Sunday, May 02, 2021

Do Not Outsource Your Thinking Brain Anatomy Humor Doormat

Ad: Do Not Outsource Your Thinking Brain Anatomy Humor Doormat

Showcase your wry brainy side with a dose of anatomical attitude with this doormat gift featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Do Not Outsource Your Thinking". myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #Doormat

Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Notebook

Ad: Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Notebook

Avid bridge players will enjoy taking notes with this bridge saying notebook featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge". myBridge


Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Humor Paper Napkins

Ad: Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Humor Paper Napkins

Make others do a double-take about the type of work that is being done during a bridge game with this customizable paper napkin featuring the four card suits and the wry saying "Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge". Bridge humor paper napkin for any bridge gathering. Memorable paper napkin for the bridge player who understands that bridge is more important than work and can consume a lot of time away from their occupation myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #PaperNapkins

Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count Round Clock

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count Round Clock

If you play duplicate bridge then you surely must know how to count your cards in several different ways everything from counting your winners losers and what cards your bridge partner may hold. Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits (spade heart club diamond) along with the bridge truism saying "Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count In Many Ways"! Memorable bridge saying gifts for any avid duplicate bridge player! myBridge

#bridge #game #card #RoundClock

Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Geek Advice Leggings

Ad: Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Geek Advice Leggings

If you enjoy hypothesis testing via statistics you'll enjoy wearing this pair of bell curve attitude leggings featuring the normal distribution curve along with the truism saying "Always Test Your Hypothesis". Sound advice for scientists statisticians psychologists economists etc. Make others do a double-take at statistics and hypothesis testing with this educational stats humor pair of leggings! myStatistics

#always #test #your #hypothesis #Leggings

Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Mouse Pad

Ad: Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Mouse Pad

Tongue-in-cheek biochemistry attitude comes alive on any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Wry scientific truism says it all: "Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy". Anyone who generates ATP from their cells via the Krebs cycle -- and that means you! -- will enjoy these biology / biochemistry attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #krebs #MousePad

Medical Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Medical Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

Do you have a family history of relatives working in the field of medicine? Showcase your wry genetics sense of humor with any of these molecular biology gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Medical Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take on the medical family that is part of your heritage from a genetics perspective today! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #BabyTShirt

Biotechnology Is All About DNA Sequencing Fabric

Ad: Biotechnology Is All About DNA Sequencing Fabric

Showcase your wry biotechnology side the next time you create with fabric featuring the saying "Biotechnology Is All About DNA Sequencing" along with an electropherogram printout. No need to work in the biotechnology sector to enjoy this fabric! myDna

#biotechnology #sequencing #Fabric

Think Before You Act Play Chess (Reflective Chess) T-Shirt

Ad: Think Before You Act Play Chess (Reflective Chess) T-Shirt

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this tee featuring a reflective chess set along with the following sound chess advice: "Think Before You Act Play Chess". It's no secret that chess players devote a fair amount of time to introspection and thought about which move to play next. Showcase your chess attitude to chess players and non-chess players alike with a dose of philosophical attitude with this memorable chess saying t-shirt! myChess

#chess #saying #words #TShirt

Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Face Mask

Ad: Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Face Mask

No need to be a physicist or atmospheric scientist to enjoy educational definitional scientific attitude cotton/polyester face mask featuring "Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance". Make others do a double-take with a dose of electromagnetism attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who understands how our wireless world works! myPhysics

#field #FaceMask

Think (Chess) Do Not Be A Pawn In The Game Of Life Coffee Mug

Ad: Think (Chess) Do Not Be A Pawn In The Game Of Life Coffee Mug

Those who learn to think at the chess table will enjoy any of these chess attitude gifts featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying: Think (Chess) - Do Not Be A Pawn In The Game Of Life. Perfect gifts for avid chess players who understand NOT to be a pawn in the game of life! Philosophical thoughtful truism and intelligent gift for future grandmasters! myChess

#saying #truism #chess #CoffeeMug

The Paradox Of Quantum Mechanics (Physics Humor) Trucker Hat

Ad: The Paradox Of Quantum Mechanics (Physics Humor) Trucker Hat

Showcase your Copanhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics side with this hat featuring "The Paradox Of Quantum Mechanics". Heisenberg principle attitude hat for anyone who knows about wave-function collapse and Schrödinger's cat! myPhysics

#schrdingers #heisenberg #principle #TruckerHat

Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants? Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants? Humor 3 Ring Binder

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry vegetarian humor with this binder featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following ponderous existential query: "Do Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants?" No need to be a vegetarian to enjoy! myVegetarian

