what goes on inside of a chloroplast with intelligent colorful scientific fun when you wear this t-shirt! myBiochemistry

#photosynthesis #lightdependent #TShirt

To Analyze Clumps Of Data Cophenetic Correlation Coffee Mug

Ad: To Analyze Clumps Of Data Cophenetic Correlation Coffee Mug

Those who work with tons of data will enjoy any of these wry stats humor gifts featuring the formula for calculating the cophenetic correlation coefficient. Says: "To Analyze Clumps Of Data Just Calculate Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient" with the caption "Note: Magnitude of c should be close to 1 for a high-quality solution." Cophenetic correlation represents a measure how faithfully a dendrogram preserves the pairwise distances between the original unmodeled data points. Make others do a double-take with intelligent biostatistical humor with any of these definitional stats gifts! myStatistics

#stats #statistics #biostatistics #CoffeeMug

Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Bandana

Ad: Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Bandana

Do you desire a slightly yellowish-orange tint for your complexion? Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this bandana featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying "Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables". No need to use or wear-makeup -- just eat your veggies! Memorable bandana for any vegetarian or vegan! myVegetarian

#veggie #glow #Bandana

Retirement Is A State Of Mind (Anatomical Brain) T-Shirt

Ad: Retirement Is A State Of Mind (Anatomical Brain) T-Shirt

Do you believe that retirement is a state of mind? No need to work in the medical or psychological field to enjoy this tee featuring the human brain complete with all key parts labeled along with the saying "Retirement Is A State Of Mind". If you're thinking about retirement and just can't do so you'll be happy to know that retirement truly is a state of mind with this geek humor t-shirt! myAnatomy

#retirement #state #mind #TShirt

Life Pulsates Through My Veins (Venous System) Notebook

Ad: Life Pulsates Through My Veins (Venous System) Notebook

Showcase your wry anatomical and medical sense of humor with this notebook featuring all of the veins that comprise the circulatory system along with the truism saying "Life Pulsates Through My Veins". Make others do a double-take with this venous humor notebook! myAnatomy

#veins #venous #system #Notebook

If Bridge Is Just A Game Then Grand Canyon Hole T-Shirt

Ad: If Bridge Is Just A Game Then Grand Canyon Hole T-Shirt

If you treat the game of bridge seriously you'll enjoy any of these wry duplicate bridge attitude gifts! Featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the funny bridge saying: "If Bridge Is Just A Game Then The Grand Canyon Is Just A Hole In Arizona". No need to be have been to the Grand Canyon or Arizona to enjoy the seriousness of this statement. Truism bridge saying for all bridge players who understand how serious the game of bridge can be! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #TShirt

Eye Believe (Anatomical Humor) Magnet

Ad: Eye Believe (Anatomical Humor) Magnet

No need to be an eye doctor or an ophthalmologist to enjoy this anatomical humor design featuring the eye along with the caption "Believe" -- meaning "I Believe". Complete with detailed labels of the eye. Educational scientific humor truism gifts for those who understand that seeing is believing! myAnatomy

#believe #Magnet

We All Descended From Her (Mitochondrial Eve) T-Shirt

Ad: We All Descended From Her (Mitochondrial Eve) T-Shirt

Let everyone know when wearing this wry evolutionary biology humor gift tee that "We All Descended From Her" -- meaning Mitochondrial Eve. Cladistics lineage evolutionary tree for anyone living today! Perfect scientific attitude gift for any evolutionary ecologist or paleontologist! myDna

#mtdna #mitochondrial #TShirt

Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA (Genes) Long Apron

Ad: Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA (Genes) Long Apron

Are you a perfectionist? Do you believe that there is a genetic basis for perfectionism? Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the following saying: "Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA". Memorable biology geek humor gifts for all who love to be perfect! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #LongApron

Our New And Improved Solar System (Galactic Humor) Classic Round Sticker #planets #pluto #earth #dwarf #planets #ClassicRoundSticker

Ad: Our New And Improved Solar System (Galactic Humor) Classic Round Sticker #planets #pluto #earth #dwarf #planets #ClassicRoundSticker

Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral)

Ad: Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral)

Showcase the "Spiral Of Geological Time" with any of these gifts that feature Earth's history along a spiral. Take a closer look at eons epochs and periods such as when the dinosaurs flourished. Memorable geological age gifts for all who enjoy learning about Earth's history! myGeology

#geologist #geology #earths

My Mind Is Activated By The Game Of Chess Fabric

Ad: My Mind Is Activated By The Game Of Chess Fabric

Reflective chess player attitude is alive and well on this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "My Mind Is Activated By The Game Of Chess". Memorable chess humor fabric for any chess player who comes alive when it is time to play a great game of chess! myChess

#mind #activated #Fabric

Resistance: A Hydraulic Analogy T-Shirt

Ad: Resistance: A Hydraulic Analogy T-Shirt

No need to be a physics teacher to enjoy any of these educational scientific gifts featuring the concept of resistance as applied to hydraulics in the illustration "Resistance: A Hydraulic Analogy". Make others do a double-take about this physics concept today! myPhysics

#words #unwords #resistance #TShirt

Love Your Legumes (Bean Dicotyledon) Tie

Ad: Love Your Legumes (Bean Dicotyledon) Tie

If you love beans you'll enjoy this necktie featuring all key parts of bean (dicotyledon) along with the saying "Love Your Legumes". Memorable tie for any vegetarian and anyone who likes to eat beans! myVegetarian

#bean #vegetable #dicotyledon #Tie