Monday, May 10, 2021

Doing It All Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Face Mask

Ad: Doing It All Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Face Mask

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with this educational scientific cotton/polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with the following saying: "Doing It All Is In My DNA". Memorable geek humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who feels compelled to do it all! myDna

#doing #FaceMask

Think Linear Linear Least Squares (Statistics) Coffee Mug #math #stats #linear #least #squares #CoffeeMug

Altruism Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Altruism Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Showcase your scientific altruistic side with a dose of molecular biology humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Altruism Is In My Genes". myDna

#altruism #genes #TShirt

Venn Diagram A Intersected With B Coffee Mug #venn #diagram #a #intersected #with #CoffeeMug

Logic Matrices Inside (Boolean Logic) T-Shirt #logic #matrices #insidegeekgeek #humorgeek #attitudemathboolean #TShirt

Select Hot Spots Around The World Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Select Hot Spots Around The World Classic Round Sticker

Showcase various hot spots around the world with these educational geology gifts featuring a map of the world and select hot spots. Complete with labels. No need to be a geologist or an earth scientist to feature select hot spots around the world (think: Yellowstone) today! myGeology

#geology #geologist #earth #ClassicRoundSticker

Chess A Competition Between Two Minds Chess Set Apron

Ad: Chess A Competition Between Two Minds Chess Set Apron

Showcase your wry reflective chess side with this all-over print apron featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess truism saying: "Chess A Competition Between Two Minds". myChess

#chess #game #Apron

Vegetarians Taste Better (Vegetarian Humor)

Ad: Vegetarians Taste Better (Vegetarian Humor)

Vegans and vegetarians will enjoy any of these wry vegetarian humor gifts featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek suggestive innuendo saying "Vegetarians Taste Better". Make omnivores do a double-take with any of these vegetarian truism gifts! myVegetarian

#vegetarians #taste #better

Be An Independent Thinker Repel Specious Arguments T-Shirt

Ad: Be An Independent Thinker Repel Specious Arguments T-Shirt

Do you think independently? No need to be a physicist to enjoy any of these wry magnetic humor gifts featuring a magnetic quadrupole moment along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Be An Independent Thinker Repel Specious Arguments". Memorable gifts for independent thinkers with a magnetic attitude twist! myPhysics

#philosopher #thinker #physicist #TShirt

Vegetarian Manner Of Living Human Temperament Water Bottle

Ad: Vegetarian Manner Of Living Human Temperament Water Bottle

No need to be an avid vegetarian to understand the benefits of a vegetarian manner of living. Showcase your vegetarian attitude with any of these featuring a plant cell diagram complete with all key labels as well as the following quote: "In my view the vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament beneficially influences us all." myVegetarian

#vegetarian #manner #WaterBottle

Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Bandana

Ad: Disciplined Eye (I) Inside Eyeball Anatomy Humor Bandana

Showcase your wry disciplined side with this medical and anatomical humor bandana featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the saying "Disciplined Eye Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of strict eyeball attitude with this bandana! myAnatomy

#disciplined #inside #Bandana

Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative T-Shirt

Ad: Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative T-Shirt

No need to work in nuclear physics to enjoy any of these gifts featuring this educational scientific diagram featuring radiation doses in millirems from various sources. Make others do a double-take about the radiation levels that everyone is exposed to with these reminder gifts that says "Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative"! myPhysics

#radiation #doses #relative #TShirt

Study Of Brain Physiology (Leonardo da Vinci 1508) Coffee Mug

Ad: Study Of Brain Physiology (Leonardo da Vinci 1508) Coffee Mug

No need to be a brain surgeon to enjoy this drawing (circa 1508) from Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci titled "Study Of Brain Physiology". Scientist artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci was a keen observer of both human nature and nature. Recreated here on these modern gifts is one of his detailed anatomical drawings of the brain. myAnatomy

#brain #physiology #anatomy #CoffeeMug

Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Wry suggestive geological attitude comes alive on any of the geology humor gifts featuring the process of mountain building orogeny. Gifts featuring the three different plate boundaries along with geology truism saying "Subduction Leads To Orogeny". Make others do a double-take about what you are trying to say with any of these earth science gifts! myGeology

#subduction #leads #orogeny #TShirt

Director Please (Four Card Suits Bridge Game) Rectangular Belt Buckle

Ad: Director Please (Four Card Suits Bridge Game) Rectangular Belt Buckle

Do you frequently call the director when playing the game of bridge (duplicate bridge)? Showcase your wry bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying that is often heard at bridge tournaments: "Director Please". Make others do a double-take at what goes on during the game of bridge with a dose of bridge humor! myBridge

