Thursday, May 13, 2021

Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Table Lamp

Ad: Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Table Lamp

Showcase wry geological time humor with this earth science lamp featuring the spiral of geological time along with the title "Current Epoch In Perspective" along with the call out "Anthropocene Epoch You Are Here". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific truism saying lamp today! myGeology

#geology #words #unwords #TableLamp

Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Planner

Ad: Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Planner

Showcase wry geological time humor with this earth science planner featuring the spiral of geological time along with the title "Current Epoch In Perspective" along with the call out "Anthropocene Epoch You Are Here". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific truism saying planner today! myGeology

#geology #words #unwords #Planner

Explorer Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Business Card

Ad: Explorer Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Business Card

Do you like to explore? If you are hard-wired for exploration you'll enjoy introducing yourself with these business cards featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Explorer Genes Inside". myDna

#replication #genes #BusinessCard

If Need Escape From Present Take Walk Geological Trivet

Ad: If Need Escape From Present Take Walk Geological Trivet

No need to be a geologist or earth scientist to enjoy this trivet featuring a history of the Earth through geological time. Comes with the wry saying: "If You Need An Escape From The Present Take A Walk Along The Spiral Of Geological Time". Memorable trivet for anyone who thinks about geological time and Earth's history! myGeology

#geology #words #unwords #Trivet

Team Molecular Biology (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: Team Molecular Biology (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Molecular biologists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring DNA replication complete with all key labels of leading and lagging strands along with the truism caption "Team Molecular Biology". Anyone working in the biotechnology field will enjoy these educational scientific molecular biology saying gifts! myDna

#team #molecular #biology #words #RoundClock

Earthquakes Are Not My Fault (Plate Tectonics) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Earthquakes Are Not My Fault (Plate Tectonics) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Geologists earth scientists and plate tectonics fans will enjoy these educational scientific world map gifts featuring the different tectonic plates of the world along with the following scientific saying: "Earthquakes Are Not My Fault". Tell everyone the true story about the origin of earthquakes with a dose of fault driven geek humor today! myGeology

#earthquakes #fault #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Coffee Mug

Ad: Current Epoch In Perspective You Are Here Coffee Mug

Showcase wry geological time humor with this earth science mug featuring the spiral of geological time along with the title "Current Epoch In Perspective" along with the call out "Anthropocene Epoch You Are Here". Make others do a double-take with this educational scientific truism saying mug today! myGeology

#geology #words #unwords #CoffeeMug

Curiosity In Search Of Life On Mars Martian Rover Square Sticker #curiosity #in #search #of #life #SquareSticker

Ad: Curiosity In Search Of Life On Mars Martian Rover Square Sticker #curiosity #in #search #of #life #SquareSticker

What's Your True Air Speed? Air Speed Indicator Award

Ad: What's Your True Air Speed? Air Speed Indicator Award

No need to be a pilot or flight instructor to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the airspeed indicator or airspeed gauge an instrument used in an aircraft to display the craft's airspeed typically in knots to the pilot. Make others do a double-take with wry attitude whenever they fly with these gifts with the query "What's Your True Air Speed?" myPhysics

#speed #Award

Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Bandana

Ad: Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Bandana

No need to work in the medical field -- although it certain helps -- to enjoy this wry kidney nephron humor bandana featuring all of the key parts of the nephron (from medical textbook Gray's Anatomy) along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Word play on the word "real" and "renal". Make everyone do a double-take on what you mean with this anatomical attitude bandana! myAnatomy

#anatomy #nephron #kidney #Bandana

Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times Socks

Ad: Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times Socks

Have you ever quit the game of chess? Wry chess attitude is alive and well with this pair of socks featuring a reflective chess set along with the tongue-in-cheek sarcastic saying "Chess Is Not Addictive I've Quit Hundreds Of Times". Make others do a double-take about how addictive the game of chess truly is with this chess humor pair of socks! myChess

#chess #addictive #Socks

Acoustic Drums Inside (Anatomy Of Human Ear) Throw Pillow

Ad: Acoustic Drums Inside (Anatomy Of Human Ear) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry anatomical attitude with this throw pillow featuring the anatomy of the human ear along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Acoustic Drums Inside". No need to be an otolaryngologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#anatomy #human #ThrowPillow

