Thursday, May 06, 2021

Acetyl-CoA Metabolism Inside (Chemical Molecule) T-Shirt

Ad: Acetyl-CoA Metabolism Inside (Chemical Molecule) T-Shirt

If you metabolize then you should be familiar with acetyl-CoA the molecule that is key to metabolism. Showcase wry intelligent chemistry attitude with this tee that feature a 3-D molecule of acetyl-CoA along with the saying "Metabolism Inside". No need to be a biochemistry major to enjoy! myBiochemistry

#acetylcoa #molecule #chemistry #TShirt

DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter (DNA Strands) Wrist Watch

Ad: DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter (DNA Strands) Wrist Watch

Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor the next time you tell time with this watch featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the following biological saying: "DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter". myDna

#biology #WristWatch

We All Descended From Her (Mitochondrial Eve) Beer Stein

Ad: We All Descended From Her (Mitochondrial Eve) Beer Stein

Let everyone know when wearing this wry evolutionary biology humor gift tee that "We All Descended From Her" -- meaning Mitochondrial Eve. Cladistics lineage evolutionary tree for anyone living today! Perfect scientific attitude gift for any evolutionary ecologist or paleontologist! myDna

#mtdna #mitochondrial #BeerStein

Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Shower Curtain

Ad: Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Shower Curtain

No need to be a geologist or psychologist to enjoy wry geek humor with this shower curtain featuring the subduction zone where one tectonic plate slides under another along with the following ponderous query: "Where Does Your Fault Lie?" myGeology

#geology #psychology #subduction #ShowerCurtain

Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Fabric

Ad: Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Fabric

Make things with a dose of wry geological geek attitude with this fabric featuring the subduction zone along with the saying "Where Does Your Fault Lie?" Great fabric for any crafter into scientific fun! myGeology

#geology #psychology #subduction #Fabric

Have A Gneiss Day! Geology Rock Humor Table Lamp

Ad: Have A Gneiss Day! Geology Rock Humor Table Lamp

Gneiss pronounced 'nice' is a common and widely distributed type of rock formed by high-grade regional metamorphic processes from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks. Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific attitude with this word play lamp with a drawing of gneiss and the geological truism saying "Have A Gneiss Day!" myGeology

#geology #metamorphic #rock #TableLamp

World Geological Provinces World Map Geology Trivet

Ad: World Geological Provinces World Map Geology Trivet

Geologists and earth scientists will enjoy this trivet featuring a map of the world's geologic provinces spatial entities with common geologic or geomorphic attributes. Map is by the United States Geology Survey. Educational scientific trivet for anyone who appreciates Earth's geological provinces! myGeology

#fold #belt #geology #Trivet

By 2050 90% Of the World Will Be Vegetarian Round Clock

Ad: By 2050 90% Of the World Will Be Vegetarian Round Clock

Showcase your wry vegetarian / vegan sense of humor with a dose of environmental sustainable attitude with this clock featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying: 'By 2050 90% Of The World Will Be Vegetarian If We Continue To Use Water Resources The Way We Do". myVegetarian

#ninety #percent #RoundClock

Neural Ensemble Encoding Information Business Card

Ad: Neural Ensemble Encoding Information Business Card

At your next meet and greet introduce yourself with a dose of wry scientific humor with these business cards featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Neural Ensemble Encoding Information". Memorable geek attitude business card for all who introduce themselves and try to remember the names and faces of others as well! myAnatomy

#neuron #words #unwords #BusinessCard

Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Socks

Ad: Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Socks

Let your wry chess attitude shine with this pair of socks featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself". Sound and humorous chess advice pair of socks for any chess player who follows the rules of the game! myChess

#chess #reflective #Socks

Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Fabric

Ad: Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Fabric

Let your wry chess attitude shine with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself". Sound and humorous chess advice fabric for any creator who likes to make items for chess players! myChess

#chess #reflective #Fabric

Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Planner

Ad: Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Planner

If you love beans and like to eat them you'll enjoy this planner featuring a cross-cut diagram of a bean seed (dicotyledon) complete with all key components along with the following saying: "Just Bean Me Up". Make others do a double-take on what you are trying to say with a dose of food for thought humor today! myAnatomy

