Friday, May 07, 2021

Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Waves Physics Humor Napkins

Ad: Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Waves Physics Humor Napkins

No need to be a physicist to understand the Doppler effect along with the following analogy which draws parallels between the Doppler effect and life: "Life Is Like A Doppler Effect Arriving In Waves Bunched Together Or Stretched Apart Depending Upon Where You Are". Make others do a double-take on life at your next gathering with this conversation-starter Doppler effect analogy paper napkin! myPhysics

#physics #words #unwords #Napkins

Chess Stereogram (Chess Pieces 3-D) T-Shirt

Ad: Chess Stereogram (Chess Pieces 3-D) T-Shirt

If you understand the visual sensation of playing chess you'll enjoy any of these chess attitude gifts featuring chess pieces against a chessboard that appear to come to life. Cross your eyes and view this "Chess Stereogram" in 3-D! Make others do a double-take about how the chess pieces appear to move on their own with these visual chess gifts! myChess

#stereogram #chess #TShirt

Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle Slip-On Sneakers

Showcase your knowledge of quantum physics with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the saying "Wave-Particle Duality Inside". Includes an illustration of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle which describes the fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle such as position x and momentum p can be known simultaneously. In other words the more precisely the position of some particle is determined the less precisely its momentum can be known and vice versa. Classic quantum mechanics geek attitude with this pair of slip-on sneakers! myPhysics

#waveparticle #duality #inside #quantum #SlipOnSneakers

I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Canvas Print

Ad: I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Canvas Print

Chess players will enjoy this wry chess attitude wrapped canvas featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying in Love Letters font: "I Love To Check My Opponents". Make others do a double-take at your favorite move in the game of chess besides checkmate with this wrapped canvas! myChess

#love #check #CanvasPrint

Life Is Chess Chess Is Life (Reflective Chess Set) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Life Is Chess Chess Is Life (Reflective Chess Set) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Avid chess players will enjoy this chess saying mug featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Life Is Chess Chess Is Life". myChess

#chess #saying #words #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Table Lamp

Ad: Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Table Lamp

If you love beans you'll enjoy this lamp featuring all key parts of a bean (dicotyledon) seed along with the sound advice saying "Love Your Legumes". Memorable lamp for any vegetarian or anyone who likes to eat beans! myVegetarian

#bean #vegetable #dicotyledon #TableLamp

Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Throw Pillow

Ad: Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Throw Pillow

If you love beans you'll enjoy this throw pillow featuring all key parts of a bean (dicotyledon) seed along with the sound advice saying "Love Your Legumes". Memorable throw pillow for any vegetarian or anyone who likes to eat beans! myVegetarian

#bean #vegetable #dicotyledon #ThrowPillow

Warning! I Get Under People's Skin (Dermal Layers) Keychain

Ad: Warning! I Get Under People's Skin (Dermal Layers) Keychain

Do you frequently get under people's skin -- figurative speaking? Or do you work in the medical field -- for example dermatology -- and frequently get under people's skin through medical means? Showcase your wry anatomical skin layer sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the human skin complete with all key parts labeled. Comes with the advice that will let others do a double-take the next time they come near you: "Warning I Get Under People's Skin". Science humor gifts for anyone with skin! myAnatomy

#skin #warning #anatomy #Keychain

Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile of Vegetables Coffee Mug

Ad: Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile of Vegetables Coffee Mug

If you love to eat vegetables for dessert you can showcase your vegetarian attitude with this mug featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek vegetarian saying: "Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet - Have Some Carrot Cake Zucchini Bread & Pumpkin Pie". Memorable vegetarian humor mug for anyone on a diet - or who desires a vegetarian dessert diet! myVegetarian

#zucchini #bread #pumpkin #CoffeeMug

Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Geek Humor T-Shirt

Ad: Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Geek Humor T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this tee featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude tee for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myStatistics

#normal #statistics #stats #TShirt

Duplicate Bridge Only Game Where Being Average Face Mask

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Only Game Where Being Average Face Mask

If you play duplicate bridge you'll enjoy wry bridge humor with this polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge - The Only Game Where Being Average Is A Good Result". Make others do a double-take at the concept of average and getting to an average game in the world of bridge with this memorable bridge saying polyester face mask! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #humor #FaceMask

Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Geek Advice Metal Lunch Box

Ad: Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Geek Advice Metal Lunch Box