#vegetarians #carnivorous #plants #3RingBinder

Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer Worker Ant Serving Tray

Ad: Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer Worker Ant Serving Tray

No need to be an entomologist or biologist to enjoy this ant anatomy serving tray with the saying "Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer". Includes all key labels of the various parts of a worker ant. Make others do a double-take with a dose of biological scientific humor with this entomological saying serving tray! myAnatomy

#anatomy #entomologist #ServingTray

Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch

Ad: Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Watch

Electrical engineers physicists and advocates of wireless will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring a portrait of "Wizard of Wireless" and "Father of Radio" Nikola Tesla along with one of his quotes on alternate currents: "Alternate currents especially of high frequencies pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature." myPhysics

#rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #Watch

Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer Worker Ant Doormat

Ad: Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer Worker Ant Doormat

No need to be an entomologist or biologist to enjoy this ant anatomy doormat with the saying "Anatomy Of Nature's Finest Engineer". Includes all key labels of the various parts of a worker ant. Make others do a double-take with a dose of biological scientific humor with this entomological saying doormat! myAnatomy

#anatomy #entomologist #Doormat

I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge Bandana

Ad: I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge Bandana

Bridge attitude is alive and well on this bandana featuring the four card suits along with the saying "I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of indefatigable attitude toward the great game of bridge with this memorable bridge saying bandana! myBridge

#never #tired #Bandana

Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Bandana

Ad: Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Bandana

Bridge players and bridge partners of all ages and experience levels will enjoy this bridge saying bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge". Showcase your benevolent bridge attitude the next time you play bridge with this bandana! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #kind #Bandana

Saturday, May 01, 2021

Feeling Sedimental Inside Limestone Geology Humor Notebook

Ad: Feeling Sedimental Inside Limestone Geology Humor Notebook

If you are a geologist earth scientist or fan of limestone rocks you'll enjoy this wry geological saying notebook with a picture of Limestone (sedimentary rock) in Waitomo District New Zealand along with the tongue-in-cheek geology truism "Feeling Sedimental Inside". Whether you are feeling sentimental or sedimental you'll enjoy this geology / rock hound humor notebook! myGeology

#rockhound #rocks #limestone #Notebook

Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Showcase your wry chemistry side with any of these chemical molecule featuring "Molecular Currency Adenosine Triphosphate". Science humor attitude for all who know that our energy comes in the form of ATP! myBiochemistry

#molecular #currency #energy #StainlessSteelWaterBottle

In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate? Throw Pillow

Ad: In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate? Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry biological and biochemical attitude the next time you nap with this throw pillow featuring the enzyme-substrate complex along with the saying "In Life Are You The Enzyme Or The Substrate?" Make others do a double-take about what they truly are in life with a dose of biological geek humor today! myBiochemistry

#life #saying #ThrowPillow

Summarizing Statistics Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Summarizing Statistics Baby T-Shirt

If you work with statistics all day you'll enjoy any of these wry statistical attitude gifts featuring the normal distribution curve along with the truism caption "Summarizing Statistics". Complete with z-scores and p-values. Make others do a double-take when you try to explain statistics with educational tongue-in-cheek fun! myStatistics

#stats #statistician #math #BabyTShirt

Genius DNA (DNA Replication Humor) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Genius DNA (DNA Replication Humor) Classic Round Sticker

Showcase wry molecular biology humor with any of these DNA replication gifts with the caption "Genius DNA". Educational biological attitude for all those who have genius DNA and want to show it! myDna

#replication #funny #ClassicRoundSticker

Software Developers Chess Players Think Android T-Shirt

Ad: Software Developers Chess Players Think Android T-Shirt

If you're a software developer working on the Android platform and a chess player you'll enjoy any of these geek humor gifts featuring Android's Bug Droid with a black chess queen along with the truism saying "Software Developers And Chess Players Think Alike - Mapping Out The Future Consequences Of Each Possible Move". Make others do a double-take with a dose of software geek open source attitude today! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ([--]) created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License ([--]). myChess

#software #developer #engineering #TShirt

Software Development Is Like Chess Changing Move Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Software Development Is Like Chess Changing Move Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Open source software developers working on the Android platform will enjoy any of these gifts featuring Bug Droid with a black chess queen on it along with the truism saying "Software Development Is Like Chess - Changing With Each Move". Software engineers who are chess players will enjoy any of these bug droid geek humor gifts! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ([--]) created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License ([--]). myChess

#software #development #developer #TwoToneCoffeeMug