#just #bean #Planner

Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of Mind Bandana

Ad: Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of Mind Bandana

Showcase your wit and wisdom regarding the game of chess with this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of The Mind". Memorable chess attitude bandana for any avid chess player who knows what a chess player's mind goes through when playing the game of chess! myChess

#chess #teachers #Bandana

Flexi-Vegetarian Inside (Pile Of Vegetables) Water Bottle

Ad: Flexi-Vegetarian Inside (Pile Of Vegetables) Water Bottle

Are you a flexi-vegetarian? In other words are you a part-time vegetarian? Showcase your wry sense of vegetarian humor with any of these featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying "Flexi-Vegetarian Inside". Make others do a double-take at your true diet today! myVegetarian

#inside #WaterBottle

Neural Ensemble Encoding Information Neuron Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Neural Ensemble Encoding Information Neuron Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your neurons with this neuron / synapse design complete with detailed labels. Saying says: "Neural Ensemble Encoding Information". No need to be a doctor or programmer or teacher to enjoy this scientific attitude jigsaw puzzle. Educational thought for all who think and encode information on a daily basis! myAnatomy

#neuron #words #unwords #JigsawPuzzle

Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Large Tote Bag

Ad: Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Large Tote Bag

No need to be studying physics to enjoy this tote bag featuring the electromagnetic spectrum along with the caption "Electromagnetic University" in Varsity lettering. Make others do a double-take about the visible and invisible portions of light with a dose of educational scientific attitude the next time you travel with this tote bag! myPhysics

#physics #physicist #LargeToteBag

If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Business Card

Ad: If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Business Card

Otolaryngologists and audiologists will enjoy introducing themselves with these customizable business cards featuring an anatomical diagram of the human ear along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take the next time you have a conversation with them: "If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying It's Time To Get Your Hearing Checked". myAnatomy

#cant #hear #BusinessCard

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this jigsaw puzzle featuring the four card suits along with the saying "The Game Of Bridge Is An Endless Struggle". Memorable bridge saying jigsaw puzzle for anyone who believes that the game of bridge truly is a struggle! myBridge

#bridge #humor #advice #JigsawPuzzle

You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Adult Apron

Ad: You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Adult Apron

Do you know where you are in geological time? If you are a fan of Earth's history and think in terms of eons epochs and periods you'll enjoy any of these wry geological age gifts featuring Earth's timeline along with the call-out "You Are Here" pointing to the present. Scientific attitude gifts for all those who live in the present and know about it! myGeology

#geology #geological #AdultApron

Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Coffee Mug

Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Coffee Mug

Showcase this biological truism with this detailed look at protein synthesis. Wry saying says it all: "Protein Synthesis Inside". No need to be a cell biologist to showcase how you build proteins via amino acids in the ribosome. Colorful scientific diagram complete with labels. myBiochemistry

#truism #saying #humor #CoffeeMug

Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) T-Shirt

Ad: Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) T-Shirt

Interested in what happens to tryptophan after you ingest it? Showcase "Tryptophan Metabolism" on this chemistry attitude tee. Educational scientific design featuring the different chemical compounds that tryptophan breaks down into inside of your cells. No need to be a chemist or drinker of milk to enjoy! myBiochemistry

#chemical #molecules #serotonin #TShirt

Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Coffee Mug

Ad: Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Coffee Mug

Showcase educational statistical attitude with any of these gifts that feature the stats humor saying "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve". Complete with percentages. Colorful design includes callout with the saying "I Am Here". No need to be a statistician or a stats major to point out to others exactly where you fall on the bell curve! myStatistics

#statistics #words #unwords #CoffeeMug

Genius DNA Molecular Biology Humor Flask

Ad: Genius DNA Molecular Biology Humor Flask

Showcase wry molecular biology humor with this DNA replication flask with the caption "Genius DNA". Educational biological attitude for all those who have genius DNA and want to show it! No need to be a molecular biologist or biologist to enjoy. myDna

#replication #funny #Flask

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

Ad: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

Let others know all about DNA replication with this scientific attitude gift tee that says "Deoxyribonculeic Acid (DNA) Stuff Of Life". Educate others with this colorful DNA humor t-shirt featuring leading and lagging strands about what life truly is all about at the molecular level! myDna

#replication #acid #TShirt

Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Ad: Optimized For Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Showcase your chess attitude with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "Optimized For Chess". Memorable throw pillow for avid chess players! myChess

#optimized #chess #ThrowPillow