If you enjoy hypothesis testing via statistics you'll enjoy this bell curve attitude metal lunch box featuring the normal distribution curve along with the truism saying "Always Test Your Hypothesis". Sound advice for scientists statisticians psychologists economists etc. Make others do a double-take at statistics and hypothesis testing with this educational stats humor metal lunchbox at your next meal! myStatistics

#always #test #your #hypothesis #MetalLunchBox

Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Neck Tie

Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy (Krebs Cycle) Neck Tie

Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this tie featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great tie for any scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry

#words #unwords #biochemical #NeckTie

Hybrid DNA Inside (Recombinant DNA) T-Shirt

Ad: Hybrid DNA Inside (Recombinant DNA) T-Shirt

Showcase your "Hybrid DNA Inside" with any of these recombinant DNA gifts! Make others do a double-take with educational scientific molecular biology style today! myDna

#science #humor #hybrid #TShirt

Sweet Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Sweet Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of sweet scientific humor with this throw pillow featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Sweet Genes Inside". Great throw pillow for anyone with a sweet tooth or a sweet personality! myDna

#sweet #genes #inside #ThrowPillow

Life Is Just Copied DNA Molecular Biology Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Life Is Just Copied DNA Molecular Biology Humor Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry molecular biology side with this throw pillow featuring DNA replication along with the scientific truism saying "Life Is Just Copied DNA". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific humor with this geek saying throw pillow today! myDna

#genes #humor #life #ThrowPillow

How Yellowstone Works (Geology Supervolcano) Notebook

Ad: How Yellowstone Works (Geology Supervolcano) Notebook

Yellowstone National Park was the first national park in the world. As many geologists know Yellowstone Caldera is the largest supervolcano a volcano capable of producing a super volcanic eruption with ejecta greater than 1 000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) on the North American continent. The caldera is considered an active volcano; it has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two million years. Showcase educational scientific attitude with any of these gifts featuring "How Yellowstone Works" from a geological point of view. Memorable gifts for all fans of Yellowstone and supervolcanoes! myGeology

#volcano #geology #volcanologist #Notebook

Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) Postcard

Ad: Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) Postcard

Wry suggestive geological attitude comes alive on any of the geology humor gifts featuring the process of mountain building orogeny. Gifts featuring the three different plate boundaries along with geology truism saying "Subduction Leads To Orogeny". Make others do a double-take about what you are trying to say with any of these earth science gifts! myGeology

#subduction #leads #orogeny #Postcard

Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Binder

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Binder

Let your wry anatomical side shine with this binder featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following brainy saying: "Insufficient Storage Inside". Make others do a double-take the next time you collect notes with this binder! myAnatomy

#insufficient #storage #inside #brain #Binder

Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Apron

Ad: Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Apron

Showcase wry chess attitude with this reflective chess set all-over print apron that includes the wry saying "Life Is A Game - Chess Is Serious". Make others do a double-take about the nature of the game of chess at the chessboard. Memorable chess saying all-over print apron for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #Apron

Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart White Cotton Face Mask

Ad: Just Showing You My Heart Anatomical Heart White Cotton Face Mask

No need to work in the field to enjoy wry geek anatomical heart humor with this cotton face mask featuring a diagram of a human heart from the textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Just Showing You My Heart". Make everyone do a double-take at what you mean with this heart anatomy cotton face mask! myAnatomy

#heart #medicine #anatomy #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game Chess Apron

Ad: Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game Chess Apron

Chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this wry chess saying all-over print apron featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Pattern Recognition Is The Name Of The Game". Make others do a double-take about what the game of chess is all about with this chess truism all-over print apron! myChess

#pattern #recognition #name #Apron

Life Is Like A Peach Eat Sweet Mesocarp Food Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Life Is Like A Peach Eat Sweet Mesocarp Food Humor Serving Tray

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry peachy attitude with this serving tray featuring the anatomical parts of a peach along with the following saying: "Life Is Like A Peach You Eat The Sweet Mesocarp & Spit Out The Bitter Seed". myAnatomy

#peach #life #like #ServingTray

Baryon Octet (Particle Physics) Postcard

Ad: Baryon Octet (Particle Physics) Postcard

A baryon is a composite subatomic particle made up of three quarks. Particle physicists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring combinations of three u d or s quarks forming baryons with a spin-1⁄2 form the uds baryon octet. myPhysics

#particle #physics #baryon #octet #Postcard

Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Ad: Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Host your next bridge party or event with a dose of wry duplicate bridge humor with these customizable paper napkins featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying that any avid duplicate bridge player will enjoy: "Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food". Memorable bridge attitude paper napkins for your next bridge event! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #PaperNapkins