Why Eat Meat If Plant Cells Have It All? (Veg Fun) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Why Eat Meat If Plant Cells Have It All? (Veg Fun) Classic Round Sticker

Vegetarians will enjoy any of these wry vegetarian scientific attitude gifts featuring a plant cell along with the saying "Why Eat Meat If Plant Cells Have It All?" Comes with detailed labels of a plant cell. Showcase your vegetarian side with any of these educational biological gifts today! myVegetarian

#saying #vegetarian #plant #ClassicRoundSticker

Probabilistic Thinker Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Keychain

Ad: Probabilistic Thinker Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Keychain

Do you like to think in terms of probabilities? Statisticians and those who like to think about statistics and hypothesis testing will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the bell curve distribution (i.e. normal distribution curve) complete with percentages under the curve and Z-scores along with the following saying: "Probabilistic Thinker Inside". Memorable geek humor gifts for all who like to think in terms of probabilistic terms! myStatistics

#statistics #stats #geek #Keychain

Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Tie

Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Tie

Showcase this biological truism necktie with this detailed look at protein synthesis. Wry saying says it all: "Protein Synthesis Inside". No need to be a cell biologist to showcase how you build proteins via amino acids in the ribosome. Colorful scientific diagram complete with labels. myBiochemistry

#biology #biologist #biochemistry #Tie

Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Ad: Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Showcase your wry bridge attitude side with this clock for any bridge player. Comes with the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Take Time To Play Bridge". myBridge

#take #time #play #bridge #RoundClock

Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is Probability Socks

Ad: Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is Probability Socks

Showcase your wry statistical side with this pair of socks featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the following stats truism saying: "Statistics A Discipline Where Truth Is A Probability Play". No need to be a statistician or student of statistics to enjoy! myStatistics

#statistics #statistician #stats #Socks

Pay Attention To Bidding Will Determine Best Line Table Lamp

Ad: Pay Attention To Bidding Will Determine Best Line Table Lamp

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with this lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following sound advice: "Pay Attention To Bidding It Will Determine The Best Line Of Play". Memorable bridge advice lamp for any bridge player who likes to win! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #words #TableLamp

Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Statistic Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Statistic Metal Lunch Box

Showcase educational statistical attitude with this metal lunchbox that features the stats humor saying "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve". Complete with percentages. Colorful design includes call-out with the saying "I Am Here". No need to be a statistician or a stats major to point out to others exactly where you fall on the bell curve at your next meal with this lunchbox! myStatistics

#statistics #words #unwords #MetalLunchBox

Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Fabric

Make items with a dose of wry duplicate bridge attitude with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following humorous bridge saying for anyone willing to go to extreme lengths to play duplicate bridge: "Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food". myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #Fabric

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Are you frequently lost in translation? No need to know about protein synthesis to enjoy wry biochemistry humor with any of these gifts featuring messenger RNA along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying that is applicable in life: "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Make others do a double-take about language and meaning with a scientific attitude today! myBiochemistry

#messenger #TShirt

Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Socks #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Socks

Ad: Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons Socks #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Socks

24-Cell 4-Dimensional Polytope Geometry Planner #24cell #4dimensional #polytope #geometry #cube #Planner

Are You Congruent? (Congruent Angles) Throw Pillow #equal #congruent #math #geometry #angle #ThrowPillow

redirecting to


My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair (DNA Humor) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair (DNA Humor) Baby T-Shirt

Yes DNA does repair itself. No matter how you feel celebrate life with a dose of molecular biology attitude with any of these gifts featuring DNA repair along with the wry saying "My DNA Is In Often Need Of Repair". Make others do a double-take with any of these educational scientific biology gifts! No need to be a biologist or gene therapist to enjoy! myDna

#replication #humor #BabyTShirt

Proof Is In The Pi (Pi On Baked Pie Geek Humor) Face Shield #mathematician #irrational #number #math #humor #FaceShield

Don't Take The Schist For Granite Geology Humor Trivet

Ad: Don't Take The Schist For Granite Geology Humor Trivet

Showcase wry geology humor with this trivet featuring the three different type of plate boundaries along with the geological truism saying "Don't Take The Schist For Granite". Perfect trivet for geologists earth scientists and rock hounds of all ages! myGeology

#plate #tectonics #boundaries #Trivet