#director #please #bridge #RectangularBeltBuckle

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Don't Take Gneiss For Granite (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Don't Take Gneiss For Granite (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

No need to be a geologist or geology major to enjoy this tongue-in-cheek scientific truism saying tee featuring gneiss a common and widely distributed type of rock formed by high-grade regional metamorphic processes from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks along with the saying "Don't Take Gneiss For Granite". It means of course "Don't Take Nice For Granted"! Memorable geological attitude t-shirt for geologists earth scientists volcanologists and anyone who enjoys some gneiss and granite humor! myGeology

#gneiss #granite #geology #TShirt

My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle (Krebs) Tie

Ad: My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle (Krebs) Tie

If you lead a complex life you'll enjoy wry scientific humor on this tie featuring the Krebs cycle along with the saying "My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle". Showcase your biochemistry geek side with this tie that is a great conversation starter! Citric acid cycle attitude necktie for anyone who operates on a complex cycle! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #citric #acid #Tie

Caffeine Most Consumed Psychoactive Substance Mouse Pad

Ad: Caffeine Most Consumed Psychoactive Substance Mouse Pad

No need to be a chemistry or science teacher to know that caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. Showcase this well-known face with this caffeine chemical molecule mousepad today! Memorable mousepad for any caffeine fan! myBiochemistry

#caffeine #words #unwords #MousePad

Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Attitude) Business Card

Ad: Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Attitude) Business Card

Are you powered by statistics? Statisticians mathematicians psychology and stats major will enjoy introduce themselves to others with a dose of wry geek humor with these business cards featuring the bell curve along with the saying "Powered By Statistics". Make everyone do a double-take on what you are powered by today! myStatistics

#stats #percentages #normal #BusinessCard

Go Viral With Reverse Transcriptase Water Bottle

Ad: Go Viral With Reverse Transcriptase Water Bottle

Make others do a double-take about what it is to "go viral" with a strong dose of molecular biology and biochemistry humor with any of these featuring the crystallographic structure of reverse transcriptase (specifically HIV reverse transcriptase) a DNA polymerase enzyme that transcribes single-stranded RNA into single-stranded DNA. Comes with the scientific truism saying "Go Viral With Reverse Transcriptase". myDna

#viral #with #reverse #transcriptase #WaterBottle

Life Is Just A Twisted Event (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: Life Is Just A Twisted Event (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Showcase your wry DNA replication attitude with a dose of molecular biology humor with this clock featuring the biological scientific saying "Life Is Just A Twisted Event". Memorable clock for anyone who views life from a twisted perspective! myDna

#life #just #twisted #RoundClock

Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Mouse Pad

Ad: Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Mouse Pad

Avid chess players who feel happy when playing chess will enjoy this mousepad featuring a reflective chess set along with following chess saying: "Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game". Make others do a double-take on what truly makes you happy with a dose of chess humor today! myChess


It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid Cycle) Magnet

Ad: It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid Cycle) Magnet

No need to have taken organic chemistry to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Includes truism saying "It's All Organic". Educational biochemistry fun for all who know about the organic cycle within their cells! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #tcac #Magnet

Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions Tie

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions Tie

Do you life to be nothing but a series of chain reactions? Showcase wry biological and scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the electron transport chain as found in the mitochondria. Comes with the biological truism saying that many find to be true: "Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions". Make others do a double-take with wry biochemical humor with any of these electron transport chain attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#life #sciences #Tie

Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) Classic Round Sticker

No need to be a botanist or biochemist to understand the important of photosynthesis the process of creating energy from light. Technically photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. Make others do a double-take about the photosynthesis with any of these colorful scientific attitude gifts featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis! myBiochemistry

#photosynthesis #chemistry #chemist #ClassicRoundSticker

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Throw Pillow

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Throw Pillow

If you test hypotheses during the day you'll enjoy napping with a dose of geek humor with this throw pillow featuring a chart on statistical error along with the following stats attitude saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". myStatistics

#unleash #your #statistical #self #ThrowPillow

Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants? Humor Table Lamp

Ad: Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants? Humor Table Lamp

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry vegetarian humor with this lamp featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following ponderous existential query: "Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants?" No need to be a vegetarian to enjoy! myVegetarian

#vegetarians #carnivorous #plants #TableLamp